...life can be translucent


Gifts of journalling


Apr 8, 1970
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(This is a thread for thoughts and especially readings on the gift of keeping a journal. Of course this will be different for everyone.)

I asked Yi -
'What's the gift for me of keeping this journal?'
(I've always kept a reasonably searchable readings journal, but this is the first time I've had readings, dreams, synchronicities, ideas and just general stuff-happening all in one place.)

Yi says it's 64.6 to 40.

A bit of a head-scratcher - ask me what this one means in about a year, I should think. But I can see the 64-ness of it in how it keeps things open-ended. Being something like the fox, ears and whiskers twitching, always moving through situations that are always changing. For me that actually is a gift, as my default is to sleepwalk somewhat, or experience each day as much the same as the one before.

'Not yet across, creating success.
The small fox, almost across,
Soaks its tail:
No direction bears fruit.'

Hopefully the gift will include at least being sufficiently alert that I don't just plug on in the same direction regardless and get frozen to an ice floe in mid-stream. Again, that's something I have done before now. Setting out to do x because x is so obviously a good idea... spending a year on it... finding it was a complete waste of time and energy. Maybe the gift of a journal for me is becoming a bit less 'directional' - less of the 'I'm going this way, and that's final', and better whiskers?

I imagine 64's 40-ness is its freedom. Not committed to one direction, but free to choose the one that really goes somewhere.

'Fire dwells above stream. Not yet across.
A noble one carefully differentiates between beings, so each finds its place.'


'Being true and confident in drinking wine,
Not a mistake.
Soaking your head,
Being true and confident, losing your grip on that.'

So apparently a journal could be a mixed blessing? The fu is exactly what I value it for, what the whole thing is for: the state of trust and confidence and completely present connection - always guided. Come to think of it, more or less the opposite state to 'I decided to do this, so I'm doing it, and I'll look for guidance again after I've done it.' This would be one of the gifts of paying attention to dreams - they do not wait until I decide I'm ready to hear them.

Fu... being drunk on fu, nothing wrong with that. Only it is possible to overdo it. This is the part of the reading I'd like to be asked about in a year or so, as I don't think I've ever done this - never been aware of doing it, anyway: following guidance with such implicit trust that I lose awareness of what's real. At least, I assume that's what it means...

Please pitch in with your own reading - or any thoughts on this one. It'll be interesting to see if our 'gifts' have any shared patterns...


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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The only way I can find this thread was via my own profile page...so I don't actually know where I am posting.....

but hooray congratulations....get drunk....yay !!!


I don't think anyone will find this thread as it exists under no tag that I can see.

Anyway as soon as Justin can transfer my existing journal over to the new software please let me know. I have my £5 ready. Not that I need software to help me remember anything but now and then things do slip my mind.

I am puzzled about where this thread is :confused:


Apr 8, 1970
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No-one was supposed to find it yet - I'll publish a link to the forum as soon as the download is available. Most ingenious of you to ferret it out first.

Justin will be in touch with existing software owners about a) importing to the new software and b) nice, fat discount coupon.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Yes, CONGRATULATIONS to you both, Hilary and Justin!! :claps: :pompom: O FRABJOUS DAY! :D

(I posted this in the other thread, but what should we do if we have the beta version installed? Uninstall it? Is Justin planning to let us know, as he's going to inform people who have his other program?)


Apr 8, 1970
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Thank you for the pompoms!

Yes, beta testers will get an email from Justin about how to upgrade. (And an email from me saying to expect an email from Justin...) But I'm delaying email-sending until tomorrow - by which I turn out to mean today, since it's gone midnight - when I hope to be sufficiently awake to get it right. I daren't embark on email broadcasts half asleep; goodness knows what I'd do.


(with dream journal by bed)

OK... any more 'gift of journalling' readings?


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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"What's the gift for me of keeping a Resonance Journal?"

57 unchanging

Oh! :) I really like that. That's one of the things this software is intended to help us do - penetrate and make connections.

(I'm sure there's more to be made of it, but why spoil a perfectly nice reading looking for a dark side :rofl:)


Apr 8, 1970
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Getting inside the fabric of things, getting to know them from the inside like wind or roots. I like it, too! I imagine it could lead to more intuitive interpretations. Oh, and having a clear intent and vision for your readings will also bear fruit.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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More to it, but good things - thank you, Hilary :). (I noticed the Enliven course! - sounds like that might help, too, in 57-ish ways. Was not expecting extra goodies like that - thank you :cool:.)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I still can't see how this forum is accessed...? I can still only find this via my profile. The link that says 'to the discussion forum' only takes me to the existing thread about the journal software that was posted on the main forum. How did you get here Lisa ? That link doesn't work.

Also I had an email from Justin which seems to mean there is no point buying the software until he has found a way to import all readings from existing software. So until that happens there's no point in buying it is there :confused: I suppose I could just use the new software for info but it seems too messy having 2 software journals on the go. I'll reply to his email to check what he means

What is the 'enliven' course.

What I don't get is what existing journal owners are meant to do


Apr 8, 1970
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I'm sure he won't take long to sort out the import and then you can get underway. I suppose you could start storing dreams in the new journal, but in your shoes I'd be inclined to wait, too.

You find this forum the same way as the others - from its link under the 'Talk' tab, added at some ungodly hour last night.

Here is the Enliven course. (It's set up so you can't miss it when downloading.) Now if you'll excuse me I should really write its second email...


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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[Edited - er, yes, as Hilary just said :D]

There are a few ways to access it which work for me, although if you're seeing the links and they're just not working for you...I have no idea in that case.

One way is to click on the "Talk" tab at the top, and then scroll all the way to the bottom of the list of forums - below Moderation, below Reading Circle - there is a whole new forum called Resonance Journal. Or, the Resonance Journal forum is listed in the horizontal rows of forum names directly underneath the tabs. Or, click on the new "Journal Software" tab - there are several links listed below that one. "User forum" is one, also "Technical support," and that's where the link to the "Enliven" course is found, too.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Ah yes thanks...I never ever come this far down ....it's kind of well hidden isn't it.

Yes Justin said the same thing about waiting so I may as well wait. As long as there isn't a deadline for the existing users discount which I don't think there is.


Clarity Supporter
Aug 2, 1972
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What is the gift for me in using this journal?>27

Makes perfect sense to me!

This journal will help with measures, setting limits, getting the amorphous cloud of experience to condense into something that makes sense... things with which I seem to struggle. Letting them grow organically, baby steps are ok. Increasing awareness of where the limits are and need to be in order to function effectively on the levels of myself as an individual and in interactions with others in whatever domain, (including choosing and developing relevant domains).

.2 - need to be willing to push myself beyond current limits - literally to get out of the house more as well as growing in the roles I have assumed. Also being willing to explore new paradigms within those roles.

.5 - sweet measures - pay attention to what feels right and to what makes "things/activities etc" work better. The journal will help me identify and utilize appropriate limits.

.6- harsh limits, rigidity, is not going to work. I won't be able to stick with them if I try, and it's not possible to make real progress using "bitter measures"- Don't be rigid in using it, let it flow according to needs without falling into neglect of the resource.

27. The journal will provide a means of nourishing myself, so that I can be what I can be; enabling me to be a healthy part of the processes of life that are within me and those external processes of which I am a part.


Apr 8, 1970
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Yes Justin said the same thing about waiting so I may as well wait. As long as there isn't a deadline for the existing users discount which I don't think there is.
Nope, no deadline. The price for the whole thing will probably go up next March sometime.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Congratulations Hilary. It's a great tool.

I can see myself using this as long as I can free up space on my rickety old laptop...


Jan 17, 2009
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Please pitch in with your own reading - or any thoughts on this one. It'll be interesting to see if our 'gifts' have any shared patterns...

Just found this forum.

Anyway, your reading it interesting, it looks to me that there's reason to celebrate. :D The End (in a good way) is near. Of course, we never need to let our guard down completely, this is life, everything changes. Line is pretty much has the same meaning. And second hex is also good, things are going for better.

I mentioned my test reading with Resonance Journal, without specific question in mind. Well, just to repeat it here: 14 (4, 6) 11.


Apr 5, 2011
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(This is a thread for thoughts and especially readings on the gift of keeping a journal. Of course this will be different for everyone.)

I asked Yi -
'What's the gift for me of keeping this journal?'
(I've always kept a reasonably searchable readings journal, but this is the first time I've had readings, dreams, synchronicities, ideas and just general stuff-happening all in one place.)

Yi says it's 64.6 to 40.

A bit of a head-scratcher - ask me what this one means in about a year, I should think. But I can see the 64-ness of it in how it keeps things open-ended. Being something like the fox, ears and whiskers twitching, always moving through situations that are always changing. For me that actually is a gift, as my default is to sleepwalk somewhat, or experience each day as much the same as the one before.

'Not yet across, creating success.
The small fox, almost across,
Soaks its tail:
No direction bears fruit.'

Hopefully the gift will include at least being sufficiently alert that I don't just plug on in the same direction regardless and get frozen to an ice floe in mid-stream. Again, that's something I have done before now. Setting out to do x because x is so obviously a good idea... spending a year on it... finding it was a complete waste of time and energy. Maybe the gift of a journal for me is becoming a bit less 'directional' - less of the 'I'm going this way, and that's final', and better whiskers?

I imagine 64's 40-ness is its freedom. Not committed to one direction, but free to choose the one that really goes somewhere.

'Fire dwells above stream. Not yet across.
A noble one carefully differentiates between beings, so each finds its place.'


'Being true and confident in drinking wine,
Not a mistake.
Soaking your head,
Being true and confident, losing your grip on that.'

So apparently a journal could be a mixed blessing? The fu is exactly what I value it for, what the whole thing is for: the state of trust and confidence and completely present connection - always guided. Come to think of it, more or less the opposite state to 'I decided to do this, so I'm doing it, and I'll look for guidance again after I've done it.' This would be one of the gifts of paying attention to dreams - they do not wait until I decide I'm ready to hear them.

Fu... being drunk on fu, nothing wrong with that. Only it is possible to overdo it. This is the part of the reading I'd like to be asked about in a year or so, as I don't think I've ever done this - never been aware of doing it, anyway: following guidance with such implicit trust that I lose awareness of what's real. At least, I assume that's what it means...

Please pitch in with your own reading - or any thoughts on this one. It'll be interesting to see if our 'gifts' have any shared patterns...


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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@hilary What if we decide to see ChunTsu's re-posting of your post as a reminder of this?
Yi says it's 64.6 to 40.

A bit of a head-scratcher - ask me what this one means in about a year, I should think.

I could update mine, too, couldn't I. 57uc. Hm. I think what I originally said is true. I can get more deeply into readings now than I could then. Most of that is because of Hilary's courses, but those couldn't work well without also journalling readings. I make a lot more notes now than I used to, especially for background and interpretation.

Still need work on follow-up notes. Still need work on connecting readings. Still need work bringing in other things, like dreams and synchronicities, and on not panicking when I don't understand a reading and casting a dozen more. (Wind can take a long, long time to shape rock, ahem :paperbag: .)

Weekly open readings help, when I do them. It gives me a handy, structured spot to journal the week irrespective of readings (I make a heading for each day in the notes area), and link to the week's readings and so forth.
Last edited:


Clarity Supporter
Jan 20, 2017
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I started the trial Resonance Journal, a couple of weeks ago and I aked Yi

'tell me about using the Resonance Journal in future',

and that was just before I came across Hilary's similar question.

Yi's answer was 9.2.6. to 27. Nearing going to Nourishment.
Part of Nearing's text says 'arriving at the eighth month means a pitfall '
This was particularly relevant, as I could see there was going to be a huge shift for me from going from my current system to an electronic journal.
Most of my life I have kept handwritten dream journals, and when I stared using the Yi Jing, it was natural for me to continue on. I refined my system somewhat to make it easier to reference and have kept longish notes, with one side of my foolscap books for Yi Jing entries and the other side for dreams, commentary, synchronicities, and general explanations so I can remember what it was all about. I also keep a separate book for cross referencing to keep track of the number of occurrences and the places to find each hexagram.
I thought 'Nourishment' was positive for getting the journal, and lines 2 and 6 were very positive too.

Late on the same day after trying to write up the same things in both journals, I did as Hilary requested and asked:

What would the gift for me be, of keeping this journal?

This time the response appeared to be quite different, but it did reflect the difficulties I was facing.
Yi gave me 31.2 to 28, Influence going to Great Exceeding.
Ah well, it was not going very smoothly, but I have been taken with some great aspects of the Resonance Journal such as providing me with multiple translations, and showing me the yang and yin pathways of change etc. I could see it being of considerable value even though I was also thinking 'Oh dear I will miss sitting up in bed with a cuppa of a morning, asking and reviewing questions, musing on the dreams and reaching for the phone for a reading and writing it all down'.

It is more than two weeks now since I started using the Resonance Journal trial version and I was still unsure, so I bothered Yi yet again and asked

'What is the long term value of buying the Resonance Journal?'

The answer: was 6.5 to 64, Arguing going to Not yet Across
It clearly describes my current position.
I liked the idea in line 5 that I am arguing in order to get to the truth of the matter.
Ah well..... a few more days to go before I have to make a decision, but I have that FOMO feeling,
and since the first reading was so positive, I will probably get it anyhow.



Apr 8, 1970
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Before looking at the readings, I wonder if you might get on best with a hybrid system: let the Resonance Journal replace your 'separate book for cross-referencing' (with lots of use of tagging!), but keep the longhand journal for your full notes, so as not to disrupt your morning journalling. (It sounds wonderful.)

19.2.6 to 27 is tremendously promising, and also not in a hurry at all. Maybe it takes a while to find how best to incorporate the RJ into your own way of doing things. I like 19 for its suggestion of greater presence - you being present to your readings, readings being available to you.

31.2 - slow down, settle down, no need to run round doing the Great Reorganisation when you already have something that works... and especially, don't create a new system that's so laborious you won't be able to keep it up!

6.5 is a curious one, that seems to suggest an ongoing, open-ended 'negotiation' with the software as you thrash out what works. Most other lines in Hexagram 6 would have meant some version of 'It's far more trouble than it's worth,' so I'm quite happy you got line 5 ;) .


Clarity Supporter
Jan 20, 2017
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Thank you so much for your input Hilary. I feel as if you have taken me out of my little box and allowed me to take a longer view, especially 6.5. I will have the time once I have bought the Journal and I'll be able to work it out bit by bit. :teapot:

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