...life can be translucent


Legacy Collections: 52.3.6 to 2, 58.4.5 to 19, 6.2.5 to 35, 6.4.5 to 4, to 24 and 45.4 to 8


Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Seeing that Capcom has released legacy collections for the Classic, X, and the Zero/ZX series of the Mega Man franchise, the Battle Network, Star Force, and the Legends series have yet to have legacy collections. Seeing that the 20th anniversary of the Battle Network series is on March 21, I see some news will come out. The Star Force series' 15th anniversary is also this year but is this coming December.

What is the likelihood of Capcom releasing a Battle Network legacy collection? 52.3.6 Stilling/Mountain/Arresting/Immovable to 2 Earth/The Respective/The Passive Principle.
52.3 speaks of peril unless Capcom stays stagnant.
52.6 speaks of Capcom choosing to stay quiet.
Is it saying that Capcom will choose to keep the series dormant (52) until the developers made certain of the work (2)? In other words, now is too soon?

What is the likelihood of Capcom releasing a Star Force legacy collection? 58.4.5 Opening/The Joyous/Lake/Complacement/Marsh to 19 Nearing/Approach/Coming of the Yang/To Inspect.
58.4 speaks of Capcom finding the idea as positive.
58.5 speaks of the insiders at Capcom stealing.
Is it saying that Capcom will entertain the idea of producing it (58) that it will come sooner than later (19)?

What is the likelihood of Capcom releasing a Legends legacy collection? 6.2.5 Arguing/Conflict/Contention/Obstacles to 35 Advancing/Progress.
6.2 speaks of the developers' unable to come to an agreement.
6.5 speaks of Capcom in a perilous situation.
Is it saying that creating the legacy collection would be impossible (6) but will eventually the developers will make something out of it (35)?

When will there be news of a Battle Network legacy collection? 6.4.5 Arguing/Conflict/Contention/Obstacles to 4 Not Knowing/Youthful Folly/Youthful Rashfulness.
6.4 speaks of priorities changing.
6.5 speak of Capcom not being in a good situation.
Is it saying that the developers will hit a wall (6) that there is no direction (4)?

When will there be news of a Star Force legacy collection? Radical Change/Revolution/Molting to 24 Returning/The Turning Point.
49.3 speaks of the developers going around before making a decision.
49.4 speaks of priorities changing.
49.5 speaks of the news being clear to all.
Is it saying that Capcom will be making changes (49) but the news will come out naturally (24)?

When will there be news of a Legends legacy collection? 45.4 Gathering/Massing/Collecting Together to 8 Seeking Union/Holding Together.
45.4 speaks of Capcom not receiving blame.
Is it saying that Capcom will have the fans come together (45) where they will make a statement (8)?

I am getting 6 as the first hex in the third and fourth questions. Does that mean that something isn't going as planned? Does the reading in the first question look negative? Star Force was underrated, while Capcom recently came out of the dark ages that was at the beginning of the 2010s.


Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Protodude said that the Battle Network Legacy Collection could sell well without Star Force included. Unlikely, Capcom will bring back Legends 3 and Star Force 4 unless the Legacy Collections sell really well, i.e., >=1 million units.
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