...life can be translucent




May 21, 2013
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Hello dear forum members, any help with this appreciated..

I spent several years following my artistic heart - but got tired of financial instability. However now I've found a regular steady career ..I can barely stay healthy with the demanding workload (this may ease as I get more experienced, but I'm not sure) So I asked a number of questions that just seemed to reflect the situation rather than help me with what to do. For example.. 'Is this job healthy for me - is it my soul path?' And I got (30 unchanging which is Clarity. Not exactly answering..

I also asked
what should I do to become healthy again?
31.5 to 62 influence to small exceeding.

What should I do to be happy, excited, vibrant alive and on my soul path? to 19
Biting through to nearing.

I don't really understand..

Maybe I just need to carry on as I have for the past four years - buckling down and coping with the challenges? Rather than a romantic break for freedom and a return to financial insecurity and strain. However I feel my joy of life is being sucked out of me, despite my job being creative, many of the workplace demands are pointless and demoralising..
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May 21, 2013
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Sorry my mistake yes it was 30.. Clarity..
Yes I know it's not good for my soul.. But I don't know how to solve the issue.. or what steps to take..that's why I asked the other questions..

Thank you blue angel


Well now that you have 30, in my opinion you are meant to stick with this job. Through this you will learn and grow. You will help others as well. You'll have to find your inner brightness, inner joy, and cling to that. I will take a look at your other readings shortly. My above message doesn't matter now, it was about 20, which you didn't get. This reading in regards to your question seems to say, "persevere and you will have success". Find the good and positive. Find the bright people. Find your own brightness within, and cling to that. Get your spark back. Your fire.
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For your second question "what should I do to become healthy again?" Answer 31.5>62. What is wrong with your health? Does it have anything to do with your back? Anyhow, this answer seems to point to letting go of negative influences and allowing positive connections. Seems perhaps you are misunderstanding, either of someone or the root of your health issues. Its like being almost there, almost getting it, but not quite. So find the root of the issue, let go of perceptions that are not helping you. Relax, exercise your heart both spiritually and physically. Eat nutritional foods, good for your heart. Associate with people that are good for your heart. If there is any family trauma that has happened at anytime that could still be affecting you, go with in, find that, work on releasing that. At the same time, if there are family illnesses that run through the genes, find that, and resolve that. Seems there could also be someone good for you, that you don't seem to understand, that can actually help you. I can not completely analyze this reading for you without more information. Yoga and meditation is a good start to better health. I have an entire list of great information to help improve your health. Acupuncture might be worth considering or seeing a TCM. Any of the above suggestions ring a bell?
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"what should I do to be happy, excited, vibrant, alive, and on my soul path? answer>19.

(19) you are approaching (21) the truth and core of being happy and on your soul path. Meaning you are close to that truth but not quite there. Line 2, you are being too extreme with this or some issue, but its ok, you will get there faster, and it will still turn out ok. Line 4, acceptance. Accepting when there are difficulties in whatever area of life, but still going forward, leads to good fortune. So you sort of take a deep breath, "this is the way it is right now, but I can do this or that to improve." Continuance and Acceptance. Line 6, Be open minded. Open to understanding as well as correction. Don't block people or things that may be of help. If this is not speaking of others in your life, it could be speaking to how you are with yourself. Too hard on yourself, lighten up, accept yourself as you are, be understanding with yourself. In meditation, you may have a thought that pops up, you accept that thought, and release it. Your mind, has no hold on you. You may cry and not know why, accept those feelings, and release them. When things are hard you keep on, keeping on. Its apart of life and experience. Growing pains.

All of your readings seem relatively good. Overall seems you are where you should be at this given time. Have peace in that. The sun comes up tomorrow. This too shall pass. Find the good, its already there, all around you. Focus on that good and positive. There is someone or people around ready and able to give you some positive. Hope that helps some.

Best wishes on your journey,



May 21, 2013
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Thank you so much Blue Angel. Thank-you for taking the time to answer in such detail, Your interpretations really ring through for me.

I'm working on childhood trauma and this situation reflects an area of that, which is neglect and.. Self-care.. Will everything fall apart if I lessen my perfectionist standards, will I lose my job if I take more sick days?Or will looking after myself properly instead sent out a message that will change things?
(I'm sick today and worried re my job, but part of the reason I'm sick is that I work so conscientiously even though the job itself is unreasonable therefore draining me)

I'm doing everything you mentioned, But I've simply not been able to keep up my yoga or meditation the way I used to as my job is so demanding and my physical problems are getting in the way. My acupuncturist says of the back issue that I need to find my voice, accept more attention and have more fun. I'm not the only one there is an unhealthy chaos of demands in the place I work in, there seem to be no limits on what you are expected to do and endless new initiatives, I've been fighting to put some boundaries on my job, it's bringing up a lot of fear making these requests.. But I keep getting run down and sick despite my best efforts. At the moment I have a back problem, a viral cold like infection for nearly 4 weeks and a sore foot, I feel like some comedy version of myself, but sadly so.

Despite the difficulties the challenges the job has provided have been hugely beneficial in helping me grow, but I'm just so demoralised trying to be effective, trying to find my joy, while cloaked in this mist of exhaustion and depletion. Perhaps there's a better question I could ask?

Thank you once again.
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"How can I make my job more manageable?" "What steps do I need to take for my health?"

I'm not sure exactly what questions you should ask at this point. Do you have support? A friend or family member, a love? When not at work, what do you enjoy doing? Is there a park or a beach you can go to? Take a walk or sit in nature? Music? Dancing? My point is finding what it is you enjoy, that will give you balance and refreshment when not at work. Jobs can be demanding, hard on us. I empathize and understand. Regardless of what I say or Iching, you're going to have to go with your own intuition and what feels right for you. There will more often than not, be a
struggle we have to learn to overcome. Good
and bad. Its finding the balance. What we can
work with.

As far as health, did the acupuncturist not give you a list of foods to balance yin and yang energy? For your cold, I would try Jasmine tea and
barley soup. Along with plenty of water, vitamins, emergency-c is good
if you have that available, it has zinc and vitamin C. Organic honey is
great, take a tablespoon first thing in the morning, straight down your
throat. Take some essential oil (peppermint) mix that with a little
coconut oil, have someone rub that on your back. Should give some relief. Coconut oil is also great to put in your coffee. You can research the benefits. As far as finding your voice, have you practiced
opening your chakras? This can help. Take care of yourself like you are taking care of your best friend.

P.S. find humor at least once everyday. Watch a good comedy and have a hearty laugh.
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Jan 20, 2013
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Hello dear forum members, any help with this appreciated..

What should I do to be happy, excited, vibrant alive and on my soul path? to 19
Biting through to nearing.


Hi Lodestar,

I think it is best to stick with one question and then really try and decipher it... even though Blue angel has given you some very good and perceptive interpretations!

Thoughts that I have on the above question: 21 does not only mean "biting through" but also "administering justice". this could mean justice to yourself and your needs, which seem to take a bit of a backseat in your current job situation. So maybe review this and see how you can do more justice to yourself.

Line 2 could also point in a direction of finding your own perception of the situation ("It is easy to discriminate between right and wrong in this case; it is like biting through tender meat.") So, in other words, deep down you know exactly what it is that your soul requires - maybe do a little more looking :)?

If you do that, you will be successful, even though you'll encounter hindrances.
LIne 6 seems to strongly indicate that currently you are not following the path to make your soul vibrant, healthy and alive (His neck is fastened in the wooden cangue,So that his ears disappear.)

In summary this reading looks to me like you basically know exactly what you need to be happy, even though the realization to yourself might be hard. You feel trapped in your current siutation. To me, it seems like a recommendation to either leave this job, or manage to make changes to it that will make it more in tune with your requirements (reducing work hours maybe?) This is just my personal take - Hope this helps you bit
best wishes



May 21, 2013
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Dear Blue Angel and Maui,
Thank you so much for your insight and very useful advice.
I've just done something radical for me, which is put myself and my health first.

I think the ' Cangue' is an excellent image for how I have felt helplessly bound by things I actually have the power to change, if I'm willing to risk the consequences (which may be nothing and definitely not as dramatic as my anxious imagination paints) and be caring and loyal to myself and my health.

In this way, by taking the time I need to get healthy again, I will be able to enjoy my job, instead of being a walking wounded. I think all my tiredness may come from simply putting self care at the wrong end of my list of priorities.

Your insight has helped, thank you so much.

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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Is this job healthy for me - is it my soul path?' And I got (30 unchanging which is Clarity. Not exactly answering..
Stick with this one!!

What can i do to get healthy again? Are you being influenced to drink or stay up all night by someone?
Who/what activity us draining you? Pay attention to the small ways it is affecting you.


May 21, 2013
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Hi moss elk, nope I'm a very healthy person, no drink..no bad influences.. ;) just old patterns of working too hard..and not as much meditation or yoga or rest as I need and as I would like!


Dec 2, 2008
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It sounds to me like you need more time each day to unwind and relax. You seem to be working too many hours trying to keep up with escalating demands. Maybe you are an employee or maybe you are a contractor. If you are self-employed or a contractor, you might draw up a contract that limits your responsibilities so that you can get adequate rest every day. If you are an employee, you might need to bring your situation to the attention of your supervisor, so that something can be worked out that is less draining of your vitality. Work smart!


May 21, 2013
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Thankyou Ginnie, yes I've been pressing for changes since I began, obviously it's upsetting the status quo. . (Not my style! So I find that v stressful). I'm an employee..Problem is my predecessor was a workaholic and rather than set limits they increased the scope of the job!! And left it in a bit of chaos as they took on too much. They worked into the evening and at weekends, something I refuse to do. However, I attracted this situation, so it's been a baptism of fire in how to stand up for my needs, though an utterly exhausting experience I've had to dig deep to try and figure it all out! Hopefully I've learned my lesson..


Dec 2, 2008
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many of the workplace demands are pointless and demoralising..

If your boss is willing to listen, I think you need to point out to him or her the demands that are wasting your time and energy. :)

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