...life can be translucent


Looking for stories


Aug 29, 2013
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I would like to compile a book of testaments from people who have consulted the I Ching on some matter of importance, and now feel either that the advice they got helped them greatly, in a tangible way, or hurt them, held them back, possibly even destroyed some aspect of their lives.

I do not know if I will get enough stories for such a project, but I hope people will tell their stories here. Just to be honest about myself, I have consulted the I Ching for over 30 years, and often feel that the advice I got has really hurt my life. Now, on many occasions I have taken the I Ching advice, and been impressed with its accuracy and helpfulness, but still, over all, I have come to believe it has been a greater hindrance than a help.

Anyone with a strong feeling on whether you were helped or hurt?


Jun 26, 2008
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hi Mabius,

kinda funny cause only yesterday I was thinking about readings of mine that have turned out to be very different from their classical interpretations and I have made some bad decisions carried away by a Yi throw . . Then, at times, I have seen Yi provide completely reversed readings - like, say, when asking about how 2 people experienced a situation, Yi's responses were actually switched around, which was rather weird at the time.

What I've come up with so far, trying to make sense of it, has mostly worked against the notion that Yi is that omniscient 'never wrong' agent - it's not even 'it' at all, has no conscience, no ethics, no agency.

Yi for me is like a wind-catcher, it gives form to a certain energy and presents it to us in the shape of a metaphor or image. It's a deeply wise mechanism in my eyes, because, having no agency to influence things, it returns to the querent all the choices, all the power of creating the meaning of an answer . . So no matter how much we want to escape our wrong decisions, our faults or fears, by consulting, truth is, our understanding of it will still reflect these exact same things that live in us . . What Yi does in the meantime, is to provide us with a vehicle of contemplation, of meditating on an answer and making all the more clear our inner voice, with its pitfalls and moments of grace - it's us all the way through, at the end of the day.

I'm curious though as to why you wanna make this compilation, what drives you in this, if you'd like to share . .


Aug 29, 2013
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Greetings, Rodaki -
And thanks for your reply.
I started this thread because I am having serious doubts about much of the advice I have received from the Ching, and am feeling quite isolated in my attempts to figure it out. You really can't talk about divination to most people, because they generally look at you askance and say "you ought to just cut that stuff out!" And, most of the things written about the Ching on the net are either instructional, about interpretation of lines and hexagrams, which of course can be helpful, or are unqualifiedly enthusiastic gushings about the wisdom of the spirit world. But for example, one thing I keep coming back to is the fact that I believe the Ching actively, relentlessly, stole a job - a career - from me. A career I loved. But the time came that for some reason I found myself asking it, many times a day, if I should return the calls of my supervisor, and damned if it didn't insist, every single time, that I not return those calls. When finally it said the time had come for me to call, the supervisor was so furious with me I have never gotten another job from that source. To clarify - I was a story analyst at a studio here in LA, working freelance, and until then had been hired regularly, had gotten a union card, was thrilled with the job, loved the work. The I Ching told me, not once, but dozens of times, that by not calling, I would be improving, not ruining, my chance to continue as a story analyst. Now it is ten years later, and since then, not one job in that field. Of course, I complain repeatedly and bitterly to the Ching itself, and while for the first few years it kept up the lie about how it had helped me in that career, and if I just waited I would see, more recently it has changed its tune and the answer I most often get is hex 26 - which I take to mean it held me back. Most distressing is the fact that when I ask, in a desperate attempt to understand what it is up to, "Did you hold me back for my benefit - to help me in some way, even some obscure way I may not understand?" It never says yes. And I have presented it with this chance of excusing itself maybe a hundred times over the years. It never even pretends any more it was trying to help me.

As you can tell, I treat the Ching as though I am talking to a person - a sentient being - which I sometimes consider benevolent - and have seen evidence of its benevolence - and sometimes I think must be, for want of a better word , evil.

So I wondered how other people who may rely heavily on divination have experienced their results. Yes, I have considered the possibility that it merely reports the state of things, as you suggest. But then why do I look back and see that it has lied to me, seemed sometimes to manipulate me? I have also thought that possibly one is talking to oneself when one consults a divinatory method, that we know billions of times more stuff than we consciously realize, and the divination puts us in touch with it all.

And I hoped we might share the results of our experiences, and I love this site, because I feel I can connect with others who take the Ching seriously, and maybe even share our doubts.


Clarity Supporter
Mar 9, 1971
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This is a very interesting post and question. I think your exploration of this is valuable.

First of all, I want to say that I almost know for sure that there would be some who would say: The Yi never told you YES or NO, and that it didn't tell you not to call, or that your interpretation needed deeper examination, etc. I am NOT one who would say those things...because like you, I have chatted with the I Ching like a friend, and have felt very clearly at times that it says YES to some things, and advises against other things....and it has also been my experience that TOO MUCH analysis of a response just confuses the first understanding, so I have never analyzed too deeply. If a response didn't seem to make sense to me- eg no intuitive feel, no clear indication, or contradictory lines and hexes- then I would be less likely to act/not act, based on that readings.

So I totally understand what you say...and believe that you felt strongly advised not to take action in that situation....and that it later felt like a betrayal.

In the past 30 years that I have used the I ching - not so much recent years - I have conversed with the Yi for countless hours about countless issues, some of them very important for me. I can honestly say that I had utmost faith in it's guidance - this faith having been cultivated and proven sound by my own experience with questions, responses and outcomes. In answer to your question, I cannot really think of any times when I felt led astray by the I ching. I know there were times that I ignored the advice, not wanting to hear what it had to say, and then in retrospect felt that I should have listened.

Only more recently have I felt a wavering faith in the Yi. In part, I believe my wavering faith began when I read Jack Balkin's intro and his assertion that the Yi responses are utterly random and their usefulness is in direct relation to our intuitive faculty, and therefore only valid when they elicit an intuitive meaning personal to us. THIS was NOT how I had experienced the Yi. If that was all it was supposed to provide, I could have just as easily used anything for divination ie nature, or tea leaves, or the next song on the radio. What made the YI different, and valuable, for me, was the way that it seemed to uncannily offer direct insight so many times, in clear ways and clear messages - not messages that I had to wrestle with or even rely on my own conscious understanding. YES, there was also intuition involved...esp after developing my own cauldron of associated meanings of lines and texts over a period of time. BUt this intuition and long-gathered associations, only served to provide me with a kind of shorthand for understanding my responses, like a sign language. It did not mean trying to decipher what the heck the Yi was saying, and then using free association to try and pin a meaning on my responses.

The interesting thing for me was that when, more recently, the seeds of doubt were planted in my mind ( via Balkin and the idea of answers being totally random), it seemed the Yi DID stop being as accurate or reliable. I seemed to get more nonsensical answers. And then I even had a few times where the Yi seemed to actually be WRONG. This was a new phenomenon to me. It seemed directly related to my doubting whether the Yi was able to answer me in a trustworthy manner, and then consequently the responses I got WERE less trustworthy.

I am not saying that YOU were experiecing doubts about Yi when you got your seemingly untrustworthy answers. It sounds like you had utmost faith. What I have come to suspect is that, like you suggest, speaking to the yi is like speaking to ourselves, talking to oneself. If we are feeling "betrayal within" at some level - if perhaps we are in a process of revamping our foundations and doubting just about everything we have ever believed, as we do sometimes in dark nights of the soul, or just pivotal points where great changes in underlying structure are taking place, then It can suddenly seem like even the Yi is taking part in this - pulling away from us as a Source, and forcing us further into that dark night where we must be afloat for awhile without a raft. Sometimes we must reach deeper and deeper to find the new footing. I recall a time when JOhn Lennon sang in a song "I don't believe in.....{among many things previously relied upon} I CHing..." He had reached a place where all previous foundations had crumbled, in order to give birth to a new order, values, and foundation of being for himself.

So while I cannot give you any examples of times when the Yi led me astray, I can say a few things.

There were times for me when my true deep gut feeling - not just petulant ego insistence for its own way - went against what Yi seemed to say....and in those instances, I did not blindly follow yi advice, but kept my jury out until I could find a knowing within as to which way I was going to proceed, sometimes leaving the yi out of it altogether. I never SURRENDERED my common sense when following yi wisdom, and sometimes I would know instinctively that I had to make my own decisions independent of divination, and that would feel right.

In the situation you describe, I would probably have been just as strongly convinced as you were that I was being told to back off. And like you, I probably would have. The question is: WAS the Yi being evil and a trickster? As far as evil, I would think no, the Yi was not being evil. A Trickster, perhaps.....but here's the thing....I suspect the unseen "trickster" was within you. I could imagine that in one sense, you were defying your own common sense, because if you loved the job and there it was, common sense says you would have jumped on the call. You might need to ask yourself WHY you hesitated? was it strictly and ONLY because Yi capriciously said 'don't call" or were there other underlying reasons so strong that you felt it was right to play the game of cat and mouse? Somehow the Yi was telling you to play cat and mouse, no doubt -- but something in you resonated with that advice. Along this line, I also wonder myself why you even asked the Yi at all about returning calls for this job? If thngs are going so well and life is good and on target, why stop and ask an oracle?

I tend to suspect that the Yi was not exactly telling you that NOT CALLING would improve your chance to continue as a story analyst - that would be such a literal subjective interpretation - but I dont doubt that it seemed to advise that not calling would be the right thing for you. I wonder was there some kind of self-sabotage intention present in you, so strong that it was only possible for you to act according to that.......and further, that possibly self-sabotage is what you were needing to learn about, overriding any intention to continue as a story analyst. Another possibilty is that there were indeed reasons you were not meant to continue in that position, and your divination was clearly insisting on this.

Just a thought: If you get stuck on the suspected betrayal and feeling like a victim, if you get stuck lamenting the lost opportunity......it kinda temporarily closes the door to what lies beyond that.
26 is not necessarily saying "I held you back, hee hee, you fool"....26 is a holding back of energy until it can be released forcefully. Reflect on your life, come to terms with loss of that position, but gather your resources and move forward.

To wrap it up, I would advise anyone to never give all power away to the YI. Never surrender common sense... and always trust your gut. Personally, I feel that in a cosmic sense, the veil between worlds of all kinds, including the veil between conscious and unconscious, is becoming thin. We are increasingly called upon to find our Own Knowing which is available to us now more than ever. We may need divination less...and maybe divination is a foundation also crumbling. It's like 26.1 : don't look at me for your answers.. your magic tortoise is within.
Last edited:


Jun 26, 2008
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hey bamboo, good to see you around again :)

I really enjoyed reading this post, even though I don't agree with all of it . . I do think though that mine and bamboo's understanding converges from a point onwards; Yi, in answering our questions, draws from the energy we put out, consciously or not. If that energy is muddled, turning to Yi will not always provide us with a solution out of it - that has been a major turn-off for me in fully believing I'd find the 'best' or clearer answer to my questions through Yi . .

To back up my words, here's one of my own reading experiences that turned sour on me . .

Some years ago I had to make a very difficult - and life-changing decision. I had to choose whether I'd take what was a steady, decent job in what was known as a stable professional area, which guaranteed a good enough paycheck plus some nice extras for life. This was a job that was considered a catch by most people's standards and I sort of landed it without really trying much. The drawback was that I felt it wasn't challenging enough in all those things that inspire me - it felt secure and stable but flat.
The other option was to continue striving in a sector that promised minimum professional security, lots of difficulties in getting and keeping a job and all sorts of uncertainties BUT, aside from all the crises and pitfalls, it could make me sing -it was a wild dream that I had made true and was striving to keep it going, by doing part time jobs and getting a monthly rent allowance from my parents.

So, I had to ask, right? I asked the simplest 'need to know' question, once for each choice.
The 'love of my life' job :)p I'm being a bit sarcastic here, time and bigger views change such things giving us maturity in return ;)) yielded a 34 answer, with some good and some bad lines in between.
The pragmatic, down-to-earth option yielded an answer that talked of thinking about nourishment and not getting carried away by fantasies . . it also had a severe, dire omen that would last a long time, if I didn't mind its advice.

I think you can see the line of thought here, right? I looked and looked into translations and commentaries to find other ways of looking at that second answer, cause it seemed to bring up all of my own misgivings about my dream job in comparison to the steady one. I thought it was a warning for me to stop chasing impossibilities and head for what would keep the fridge full and the fire burning in the stove. I took the steady job - it cost me more than I can recount here but I thought I was doing the 'wise' thing.

Years go by and, guess what: circumstances in the steady job have made a 180 turn (this has never, ever happened, nor anyone could have seen it coming). My salary dropped 40%, all the benefits are out the window, health insurance is being stripped away and stability is flailing also - turns out, the Yi had given me an answer that it would be impossible to read as it was meant to, at the time . . :brickwall:

Do I blame Yi? 'It' certainly could have given me more straightforward answers - instead, 'it' yielded those that hit at the heart of my dilemma, yet, providing true answers in many directions.
Could I have protected myself from the quandaries of the situation? If I was all too determined (34 style) to stay with what I had at the time, I could . . but I wasn't really, I was questioning myself and my judgement, I was questioning my single-minded persistence in getting what I wanted versus being realistic.
Would I be in a better place had I not made the choice I did? I have zero ways of knowing that, it belongs to the forking paths of speculation.
Was there something in me that needed to go down the hard and narrow path I'm in now? I highly doubt it, although it has granted me the opportunity to get greater views, from high and low of the things that make my inner landscape and it has forced me to look at myself in ways that I'd have missed otherwise (altho, I now have missed the views and knowledge I would have gained under different circumstances).

This is a huge discussion but can I 'put the blame' on something other than myself?? Maybe I can but I would rather not. Owning my choices brings me much closer to becoming complete and at peace with myself

This is how I see it :)


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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In part, I believe my wavering faith began when I read Jack Balkin's intro and his assertion that the Yi responses are utterly random and their usefulness is in direct relation to our intuitive faculty, and therefore only valid when they elicit an intuitive meaning personal to us.

That's what happens when you trust a lawyer to tell you what the Yi is... :D


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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BTW, there is a good reason why ancient Chinese diviners used double and triple negatives in their questions to the oracle, any oracle, not just the Yi, and in many instances, if not most, consulted different oracles at the same time (cracking shells and yarrow).


Clarity Supporter
Mar 9, 1971
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BTW, there is a good reason why ancient Chinese diviners used double and triple negatives in their questions to the oracle, any oracle, not just the Yi, and in many instances, if not most, consulted different oracles at the same time (cracking shells and yarrow).

Explain more, pray tell!!! double and triple negatives??? what does that mean?

i understand the different oracle part, though....I kinda always hope to get 41.5 so that I can rest assured there is nothing I have to do but put my feet up and watch a stellar destiny unfold:D


Hi familiarites :)

I have a story to tell, somewhere between 3 and 4, with 29 all over the place. It's a jungle out dare!

Seems the gods had plans to shake me out of my complacent tree and turn up the heat to a slow roast. I'm not sure yet how much of the drama to convey, but emotional and physical shocks were challenged to the abyss, and remain there. Right now the wander has a third of his possessions, and has been swindled due to my own stupidity at taking people at their word, and even assuming they're sane, and not meth addicts.

When it's finished it should make an interesting story. I can be reached now at my candid2002 address. Here too, if I can log in again. The change back to sooo was not intentional.

bamboo, good to read you again. Hope you've kept dry and fully recovered from the storm. That must have been a hell of a story too.

And Rosada too, huge life changes.

But I'm finding that, at the risk of sounding really corny, the darker the dark gets, the more light becomes available with it. One has only hold to their truth. Not the giant Myth Man/ego/anger/judgement. To be truly meek is to be truly strong. And not in form only, but in action in the real world; at the present time it's seemingly everywhere.

All water, all abyss: the real test of what we have and have not yet learned.

My head's above water, and by the most unexpected source.

I don't know if this is the kind of story you're interested in, bamboo, but I hope to have fun telling it, once I flow through some more unknowing.



Clarity Supporter
Mar 9, 1971
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Hi Bruce
I hope you are okay...?
BTW, it is Mabius who wanted stories about being led astray by the I Ching...so maybe you can post it here. I would like to hear what happened.
Best, Barbara


Hi Barbara,

Yes, I worded that awkwardly. I like Mabius' question. It's very much entwined with the current comic book reality in my story. Fortunately, the University doesn't forget us, nor remove their eyes from us, and the fire rearranges the molecular symmetry, melting it to soft metal, then forging it between hot coals and a bath of cooling water. Only such extremes can temper and shape the sword or plow, or at least offer the opportunity to.

It's here where the Yi, for all intensive purposes, is acting as the devil's advocate; like a family planning your demise: it's treacherous and confusing.

Since I was offline awhile, it was back to my old friends, Wilhelm and three thin Chinese coins, given long ago from a friend. NO MERCY - heaven help me! (know what I mean?) Meanwhile, baking in oppressive heat, leading to physical exhaustion, the Ching's warnings intensified to the point of certain death (remember this is from Wilhelm). Meanwhile friends are by now determined to get me out of there, and so while my body/brain returns to a cooler, more natural state, the Ching's answers are remarkably clear. But I've still not fully learned the lesson, so there's more to go. Hence the ever present 4 and 29.

So, I can agree that the Ching can lead me off of the Way, unless I submit to the fire and the water, and be hammered on quite a lot, but only by a master blacksmith, such as my Grandfather, before I can be forged to my potential and function. If not, the metal becomes brittle and breaks down to nothing.

What I'm realizing is that, my life is not separate from my ancestral soul(s). The older I get,the wiser they become.


Aug 5, 2010
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I would like to compile a book of testaments from people who have consulted the I Ching on some matter of importance, and now feel either that the advice they got helped them greatly, in a tangible way, or hurt them, held them back, possibly even destroyed some aspect of their lives.

lots of times I feel I get held back from a reading which is not always a bad thing as a course of action I wish to take might not be the best one, nevertheless I fell that foot pushing the break.

sometimes I do what bamboo said when "ignoring' yi's advice ( nice to hear your friendly voice again B :hug: ) And its a continuous interplay of h4 and 29 , like sooo mentions . I posted awhile ago some thoughts on h4 and 29 in the context of learning. Its , to me, like re-inventing ourselves, being the student and the teacher simultaneously; make our mind clear from any kind of impurities , a blank slate so to speak and at the same time use our wisdom .

I asked the other day about a very serious matter. all the previous reading were encouraging but the last one 28.4.6 was NOT what i needed to hear. Its indeed a very h28 situation but 28.6 make sne feel a bit shaky.

Its my believe , that there is a gap of consciousness between the time the answer is form and the moment we start the cognitive process. I believe it happens a lots of "priming" in a speed that we can't catch. maybe its when intuition kicks in or all the automatic thinking , past experiences etc. well , to me , intuition is not always flawless. And there are time I have felt strongly the battle between rational thinking and intuition( perhaps). Maybe its how I "read" the hex because I tend to create different senario and always ask the question and find the answer in "if it is not A then which B,C.. Z, this reading's story is ? " I think that way I keep the rebellious thoughts In control ... maybe .. lol ;)

There is a recent post regarding a reading, which although the outcome is clear and not debatable , i still hold the false interpretation in my mind. Those people participated in that thread , help me understand that part that made me "ignore" Yi's advice or better -my wrong interpretation - and listen to my gut feeling. It hard to believe and it perplex me a lot that even now, if I got the same reading I wouldn't rule out that "wrong" idea... I guess its that learning curve thingy and the 4-29 way of learning.


In my story, I am certain of this: I wouldn't have been as gentle, nor nearly as patient or forgiving, without deperately probing for an answer which satisfied my understanding, of how this situation could have happened. A friend said she's a black widow, which to me rivaled the best of metaphors found in the Ching. It made clear the distinctions between seduction and courtship; speaking in business terms, not literally sexual, though she did perform the usual preliminary primate sexual rites, they were literally 54.6 (hoping memory serves).

The earlier Yi prediction before the move, "he has no home; he is his home" has never been more literal, and it still is. More so during this still temporary oasis time, which might say it was insisted upon, by fate, and by the two lesbians in their 50's, one who became a "buddy" when I was care-taking the estate, which is now being remodeled for their own retirement and home business, across the dirt road, and her mate of 20-something years. It was her mate who insisted that her mate and a very strong male buddy go and get me. She wanted me here by this long holiday weekend, lol. I stored most of my stuff at the guy's place. These are best friends with another lesbian couple I came to know during my walks with Mojo. The sweetest human beings I've met since living in this valley the last twelve years. Also the strongest and most independent. What they don't have is a sense of militant feminism, and that's why we get along so well: though we are opposed (might refer to the recent 38 thread) in our political views, there's no 39.

All part of the story, another layer. Lessons in humanity.


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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Explain more, pray tell!!! double and triple negatives??? what does that mean?

i understand the different oracle part, though....I kinda always hope to get 41.5 so that I can rest assured there is nothing I have to do but put my feet up and watch a stellar destiny unfold:D

I've been thinking about this and how to answer in a short way that do justice to the subject but I can't. I can send you a couple of files where this is explored in detail. The short of it is that double-negative "charges" to the oracle was a way, sort to speak, of coercing positive outcomes from it.


Clarity Supporter
Mar 9, 1971
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Thanks Luis. I think I can kind of grok the gist of the matter...only because I think I GET that type of thinking..(for better or worse) Or maybe I'm deluded, too. It reminds me of the 'every front has a back' kind of thing...invoking the back invites the front and vice versa.


Clarity Supporter
Mar 9, 1971
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In my story, I am certain of this: I wouldn't have been as gentle, nor nearly as patient or forgiving, without deperately probing for an answer which satisfied my understanding, of how this situation could have happened. A friend said she's a black widow, which to me rivaled the best of metaphors found in the Ching. It made clear the distinctions between seduction and courtship; speaking in business terms, not literally sexual, though she did perform the usual preliminary primate sexual rites, they were literally 54.6 (hoping memory serves).

The earlier Yi prediction before the move, "he has no home; he is his home" has never been more literal, and it still is. More so during this still temporary oasis time, which might say it was insisted upon, by fate, and by the two lesbians in their 50's, one who became a "buddy" when I was care-taking the estate, which is now being remodeled for their own retirement and home business, across the dirt road, and her mate of 20-something years. It was her mate who insisted that her mate and a very strong male buddy go and get me. She wanted me here by this long holiday weekend, lol. I stored most of my stuff at the guy's place. These are best friends with another lesbian couple I came to know during my walks with Mojo. The sweetest human beings I've met since living in this valley the last twelve years. Also the strongest and most independent. What they don't have is a sense of militant feminism, and that's why we get along so well: though we are opposed (might refer to the recent 38 thread) in our political views, there's no 39.

All part of the story, another layer. Lessons in humanity.

English, please!:mischief:

Let me get this straight:
You left 'the cave' you lived in next to the messy neighbors.
You became a caretaker at an estate where the residents were gone most of the year.

This is where I get fuzzy.

It seems you are saying the owners of the estate ripped you off...they were meth addicts?...the woman came on to you?...you felt stranded....friends of your lesbian friends came to the rescue and pulled you out of there.

or am i missing a chapter?

Sorry Mabius for hijacking your thread, but maybe it's all relevant.


If you ask a lot of questions about relatively trivial details that should be left to natural wits, you are inevitably going to get all tied up in knots.If you ask about more general trends and developments you get a heads-up about whats coming down the pipeline.

House move.The advice repeatedly was to wait.eg 54.4, and then it can be done all the better.So I waited even though it was based on just a gut instinct and I didn't know what I was waiting for.After a few years an opportunity did arise spontaneously far superior than anything before and well worth the wait.Circumstances by then were also pushing hard in that direction so I knew the time had come.

Litigation. I got 63.3 recurring for a litigation that lasted exactly 3 years from the date on first to last letter.

Career. I got 56.6 recurring as advance warnings about a job I lost for want of determination.Later I heard the Company began buying in a lot of stock from China after it opened up in the 90's.And suddenly a lot of Chinese sales people began walking in the front door,including small scale entrepreneurs,to whom the boss was open because he started small.I would prefer not to have missed all that.

So how do people normally make big decisions ? They go through the motions of gathering information and thinking rationally about the options. But at the end of the day they act on a hunch, because they are tired of thinking, or there is no more time to think.So the soundness of the judgement comes down to the ability to feel out the situation accurately.
Any oracle can assist this intuitive process, if you go through the prescribed rituals and enter into a calm relaxed level of awareness,where you are able to observe many things all around you almost subconsciously and take in many things at once, all together.


English, please!:mischief:

Let me get this straight:
You left 'the cave' you lived in next to the messy neighbors.
You became a caretaker at an estate where the residents were gone most of the year.

This is where I get fuzzy.

It seems you are saying the owners of the estate ripped you off...they were meth addicts?...the woman came on to you?...you felt stranded....friends of your lesbian friends came to the rescue and pulled you out of there.

or am i missing a chapter?

Sorry Mabius for hijacking your thread, but maybe it's all relevant.

Again, I do apologize for the patchy and rushed nature of my comments. I probably should have let it all settle and wait to see where the pieces fall into place, but I responded rather too eagerly to Mabius' request for Yi related stories which were either helpful or instead, confusing. Due to the literal and emotional heat involved at the time I jumped onto this thread, which I didn't and still don't consider to be hijacking but instead right on point, just way too muddled for a "clean release", as Brad once wrote.

You got some of the details accurately, and some are a little funny for me to read, but again were due to my own lack of clarity.

Things are still in motion, and I'm not sure where this is heading. Maybe once I can gather it together, I can present it in a clear way.

But what I can say, in regard to Mabius' request, is that the answer was yes and yes to

..the advice they got helped them greatly, in a tangible way, or hurt them, held them back, possibly even destroyed some aspect of their lives.

My main point was intended to say that it was necessary to go through that hell to get to this place of kindness and sharing with friends, who, stereotypically would not be thought of as being the kinds of friends I'd find myself having, and sharing a home/expenses with. Objectively, there's an interesting story there, which is to be continued. This isn't just happening to me, it's happening to all concerned, including the black widow, whose wickedness will be visited upon her with no help from me. Though a couple of these particular friends would like to tear her apart. lol

The dark-side continues on at that hellish place, and I've since learned of that wench's police record of fraud and thievery. Though I am owed $300, I'd rather let it go and call it a lesson and a story well learned, or um, learning. Life has some crazy twists, and in my experience, the IC can crank the heat way up even more, and if you can't take that heat, you're better off not inquiring it. But if you dive into it during the worst of it, though confusing and difficult, you come out cleansed. I imagine many have paid $450 and more for a guided sweat lodge experience, to come away cleansed, so that's how I'm looking at it now. It was hell, but a lot of old dross got incinerated.

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