...life can be translucent


How to approach...19



I finally have an interview for a teaching job tomorrow. I want so much to get out of where I am and move on to a more positive job. So, I asked Yi how to approach the interview tomorrow? I got 19 unchanging. I think its telling me there is a lot of potential here, but I should approach it in a relaxed way, not be too pushy or aggressive in the interview. Any other thoughts? I really want this job, so if nothing else, send good thoughts please


Hi Seeker,

According to Wilhelm this hexagram is all about teaching:

"The Superior man is inexhaustible in his will to teach and without limits in his tolerance and protection of the people."

So just go in looking strong and well rested!

Oh and you may have to say something about your grading philosophy: "When the eigth month comes there will be misfortune." Maybe emphasize that you believe in keeping parents well informed so there are no unpleasant surprises when reports come out at the end of the year.

Actually this hexagram sounds to me like the people doing the interviewing are not scary and will want to see you successful!



May 31, 1972
Reaction score
It also might indicate *the interview* going really well...

- Jeff


Thanks, so far so good. They said they liked my background and teaching philosophy, but they want someone who interacts well with the students. So, I have to go in next Tues as a sub for the day to see how I do. One of the issues is some behavioral difficulties that the subs have not been able to deal with. Here, I may have an edge. I have some background in dealing with emotionally disabled and retarded children, and my cousin currently teaches children with learning and emotional problems. Im going to call her this weekend and get some pointers that I can add to my own experience. These are just regular 8th graders with attitude. So I asked Yi how to deal with things on Tues and got 54.4 which again leads to 19. Im not sure what this is saying, could be saying this is not the job for me but the right one will appear in due course. But if it answered my question directly, maybe it is saying draw things out, dont try to tackle everything up front?? Any other ideas???


The Chinese word for hexagram 19 means to supervise or control, so that does seem to indicate the right teacher for this classroom will know how to Contain (Tui) The Masses (K'un). !9 specifically talks about recognizing problems and dealing with them before they have even begun to stir, and thus one can master them. This seems to suggest your ability to keep the kids engaged before their attitudes even have a chance to interfere, but it could also refer to your now visiting the classroom to see if this assignment would be a good fit before you accept it.

I think 54.4 sounds like you putting in the eight hours - drawing out the allotted time - but it being difficult to really learn too much about the assignment or demonstrate your abilities in this way. Still it's giving you a fuller picture and again you're finding out if there would be problems even before you start. So this delay seems to be to your advantage.

The change to 19 again seems entirely favorable.


Hi Seeker:

This sounds good.
I think 54.4 means you will be in a position where you aren't really the teacher, you're being observed and you don't have rapport with the kids since you'll be seeing them for the first time.

I wouldn't try too hard, just do your best - and as Rosada says, you will see what you may be getting into. Remember - you are interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you!

If it were me, I'd focus on setting boundaries with the kids - what they can and cannot do as correct behaviors for respectable people.

Focusing on too many things and trying to have all the right answers will be too overwhelming.

You truly want to teach and I think that will come through. I believe the decision will be yours - not to worry!

Good luck,


Those sound exactly right. One of the things that has been brought up by my mom, my friends and even the counselor I see was that this is not a very fair test as I am flying blind. I may or may not have access to the lesson plan before that day, and I know nothing about the kids themselves. One of my strategies would be, as you said, to engage them in the lesson as I feel that acting out often comes because the kids are bored. But if I dont know what Im teaching ahead of time, it makes it more difficult.

Yes, it is a good trial to see if I will even like this, but honestly, I am so fed up at this point with my current position that anything looks good. I am so stressed out now that I am starting to forget things and be very scatter brained. I had a stress headache at the beginning of the week that lasted 3 days. For my own sanity I need to find something else. If it doesnt work out on Tues, I may just start looking for anything just to get out of where I am. Unfortunately, the insurance thing makes it more difficult. Thats why I cant substitute, no benefits for subs, and the state health insurance for anyone of that income has a specified time of year to apply and a waiting list a mile long. It would just be so perfect if things worked out on Tues, perfect timing and everything.


Dear seeker,
54.4 may mean that although you are in a "disadvantaged" situation (not having the lesson plan ahead of time), you dont need to settle for that. IMO, you would be wise to have something with you, your OWN lesson plans of sorts, not only so you can fill in the gaps if the material they give you doesnt fly well that day, but also so that you can show amazing initiative and the ability to think on your feet. ONE idea: Bring in a pile of magazines, glues sticks and cheap scissors...tell the 8th graders to make you a collage describing themselves. Kids this age do not like to be passive, they like hands-on busy work. and all kids love collages.

having your own ideas BEFORE you go in is in keeping with Rosada's reading above. Be prepared, before you in, to engage them and keep them busy. Another good idea is to bring in xerox copies of a relevant article or book chapter, something they can take turns reading aloud, one paragraph at a time. anything to keep them engaged because the observers will want to see your classroom management skills above all else.

BY all means though, I do think you have the right to ask to see the lessons beforehand...in fact you would be seen as responsible if you explained that you would like the chance to prepare and get familiar.
good luck!

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