...life can be translucent


Trumpist Open to Dictatorship: to 12 and 31.3 to 45


Oct 26, 2018
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Lately, I heard that a meeting with Bannon where a Trumpist is open with Trump as a dictator. I asked, "What will happen to Trumpists in 2020?" Deciding to 12 Blocked. Line 1 says, "Vigour in the leading foot. Going on without control means making mistakes." Line 2 says, "Alarmed, calling out. Evening and night, bearing arms Do not fear." Line 3 says, "Vigour in the cheekbones means a pitfall. Noble one decides, decides. Goes on alone, meets the rain, And is indignant as if she were soaked through. Not a mistake." Line 6 says, "Not calling out. In the end, pitfall." Given the changing lines, I feel that they will decide where to support Trump or not, but whatever happens in 2020, Trump will lose, pissing them off. Will 2020 disable them? I then asked, "What is Bannon up to now?" 31.3 Influence to 45 Gathering. Line 3 says, "Influence in your thighs, Holding on to your following Going on, shame." Is he trying to revive the right-wing wave even though it's faltering?


Oct 21, 2011
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When I saw 12 - which you have been getting a lot - I immediately read "Resistance." Separatism.
What will happem to Trump supporters in 2020?
43 to 12. 43 has too many lines, so I would read the hexagrams.
In the context of 12 resistance, they will 43 remain resolute.
This means I think he will retain the support of the people and states that elected him.
- LL


Oct 26, 2018
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Lavalamp, when I ask what happens in 2020 in an earlier reading, it was interpreted that Trump will lose.

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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Well, we can answer your question without consulting Yi.

His pal Steve Bannon admits he is a fascist and wants to create enclaves of white facists in certain countries (I think he lists them in his film), he is part of an international white supremacy movement with wealthy backers and poor neo nazi thugs in the streets.
Watch his (self admitted) propaganda film to see. Steve Bannon/Cambridge Analytica played a hand in Brexit as well, surreptitiously swaying public opinion in favor of Brexit.

In the U.S. , since rump assumed office, violent crimes by white supremacists have increased by approximately 180%.

Anyone who doesn't see a big effing problem here is either profiting off of it, blind or complicit or just doesn't want to be bothered.

Recently, in my neighborhood, flyers have been appearing for Identity Evropa. Rumps hardcore followers call him a God Emperor in the dark corners of the web. He encourages violence at his rallys. Did you know that his father Fred was arrested at a kkk riot/assault of a black neighborhood in new york in 1927 for failure to disperse? I mean when the police arrived, the guys in sheets left and Fred was such a hateful racist facist that he wouldn't stop. (It's on the cover of the 1927 new york times newspaper)

So, does anyone not see this as a crisis?
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Fanofenka, I have never heard the term 'trumpists' before. Does this refer to a particular type of Trump supporter, including the approximately 45% of voters whom approve of him right now?

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
It's just one of many names given to his fanatical supporters.
You know, the large angry dumb alcoholic men who wear red hats, go to parks and neighborhoods and universities where they do not live or belong wearing body armor, shields, and carrying weapons in order to act out violence, them and the neo nazi incels who play call of duty online and dream of a race war. idolizing hitler. (exactly like the new zealand mass murderer)
This is different from people who just voted for him, without knowing who he truly was.


Oct 26, 2018
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Freedda, I am referring the 45% yet declining number of voters. Given Mueller's report and the SDNY, Trump will be implicated. I think Democrats will win. I used meditation and saw Democrats will have at least 300 electorical votes.


I have no particular issue with anyone's politics here, but what I do question is how people might be using the Yi: that is, as more of a 'yes man,' whom magically seems to agree with all of our own opinions, versus using it as a wisdom tool to tell us something about our current situation or state - and maybe ourselves.

For example, someone asks, 'should I leave my (abusive, dishonest) boyfriend,' and the Yi replies with an emphatic YES, and still the person says, 'but line xx.x talks about a tiger, and I think that's my boyfriend protecting me ... so the Yi is saying I should stay with him!'

Or, someone asks, 'what does the Yi think of that no good scumbag Trump,' and then they read the response as, 'see, even the Yi thnks he's a no good scumbag' - surprise, surprise, just what that person was thinking as well! - when in fact it may not be 'agreeing' with us at all, and most likely is giving us useful information that we then ignore in the act of making ourselves 'right.'

And does that bring to mind anyone? Hint: someone we might be talking about here, or people whom might be posing queries in this forum?

As to the actual reading:

It seems to me that Trump was, in part, (and perhaps largely) elected because of his decisiveness (43), or his ability to appear so. He often gave the simplest of answers: the drought in California is not because of climate change, but it's because a bunch of stinkin' treehuggers are diverting water to save a few worthless fish! And even though he was wrong - and many people knew he was wrong - they still voted for him.

And while he has some of the qualities of Heaven (lower trigram) such as taking charge (think of his judicial and executive appointments), having focus, choosing a path - or appears to have these, the three lower moving lines indicate that he's lost the 'Mandate of Heaven,' that he's ruling without higher ideals (or good ideas), or being objective - unless you think that corporate profits are all the justification you need to have this mandate.

What this has led to (12) is a continuing widening gap between those whom support him and those who do not, as well as a widening gap between rich and poor, and between us and our allies and friends.

The distancing between heaven and earth in 12 also creates a void, a place where by it's nature bad things can get in. It is similar to what happens to teenagers (mostly male but not always) when their support network of family, friends and community is replaced by violence, and video games. Is it no wonder then, that they become fodder for extremist - and is it no wonder that in this void decency, democracy, and justice would take a distant back seat?

Best, David.
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Oct 21, 2011
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Yes 12 is "divorce" arguably "resistance" - and separatism, apartheid, things like that.
43 is remaining resolute no matter what people throw in your face.
So if you are asking what the Yi says - not for personal partisan opinions - his voters are staying with him.

- LL

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