...life can be translucent


How to go on in an insane and deluded world ? 2.3.6 to 52


Dec 18, 2018
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~ @ ~
Despite knowing that my physical vision and my mind-eyes do not present the "real truth", what I can perceive with them about the world today still hurts terribly .

Before me, Earth is a planet of delusion, a techno-biological playground of the elites, populated by hapless inmates unknowingly imprisoned by tyrants-in-disguise . Humanity is now being pushed into a future of transhumanist-existence , punctuated by an open-ended sequence of hi-tech life-altering injections .

Dear Yi King,
How to go on in an insane and deluded world ?



"Receptivity", focusing on "Mountain stillness".

"Learn what life demands of you, then follow the hint from fate ?"

"Inner stillness , the absence of self-concern" .

Pretty tall order !
How do I attain the absence of self-concern ? By giving up my individualness, ignoring and relinquishing the integrity of my health , the sanctity of my body ? All for what ? to aid the birth of Human 2.0 ? ?
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Apr 26, 2021
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I think your despair is very understandable to myself and most people. It’s a hard feeling to have.

To answer the specific question you posed in relation to this issue (how to go on)

2.3 - to accept that perhaps the glory of saving the world or living in a saved world will not come. This is the world and it will likely be the same or worse when your or my lifetime is done. That does not mean, however, there’s nothing of value or meaning. The value is in being of service in the ways we can. I think this line also simply says “You just do. You do go on.” I don’t think it’s totally sorrowful though. “Concealed qualities” can be either your concealed qualities (your inner life and pattern) or perhaps it could be the concealed qualities of life. There’s more here than we can see and we don’t actually always know the purpose or meaning of life. It might be telling you that in asking this question you’re diving about concealed qualities of life that we can’t totally know, and that your own hidden,
internal world will play a big part in how you survive here.

I think 2.6 does suggest the battle you are feeling, as a result of the battle you see outside yourself in the world, could harm or destroy you if left unchecked. I don’t think it’s a judgment, it’s just that so often Yi is telling us to get back to center if we can. And then we have 52 which does kind of suggest we need to turn our back and go inward, not make tons of huge moves just because we are agitated. Perhaps you can be aware of the troubles of the world without internalizing as much.

Having allegiance to something, working on it with others, maybe even inspiring others to work with you, being true to what you believe, and working with the violence within that’s a reflection of the violence outside might be some of the ways the casting is answering “how to go on”
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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D_squared, in case you haven't found it already, Hilary wrote a blog post about 2.6 which might be helpful:

(Also notice the comments at the bottom - Surnevs asked a question and Hilary provided a link.)


Dec 18, 2018
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.... And then we have 52 which does kind of suggest we need to turn our back and go inward, not make tons of huge moves just because we are agitated. Perhaps you can be aware of the troubles of the world without internalizing as much.

Having allegiance to something, working on it with others, maybe even inspiring others to work with you, being true to what you believe, and working with the violence within that’s a reflection of the violence outside might be some of the ways the casting is answering “how to go on”

I've re-read your post today, as it has struck some deep chords in me .

It rings true that one can be powerless about what's taking place in the external world, but perhaps still have a choice in shutting or opening the door that leads within .
Your post has also brought forth from memory an old poem of mine, jotted down years ago when a similar kind of crisis had raised its head:


When the world we live in
... is slowly frozen ...
..... by the winter of our discontent

Do we pray and wait
... for some dispensation ...
... ... or miracles , heaven-sent ?

Or find some internal button to push
... that would generate ...
... ... real fervour and heat ?

Before the heart
... goes into a permanent ...
... ... irreversible hibernation retreat ?


Many thanks again . My heart is now some degree warmer, owing to your kind words.


Dec 18, 2018
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D_squared, in case you haven't found it already, Hilary wrote a blog post about 2.6 which might be helpful:
Hi Liselle,
Thank you for the tip regarding "hexagram 2.line 6" . Having just had time to read the mentioned blog late today , I found it a good and interesting story about "dragon", but could not really obtain from it further meaningful clues to the question in my mind .

Looking up the original Chinese text for "hexagram 2.line 6" , I found reference to a bloody battle between dragons . My attempt at word-for-word translation yields the following:
"Dragons fighting in the field , spilling blood black and yellow"

In Chinese culture, "dragon" symbolises positive, almost supernatural, strength . Given the current context of my query, if I had to venture a guess, then the text of this unstable line 6 could very well be a hint of looming confrontations/showdowns between extremely powerful forces in the external world . It seems that internally one would have to be as firm and steady as a mountain to withstand this sort of events .


Feb 6, 2021
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How to go on in an insane and deluded world ? 2.3.6 to 52

Here you have trigrams (three-line figures) Earth above and below - Hex. 2; and with the 3rd and 6th moving lines, you have trigrams Mountain above and below - Hex. 52.

There are a lot of 'synchronicities' here: Two of the same trigrams, becoming two of the same (but different) trigrams; you can also consider the 'San Cai' - the Three Realms: the two moving lines (3 and 6) are both in the realm of heaven, and this suggests to me that your answer or solution resides or starts in the spiritual realm - i.e. change your heart-mind and the rest will follow.

Trigram Earth is about caring - both for oneself and others; and it's about being 'down-to-Earth' in how you do this. Here, you are 'disturbed' or unbalanced: perhaps your caring and acceptance have tipped over into passivity and victimhood - and perhaps you feel helpless or 'too small' to affect change in the world? (I certainly feel this at times!)

I sometimes see the resultant or 'moving to' gua (trigrams and/or hexagrams) as allies or as an antidote - that when combined with the primary gua, helps us with the situation we're dealing with: and here it's Mountain.

Mountain is can be about retreat and stopping processes: about just saying no! or to 'stop the madness' (as one author about overeating once said)! Mountain is also about discernment - about what we let in, and what we carry with us (emotionally, spiritually, mentally ... ) into the future. It can also suggest that the situation you're dealing with is 'stuck' (or stubborn), and that things may take time to work out.

What I sense in your case is that some of this "insanity and delusion" has already seeped into you. Of course, this happens to all of us, all the time (and in many different ways); but right now in our world, this feels very amplified. And this is why we have tools - meditation, (mediation?) community, family, nature, religion, spirituality, oracles, therapy, etc. - to help uproot this insanity.

So here you have the ideas of retreat and stillness, of stopping the madness (at least on a personal level); and there's also this idea of looking at what you want to let in or carry with you (or not).

The question is, how do you (or we) do this?
Line 2.3, reads "Sheathed mark. Ancestral consecration performed.
Follow in service of (to the) king: Ineffective one preserved."
Line 2.6, "Dragons fighting in open field. Blood yellow and dark."
(based on Eng. translation of D. Shilling)​

I see a lot of 'how tos' here:
* do not look at this as some sort of battle; instead you need to 'sheath' your weapons (could these be anger, being judgmental?).​
* consider 'being of service'. What has been true for me is the idea of 'thinking globally, acting locally." I have become a 'land steward' and the recycling guy for my local Tibetan Buddhist center; I volunteer with our local land trust; and I've gotten involved with our local school board election (which is too eerily mimicking national politics! )​
So, 'being of service' is a way that you can be effective within your own world, but still acknowledge how 'ineffective' - what small players - we are (or feel we are) in the wider insane world.​
However, I think that being of service and being 'of this earth' ... ARE NOT ABOUT "absence of self-concern, or about giving up your individualness, or about ignoring and relinquishing the integrity of your health, or the sanctity of your body!"
* About "Dragons fighting in open field. Blood yellow and dark":​
Waxing a bit mythical here, I imagine dragons being like a litter of over-active puppies, wrestling, playing a bit too hard until blood is drawn. But being magical and powerful beings, when their blood falls to earth it fertilizes the plowed fields upon which it drips.​
So, I can see this being about the internal conflicts you have - with the world and even yourself, and they feel - and perhaps are - big and dragon-like for you. But here is also the idea of transformation, through which these conflicts (through stillness, discernment, caring, service, and non-violence) can become a fertile field (like mixing 'yellow' earth and 'dark' dragon's blood !?!?)​

Another way I have 'retreated' from the world is by cutting back on my internet time; I haven't stopped altogether (obviously), but I found that being bombarded with stuff - even stuff that agrees with my own world view - is not such a good thing. Cutting back also gets me a bit away for the 'make-pretend (virtual) world' where people think they are experts on everything they read, whereas I think this may just be a way of dealing with our feelings of small-ness or ineffectiveness (or powerlessness) in the world!

But do note, I think this is far different than seeing 2.6 as "a hint of looming confrontations / showdowns between extremely powerful forces in the external world". I suggest you may want to be open to an alternative (Alt-Yi?) interpretation here.

Regards, D
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Jun 3, 2006
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How to go on in an insane deluded world?

2. The Receptive.
2.3 Do what you have to do. Complete commitments but you don't need to take on more than your own responsibilities.
2.6 Tell those who continue to try to get you to engage that you're full up and that they should stfu.

52. Keeping Still.
The Sane One reflects and does not enter in.

As dfreed recommends, limiting internet time is a great place to start.


Dec 18, 2018
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Hi dfreed ,
You've provided plenty of food for thought in your post. It will take me a while to digest them . Thank you . There is , however, one thing mentioned by you which has attracted my mind's immediate attention : synchronicity .

You wrote " But do note, I think this is far different than seeing 2.6 as "a hint of looming confrontations / showdowns between extremely powerful forces in the external world". I suggest you may want to be open to an alternative (Alt-Yi?) interpretation here. "

It seems to me that there is some interesting synchronistic connection right here as well:

In consulting the Yi, I've rarely looked at the text for the hexagram moving lines . Personally I don't get much insight through this line of pursuit, and often choose to focus mainly on the hexagram commentary . And so it would have been the case as well with this particular "2.3.6 > 52" consultation . If Liselle had not mentioned Hilary's article on "Dragons, line 6 of hexagram 2" , then the significance of line 6 would have gone completely undetected on my radar screen . Quite interesting the way things have actually lined up to guide my vision . Realistically, I don't put much weight on "my own" interpretation of 2.6 either , but am fascinated to see what has been hidden in my subconscious, promptly brought to the surface on reflex by the text of 2.6 . Now I can see more clearly what else has been bothering me internally .

More often than not, the Yi seems to me a kind of psychic mirror . Instead of just focusing on the form, the text content, and the various details of a hexagram, perhaps one should also carefully observe what kind of thoughts that spring into one's mind during the whole process . Take a good look at one's "psychic" reflection. This may increase our awareness of the vehicle we are riding , and improve our odds of surviving the journey .


Feb 6, 2021
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.... I don't get much insight ... (looking at the line text), and ... focus mainly on the hexagram commentary ... (and then a bit later) .... but am fascinated to see what has been hidden in my subconscious, promptly brought to the surface on reflex by the text of 2.6 .

From this I gather, you don't usually look at the line text, but in this instance you did look at 2.6, and you found some value in doing so. Do I have that about right? If so, I hope my comments / interpretation of this line, and of your entire reading, added some value and was of use to you.

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Jul 28, 2018
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I feel you. Recently I think from time to time what's the point of living in this world where everything I love and warms my heart fades away soon, while the dark realities expand fast.

I don't know what will warm my heart again.

Your reading says by paying attention to the beautiful things of life you'll find the strenght to continue. The war continues. Keep yourself still.


Feb 6, 2021
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The war continues.

.... everything I love and warms my heart fades away soon, while the dark realities expand fast.

Which war are you talking about?

The history of the Yi is tied to the Zhou state's conquest of the Shang. Later the Qin dynasty waged war to unify China. We've had the Roman conquests, the English-French Wars, World Wars I and II, the Vietnam War, the US Civil War, the American Indian Wars; The French, English, Irish, Russian, Industrial, Technological revolutions ....

We've been having wars for tens of thousands of years - maybe longer. Right now the world is struggling in many ways - but whom is responsible (or who will 'fix' things or make them worse), and what the causes are, and what the 'fixes' or solutions are, are all open for discussion - and debate.

That you and d_squared feel depressed and hopeless is not in doubt - and perhaps you each have your reasons. What comes to mind for me, however, is the fact that even in the bleakest times, people have found peace and a reason to believe in humanity, e.g.: during the Holocaust some people retained their faith in humanity even if they ended up in gas chambers; the Dali Lama remains hopeful about humanity even though he and the Tibetan people have lost their homeland, and their religion has been repressed.

And all this makes me wonder - and this is true for all of us - how much of your 'war' is internal, an inner one? So again, what 'war' in particular are you talking about?

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Oct 15, 2021
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~ @ ~
Despite knowing that my physical vision and my mind-eyes do not present the "real truth", what I can perceive with them about the world today still hurts terribly .

Before me, Earth is a planet of delusion, a techno-biological playground of the elites, populated by hapless inmates unknowingly imprisoned by tyrants-in-disguise . Humanity is now being pushed into a future of transhumanist-existence , punctuated by an open-ended sequence of hi-tech life-altering injections .

Dear Yi King,
How to go on in an insane and deluded world ?



"Receptivity", focusing on "Mountain stillness".

"Learn what life demands of you, then follow the hint from fate ?"

"Inner stillness , the absence of self-concern" .

Pretty tall order !
How do I attain the absence of self-concern ? By giving up my individualness, ignoring and relinquishing the integrity of my health , the sanctity of my body ? All for what ? to aid the birth of Human 2.0 ? ?
I wonder if perhaps the absence of self-concern refers to your expectations? Not your health. People tend to use themselves as a yardstick for what 'should' be. That can be isolating and distorting at times. And we can mistakenly then feel responsible for changing these people and circumstances.

Receptivity therefore may be suggesting you set aside these expectations and observe quietly. That way you may find something helpful that was drowned out by the noise.

The idea of individualness is interesting too as a lot of our mental chatter isn't 'us', it's a product of our environment. We are also terribly swamped by the latter and it makes us defensive. It can also trap us in our ego too, so that we mistakenly think we're the only sane one.

Mountain feels to me like a suggestion to stay rooted in yourself and to be less dependent on the behaviour of others. A kind of quiet confidence. A mountain stays steady through all kinds of social upheavals and though it's exposed to them it isn't limited to them or defined by them.

With moving lines, I like to see them as the 'verb' or turning point as opposed to the noun. Thry feel more mutable and dynamic to me and therefore the most subtle and delicate. As they are an active pivot from one state to the next they can be incredibly helpful (though fiddly) in discovering underlying motivations and patterns. Almost like a hinge which reconciles two states.

It's also interesting that the final hexagram was a nature image- as if it were saying reality/the world is not just other people. That might be a version of the world that could offer some solace and cohesion?
Interestingly I'm the converse in that I tend to find more insight in the changing lines and final hexagram so I hope this is helpful in some small way!
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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A mountain stays steady through all kinds of social upheavals and though it's exposed to them it isn't limited to them or defined by them.
Good point. The reading could be seen as "receptive earth becoming more mountain-like." Mountains represent boundaries - maybe try a news hiatus? Turn off the television, don't read the paper, avoid news on the internet.

That's hard because most people like to know what's going on, but maybe try it for a couple of days or a week and see.

Picklebop's comment also made me notice that 2.3 and 52 have something in common: containers/ containing.

2.3 says "Containing a thing of beauty...". Mountains can be seen as containers, and 2.3 makes the earth trigram turn into a mountain trigram - an inner container. Then you also have an outer container. Not sure what to do with all that, except maybe figuratively put yourself in some containers for a while.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I also like Dfreed's suggestion up above that it might help to find something where you feel like you're making some sort of positive difference, even in small ways. Service is also a hexagram 2 theme. Plus if you're busy with things you'll have less time to dwell on bad stuff.


Apr 4, 2021
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Hi Liselle,
Thank you for the tip regarding "hexagram 2.line 6" . Having just had time to read the mentioned blog late today , I found it a good and interesting story about "dragon", but could not really obtain from it further meaningful clues to the question in my mind .

Looking up the original Chinese text for "hexagram 2.line 6" , I found reference to a bloody battle between dragons . My attempt at word-for-word translation yields the following:
"Dragons fighting in the field , spilling blood black and yellow"

In Chinese culture, "dragon" symbolises positive, almost supernatural, strength . Given the current context of my query, if I had to venture a guess, then the text of this unstable line 6 could very well be a hint of looming confrontations/showdowns between extremely powerful forces in the external world . It seems that internally one would have to be as firm and steady as a mountain to withstand this sort of events .
the 2.6 line reminds me of a dream that came right in the heart of 2020. the atmosphere of fear and unrest was so strong, particularly online (i was practically glued to social media watching spectacles unfold), it felt palpable.
i dreamt in vivid, first person perspective. it began mundanely, i was sleepy, in my car going to visit someone. a fake policeman pulled me over with all these other cars - i saw men with guns. fascist crowds breaking out in violence, and people were screaming, fleeing.
suddenly it didn't matter where i had been going, what was important was getting out...ran from my car, joining a group of people who had banded together for protection, hiding in buildings, escaping through fire escapes. we survived infiltration by outside forces, and so on... toward the end my roommates and i had returned home only to find our home had become a makeshift refuge for the wounded & orphans, there were delusional people acting out theatrical scenes in garish costumes, walls were torn apart. i had the thought it was so sad, to leave behind the plants i had spent so much time watering. but there was no question, roommates and i grabbed the baby and began driving across rural roads towards "the city"
only as we drove, the city came into view engulfed inflames. my heart felt a shock like thunder as smoke parted to reveal enormous mechanical warriors battling - an eagle and a humanlike figure - i will never forget the emotional power of seeing them still so huge from far away. the bombs and flames. very "black and yellow"

in the dream we realized then there was nothing to do but go home and get all the essentials we had left behind.

that dream changed me, it felt like a crystal clear vision of a possible future that was completely out of my control. whether or not that future became true literally, the shock of witnessing such huge powers at war stuck with me.
what was 'essential' became very clear and simple.

also it felt significant how the plants were what stood out in the chaos. my dream self knew i could not 'solve' the orphans or wounded folks' pain and immediately attached to the beautiful things that felt like they would be lost.

it would be a noble calling to preserve & serve beautiful things even in a time of drastic upheaval.

i like what Liselle & picklebop have to say about boundaries/containers for this cast.

the fear & chaos may be beyond us but it is possible to build oneself protections to navigate the world nonetheless.


Oct 15, 2021
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Another thing which occured to me last night was the way we see mountains.

They appear to be very 'set' and permanent, almost boring in a sense when one's in s state of upheaval. In that sense, it can be really hard and almost frustrating to relate to it as an image. But geologically, they are the product of incredible pressures and chaos. They tend to be either results of collision of two plates of earth, or volcanic eruptions, on a great scale and with all kinds of dangers attendant. Yet the end result of this is something stable and long-lasting, almost peaceful, which can sustain new life and perspective.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Before me, Earth is a planet of delusion, a techno-biological playground of the elites, populated by hapless inmates unknowingly imprisoned by tyrants-in-disguise . Humanity is now being pushed into a future of transhumanist-existence , punctuated by an open-ended sequence of hi-tech life-altering injections .

But this is a construct and has nothing to do with daily life. That is it's like a narrative, one vision of how the earth is. You don't have to believe in it, I know I don't. How is 'humanity being pushed into a future of transhumanist-existence' what does that mean? How is earth only a 'techno-biological playground of the elite' and how are we only 'inmates'....I mean you could just trash all this couldn't you.

There's lots of good things happening, the world is still beautiful and life is ever evolving. I'm not denying pain and tragedy but I don't believe in this stuff it sounds a bit comic book to me. I mean when you get up in the morning and go out of the door to get your milk and bread and see your neighbour and say hi and pat their dog are you really thinking about being pushed into a 'transhuman-existence' ? What is a trans-human existence? Everyone here is still looking human to me.

I think maybe 2.6 is showing a bunch of concepts fighting out there in ether somewhere ....with no connection to anything real.

Going on in an 'insane and deluded world' well it is the world with insane and deluded bits but it isn't only that...I think 52 is telling you to drop the bigger vision, to simply be where you are right now without going into fantasy scenarios of transhumans or whatever.

Pretty tall order !
How do I attain the absence of self-concern ? By giving up my individualness, ignoring and relinquishing the integrity of my health , the sanctity of my body ? All for what ? to aid the birth of Human 2.0 ? ?

I don't see anything in the reading saying you have to give up self concern or any of that. 2.3 asks you to just get on with the work that is presented to you right now regardless of whether it is acknowledged or not. If you go on and on ignoring immediacies in favour of gargantuan apocalyptic visions of the downfall of humanity you're flying in the sky with dragons who have no substance but stage a battle.

Come back to where you are and focus on what's with you right now in your home, on your street and do what there is to be done. (2.3.6) and also still these vast projections of the future which are wholly unconnected to you, not even relevant to you(52) cut yourself off from this kind of stuff - just go about your life and try to ground yourself in daily life which shows no sign of going 'trans-human' as far as I can see.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Hear, hear.

Also, human history is strewn with bigger tragedies than we're suffering right now, as scary as now really does seem. For instance as recently as WWII - and contrast COVID with historic pandemics that killed large percentages of the human population. As bad as COVID is, it's not doing that.


Jun 3, 2006
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While reading these comments on how to maintain a positive attitude and the advice to focus on our own situation and maintain our boundaries I think of these song lyrics:

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful!
And as long as you love me so,
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!


Feb 6, 2021
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advice to focus on our own situation and maintain our boundaries

There is a huge storm off the west coast of the US and Canada right now. It has record low pressures and moisture - meaning very, very high winds and lots of rain (which is very much needed in parts of the parched West, but not all at once!).

Hopefully (at least for where I live), the storm will stay on it's predicted path and make landfall along the coast of northern Vancouver Island - which has far fewer people. If it turns eastward / inland sooner than this, it will affect many more - perhaps millions of people.

The 'battle' here seems is both internal: worrying, wondering where it's path will take it; and external: how to prepare, how best to stay calm, pay attention to the 'facts' (news reports, modeling); and then there is both the internal and external future: what it will be like tomorrow and Monday, and afterwards.

This low pressure (and dropping) is called a 'low front' - in this instance, a massive one! - and it's these low and high pressures mixed with wind and moisture, warmth and cooling, mixed with oceans and land masses which give us:

The Weather! (a.k.a. Life, the Tao ....)

Rosada's song brought to mind this one:

But in response to impending, possible disaster (which maybe has become too real in our imaginations), we do have options:

... to act, be kind, and set aside violence, and the mad voices we hear on the internet - trying to convince us that it's their version of what's happening that's real. And we can also do as Natalie Merchant and the 10,000 Beings (Maniacs) do: get out of our beds, dance, sing, and make music in the face of the current impending storm - knowing that there are lots more storms (always have been, always will be).

Well by the force of will my lungs are filled and so I breathe.
Lately it seems this big bed is where I never leave.
Shiver in my bones just thinking about the weather.
Quiver in my voice as I cry,

Do I need someone here to scold me ...
or do I need someone who'll grab and pull me
out of this four poster dull torpor pulling downward.

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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Well... if it's an actual identifiable threat, that's different, then of course you'll worry and maybe even panic. Everything we're scared by isn't like that, though.


Feb 6, 2021
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... if it's an actual identifiable threat, that's different, then of course you'll worry and maybe even panic. Everything we're scared by isn't like that, though.
I generally agree with you: if we are both in a burning building, I assume we might agree that the fire is the threat, along with the risk of the building collapsing, etc.

What gets tricky in some instance, is deciding what (or whom) is or is not the 'actual, identifiable threat'; along with deciding what or whom is to blame (or is not to blame), and what are the solutions to the threats and problems - and what are not.

I feel like that's what we are faced with in this thread. D_squared has identified 'an insane and deluded world'. I can agree with that overly-broad statement. However, I do not necessarily agree with everything and everyone he might identify as the problem or the causes: a planet of delusion, a techno-biological playground of the elite, a population of hapless inmates unknowingly imprisoned by tyrants-in-disguise .... and I most certainly do not agree with his assessment of the situation as being "humanity being pushed into a future of transhumanist-existence, punctuated by an open-ended sequence of hi-tech life-altering injections".

(It's just my opinion - and no one is required to agree - but that all sounds very sci-fi to me, or like part of a 5D conspiracy theory.)

But setting aside mine or anyone's opinions - since these are all very broad, vaguely-defined terms, - it's really hard for me to know what we might or might not agree on. For example, I can only assume that "hi-tech, life-altering injections" are about COVID vaccinations, but that's just an assumption on my part.

Regardless of differing opinions of what the underlying causes or the actual problems are, I think that we can still interpret the Yi's response. After all, as it's been presented to us, the Yi is 'responding' to: "How to go on in an insane and deluded world ?" ...

The Yi is suggesting ways for d_squared (or us) to deal with the burning building - but I don't think it's pointing fingers at what (or whom) might be the causes of the fire - in part, because that's not what d_squared asked about.

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