...life can be translucent


Dreams and words

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
I've got one for you dream analysis buffs. It certainly puzzles me.

As I was waking this morning, I dreamt that it was important I find the dexacant. It was a project I was just given. I was looking at something, I don't know what. It was square and a really deep emerald green, and I was supposed to find the dexacant for it or in it -- this part was rather nebulous. So I got my cup of coffee and got online to look up the word dexacant. I've never heard it before and I couldn't find it on dictionary.com or google.

I'd love to know your feelings foremost and your thoughts about this unconscious creativity.




Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Val,

About 30 years ago when I was working as an engineer I had a very vivid dream, vivid to the point of seeming so real that when I awoke it took some time for me to come to terms with the fact that I had been dreaming. In the dream I was in outer space and I was viewing a planet with two moons. I was told by a voice, I was alone in the dream, that I would be able to solve a very important problem regarding space travel if I would just apply _____ (a word that I have forgotten now, due to the time span). It was a word implying some function of geometrical ellipses which I had never heard of before. I scoured every geometry and mathematical text I could get my hands on for the next year or so, but I never found that word mentioned anywhere.

Although the word has disappeared from my memory I can still recall very vividly the image of that strange planet with its two moons and the urgency implied by the 'revelation' of that word.

What is most interesting to me is the geometrical content that seems to surround your word and the square in your dream. I never did hear or see my word again and have no idea what the dream meant, if anything, but as I have said the supernatural vividness of the dream has never left me.

Perhaps Mick would share some light on these aspects.



Hi Val,

Here are just some impressions:

Dexacant ? not able, to be deft (not having dexterity)

A project ? to assign

Square ? having tangible form

Emerald green ? pure, mild, earth

?To assign pure and tangible form to what is unheard.?

Does this resonate with you at all?



Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Wow Candid,

Pretttty impressive! You may want to consider a new sideline. I just picked up the geometrical connotations with the word and the square, totally missed the 'dexterity' implication. I also like the way you brought all the elements of the dream together in one short sentence. Only Val can determine its resonance with her dream, but as for me, your interpretation certainly seems probable from a 'rational' standpoint. If rational can be applied to dreams. I like it!



Thanks Leonard. But yes, you're right. Only Val would know if it has any real significance.

I've not considered dream interpretation as a side-line, but a local Yoga instructor has asked me to do an I Ching class for her starting April 27th. She insists on paying me for it and will provide a sign up sheet after the class for individual readings. I?m going to leave it up to the individual to determine what the reading?s value is to them. Strange, since I made no effort to make this happen.


Jan 10, 1971
Reaction score
as many words have latin roots, i checked a latin translation site

closest to dex is dexter, meaning right, or on the right

closest to cant is canto, meaning to sing

also dexacant sounds a bit like dessicant

thinking about it; a dessicant is often included with things to keep them in good condition, to keep them functioning correctly. Is it possible the green item was an aspect of your self/life that could do with a little care to keep it at it's most effective?

As for dextercanto; the right song, or song on the right, could this have anything to do with being (or trying to be) in harmony with a certain thing? Is there something in your life that doesn't feel in tune with who you are? Maybe something is out of tune, but you don't yet know what it is?

dunno if any of this has any relevence to how the dream felt. It's difficult for me to understand, not having had the dream myself, but i thought i'd share my thoughts just in case they sparked of a new train of thought for you.



Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
A dexacant to me sounds like a multi-dimensional sextant, something you use to find where you are and chart your course. And the square reminds me of the sacred quality of jade in ancient China, but then for me it would. Val, I think this is one for your own free associations!

Candid, congratulations! Is this the first time you've done something like this? Definitely strange what happens when you make no effort!


Jun 13, 1970
Reaction score

Leonard asked if I could perhaps share some light on these aspects.

Well, I'll do my best and I'll try to be true to what you've asked, "I'd love to know your feelings foremost and your thoughts about this unconscious creativity."

That's so beautiful. I think that feelings are the way to understanding. Of dreams or of anything else.

So this feels to me like a dream that is to show you that your thinking mind can only take you so far. Just like Leonard's dream.

There is no such thing as a dexacant. It doesn't exist.

If you search for meaning with your rational mind you will never find fulfillment. This is what you tried to do in real life by looking in dictionaries.

The emerald is a beautiful gemstone. It is also Esmerelda the symbol of feminine beauty in the story of Quasimodo. Emerald is a healing colour.

Do you do any healing? Reiki? Has anyone ever told you that you might have healing powers? "Healing hands" that kind of thing?

As to unconscious creativity, I think that when you dream, your creative mind is limitless.

Well, these are just my rambling feelings but I hope some of it is helpful to you.

Best wishes,



Hi Hilary,

Only once many moons ago. But I get quite a bit of practice with friends who ask for readings, which sometimes leads to the mechanics and references. Naturally, I always refer them to Clarity and LiSe?s site. I?m certain that some sit quietly in the background here, too timid to speak up. My plan of introduction is to use what I feel is the simplest association, that of the Family of father, mother, 3 daughters and 3 sons, then to draw a few hexagrams to demonstrate the associations and relations of trigrams to form the hexagram. Which reminds me, do you (or anyone) know of a way I can copy/print the trigram chart to reference hex. numbers/names without the use of special software?

Binz ? hmm dex meaning right, or on the right. Wonder if this could mean right-brain or intuitive nature. Certainly fits with the medium of dreaming.

I like Hilary?s thought of a multi-dimensional sextant. Finding ones way through the intuitive?

I also agree with Mick that ones feelings about events in dreams are important in determining the subjective symbolic value to the dreamer.

Curious to see if Val relates to any of this stuff.


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Everyone gets a response in this one loooooong post.

To everyone,

After I wrote my post here, I threw the coins and asked what my dream was about, and I got Hex 14, no changes.

Further, I don't know if it's coincidental, but I've had what I call my 'stranger' feeling on and off all day. I had it a few times yesterday as well. I've called it my 'stranger' feeling ever since I was a kid because then, without knowing why, I didn't feel like myself when I had it. I felt like a stranger was inside me. As an adult, through experience, I've come to learn it comes from other people who are having strong feelings about me. I feel their feelings toward me. The feelings have different emotional 'tones.' I've felt immersed in love (that was nice *grin*), I've felt fear, I've felt danger. I've felt anticipation. Today was sort of like anticipation I'd say. It had a bit of 'thrill' to it.


Isn't it weird to dream 'nonexistent' words when you love words ...to create them yourself as it were. It's quite apparent you love words.

I hadn't even thought about the geometry aspect of the dream. I'm going to go slow with all I have to absorb here, but you KNOW I love 3D modeling, and that's all about geometry. AND my most popular paintings are the geometrical ones. hmmmmm

Your own dream bears analysis. Two moons eh? Were they blue?


Very interesting thoughts. To assign pure and tangible form to what is unheard. hmmmmm It IS resonating. I can't help but see how it relates to the other insights in this thread. tangible-hands-touch, unheard-song, sing.

Your comment further down the thread about right-brain and intuition especially resonates. I think the I Ching may be trying to tell me lately as well to use my intuitive side more in my communications.

Congratulations, by the way, on your 'new' enterprise. If any potential customers need a reference, please feel free to refer them to me. I'll tell them your insights are constantly amazing me.


Oh geesh. Your insights are giving me chills. I noticed the latin roots as well. My first impression after posting here was that to cant is to sing. I hadn't remembered that dex related to the right though. Thanks!

I have a friend with a condition that needs 'care and feeding' and loving support in order for him to function smoothly. As of late I've wanted to be that loving support and applier of 'dessicant' for him. You might find it interesting that he loves to listen to music. He especially likes lyrics. hmmmmm


Have you got all day? *grin* I don't even know where to begin with your insights.

You understood me completely about feelings. It feels so good to be understood. Thank you!

I love the Quasimodo/Esmerelda image. Some might see the friend I mentioned in the above paragraph to Binz as a Quasimodo of sorts...in their ignorance of the facts about his condition. HE might see himself as a Quasimodo. I'd love to play his Esmerelda. Lately, I've been trying, with gentle penetration, to remove that Quasimodo image from his own mind and let him know it doesn't live in mine.

Has anyone ever told me I have healing hands? OH my yes. And I've used them quite effectively. I'd LOVE to use them on my friend's condition. I know I can heal him. I studied under Maria Papapetros years ago...learned creative visualization, psychometry and healing. She told me a few months after the class that she thought I might be more gifted than she. Imagine! I can even heal myself. But the best story is about my daughter.

She was nine years old at the time. We were on a ski trip in Colorado over the winter holidays. It was our last day of skiing, and I was through, but my daughter wanted to ski one more run. So I let her go up with my sister and brother-in-law who's an expert skier. I watched from the lodge, and she didn't come down, and she didn't come down. FINALLY I saw the orange suits of the ski patrol pulling her down behind them with my sister and brother-in-law close behind. She'd hit a patch of ice and fallen ONTO her ski pole...with her eye.

They took her into the first aid hut and told me in whispers that it was pretty bad, she'd at least temporarily lost the sight in that eye and there was a very real possibility she would lose it permanently. Then they left us alone together in the hut to go make her an icepack.

I never lost my composure. As soon as they left, I said to her, "You know what I'm going to do now." She nodded, and I laid both my hands gently over her eye and went to work until they came back into the hut. Once they had the ice pack in place, they directed us to the local doctor. The doctor saw her immediately due to the urgency of their call and, with a quick look at her eye, said they'd exaggerated. The eye was abraded but would probably heal okay. He said one thing was for certain though...she was going to have one hell of a shiner.

The eye healed rapidly, and by the time we got home three days later it looked normal. She never bruised...even slightly. No shiner. I was pleased with my handy work, and she went back to school. But when she returned home from that first day back at school, she seemed rather disappointed. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she wished I'd never done my healing thing because she really would have liked to go back to school with a shiner to show off.


hmmmm....the jade. That's resonating for some reason, but I have no idea why. I'll let you know when I do.

Thanks all! *group hug*


Jun 19, 1970
Reaction score
Hey, that was interesting about the "stranger feeling" Val. I've never heard that idea expressed before - I think I know what you mean - I hadn't consciously realised where that feeling came from before. How do you deal with it ? Do you just let it happen - or kinda want to shake it off ? The strongest its been for me was when someone was infatuated with me and I didn't feel like me at all !


Hi Val,

One question, how was the assignment transferred to you? Was it a voice? And if so, was it male or female? Was it an inner voice, or perhaps just an inner knowing that this was your assignment?

The Universe can be such a tease at times!

Overall, the image "feels nice" - even to me. The emerald square when expanded becomes a cube. Takes on greater dimension.

There's another possible relating idea. The word, cant, also means jargon, or casual language. Perhaps intuitive language. Your gift of healing sure fits into that. Speaking healing with hands. Sign language from the collective voice.

Your 14 reading implies austerity. This synchs with the emerald green, which by the way manifests as jade in my own mind. But that may be just my own projection of it. Still, its the color of earth in her pure form. I think your dream speaks to refinement. Refinement of earthly form through your creative mind. Since 'cant' also means a lack of sincerity (from Window's dictionary), the aspect of refinement is further suggested.

To purify your earthly form according to your creative mind.


PS: Isn't it awesome that others can grow through ones own dream?

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score

I usually want to shake it off but know I can't through experience. I just have to go with it.

On a couple of occasions, it's been my unconscious yelling at me that I forgot to do something important. The difference is subtle, but I can recognize it.

I've had the experience of not knowing where it's coming from when I've been consciously unaware of a connection. One day when I was driving home from a weekend trip with a boyfriend, I started getting a really strong awful feeling. I was worried something may be going on with my daughter. I wanted to ask him to drive to the nearest phone so I could call her, but it would have seemed weird that it was suddenly urgent...in the middle of nowhere when I didn't have an conscious reason...and I didn't want to explain to him what was going on inside me...few people would understand...so I didn't ask him and just sat there silently consumed by the feeling.

About a 1/2 hour later, he pulled over and hit me with a decision he'd been making and agonizing over...to end our relationship. I was more flabbergasted by the fact we'd formed that kind of connection so soon than by his decision. I didn't feel that close to him...enough to have that kind of connection. That's when I realized it wasn't predicated on MY part in the connection, it was predicated on theirs. That's why he wanted to break it off, by the way. Because I wasn't as invested as he was. I was invested enough for me. I really liked him...just wanted to get to know him better and not rush things. He had tried to rush to the next step in our relationship on the way to our weekend destination, and I 'put off' the discussion.


I just knew it was an assignment in the dream. There wasn't anyone else in the dream. No voices. Just me thinking about the project, and looking at the emerald sqare that filled most my field of vision, looking for solutions to find the dexacant.

What would be the significance of the square becoming a cube? I'm curious because, after the dream while I was still waking, I thought maybe it was a cube with only two dimensions visible to me but dismissed that possibility immediately, 'knowing' it was nothing more than a two-dimensional square.

And yes it is indeed awesome that others can grow through one's own dream!


Ciao for now,



Val - Just brainstorming with you here. If one were to think outside the box, I suppose one could make the box into a cube; those added dimensions not visible to you in the dream. When you awoke you pondered this possibility. Bringing the idea into fuller dimension through awakening.

2:2 Wilhelm has an interesting take on the square to cube idea. Also interesting is that 2 is green, or at least that's how I envision her.

I'm curious about your statement of trying to shake it. ?I usually want to shake it off but know I can't through experience. I just have to go with it.? Does this apply to your dream also?


Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Val,

Candid's last post reminded me of something I had forgotten about Wilhelm's 2:2. I have a friend who was reading it and got this 'revelation', to use her word. She came up with the term 'square stream dream'. Liked it so much she uses it as her computer handle.

I have no idea how this applies in your case, except as an example of the 'small world' scenario. ....and the fact that I was talking to her on the phone about 5 minutes before I read Candid's post.

Off to carry more boxes.



Jun 19, 1970
Reaction score
A word of warning here Leonard. I've been carrying boxes of books the last few days for my move and have had a definate case of 28 ! My back has given out on me. Been flat on my back most of the day

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Candid,

I've had a couple of dreams I've wanted to shake off. They were 'sent' dreams. Not created in my own mind, but originating outside me. The RFK assassination dream I definitely wanted to shake off, and one other that I don't believe was intentionally sent, but it was, and I know from the images and the message in the dream who sent it.

I had some recurring nightmares that I wanted but couldn't shake off. I finally got the message, and they stopped.

Is there a url for Wilhelm 2.2. I really feel handicapped here. Have no idea what you're talking about.


Ciao for now,



Jan 18, 1971
Reaction score
Dear Louise,

I finished the book boxes about 3 days ago. I took my time as I had a flight of stairs to navigate. Did just what I felt comfortable with for each day, then lighter things. I have decided that what I like to move most is clothes.

I have a lot of respect for the book boxes. Twenty years ago it was the boxes of records(33 1/3 NOT 78's). CD's are much lighter. But the books are necessary, at least for me. I have tried reading on the cpu and it is not the same. So, I carry the books everywhere, on my sailboats even. Some of those volumes have been around the world by boat twice. When I moved off my last boat, a 40-footer, the waterline came up 6-7 inches, I'll bet 60% of that was from books.

Well, take a nice luxurious hot bath, soak until the water is just warm, and then lie down and relax. Hopefully, by tomorrow night you will feel fit as a puppy.



Sorry Val. Here ya go..

Straight, square, great.
Without purpose,
Yet nothing remains unfurthered.

The symbol of heaven is the circle, and that of earth is the square. Thus squareness is a primary quality of the earth. On the other hand, movement in a straight line, as well as magnitude, is a primary quality of the Creative. But all square things have their origin in a straight line and into turn form solid bodies. In mathematics, when we discriminate between lines, planes and solids, we find that rectangular planes result from straight lines, and cubic magnitudes from rectangular planes. The Receptive accommodates itself to the qualities of the Creative and makes them its own. Thus a square develops out of a straight line and a cube out of a square. This is compliance with the laws of the Creative; nothing is taken away, nothing added.

Therefore the Receptive has no need of a special purpose of its own, nor of any effort' yet everything turns out as it should.

Nature creates all beings without erring: this is its foursquareness. It tolerates all creatures equally: this is its greatness. Therefore it attains what is right for all without artifice or special intentions. Man achieves the height of wisdom when all that he does is as self-evident as what nature does.


Val, I believe that you?ve experienced foresight of events, and that it seems to come from outside. I question whether it really does come from outside or if that?s how we?re conditioned to see it. I tend to see it as everything out there also being in here. I think self mastery includes no fear, and outside sources of fear especially aren?t helpful. Fear of nightmares induces nightmares. Fear of failure induces failure. Fear of sickness... etc.

But to see yourself as foursquare includes your self and the whole. Fear doesn?t enter into it here. There?s no one to fear because there?s no one ?out there.? Its all included in the cube.

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Hi there Candid,

I'm absolutely spellbound by your insights. It all goes hand-in-hand with what the I Ching just told me today. It does seem as if events may be unfolding.

A problem has arisen that NEEDS to be addressed soon and can be easily solved immediately, but the I Ching is advising me Hexagram 52, line 6 changing to Hexagram 15 regarding my simple solution. I really can't see any harm in taking the step I want, and, when I pressed further about taking it, it said Hex 5. I can only suspect that by NOT taking this simple step, I'm allowing for something greater to happen. If I DON'T do something or something doesn't happen soon, I'm going to be AT the deadline when the next solution to the problem becomes available. I don't like to put things off that long.

Here's something your reading made me think of. When I was still in LA, I had just started an assignment and hadn't really met anyone other than my immediate supervisor, the office manager and the people in my section of the department. I went out to the balcony at lunchtime, and a woman sitting at a table across the balcony said, "Whoa, what IS this travel vibe around you? It's very strong and it hit me all the way over here as soon as you opened that door." I had no idea. I had no travel plans. I shrugged my shoulders. The office manager indicated to me that I'd better sit down and listen to this woman -- that she'd never seen her do that before -- pick up on someone who hadn't asked her to. She proceeded to read me. Said I would feel anxiety about the travel, but I would have to take the trip for wonderful things to happen. She clearly saw a person I know, both physically and emotionally, as well, so I knew she was totally focused.

She saw me starting a new career and said I wouldn't have a clue what it is until I start it and will be very successful at it. She saw great success to the point it really piqued her curiosity, and she spent the next week "sniffing" around me trying to see what the career is to no avail. All she could get was that it involves creativity.

Maybe that's why I had the dream. Maybe the career is approaching.

Thanks again, Candid, for your most generous helping of insight. I can't tell you with words how much I appreciate it, and how much I enjoy reading your posts.

Cheerio the noo,



Hi Val,

Thanks for your compliment. I don't know how much actual credit I can take for insights though. As you know, its not exactly a conscious valiant effort. It either happens or it doesn't. The only thing I can take any credit for is having the guts to just speak it, like the lady who read your aura, like the dream you had of RFK's assassination. The only difference between one who thinks it and one who speaks it is that one has the courage to be wrong. But there are worse things than being seen as a fool.

Its been said that the enemy of the best is good, not evil. Its easy to see the difference between a good action and an evil one. Its much harder to see the difference between a good action and the best action. Perhaps good isn't good enough at this time. Perhaps the best is waiting in the wings.

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Good day Candid,

I'm going to be away from the computer most the day because I'm in the middle of 'housecleaning' in preparation.

But I have a couple of things I want to add to this thread. Firstly, my feeling about the assignment in the dream was pleasant. It was a challenging project, and I was pleased I was given the responsibilty. Secondly, there's something additional that I think will tickle you. I'm tittering about it myself.

I suspect the events unfolding will put me in contact with the public -- somehow in the public eye at any rate, considering details in the reading the woman gave me in Los Angeles. And there's something else. I got an I Ching reading just the day before Anita posted her question about Hexagram 22 change to 46. That's why I asked for clarification in her thread. (This is the point where Leonard throws his arms up and smiles knowingly while shouting the big "S" word.) It all seems to be coming together to support your intuition on the dream.

I got Hexagram 22, lines 1 and 2 changing to Hexagram 18 to two different unrelated questions and couldn't see how that one answer even related to either question. When that happens I look for the I Ching to be advising me on something of a more urgent nature rather than answering my questions. Since the hexagram is about aesthetics and outward appearances, or presentation as Hilary pointed out, and since my work is my focus, I thought it was telling me to do something about my graphics stuff but, for the life of me, couldn't figure out what. My online gallery is as up-to-date as it can be for now, etc. I never considered the fact I'd been thinking a lot about getting a haircut around that time as well.

Because of Anita's interpretation and the additional information provided by the others in the thread, I went on a quest to gain a better understanding of Hex 22. After researching a few sites, I loved what I saw. It is indeed about outward appearance, adornment, form (as opposed to content), presentation, etc. but NOT about my art! It's about MY OWN outward appearance. I like succinct interpretions because they allow me to intuit how the readings apply to my situation, and one site summed up the combination of the two hexagrams so succinctly there's little room for interpretation. It quite literally translates to my situation: "22 is the goal of 18 (or 'how do I 22? - 18' How do I facade, gloss over, beautify? Through correcting of corruption (restoration of beauty etc))" http://pages.prodigy.net/lofting/lofting/100101.html

Because my outward appearance is not a consideration in the work I'm currently doing as I do not interact with the public, I don't bother about hairstyling or makeup. I just pull my hair back and plop a baseball cap on top...it matches my jeans and sweatshirt of course...*grin* In light of everything else, both lines 1 and 2 feel in my case to be about changing my appearance for advancement in career.

Another site gave me further insight into line 2 which is very heartening:

"He wears his beard with elegance.

A beard is the sign of age and sagacity. He who wishes to associate with his elders should conform to their customs. At the same time, it must be remembered that a fine beard on the chin of a young and inexperienced man is nothing but adornment, and may indicate only vanity."

On a personal note, as I aged and work became more difficult to secure, I found age discrimination to be alive and well in the youth-and-beauty oriented entertainment industry...AND Los Angeles in general. It hasn't been an easy reality to deal with because I know that in my own self I have developed valuable skills and qualities that can only come with experience and personal growth...all byproducts of aging. And because my priorities have changed over the years to the point my work is at the top of my priority list and I'm more focused in that direction, I feel I've become a more valuable asset to an enterprise than I'd been when I was younger.

Not long before I left LA, the owner of an entertainment company had seen my 3D world and instructed his art director to call me in for an interview. When the art director came out to the reception area looking for me, he looked right past me and all around the room. I didn't realize it then, but it gradually became clear in the interview he'd been looking for someone younger. The realization that my outward appearance of age was more important for some than my inner content of talent was hurtful. Just before I left LA, a class action suit was being filed by about 52 artists over the age of 40 against the entertainment inudstry.

I'm feeling line 2 is telling me the outward appearance of age and experience is going to be an asset rather than a hindrance in the events about to unfold...*big grin*

When I asked the I Ching if my new understanding of Hex 22 change to Hex 18 was on the right path, that I need to put on <FONT COLOR="ff0000">lipstick</FONT> (are you tickled, Candid?) and get a haircut...but not necessarily a dye job *grin*, I received Hex 1, line 5 changing to Hex 14.

Thanks again. I'm loving this discourse.

Ciao for now,



Val, how did you know I busted in a HUGE GRIN when I read lipstick in red?? It looks quite lovely, by the way.

Your study on 22 is greatly appreciated. Thanks for sharing your own insights with me (us). You certainly are tenacious when it comes to getting a hold onto something. That's really admirable, I think.

When I was doing the suit thang, I always told my sales reps, you don't dress like Babe Ruth to play Shakespeare. You wear dark, conservative suits if you want to play in the big leagues of sales.

22 makes a huge difference when it matches what's inside. I like the idea you've shared: "He wears his beard with elegance." Packaging isn't everything but it sure makes what's inside more appealing. And water travels the line of least resistance.

Its said that Confucius did not appreciate 22, feeling it was too superfluous to be included in such a weighty work as I Ching. Its interesting that Yi thought otherwise.



Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Ride that dragon, Val!

Louise, try adding essential oil of ginger to a massage blend. That, and not carrying big boxes of books
. (This from someone who has a permanently warped spine from always carrying her 'cello on the same shoulder...)

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Candid,

Just finished dinner and peeked in to see your interesting response.

You are so right. When I want to understand something or solve a problem, I'm very tenacious. It becomes apparent quite soon to those who are around me for very long. I consider it a strength as long as I don't lose sight of the goal and it's priority level.

Wearing a beard with elegance. That makes me think of growing old gracefully...and with pride. That's why I don't like the idea of a dye job. I'm intent on growing old gracefully. I like my hair color. I like the way I'm greying. The grey turns gold when it hits the sun and blends in beautifully with my existing blonde. I like the consistency and body my hair has. I'm getting blonder everyday...*grin* I don't want to damage it with chemicals to appear to be something other than I am...which is older and wiser. I like the station in life it says I've reached. So I particularly like that line. It's so opposite of what so many people my age do to get the jobs they want...face lifts and dye jobs.

Well 22 is about things 'surface', and I can understand why Confucius had a problem with it. In the perfect world I suppose, where people are concerned, content would be the foremost consideration and there'd be no judgment about the form. The I Ching, however, is about common sense...and reality. It's everyday advice for everyday people...like us. And the reality is this isn't a perfect world, and people DO judge a book by its cover...coming from their own value/belief system. I became acutely aware of that as my youth faded in a youth-oriented city.

Remember your dream about the older woman becoming more attractive the longer you were immersed in the water (life) with her? That's about form and content I think. The longer you danced with her, the more time you had to 'view' her content, and the more her form changed to match her content. hmmmm...I wish that art director would have spent more time in the interview process with me...*grin*

Cheerio the noo,


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score

YEHAAAWWWW! Eight seconds! Oh wait...never mind. That's riding a bronco. Hope the ride on the dragon lasts longer...*grin*

Thank you.

Cheerio the noo...


I'm going to get that essential oil of ginger you mentioned to Louise. I exercise a lot to keep my form healthy. Thanks again!


Jan 10, 1971
Reaction score

just catching up on the weekends postings, and got the clarification bit about the green square being flat two dimensional (like a piece of paper, or a mirror?).

if you can get back into the feeling of the dream, try turning the square over, there may be something on the other side of it.


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