...life can be translucent


I would appreciate some further insight please


Jul 31, 2012
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I asked - will we be able to proceed with a civil case (for racist bullying and other crimes) against my partner's former employer.
I ching answered with Hex. 10 - The feeling response I had was: disappointment and frustration- built on the cognitive foundation of : It's not over but it will be difficult- others (I assume the Lawer and Barrister) will make a case and proceed with some difficulty.

I am not sure if I ching is advising that I forget the whole thing (this has been going on for two years -having to go through employers own corrupt investigation process- they lied and made racist comments about my partner- bullied her into a depressive illness) My desperate thoughts are- if I 'just forget it'- and move to the sun (we are emigrating to a sunny country) I will still be carrying a sense of injustice - and that they will have got away with racist bullying, lying and making false statements.

Please can anyone suggest and help with clearer understanding? best wishes


Mar 22, 1971
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Take what you will from these words.
Hex 10 Treading has a sense about it of not staying where you are and of negotiating your way through a power-filled situation.
In an unchanging hexagram i've found it useful to tread the path of the Noble One, as best I can.

A noble one differentiates above and below,
And makes a place for the people’s aspiration.’

For me this is about us coming to a place balance, differentiating clearly between the wider picture and the smaller details, our outer world and our inner world, our sense of purpose and our fears.

The balance and harmony we look for in life is rarely found by standing still. It can be seen as how we address an outer world struggle through developing our inner resources. As we step forward we have to find out for ourselves how to develop our capacity to be able to take steps into the unknown. We will find ways to create the outcome that best fits our purpose however we have to be aware that the power we uncover may not always lead to an easy path.

Take a step and then test the water - how am I feeling about what I am doing. If it's comfortable take another step. If it's too hot then either bide a while and reassess the situation then take another step or skiddaddle out of there. The choice is yours to walk towards your goal, through the turmoil, or to find another direction that is comfortable for you to live with.

Good Luck


Jun 3, 2006
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Is the system rigged? I think what getting Hexagram 10. uc here is describing is the whole judicial process and you, one lone man, challenged to take it on, to speak truth to authority. The prospect arouses fear but the alternative - to walk away, to ignore the offense - could cause you even greater mental anguish. By following My_Key's advice to take things one at a time and evaluate your position as you advance, I suspect the path through this maze will open up for you step by step. (The legal system often works out fairly, but sometimes not till you've taken your case to higher authorities. Sometimes you just need to demonstrate that you aren't going to let the issue go!) So I read this answer as saying yes, you will be able to proceed with your case. You did not ask what the final resolution would be, however. Hexagram 10 is a time when energy sorts it's self out like a giant multi-lained highway. it can seem fast and furious and even deadly, but if you proceed properly and really know in your heart your cause is just you should end up feeling things are going in the right direction.


Jul 31, 2012
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Thank you so much Rosada I have tingles going p and down my back with your response- thank you I really want to pursue those corrupt individuals in positions of authority, yet abuse the trust placed in them. Thank you so very much.

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