...life can be translucent


Strange coincidences - hex to 8


Mar 28, 2012
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Hello everyone!

I have an awkward story about a man, let's call him S, that I hardly know and I don't know how to relate to it. It's about a series of strange coincidences that keep bringing his name into my attention when I least expect it, although him and I have apparently nothing in common: different lives, different paths, never had the chance to actually talk to one another etc.

So, here's the story: he's a young surgeon, apparently a very good one - all of his patients call him "the angel doctor"-, and I first saw his name and picture in a newspaper, in an article regarding a very difficult and successful medical intervention he made. That story, but mainly what I read about him made a huge impression on me. Ok, nothing strange so far. But...one night, a few days later, probably still under the impression of what I read in this article, I have a dream with this guy. The next morning I go to work as usual and guess who do I see in traffic, in a car stopped next to where I stand in the bus?! I know it sounds (or I sound) crazy, but I could clearly recognize his face from the newspaper. It was S, no doubt about that.

And it's not over: few weeks later, a mail deliverer comes to my office bringing me a package. Work-related stuff. While I was signing the papers for reception, this boy starts talking with someone on his mobile about a package he needed to deliver to doctor S, at X Hospital. Imagine my surprise, I think I was looking like a lunatic. Few days later, the history repeats. Only this time I hear my boss, to whom I share the office, talking with a friend about this same doctor. And another one: one day, my sister comes home and tells me about a co-worker who knows this great doctor and how they want to collaborate with him on a project (never happened). I was like...oook, what's going on here?! :rolleyes: The Universe has time for jokes. :rofl:

Long story short, there were many such moments over the past year. I keep hearing about this guy in the most unexpected circumstances and it's not like he's a movie star and you see his name everywhere, whether you want it or not. Nor do I have anything to do with medicine.

I've never experienced something similar so, naturally, I became very curious about this man and I thought I should ask the Yi what's with all this strange coincidences? And if this man's name keeps coming into my way, why haven't I met him already? My actual question for the oracle was: What should I know about S? The result: Hexagram changing to hexagram 8. Ok, so there's a shock or a surprise regarding this man, or maybe I've already had my many surprises. I don't know how to read this. Any ideas what the Yi is trying to point here?

Thanks, any help would be appreciated.
And sorry for such a long story. I thought the context was important.
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Dec 15, 2011
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With the relating hex as 8, it shows that the situation is one where you are seeking union, and from my experience, could be others are seeking it with you as well. Could be you, him, or could mean someone else, etc... Point is, I don't know exactly what this reading means for him and you. It's hard to say with a question like this... The Yi may be just showing you something about these incidents... They're funny, confusing, and surprising... Could be saying, "Hey, these incidents are sure surprising. And I see that you are interested in him... And that's all I got:p." Sometimes, the Yi has answered these kinds of questions for me in a way where it is pulling my attention in another direction. So could be related to your quest for union, but not necessarily with him. There is an element of the unknown with 51. At least from my experience. So, if there is some pleasant surprise coming your way, I don't think this reading is revealing what it is. That would be an inherent contradiction. I think it is just showing you that there is one;)... I think the shock here is one more of your current internal state, but the 8 might mean he is looking for someone. If you are interested in him, put yourself in his way. Ya know, accidentally cross paths maybe. Or make an appointment:)... I dunno. If this were my reading, I might ask some follow up questions. Hope this helps you:)


Mar 28, 2012
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Thank you Dancing White Ferret for your help. You are right, my question was not the best one and Yi's answer is only reflecting what happened and how I see these incidents, like a series of confusing surprises. As for the relating hexagram, he can't be the one seeking union. As far as I know, this man is married. That, and the fact that he doesn't know who I am. :p So it's probably me, I became curious about him.

I took your advice and asked two follow-up questions. I hope these results give a better insight:

1. What is the meaning of all these strange incidents regarding S? Hexagram 40 unchanging. I don't know if Yi is telling me about the meaning or tells me to forget about this story. It was what it was, strange as it may be, and I should just stop thinking about it.

2. Why has this man that I don't even know in person caught my attention? Hex. 55.1 to 62. Ehm...because I see him like a "destined ruler"? He can't be someone destined for me or destined to work with, we would have met by now if it was so, so it's probably my perception of him.

3. Should I try to meet him? Hex 19.4 to 54.

I'm thinking that maybe it's me attracting all these incidents and they don't have any meaning at all. It wouldn't be the first time this is happening. Usually, when I think intensely of someone, I hear about that person or meet her unexpectedly soon after. But this never happened with someone I didn't know in person, before this guy. I also have some sort of telepathic abilities, but only with close friends and family. Maybe I see something in him, and I sub-conscientiously "invite" all these coincidences.

Thank you. :)
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Oct 31, 2010
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1. What is the meaning of all these strange incidents regarding S? Hexagram 40 unchanging. I don't know if Yi is telling me about the meaning or tells me to forget about this story. It was what it was, strange as it may be, and I should just stop thinking about it.

My opinion on the matter (maybe a bit harsh and overly realistic) is that we often seek meaning in everything and this is due to our wishful thinking. I think you are ready to find someone (i.e. you desire) like the surgeon who is good looking, has permanent job, it is eminent in his field and yet so young, saving lives (a hero!) - perfect catch for every single woman.

So, I think that I Ching is telling you that the meaning of the "coincidences" is for you to gain knowledge of this characteristic of yours of expecting such kind of special person in your life while you are (supposedly) ignoring the not so special ones.

Deliverance is not yet achieved; it is just in its beginning, and the hexagram represents its various stages.

Wishful thinking can be a burden stone for many young women to find healthy relationship just because they expect the prince of the Cinderella to come. There is nothing wrong in expecting the best of life, please don't get me wrong; it is often just too much, and in meantime life goes on: Ars Longa, Vita Brevis.
I don't say that you expect too much, I just trow that as a possibility by judging your situation.

I don't believe in the law of attraction, but I know that if it is destined it will come by itself, if it is not you can't catch him.
Do you know how many women are thinking sub-consciously of Brad Pit, so they don't attract him all.. Only Jennifer Anniston, Angelina and few others did.
This guy, as a "good catch" obviously, most likely has other women who sub-consciously tries to attract him. It seems out that the one with more powerful intention will get him. For me this is nothing more then a sarcasm and illusion which probably Kant imported in to the western thought and culminated with the Abraham Hicks and the New Age way of "quantum" thinking. I don't think it is true, nor that there is any truth in it.

It seems out that Hexagram 19 advises you to go and to try to meet him, but I'm not sure about the many questions on the matter in a row.

I also have some sort of telepathic abilities, but only with close friends and family. Maybe I see something in him, and I sub-conscientiously "invite" all these coincidences.
This is a sort of unintentional black magic lol

Sorry for the pessimistic attitude. I hope I'm wrong, and as a lover of the Stoics I do not hope often, so take this as real generosity from my side :)
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Mar 28, 2012
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Hi, Natanepsilon! And thank you for your answer.

I don't think your attitude is pessimistic, you're just being realistic and I appreciate that. You are probably right that there is some wishful thinking involved here. I probably idealize this person and see what I want to see. However, if a woman thinks of Brad Pitt, I don't think she will see him the next day in traffic, very close to her (and believe me, I didn't make this up). So it's this kind of incidents or coincidences that brought me here asking these questions. I'm not saying they have a meaning, they probably don't. I'm just saying they were hard to ignore. It doesn't mean that I refuse to see, as you are suggesting, the "not so special" men around me. I don't live in a world of dreams and fairytales. It means I wanted to get an answer to why I've experienced these things. Maybe your answer is the one I was looking for.

Best wishes,


Jun 3, 2010
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However, if a woman thinks of Brad Pitt, I don't think she will see him the next day in traffic, very close to her (and believe me, I didn't make this up).

This is the game changer for me in this case. It lends credibility to meaningful connection, however, in my view, it doesn't necessarily eliminate the possibility that what you are discovering is not this doctor, but yourself. The doctor can still serve as an important symbol to you, consciously as well as subconsciously. That old Jungian term, synchronicity, could afford to be dragged out and the dust blown off it once in awhile, especially since it's the chief operating principle in any oracle.


Mar 28, 2012
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Thank you, Meng. Yes, I know the story with the golden scarab beetle and Jung's theory about synchronicity and I'm glad you've mentioned it, because I believe in connections, collective unconscious, symbols etc. The mechanism or the meaning of these synchronicities, however, are still a mystery and they probably do, as you suggest, reveal something about ourselves.


Jun 3, 2010
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Eastern Girl, then I suggest that you continue your search for the specific symbolism, because there are several possibilities to personalize such symbols, as well as whatever archetypal role they may play in your story. For example, a young handsome doctor may symbolize an ideal (as Natanepsilon implied), and to a woman there is the additional value as your animus. My anima has often revealed herself in "real life", even close up, but she turned out to be what my inner being wanted as a mate, which is all entirely inner chemistry. It happens outwardly too of course, sometimes for some people. But even then, when the honeymoon is over, and you're faced with each other as you really are, not as you may have idealized each other to be (like segueing from 31 to 32), you wake up to things like: doctors often are absorbed in their work, they are frequently difficult to communicate with on a feeling level (frustrating for his wife), they often drink or use drugs to self-medicate, etc. That's when your animus becomes your shadow, and the relation must rise to the challenge. Plus, handsome doctors often marry trophy wives. Somehow, you don't strike me as a trophy wife type. Sooo...

That leads me to think that this figure is more literally representing the you that you would like to be seen and known as, respected for. The animus personifies your inner opposite's skills and abilities, intellect, intuition; some which more than likely have been sleeping, dormant.


Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
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I feel compelled to disagree with Natanepsilon. A surgeon is hardly a "perfect catch for every single woman." One woman's RELEASE is another woman's OBSTRUCTION.

That being said, why not try to meet him?

imo the readings support it


Mar 28, 2012
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You've been of much help, Meng. I really appreciate your last commentary, you've just given me some food for thought. :)


Mar 28, 2012
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Hi, Callingcrane.

Given all these coincidences that have occurred for over a year, I have been thinking at some point that maybe the universe or whatever is guiding our lives (I'm not a religious person, but I do believe we're not alone in the universe) was sending me messages that I should get to know this man for whatever reason. It wouldn't be so hard if I really wanted to do it, it looks like we have some acquaintances in common. (Talking about synchronicity...I just hope it's not a sign that I would someday get operated by this doctor, because that would mean I would have an accident or a really bad disease. Kiddin', but who knows?! :) )

Now, after giving it more thought and also reading the answers I receieved here from people who seem to look at this story in a more realistic way than I do, I'm not sure about this anymore. The coincidences are there, but I'm beginning to think that I shouldn't give them such a big importance.

However, today I asked again the oracle about this, just to see if it gives a different answer, especially that now I only had one question: should I meet this man? Yi's answer: hex 24.5 changing to 3. I think this cast shows my retreat.

Thank you all for your help. :)
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Jun 3, 2010
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A different view: Maybe your inner healer is attracting your attention and interest. That could mean you are being healed from within, or that you are being 'called' to be a healer of some sort. Called is being freed (40) to follow your innermost bliss, as though it is a mandate of heaven.


Oct 31, 2010
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I feel compelled to disagree with Natanepsilon. A surgeon is hardly a "perfect catch for every single woman." One woman's RELEASE is another woman's OBSTRUCTION.

That being said, why not try to meet him?

imo the readings support it

It is your word against mine, we can agree and disagree till the Sunday morning, until statistically is not measured it is only a war of opinions of probability.
My opinion is, that if you make a poll of how many young women would like to marry a good looking young surgeon who saves lives and is on a newspaper cover, eminent and famous in certain circles, 90% would say "yes I would like to marry such kind of (not that one) guy".
But this is again: a constatation of probability, not a statistical measure. So we can't agree or disagree on the matter, we can agree or disagree on the probabilities.


Mar 28, 2012
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Hard to tell what the meaning actually is, but your commentary is very interesting, Meng, because I have an old interest in alternative medicine, though my profession is a very different one. By that I mean acupuncture, homeopathy, reflexotherapy etc. I've studied some alternative medicine systems, I have dozens of books on that, but mostly on my own, never actually took classes. I also practice Reiki, which is a Japanese technique for healing and stress reduction.
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