...life can be translucent





Happy New Year to Everybody,

A lot of my world revolves around music, I play a little bit and 2 of my children are pretty good musicians, one studying it full time so we go to see a lot of live music at least once a week.
A couple of years ago I saw this guy playing and I didn't much like him and actually felt a little disdain towards him and since then whenever I have heard he's playing I just ignore it or sometimes think yeah, right why would you bother - yep sounds quite childish of me but he really did rub me up the wrong way.
However this week I kept getting a push(from the Higher realm) to go and see him perform this morning.
So last night I checked out his music etc. online and actually felt a very, very strong connection to him and went to see him perform this morning and enjoyed it a lot.
I haven't been able to get him out of my mind really and sent him a fb msge thanking him for sharing such wonderful music etc. as it actually helped me process something I was holding back.(emotional stuff).
I am wondering what all this is about - perhaps just a present moment thing?

My question - show me any further connection btw him and I


Thku and blessings as always
Liss x


Nov 24, 2010
Reaction score
sounds like a go ahead from i ching.

26.1 sounds like the emotional stuff you've held back
26.6 is very good , a release or a road map to it, considering the use of the words "One attains the way of heaven." Orpheus could make the stones bleed with his music.

"The time of obstruction is past. The energy long dammed up by inhibition
forces its way out and achieves great success. This refers to a man who is
honored by the ruler and whose principles now prevail and shape the world."

and 19 means something good is on its way, so gets busy and be alive (back to 26.6):

"Usually insight and wisdom do not come to the neat and decent people, but to those who are very much alive"

read the rest of 26.6 on lise's website, its great. and 19 isnt 17, so its not just let it happen, but gets busy and something good will be on the approach

26.6 in my own understanding sounds like letting your hair down a little, you've been taming the beast for a while, putting it to hard work 26.3, and in line 6 you attain the way to heaven.

sometimes being rubbed up the wrong way is just a misread interaction, we meet people at a ceratin time place in their lives and that impression sticks with us, but its not all of who they are, could he have just been tugging at your pigtails?

Anyway I'm one for following one's intuition so I reckon 26 > 19 is saying something positive indeed. at the very least you'll just get to see him play more music and it will delight you.


Aw, chingching thku your interpretation. It's exactly what's going on for me personally and is spot on, especially these words your wrote
26.6 in my own understanding sounds like letting your hair down a little, you've been taming the beast for a while, putting it to hard work 26.3, and in line 6 you attain the way to heaven.

have a lovely day Melissa x


Jun 15, 2010
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What kind of connection do you want? If it is a love thing, then the hexagrams are quite good, although there may be a third-party who might want to interfere. If i is simply to play together, the signs are very auspicious and you ought to go ahead, as 19 in particular shows a good future.


Thks icastes - yep probably just a friendly, chat when we see each other connection would be nice. Think it's his music that has touched me on a deep level rather than anything else. He is a full on musician so lives that type of lifestyle and it's not really what I want when I become involved romantically again. So possibly that would be the 3rd party you talk about? have fun Melissa


Nov 19, 2010
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An Initiation

This is a danger-in-disguised type of message.

On one hand it says that you are going through an enlightenment process; acquiring the art of working with heaven. The initiation enables you to see beyond the obvious; and have the ability to differential the yin within the yang; and the yang within the yin. This perspective kind of explains why suddenly you can pick up the good from his bad music.

But all these powers are based on one condition: you act only on His signal.

On the other hand, the initiation involves opening up yourselves to everything around you. It means that you will be walking through a minefield of temptations; with your body and heart wide opened. You will be tested over and over again on your will against His will.

You will have no problem connecting to this guy; but be prepared for the worst. He is a dangerous man; as he is there to test your resolve. If you fail, the spiritual connection will be cut off.; and you will be back to square one; spiritually speaking. This statement is made basing on the observation that this initiation is triggered off by a release of your past emotional burden.

I am not saying that he is not for you. The key point is: act in tandem with your inner voice; instead of your heart; at least until the initiation is over.

By the way, you seem to have chosen the right pen name for yourself instinctively.


Thankyou wck6525 - your interpretation says in words exactly what is going on for me but I couldn't quite pull it altogether to make sense in my mind. To be repelled so much by someone and then to be drawn so much to the same person its gotta be only spiritual stuff....to me anyway that's the only thing that makes sense.
Oh you are so right I usually trip over myself with these sort of connections and then as you say I come back to square on but this time I am clearly recognising something here and your words have helped me so much to make sense of this and be aware of the danger of temptations.
It has given me the Strength I need to resolve this emotional minefield I have been in for far too long.
Last night I had a dream I had the ability to fly at will but there was a woman and her friend who could too and they were trying to force me to join their wicca group by force but I said I was happy doing it on my own. I eventually said I would come to one of their meets but when I got there her husband told me she had gone to hospital cause she was very sick.
have a lovely day
Melissa x


So these words from you wck 6525
'You will have no problem connecting to this guy; but be prepared for the worst. He is a dangerous man; as he is there to test your resolve. If you fail, the spiritual connection will be cut off.; and you will be back to square one; spiritually speaking. This statement is made basing on the observation that this initiation is triggered off by a release of your past emotional burden.'

And I don't know whether it is actually a test of our wills against each other but more a test of our spiritual 'energies' and the karmic tie coming to the fore.
We have not actually spoken about what is spoken on this forum so I am not sure whether he is having much thought about our connection although I felt last night he suddenly realised something was happening.
He seemed to want to remove himself from my presence and did so quite suddenly an abruptly but even after he did it was obvious at all times we were very aware of exactly where each other was in the room. Interesting stuff, hey!

So I thank you again and to HIlary for giving us the gift of this forum as we move through our lives and all we come up against.
blessings Melissa x
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icastes said 'If it is a love thing, then the hexagrams are quite good, although there may be a third-party who might want to interfere.'
ah ha! He had previously mentioned a recent relationship breakup for him and I didn't think much about it but on Saturday night he talked about still trying to put together the reason why it didn't work out with them but something I said put it into perspective for him. So I am guessing the third party would be this girl and he is still working through the breakup. Thks icastes x


Good afternoon,
I am connecting to this guys music so much and it is inspiring me to do many wonderful things with my creativity but I still find it frustrating not connecting with him in any other way. I have been tempted so many times to contact him but just don't feel it is right and wck6265's word continue to keep me grounded - I do not wish to loose this spiritual connection in anyway because my ego desires more. However in my frustration I did ask the Yi 'What interest does the musician have in me and guess what? I got 26.3.6>19.
does it mean anything different or same same even after me being so good at keeping myself to myself.

thks and blessings
Melissa x


Nov 24, 2010
Reaction score
ewald interpretations, whilst I dont often understand them, seem fitting for your situation here

line 3:
Pursuing a worthwhile person or situation. With this comes getting used to dealing with it, him or her. Things may be difficult, but it's good to keep going on. It is a good idea to move forward according to some kind of plan.
line 6:
One is at a crossroads, and has to make a choice as to what is in accordance with what one really wants. Making that choice is real progress.

because the question were different but the answer the same another look at the hex's on a thematic level might be helpful, rather them applying them specifically to your feelings and situation.

Maybe its that he is actually on the same page as you are. Ask yi what can i do to change (or progress) this relationship.


Thks chingching I did ask but it suggested no progress per se at this time.
So I decided to pull a few tarot cards on it. A bit clearer it says exactly what Yi says about spiritual learning for me and it suggests he is interested in me 'romantically' but is keeping to himself at this time until he has worked through self reflection after the recent break up of his last relationship. Admirable to say the least, I think, instead of just running headlong into another relationship without thought of why the last one didn't work.
Mainly the reading talked about me gaining a lot more self confidence before I can embark on a healthy long term relationship. I am happy with that. yay! xx


Nov 24, 2010
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absolutely, enjoy it for what it is and enjoy your 'self' :)


Nov 19, 2010
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Crystal Glass Symptom

Your energy state is ½-black and ½-white; just like the classic yin-yang circle with an s-dividing line in the middle.

By definition, you are a yin-yang person who is always centered; and can change to adapt to any situation at will. However it doesn’t seem to be describing you when matched against your postings. What went wrong?

Your yin-yang dividing line is pivoted; making it a see-saw state rather than a balanced state. In other words, your energy state fluctuates between yin and yang, and balances occasionally; and you have little control over its erratic behavior.

The yin-yang dividing line is a spiritual line; signifying spiritual connection. It means that your spiritual connection has been cut off; most likely because of past emotional turmoil.

In a way you are luckier than most people as your inner divine force is still intact, albeit trapped in an emotional state. A spiritual body within an emotional trap is called a crystal glass symptom. Crystal represents your spiritual body; and glass as your emotional state.

Your emotional state is an empty glass; signifying that you have been emotionally purified but still unstable; as you are not connected spiritually yet. Most likely the purification process is by forced isolation done repeatedly; keeping you free from emotional attachments and getting you in a ready state for spiritual reconnection when the opportunity comes.

The initiation process you are experiencing presently signifies the arrival of this golden opportunity.
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wck6265 You are such an Angel thankyou so much for this insight. Yes I can have such ying-yang balance but then my emotions play such havoc and it seemingly all comes falling down around me. What went wrong? Past emotional turmoil seems to surface suddenly out of nowhere just when I am feeling great.

What you have posted here, as always, makes so much sense and it brings tears of relief to the surface. Now I just want to cry and cry, but tears of joy more than anything. This brings me hope that one day I will not experience it so much and will have the Yin-yangbalance more often than not.


Nov 19, 2010
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Talking to the Devils

If you can accept my crystal-glass diagnosis, the next step is to talk to the devils. The purpose is to unmask them to reveal their angelic sides; thereby stripping them naked in their yin-yang forms.

Devils are people who can upset or excite you easily. In fact they are guinea pigs arranged by Nature for you to practice and strengthen your ability to connect to their souls. I believe that the prized guinea pig is your ex-husband. The musician is only an entree.

Before you go and confront them in person, you have to flush out their yin-yang forms first. Otherwise you might wire to them wrongly as what you see is masked.

Since appreciating music is your specialty, we shall turn this into your spiritual tool.

You can assign a devil to a piece of music you dislike; just like the way you would assign a question to I Ching. Hold the piece of devil-assigned music in attention; the normal way you would do with a good piece of music; until it turns angelic. If you are doing it right, the image of the devil in its yin-yang form will flash through in your mind. Start talking to the naked devil, literally and spiritually.

Since you are a spiritual reader yourself, I hope the above description will not sound too out of the world. Give it a go; as arabella says: there is nothing to lose.

It will take quite a few sessions to make it work; depending on your conviction.Good luck.
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I have 2 questions wck6265,
1. what do you mean by entree(musician) and
2. the piece of music that I dislike - can this also refer to a piece of music that makes me feel uncomfortable, such as I pretty well dislike the feeling 'native drumming' gives me.

Yep working as a spiritual reader, there is some funny and bizarre things that are said or take place so, no it is not too out of this world for me. I am extremely grateful for your help and advice. x



Nov 19, 2010
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Single but not Available

Working with a devil requires you to stretch your acceptance limit to the maximum. It is best to let your inner divine force to decide how much it is willing to stretch at that point in time. Just hold the image of the targeted devil in your mind; and let your feeling to guide you to the right piece of music.

According to the dictionary, entrée means a dish served at dinner between the principal courses. It means that he is only a supporting actor in this play. Your ex-husband is the main actor.

At the moment your status is single but not available. The only type of connection you are allowed to make is spiritual connection. By forcing an emotional connection right now is like forgoing the golden opportunity you have earned through suffering all these years.

Once you are back in your yin-yang mode again, all will be compensated; including your emotional and financial needs.

Be patience and be focused. You are on a self-rescue mission now.
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Sep 30, 2018
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I recently cast 26.3.6 > 19 about what I am to someone that I have been intimate with for approx 8 months ... knowing that there has been a Teacher/Student quality to our meetings. I now realise he does not have as much free time, so wait for him to call on me now rather than the other way around. As it has been 8 months, it is possible that the end is near but hopefully not. I'd be interested in trying Wck6265's methods above for an ex and new guy eventually...as I have thought that I come across as single but unavailable as well.


Sep 26, 2018
Reaction score
If it is meant to be..it is up to me!

My bad if someone read my post.. I became dyslexic suddenly
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Sep 26, 2018
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Line 3: (Wilhelm, 1997 3rd ed)
Nine in the third place means:
A good horse that follows others.
Awareness of danger,
With perseverance furthers.
Practice chariot driving armed defenses daily.
It furthers one to have somewhere to go.

Line 3 is always a little complicated. To me it is the line of transformation because as you ascend through all the stages or lines, line 3 is the one that transitions from lower to higher. It rarely has correspondence with the top line, the sage. It stands alone.. all transitions and transformations are difficult and as individuals we stand in our stuff until we shift the paradigm.

in your case you did shift. You recognized the limitation of your thoughts and feelings towards this person and found that maybe you were limited in what you experienced. Off the cuff you had disdain for this musician so the danger is in your reaction and if you are "shooting from the hip" you will lose your ability to be objective. The only person you will cause harm to is you.

"Practice chariot driving and armed defense daily."
Practice this skill of being open to how you respond or act out towards something or someone you have yet to fully appreciate or understand.

Line 6:
Nine at the top means:
One attains the way of heaven. Success.

You removed the bias, judgement you had so that connection is possible. By losing your inhibitions you are able to seek out what you want... and if that is to appreciate this musician and connect with this person then it is possible.


The way you approach ... How you approach the situation.

Key Questions (Barrett, 2015)
How does this want to grow?
How can you take responsibility for its development?
What would your greater self do?

Creating success from the source,
constancy bears fruit.
Reaching an end in the eighth month means a pitfall.'

As you approach/near to what you want (vision), the source of the intention is what will create success. The passion behind wanting to learn more about this musician, being sincere in connecting, .... coming from a place of enthusiasm, joy, possibility and leaving behind any "disdain" or energy around disdain.

The time is now as the two strong/light lines enter from below pressing the weak/dark lines up and out. This time will not be forever just like the approach of spring through summer until the 8th month (Sept-Oct) when the darkness approaches. Make it happen today no time to waste.

THE IMAGE (Barrett, 2015)
'Above the lake is earth: NEARING.
A noble one teaches and reflects untiringly,
Accepts and protects the people without limit.'

The relationship between the lake and the earth is a give and receive relationship.
The earth gives/lake receives the lake boundaries. The earth receives/lake gives moisture from the lake. The connection you create with this person can be reciprocating teaching/learning experience.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
This thread was started in 2011 7 years ago.

Just saying as it is potentially confusing tacking new posts/queries on the end of really old threads as it means often people will read the first post of the thread, which was in 2011, and respond to that.


I recently cast 26.3.6 > 19 about what I am to someone that I have been intimate with for approx 8 months ... knowing that there has been a Teacher/Student quality to our meetings. I now realise he does not have as much free time, so wait for him to call on me now rather than the other way around. As it has been 8 months, it is possible that the end is near but hopefully not. I'd be interested in trying Wck6265's methods above for an ex and new guy eventually...as I have thought that I come across as single but unavailable as well.

If you look at Wck6265's profile you will see he hasn't been here since 2011. But who knows he might return or might have a different name.


Sep 26, 2018
Reaction score
i realized later, that is what was the situation.. i thought I just forgot to put my glasses on ...


Crystal Glass Symptom

Your energy state is ½-black and ½-white; just like the classic yin-yang circle with an s-dividing line in the middle.

By definition, you are a yin-yang person who is always centered; and can change to adapt to any situation at will. However it doesn’t seem to be describing you when matched against your postings. What went wrong?

Your yin-yang dividing line is pivoted; making it a see-saw state rather than a balanced state. In other words, your energy state fluctuates between yin and yang, and balances occasionally; and you have little control over its erratic behavior.

The yin-yang dividing line is a spiritual line; signifying spiritual connection. It means that your spiritual connection has been cut off; most likely because of past emotional turmoil.

In a way you are luckier than most people as your inner divine force is still intact, albeit trapped in an emotional state. A spiritual body within an emotional trap is called a crystal glass symptom. Crystal represents your spiritual body; and glass as your emotional state.

Your emotional state is an empty glass; signifying that you have been emotionally purified but still unstable; as you are not connected spiritually yet. Most likely the purification process is by forced isolation done repeatedly; keeping you free from emotional attachments and getting you in a ready state for spiritual reconnection when the opportunity comes.

The initiation process you are experiencing presently signifies the arrival of this golden opportunity.
thats a very cool insight and was very nicely worded. thank you for sharing.

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