...life can be translucent

Buying new car: hexagram -> 37 -line 4 warning?


Mar 29, 2017
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So I'm buying a new car, got a credit union loan & I've been looking at cars online; estates, compact SUV, MPV & hatchbacks.
I do like to go up in the hills & down boreens (single lane roads with grass in the middle) visiting archaeological sites & sacred natural places.

I've got to think about size, fuel economy, and roooom!

I like to go camping, but would also like to be able to flatten the seats & make a little bed (hence the estates/station wagons), but i also need a lighter car for city traffic (and those hilly boreens).

So i spun up Yi & got Hexagram 14, lines 2,4 and 5, going to hexagram 37, which I feel is quite apt - it is about the family, of course, but also visiting my extended family & friends, and also, bringing a posse on roadtrips.

However, line 4 gives me pause, as it could mean something that is too powerful for me?
Or is it telling me to avoid those big 2 litre hogs?

1.6 or 1.7 is fine for me, i used to drive a 1.4l corolla.

I was also thinking about the outside of the car, I don't want flashy, or white, or red, grey, grayish or black is ok, innocuous, not looking interesting from the outside is what I want, but the inside will be "hippified" of course - I think this could also be "not at all sounding ones drum" (line 4)

i don't want a big screen either, or for it to read my texts, just forward my calls via handsfree please.

However, there is a pale blue Zafira and a few affordable Hyundai that are newer & more sculpted on the outside (1 is even white, which I am scared of, because I'll have it muddy in no time haha); I wonder is line 4 warning to stay clear of these cars?

Or could it be saying avoid the BMW & Mercs, which I know, are harder, more expensive to fix, especially as they get older? There's also a Lexus & a Jag & an alpha Romeo & an old 1988 Porsche... but I know these aren't viable options lol

Overall a very apt cast; line 2, 'great wagon for loading' and line 5 'Truth then associating, then awesome' seems to me to imply - get a good looking car, load up & go on adventures & to gatherings & meet some good people!


Mar 29, 2017
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So just a quick update:

I got a car, a unique kinda one, a white (made by Citroen) DS 5,so yes it fits the bill... plenty of boot (trunk) space, quite comfy, reasonably new & low mileage (2015).

I was able to go to the Summer solstice gathering, meet old friends, go camping & bring plenty of food, drink etc
(Lines 2 and 5)

The new car is a 2.0cc engine a big jump from my previous 1.4 Corolla, and it took me a while and a few seat adjustments to get used to, and get in control, so now I understand line 4!

Basically, I was sitting too close, my seat was too gear forwards, and the car kept speeding; I pulled the seat back, and raised it and now I have way more control over the clutch and accelerator pedals, and the car is a delight to drive!

If understood as 'too powerful' for the driver; however it could also be that pulling the seat back confers more anonymity, which is another interpretation of "not at all sounding ones drum".

Yet another interpretation could be that the car itself doesn't look as powerful as she is, and she feels much bigger on the inside, and while driving. She is not a big SUV ego rollover in the wind wagon, but she holds the road well and feels powerful, with 18" wheels, so maybe this is line 4 also?
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