...life can be translucent





Please let me know your opinion. I am so worried!

Did somebody put a spell on me?
38 changing line 3 to 14
Very bad line. The line is an image of (usually undeserved) interference that impedes development. Witchcraft?
Hex 14 Possession in Great Measure.
So yes??

Am I bewitched by her?
Hex 44 changing lines 1 and 5 to 14
Here again hex 14 Possession in Great Measure!
Could Line 5 of hex 44 show that sth dropped on me? A spell?

Show me a picture if I have a spell on me:
Hex 14 changing lines 4 and 5 to 9
One more time hex 14 and I am really scared.

Please someone helps me!!


I believe that I have sth on me after a lot 14. So I asked: Should I find someone to help me?

Yes and it will be easy to get rid of it?


Kerson & Rosemary Huang:
"The cart: pulled from behind.The ox: chafing.
The man: branded and defaced. *
Bad beginning, good end."
And their advice:
"This line describes a strange scene in which a branded criminal was engaged in a tug-of-war against an ox yoked to a cart. The sense is that your feeling of frustration and of being stalled may have been caused by the dishonesty or untrustworthiness of someone else. Being aware of this will liberate you."

* This describes a man who was criminally punished by having his face branded and nose cut of.

I Ching, by Kerson and Rosemary Huang, Workman publishing, NY 1985


Svenrus that makes me believe that sb has punished me by putting a spell on me. And what about hex 14? According to Lise the picture of 14:
"the upper character is a grown up man: big or great. The lower one is a hand: to have, to be, there is, to be rich, offer. Later a piece of meat was added (3), to emphasize possessing. According to others it is the moon, which resembles 'meat' very much, but the little diagonal lines are straight in the moon, and in meat they are not. "

Moon and witchcraft are fully connected.


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May 29, 2006
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I wish sb could help me.

You do not need help nor the I Ching here. Stop worrying about spells, there are no spells stronger than you are and by believing in them you put your own spell on your self.

There are many things to harm you in life but spells really are the least of your worries. Get happy, put yourself in a pink bubble, have fun....forget all about this silly spell idea.

I really see no use in anyone encouraging your fears by confirming you have a spell on you. How are you or they going to prove it ? Why are you even thinking about this...move on. A sound happy frame of mind is a strong frame of mind...put these fears away..put some music on ...dance, expand your energy field. There is no more of a waste of time than cowering away imagining spells


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May 29, 2006
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Did you once post a lot about spells under another name ? I think so


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May 29, 2006
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well my advice in post 6 holds. Stop thinking about it and do something to make yourself happy. You don't actually need to worry about spells but if you feel spooked make yourself strong by being happy and positive and draw a big pink bubble in the air all around you that nothing can enter. The worst spell you have here is you believing in a spell.

My answers are not connected to your readings just common sense. I advise you stop consulting the I Ching about spells since if you are ready to believe hexagram 14 means you have a spell on you then you aren't in the right frame of mind to divine right now. Take a break, do something pleasant and ordinary for a while.


If I haven't a spell on me, what are the interpretations of the casts? I was expecting a clear no with hex 25 or 11 but the answers seem so suspicious with hex 14. I absolutely agree with you Trojina this is what my friends say to me. But why 38.3 and 14? and why 18.3?


Trojina, I know that in the UK people casting spells on others sounds outlandish and ridiculous, however it's quite common practice in very many other countries. In my country of origin there are even forums about it, I've witnessed instances of spells (specific items) even in my own family (cast from others onto my family I mean) - and of course the whole thing is a very lucrative business.

nAstWr - Trojina has given you excellent advice. About your readings, I don't see a sign of spell anywhere. 14 cannot be taken as a spell/bewitchment by any stretch of the imagination.


38.3 - someone has treated/punished you really badly, as svenrus said.
18.3 - it was probably your father, and you're still carrying the scars.


Diamanda I really want to believe that about 14, how do you know that? it sounds like "you possess it" to me. So why I am scared.


Jun 3, 2006
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Are you thinking that "14. Possession in Great Measure" means someone is possessed? Nope! That's just the title. Read what the whole hexagram has to say and I think you'll realize the I Ching is reassuring you that you possess total control.


Svenrus that makes me believe that sb has punished me by putting a spell on me. And what about hex 14? According to Lise the picture of 14:
"the upper character is a grown up man: big or great. The lower one is a hand: to have, to be, there is, to be rich, offer. Later a piece of meat was added (3), to emphasize possessing. According to others it is the moon, which resembles 'meat' very much, but the little diagonal lines are straight in the moon, and in meat they are not. "

Moon and witchcraft are fully connected.

Just. as it seemed to me, I Ching answered Your question with hex. 38, third 6 and I quoted the Huang's because their translation and interpretation to me seems straightforward... I think, in case this outcome were Your first on the matter, that You shall find the answer in it ie NOT necessarily the Huangs - Wilhelm, Hilary, Hatcher, LiSe etc. may cast clearer light on it for You ?


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Sep 15, 1970
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If you read my text as meaning "being possessed", then yes, I agree with svenrus, I think you are much better off with your own interpretation than mine. I am no expert on ghosts or anything like that, and I never will say anything about them in my interpretation. I just read what the text says and try to make English of that, and try to find out what they meant with it.

The characters of hex.14 are "big" and "hand". Later a hand with a piece of meat (not moon, a character which resembles meat). Having food was back then the most important thing you could possess. Still is... So another meaning of 14 is "big harvest", which secures your food. When hex.14 comes up in a bad situation, it usually means you have to work on it: make sure you get a good harvest, or that you use your resources, or your talents, or whatever you already have or want to obtain in a way which gives you a good outcome. Sounds to me more like using your own strengths in order to "possess" instead of being possessed.

"The noble one by terminating evil raises good, by yielding to Heaven relaxes in fate." It is very good advice for a farmer who needs a good harvest: make sure everything is ok and play along with the weather and the season.
In modern language: "Do your utmost best and reckon with all circumstances".


I am in a state of confusion but I would like to thank you all so much.

Heylise thank you very much for taking the time to share your opinion about hex 14. But still I have so doubts about hex 14.
"The noble one by terminating evil raises good, by yielding to Heaven relaxes in fate." By terminating evil, what evil? that makes me think of a spell again.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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Like I said: everyone has to interpret themselves. I just wanted to make certain, that there is nothing in my text which suggests anything like that. But of course everyone is free to find their own meaning.
There is a lot of evil in the world, and a lot of good as well.


The truth is it's not the first time that sb tryed to put a spell on me. I have struggled to free myself of it. So why I am so scared.


Reading generally through several translaters editions on hex. 38.3 it's obvious that: It will have an end, don't worry.

maggie may

"The noble one by terminating evil raises good, by yielding to Heaven relaxes in fate." By terminating evil, what evil? that makes me think of a spell again."

It is your belief that evil can be done to you by a spell that you can terminate. This is a belief you hold and it is causing you fear. Your fear is causing you to perceive things as scary and harmful. Question this belief you hold that other can cast spells to do you harm. You yourself are giving this belief power by the very act of believing it in fear. It is a harmful belief that you hold, because it causing you fear.

There are 4 questions you can use to unravel a thought or a belief that is causing you to suffer (fear). It can be a very helpful exercise to write out the answers.
"Someone has put a spell on me."
1. Is it true? (Yes or no. If no, move to 3.)
2. Can you absolutely know that it's true? (Yes or no.)
3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
4. Who would you be without the thought?
Then find a way to turn around the original statement. For example: "I have put a spell on me." How is that true?

You have the power to change your mind and terminate the fear of spells.

maggie may

"The noble one by terminating evil raises good, by yielding to Heaven relaxes in fate." By terminating evil, what evil? that makes me think of a spell again."

It is your belief that evil can be done to you by a spell that you can terminate. This is a belief you hold and it is causing you fear. Your fear is causing you to perceive things as scary and harmful. Question this belief you hold that other can cast spells to do you harm. You yourself are giving this belief power by the very act of believing it in fear. It is a harmful belief that you hold, because it causing you fear.

There are 4 questions you can use to unravel a thought or a belief that is causing you to suffer (fear). It can be a very helpful exercise to write out the answers.
"Someone has put a spell on me."
1. Is it true? (Yes or no. If no, move to 3.)
2. Can you absolutely know that it's true? (Yes or no.)
3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
4. Who would you be without the thought?
Then find a way to turn around the original statement. For example: "I have put a spell on me." How is that true?

You have the power to change your mind and terminate the fear of spells.


Maggie may thank you for the support. I decided to stop iching for a while as it drives me crazy. A friend recommended a prayer to say so as to focus my time and attention on god's help.
Thank you all for making me feel much better.

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