...life can be translucent

Am I financially ready to start working more hours in my own business and less for an employer? Hex 23.6 to 2


Nov 29, 2012
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My business is growing slow but steady. I was able to move into a beautiful living space for me from where I can grow my practice as well. I have taken on a corporate job where I work 4 days a week in order to maintain financial stability. The combination with self-employment has been challenging, to put it mild. I took on the job because business was slow and with moving house there would be a lot of extra costs. Then business picked up again! So now I am working day and night. Both jobs ask a lot of me mentally and by the end of the workweek I have headaches, dizziness and I am short of breath. These symptons lessen almost immediately after working. I am aware that I am playing with my health and I will not be able to keep this up forever.

I started looking for jobs that would give me more headspace and better balance. There is an opportunity to work as a part time therapist at a residential health care center, mobilising the residents with light movement and honestly I think it would be so much fun! And I would be doing something physical, which I think would greatly help my own health. I would be working far less hours which is also what I wanted. They would love to hire me too.

But then the anxiety kicks back in. I am attracting more customers but not enough yet. I have so many ideas to make it work, but I would have to be practical and work from a plan. And then there always is the anxiety, what if I don't succeeed?

Hex 23.6 changing to 2

This line speaks of an unused resource (ripe fruit uneaten)
How am I responding? Like the noble one in a resourceful and imaginative way? Or like the small people, immobile, confined to one place. Holding on to what you know.

I need some objective help here. Because I am inclined to read it as go for a job with less hours and more joy. There will be room for your business to grow! Jeej! Which is what I truly want. But I also want to make the right decision, stay grounded and take my next steps with care and structure.
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Jul 28, 2018
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23.6 is about letting go of a past situation and arriving at a new ground, new field, ready to be cultivated by the potentials you haven't used in the past.

My take: let go of the employer and put more energy into what you want. "The uneaten fruit" here sounds like an equivalent for your therapy practice which demands physical activity despite your usual jobs.

Good luck 🍀


Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Marybluesky

Sorry for the late reply, I needed to get my head straight about this. I agree I need to let go of the employer.

I have spoken with my employer about my troubles juggling two jobs but they still hope I will eventually adjust into my new role. Right now, I am just not feeling it anymore.

Next week I will be doing a half day trial for the % job at the residential health care center. If it still feels like a fit afterwards I will probably take on that new job. I am looking at my finances and with a finance consultant later today. This should give me a better view on my income and what is possible and what is not.

I will update this thread!
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