...life can be translucent


53.3.6 > 8 Off to meet his maker.


Jun 3, 2006
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As I’d already asked a similar question (about a jillion times) and because we’re not supposed to ask the same question twice, I was trying to figure out a new way to get the IC to reveal the outcome of the 2024 presidential election happening here in the United States. So I cleverly asked, “Where is Trump headed?” thinking some hex like 12. Standstill or 35.Progress would give a clue as to whether or not he would be elected. But I received 53.3.6 - 8, Gradual Progress leading to Seeking Union. So Trump going from death and disaster (53.3) and then to celebration and love (53.6) changing to 8. Union. It seems to me the IChing was giving me a much broader answer than I was looking for. I think rather than an election prediction I’m being told that Trump - like everyone else - ultimately dies (53.3) and goes to heaven (53.6) where he must meet his maker (8.)

Anyway, I bother to post this bit of whimsey because I think it says something about hexagram 8.
I’ve always wondered with 8 just who are these fuedal lords we supposedly cultivating friendly relations with and this Trump reading suggests we all ultimately will seek union with our creator and thus the importance of practicing alining with only the most positive influencers while here on earth. In fact, the first line of 8 finally makes sense if you read it as meaning first seek The Creator, the god within. Line 8.1 says “Hold to him in loyalty and truth, this is without blame. Truth like a full earthen bowl. Thus in the end good fortune comes from without.” Doesn’t that read like Matthew 6:3 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all else will be given unto you.”?
Anyway, I shall now remember when I get 8 in an answer that it’s worthwhile to consider what the person I am seeking union with will be creating, bringing out, strengthening something in me. Will this meeting make me a better person? If not better to 8.6 keep moving right along.
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moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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Line 3: he goes away and doesn't return
Line 6: the permanent bye bye

That's acceptable.
You may have noticed that some problems require two flushes. And that thing is a real floater.
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Apr 25, 2021
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Not being involved in US affairs, I'm a bit curious as to what the initial reading was: Nº 1 out of those many...


Aug 22, 2017
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Rosada, personally I'm not confident posing questions of national or international importance at the I Ching. I'm happy with q&a's concerning my own life situation. But on the occasion of Trump going to court earlier in the month, we asked about an outcome, and the answer, now a bit vague, basically pointed out that there will be delays. The current key word in the news. Delay.

Your reading, Blofeld translates 9 in the third place "the wife is pregnant, but the child's birth is delayed - misfortune." There is the delay again.
The fear is that legal delays will result in dismissal of trial, if Trump gets in. Misfortune, and an "auspicious time to chastise evil-doers" typically represents a swing towards justice, and a time for the law to take prevalence.
"The wild geese movers gradually toward (dry) (or high) land is the campaign(s) towards election. The goose is not the trump.
"The husband goes forth and doesn't return" Perhaps pointing out that since the "President", the husband, has gone forth, he shall not return, this time. The wife, the State, expecting a child, but birth not forthcoming, is the debacle of the Supreme court bending under pressure of power. This is what makes it a good time to ward off enemies, chastise evil-doers and the like. This has to imply, the judiciary, and fulfilling in their function, to keep the law, and not to be undermined.
Feathers of the goose. Pamphlets and badges. Political participation.

Hexagram 8 points out that the Oracle can be consulted again, to re-examine the self for constancy, firmness, and greatness and so on. This refers to voters, supporters. This is an invitation to make the right decision and at the right time, because, "latecomers will meet with misfortune".
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Jun 3, 2006
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Very interesting to think of 8 here as representing the voters! “Latecomers” could mean those who don’t get around to registering or voting or perhaps those who do vote for him and too ate come to realize their mistake!

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