...life can be translucent


Complementary hexagrams in the sequence


Dec 29, 1972
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(C) Quote:
<font size="-2">In the TWO forms of dichotomy coming out of the neurology we have:

symmetric - from where guassian distributions and the sense of 'opposites' comes from. These types of dichotomies show DIFFERENCE from SAMENESS (e.g. individual IQ/EQ from all members of the species)

asymmetric - from where spectrums and so power laws and log scales etc come from. These sorts of dichotomies show SAMENESS ACROSS DIFFERENCES (core common patterns despite different energy expressions)</font>

The complete mapping of the "small world network" at a level and/or across the whole spectrum of all levels, will involve both symmetric and asymmetric processes.

Nuerology is an example.


Dec 29, 1972
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This symmetric/asymmetic forms of dichotomy is an important "milestone" to unlock the secret behind the title of this thread- Complementary hexagrams in the sequence.


May 9, 1970
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Hi Chris...

I'm sorry, I'm exceedingly pleased with Yly helping me kinda dimly understand how a bronze age genius might have invented place value, mapped it onto quantities, and somehow ended up drawing a logarithmic spiral.

I think this is an absolutely fabulous result, and someone who's a student of archaeomathematics (surely there is such a thing?) ought to see it.

Anyway, evidently Yly understands your four or five dimensional patterning or whatever from all over foundation of mathematics and number theory and fractals and recursive function theory and all that, so y'all carry on; I however will retire to my cave and finger-paint on the walls.



Mar 16, 1970
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It gets into issues of grammars. Chomsky's hierarchy covers reflective forms, repetitive forms etc and they map to the sequences of hexagrams derived from recursion.

Thus the template is bit patterns over which we can place some local dichotomy and then interpret invarious ways since they all elicit 'meaning'.

Given a sequence, a row, of qualities derived from recursion so I find (a) a focus on reflection and so opposition/complements (01 to 02 etc as in 01 VS 02) and (b) a focus on repetition where we increase energy levels - thus 01 is interpreted as the actualisation of the potentials in 02.

We also find 'variations on a theme' where the yin-based half slide over the yang-based half.

(a) is a symmetric focus. (+1/-1)

(b) is an asymmetric focus. (0/infinity, potential/actual, worthless/priceless)

(a) works in a particular level, (b) spans all levels - and yet zoom-in to either and out will pop the other - reflecting the 'entanglement' of perceptions.

This gets into the WHOLE being a gerund and IMPLICIT (Wu Chi) out of which is extracted 'something', T'ai Chi, that, if kept in focus long enough breaks down into its parts - yin/yang.

Thus from the gerund, the -ING state comes (a) the OBJECT state, the noun, of A <something>, and (b) the RELATIONSHIP state, the verb, of TO <something>.

We can in fact treat this as a dichotomy and recurse it to give us all of the possible combinations of verb/noun dynamics.

As such the IC is a book of gerunds and local context then takes the universals as grounds them - BUT there is still a subtle bias to yin/yang. Thus yin-ness is more relational but can be interpreted as an object but not with the same intensity of 'thingness' as yang. So here we have the energy-level interpretations etc.

This we find competitive interpreations (opposites, dark vs light) and cooperative interpretations (complements, male + female).

All of these properties reflect properties of a language and as such the IC reflects a language based on qualities, on feelings, rather than on precise strings of letters etc.

The clue to recursion is in the PAIRING and this is reflected in both the 'natural' binary sequence as well as the 'traditional' sequence; both show us 32 PAIRS of hexagrams. Thus the grammars applicable to the binary are also applicable to the traditional.

IOW reflection in the traditional is in the form of:

01 - 64
02 - 63
03 - 62
04 - 61
etc etc

in the binary in the form of:

01 - 02
43 - 23
14 - 08
34 - 20
etc etc

Repetition is in the mapping of octets where columns show repeats, same pattern in DIFFERENT contexts:

02 23 08 20 16 35 45 12
15 52 39 53 62 56 31 33
07 04 29 40 64 .. 47 06
etc etc

02 = trust in another in devotion
15 = trust in another in self-restraint
07 = trust in another in containment
etc etc

and note that EACH of these octets can be treated as if the whole and so reflective relations of 02 to 12, 23 to 45, 08 to 35, 20 to 16, etc etc

We also have where the octet reflects variations on a theme - we slide one half over the other e.g.:

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
etc etc

in the binary e.g.:

02 23 08 20 16 35 45 12
24 27 03 40 51 21 17 25
etc etc

There are a LOT of these (and then we move into the XORing etc!)

The derivation of bit representations, where we recurse 0/1, gives us a template that allows us to use logic operators etc to bring out relationships that come from the methodology of recursion (and so XORing etc)

By recursing differentiate/integrate we get representations isomorphic to recursion of emotions, IC, social categories etc etc and all applicable to interpreting the template as either asymmetric or symmetric.

Since the differentiate/integrate and anger/fear dichotomy are HARD CODED into us, so we have a representation system for all of the other categories derived by abstraction (and so consciousness).

For example, if I recurse the basic categories of the MBTI (way past the levels of the current form, we move from 8-16 types to 64-4096) we can apply the 'bit' representations and so the XOR-ing. In that process we discover, for example, that the XNTP 'type' has a skeletal format (its 27-ness) described by analogy to The I Ching listing of hexagram 35 (XNTP maps to hex 51).

51 as you know covers such concepts as the 'new', some new idea, birth etc etc. 35 covers the generic focus on 'bringing something into the light' - which IS the basic skeletal form of what XNTPs/Hex 51 does.

IOW given the generic qualities of the MBTI categories and the generic qualities of the IC, with their isomorphism due to recursion so we can use one perspective (the IC) to flesh out details in another (MBTI) - and so move beyond the current limitations of the 'traditional' MBTI etc. as we can move beyond the current limitations of the 'traditional' IC - and start to see the invarient, the universals hard-coded into all of us as neuron-dependent life forms.

Given that revelation, so we can REFINE local conditions etc by better understanding the universals.



Mar 16, 1970
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Hi FC,

dont understand why you are apologising! my point is that there is more at the level of the neurology and so the one area we have in common with those of 10th century BC. There are universals present, and so invarient forms free of local 'colourings' and so usable to flesh out the universal IC ;-)

As for log spirals, they do stem from a more 'primitive' time - these days the spiral is not circular, it is more square, showing the XOR precision level we work off.

(mysticism in the past was attracted to the log spiral and phi etc - the geometric representations were considered as close and you could get to 'god' etc. These days the focus is more 'precise' - we move from the geometric to the algebraic, the field to the point and focus on transcendence - IOW a focus on being god rather than having a relationship with, getting close to, god! - this path can lead to psychosis or to some 'higher plane' ;-))

As such, log spiral development is focused on conserving of energy over time and so 'gentle' in development and looks 'back' only a few contexts to aid in developing the current; the vibe is more qualitative than quantitative.

OTOH square spirals are energy expending and look back to 'the beginning' to aid in development of the current. (and so a push to discover beginnings and so aid in being more precise!)

From a brain perspective, the right is more 'circular' spiral, the left more 'square' spiral and in between a range of states moving from circle to square (and so the notion of squaring the circle!? it is intuitively attracting! ;-))

SO - in 10th century BC and before, with the same brain structure the same universals were present - but the interpretations of what they were was at times 'unique' ;-) - take into consideration a few thousand years of work in understanding brain/mind and we are now in a position to get a better understanding of those universals and so from there a better understanding of what we are dealing with re the I Ching etc.

So if it your eyes start ache, your vision starts to fade in that cave due to fatigue just give us a yell and we will come with the technology to make that cave 'light up'! ;-)



Oct 2, 1971
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There are many references to the bottomlessness (is that a word?
) of reality in the Tao Te Ching.
"Meet it, you cannot see its face; Follow it, you cannot see its back."

I like that. It rings true, intuitively. And my inner experience confirms it.
Seeking for solid inner ground to stand on I only find no-ground. Endless falling .. Surprisingly, it turns out that there is nothing more grounding than that!
But one must allow oneself to fall. It requires trust, I guess.


Mar 16, 1970
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Martin, what you are touching on is the focus on contractive blending, to dissapear into the context. In so doing you lose the bounds of your ego and in so doing move into the realm of the species-nature that is unconscious but still constrained by the bounds of differentiating/integrating.

The realm of T'ai Chi, of a particular whole, is alread one step removed from 'the void' - Wu Chi. Wu Chi covers 'without extension' and T'ai Chi is 'great extension'.

Even though the characters are different, the above can be interpreted as 'breathless' (Wu chi) and 'great breath' - the inhalation that gives something 'life'.

Hold onto T'ai chi in your mind and it will break down into its parts - yin/yang.

Interestingly, there are two main 'preferences' for ecstatic/orgasmic experiences, one is the integration of all to become 'one', the expression of ego etc in the form of a sense of all-powerful, self-devotional, hubris. The other is the experience of losing the boundary, to sink back into the 'universe' and so dissolve.

This sinking back is into the 'equilibrium' state of species immersed in the environment, living off instincts, operating 'smoothly' and without thought since all thought is an exaggeration from the equilibrium state.

Our consciousness being mediating focuses more on the 'ego' realm - the differentiated; the Tao Te Ching tries to describe the undifferentiated, the uncut block (see verse 28) where the focus is on KNOWING how to be 'ego' (yang) but living the everyday in 'yin' etc.... which is what we do re consciousness/autopilot.

The way of the superior is to work through in detail all of the aspects of the IC, habituate them, and then forget them as your species-nature takes over through context pushing your newly-developed buttons.

It is this 'falling' that is emphasised in many texts in that the fall is to fall back onto your instincts AFTER you have used consciousness etc to refine them. As such the 'trust the force luke' perspective is to recognise that with good training you do not need to think and so can 'dissolve' into being integrated with 'reality'.

Our consciousness is but a PART of our full being, but with its development thinks it IS our full being - it isnt but nore is there a bottomless pit - there is a ground that is not detectable immediately, consciously, other than as an intuition that gets stronger the more you develop instincts and so trust intuition.

If we apply recursion to yin/yang 'forever' so we will head towards a continuum, BUT for us it is still bounded by the extremes of differentiating/integrating from when we get qualities to describe things. At the same time, the asymmetric element shows the differentiating emerging from the integrated - as we see in particle physics where fermions emerge in PAIRS from the Bose-Einstein Condensate as things 'warm up'.

Thus the path from bosons to fermions is a path of an asymmetric dichotomy that forms two categories that form a symmetric dichotomy orthogonal to the original asymmetric dichotomy. - IOW from bosons forms the fermion pair of electron/positron that 'splits' since they are opposites - and if they then meet they destroy each other by turning into bosons - the flash of light.

This dynamic is a mapping of properties of differentiating/integrating, yang/yin, and as such the words are metaphors for the underlying universals linked to some specialist context.

(SAME patterns go for mRNA/DNA dynamics such that the realm of DNA is 'diffuse', 'vague', 'general', where cut'n'paste is required to extract a particular from the general. That particular is formed into the contiguous code for a gene now in the form of mRNA, 'crisp', 'particular', 'concentrated', that is then 'read' by the ribosome and tRNA picks up amino acids coded into the gene to link and for th protein chain to develop.

The realm of being, of experiencing, 'bottomless' is the DNA realm in that in the realm of the vague so explicit identity is not present; it is all implied and so MANY possible relationships (and so a sense of being 'bottomless' when consciousness tries to reflect on this area)



Oct 2, 1971
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I don't know what this 'bottomlessness' is. Animals seem to recognize it when merging or "falling" happens. I often have the impression (especially with horses) that they like it.
So it's probably a 'species' thing, a potential state that we all have in common. But the merging or falling is not necessarily a fall into unconsciousness, darkness. Sometimes it's more like falling "into the light", so to speak. Awareness becomes more crisp, more clear and there is a sense of awakening.

One problem with states of extreme merging (such as samadhi states) is that it may look from the outside as if the merging individuals have fallen asleep. They don't speak or move, eyes are closed, etcetera. And they may afterwards have no memory of what happened. Blank. So it seems that they were unconscious. But is that true?

There is no way to be sure about it but I suspect that animals like cats, dogs and horses are as awake and aware as I am and perhaps even more aware.

"It is this 'falling' that is emphasized in many texts in that the fall is to fall back onto your instincts AFTER you have used consciousness etc to refine them"

There might a relationship between the ability to stay awake (or become more awake) during merging and "refined" conceptual abilities.
I'm originally a mathematician (later my interest changed and I returned to the university to study psychology) and in merging states I recognize the same "crispness" and lucidness that I know from math. It's on another level, more perceptual instead of conceptual, but the quality is the same. And I think that my training in math is helpful somehow. Without it I would probably fall asleep more often.


Mar 16, 1970
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The other end of the scale is in expansive blending - this is a focus on a total, crisp, sense of self, very yang, differentiating. In the realm of drug use this state can be brought about using amphetamines/cocaine/aminergic_pathway.

With the sense of personal integration can come a sense of power, of positiveness, that can change quickly if difference is introduced into the immediate context - the positive gives way to paranoia and the negative.

The opposite focus is on a focus with others - sharing etc - gets into use of ecstasy, psychedelics etc and a sense of 'connection' with others etc. The issue is the 'down' that comes in the form of depression once the up is over.

With amphetamines the issue is in possible psychosis due to lack of sleep etc and taking risks due to the overwhelming sense of clarity and power, self-confidence to the level of hubris.

Thus clarity comes with high precision, it is explicit, discrete, differentiating. Move down the scale a bit and clarity becomes increasingly implicit - we identify by what we DONT know rather than DO know. Keep going and the realm of the implicit takes over to the point of losing boundaries etc.

In the context of Mathematics, a major focus has been on its discretisation, the move from the geometric to the algebraic, the field to the point, the dimensional to the dimensionless that THEN allows us to re-build dimensional perspectives with high precision.

The 'point' as such is more the concentration of a whole into that point - but that leads us into the realm of syntax, the label that reflects the concentration of semantics in a hierarchy where all that matters, where all that is 'important' is one's position.

This also gets into the specialist dichotomy of bandwidth/time where differentiation is the increase in bandwidth to identify something/someone NOW. If that cannot be done then we shift to past/future to aid in identification.

IOW there is a link of identity issues to the dichotomy of explicit/implicit, bandwidth(now)/time(past/future), differentiating/integrating, expansive blending/contractive blending, yang/yin.



Oct 2, 1971
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I don't recognize this very yang sense of self and power, but I have seen it in others.
I'm probably more an "I am nothing" than an "I am everything" type. One the other hand it doesn't feel contractive. More expansive, really, but in a mellow way, like melting. These things are difficult to describe ..


Mar 16, 1970
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;-) the problem in descriptions comes from the recursion. Thus the extreme yang sense of power is yang in yang (digram) but it also presents in the realm of yang in yin. This gets us into the two 'threads' of experience covered in the binary ordering of the IC.

As we zoom-in to make finer distinctions so we come up against the WHOLE binary sequence expressed in EACH element of the sequence! - IOW we start to 'see' 01 in 02, 02 in 01 etc but this is often due to the pairings - as you focus on one element of the pair you can exhaust it properties to suddenly find youself dealing with properties in fact of the other element in the pair!

In the realm of yin, the extreme yang state is expressed through such hexagrams as 28,44 with their focus on extremes BUT in service to the context shared with others/another rather than self (IOW despite the intensity of yangness in 44 the base yin line focuses that yangness on another/others through the energy used in persuation/seduction of another/others).

In the yang realm the associated hexagram pair is 43,01 with the 'spreading of the word' being one's own word etc. and the competitive, singlemindedness, devotion-to-self of 01 etc.

The split in the binary sequence to yin/yang shows the 'variations on a theme' perspective where we take the yin-based 32 hexagrams and put them next to the yang-based 32 hexagrams; the only difference for each hexagram in the pairs being in the bottom line. (as compared to the differences being only in the top line when we focus on the binary sequence as derived - e.g. 02,23 08,20 .... 34,14 43,01)


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