...life can be translucent




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Jan 25, 2007
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I'm seeing this line as the quality of internal development rather than exclusively external preoccupations which sometimes require force to hammer it into shape. Balance and harmony comes from discerning what is chaotic which is often subtly hidden There seems to be great power in this hex too, although it's about harmony and peace. Getting there is not a bed of roses of course....:brickwall:

I'm also seeing it as representative of the first attempts at looking inward by a neophyte, or the conscious directing of the inner life which will naturally effect the outer life rather than the other way around.

Anyone have any examples of 11.4? The consensus seems a bit patchy on this one.



Oct 26, 1970
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The heart is actuated to seek harmony with others in taking on the ordering of the home, the community, the world. External concerns are forgotten, skills are put to work as needed, spiritual needs are fed, relationships repaired, fences mended, yoga practiced, innocence refreshed. All things are briefly possible, the head butting delayed, a right perspective found before the details are tackled. The courage and intent to do right are found afresh. The wife gathers firewood, the husband prepares the fireplace, the children play in the garden, their safety the family's main concern. A summons to worldly action is not far off; a long delayed action may be properly planned in peace. The simple acts of living and conscience come naturally when guilt and guile are allowed to evaporate. The weak accept the influence of the powerful without rancor, and without demands.


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Jan 25, 2007
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The heart is actuated to seek harmony with others in taking on the ordering of the home, the community, the world. External concerns are forgotten, skills are put to work as needed, spiritual needs are fed, relationships repaired, fences mended, yoga practiced, innocence refreshed. All things are briefly possible, the head butting delayed, a right perspective found before the details are tackled. The courage and intent to do right are found afresh. The wife gathers firewood, the husband prepares the fireplace, the children play in the garden, their safety the family's main concern. A summons to worldly action is not far off; a long delayed action may be properly planned in peace. The simple acts of living and conscience come naturally when guilt and guile are allowed to evaporate. The weak accept the influence of the powerful without rancor, and without demands.

That was an excellent and beautiful description Auriel - thank you.



Nov 14, 1970
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In keeping with the inner quality of the situation for which this line is recieved, high, low, rich and poor must come together with mutual sincerity. They will both benefit each other.

simon ian

Jul 19, 2010
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I had 11.4 changing to 34 a couple of days ago. The context was me closing a reading, and thanking the oracle. Thats what I got.

Legge; The fourth line shows its subject fluttering (down) not relying on his own rich resources, but calling on his neighbours. (They all come) not as received warning, but in the sincerity (of their hearts)

I take it to mean in this instance, the oracle is communicating its collective nature (there seem to be many) The questioner, as a bird, lowers his pride or comes down, leaving his natural element to join theirs, and puts aside his preconceptions to ask for advice. The neighbours gladly come and assist, not because they are compelled to, but because they are innately loving and sincere in the search for truth.

Thanks Edge, for guiding me to this thread.
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Oct 20, 2009
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"Unsettled, not prosperous, one works with the neighbours. Sincerity is exercised without caution" - Cleary

Simon Ian said:
I take it to mean in this instance, the oracle is communicating its collective nature (there seem to be many) The questioner, as a bird, lowers his pride or comes down, leaving his natural element to join theirs, and puts aside his preconceptions to ask for advice. The neighbours gladly come and assist, not because they are compelled to, but because they are innately loving and sincere in the search for truth.

Hi Simon,

Yes, I think that's very accurately described; it works well as a metaphor for the help you had just received from the I Ching and, in a wider, more general sense, from your involvement with the forum.
Being 'unsettled/fluttering/not prosperous' all indicate the uncertainty that leads us to seek guidance from the I Ching. Not relying on our own limited resources, we have the humility to seek the guidance that will give us the strength to hold to the right path - Hex 34, Ta Chuang. Exercising sincerity without caution means that we can trust wholeheartedly in the advice we receive, it is given freely, as you say, from a love of truth.

Topal said:
I'm seeing this line as the quality of internal development rather than exclusively external preoccupations which sometimes require force to hammer it into shape. Balance and harmony comes from discerning what is chaotic which is often subtly hidden

Hi Topal,

In Daoist terms, fourth yin represents the point at which yang has already culminated and incipient yin produces 'unsettlement'. Beyond the point of balance and harmony, internal subtle chaos, as you so eloquently put it, will begin to emerge. Thus this is the point at which we seek guidance and inner resolution in order to restore settlement. The zhi gua, Hex 34, points to the need for firm certainty in maintaining correct orientation whilst the fan yao, 34,4 appears to represent, more specifically, the unravelling and disentanglement of uncertainty that follows from the guidance we receive, and the subsequent restoration of inner peace. The statement that power lies in the axle of a big cart indicates, I would suggest, that the process is primarily an internal one.
This line is, I feel, not the easiest line in the I Ching to unlock. The key lies, I think, in understanding that at fourth yin the balance point has been passed and we need, as you describe in your post, conscious directing of our inner processes, the results of which will eventually manifest externally. So although it presents a situation of unsettlement and uncertainty, it is, in fact, the same process by which we grow and develop as human beings.

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Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
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I am resurrecting this previous thread as I have been contemplating 11.4 as it is being explored as a part of a question in Shared Readings. Different translations of this line seem quite different.

Hilary Barret renders it "F;uttering, fluttering. Not rich in your neighbours -- not on guard against truth and confidence."

"not rich, hence calling on neighbors" is quite a different sentence than, "not rich IN your neighbours"

I suppose which sense/translation is more apt may depend on the context of the question, i.e., either could apply.

I am interested in hearing more translations and experiences of this line, 11.4 > 34

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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I am interested in hearing more translations and experiences of this line, 11.4 > 34

I got this line for someone who had $300 go missing from their purse.
Question: How did it go missing? 11.4
What was she doing that day? being social, fluttering around to different people
and truthfully, not on guard,
not watching/keeping her purse with her.

I vaguely recall Trojina mentioning an eavesdropper hearing something she said when she wasn't on guard.

and you could say in both instances the person wasn't guard with truth maybe the woman with the purse mentioned the contents, maybe Trojina didn't hold back her true opinion.
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May 29, 2006
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I vaguely recall Trojina mentioning an eavesdropper hearing something she said when she wasn't on guard.

and you could say in both instances the person wasn't guard with truth maybe the woman with the purse mentioned the contents, maybe Trojina didn't hold back her true opinion.

Nope, I don't think I've ever mentioned the line in regards to eavesdropping, you must be thinking of someone else. Unless my memory has failed me which it can do....occasionally

I have the general impression this is a bit of a fusspot line looking at my own readings they do somewhat align with Bradford's commentary I think. Sort of like wanting someone else to go first. I imagine a group of baby birds looking out of the nest and each one waiting for the other one to go first (Disney version) I have the idea mother bird/Yi would be saying 'oh for pity's sake just jump, take the risk, spread your wings, have some trust in what you can do. You don't need to be on guard against your own incompetency' which is another way of saying you don't need others to launch you out of the nest or even demonstrate how it's done. As I look out of the window today there are many busy birds carrying bits and pieces to their nests...heralding the time when the baby birds will be taking the big jump and of course quite a few don't manage it and end up stranded on the ground. I hate that, never know what to do, don't think there's anything one can do ? (any tips anyone) but overall most just take the risk and fly. Just read Hilary's commentary also which fed my bird nest vision.

I wouldn't lean so much to this interpretation if I hadn't just checked through 11.4 in my own journal and in most cases it seemed I was looking around for reassurance that it was okay to act which in hindsight looks a lot like fussing.


May 9, 2007
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... Different translations of this line seem quite different. Hilary Barret renders it "Fluttering, fluttering. Not rich in your neighbours -- not on guard against truth and confidence."

"not rich, hence calling on neighbors" is quite a different sentence than, "not rich IN your neighbours"

I suppose which sense/translation is more apt may depend on the context of the question, i.e., either could apply.

I am interested in hearing more translations and experiences of this line, 11.4 > 34

Hi, JumpingMouse:

Hilary's «Fluttering, fluttering» is a literal translation of the firsth two words of the line: pian pian (1).

When in the changes there is a reduplication it must catch our attention: it can be a mere intensifier for the standalone word or it can bear quite anothe sense. (2)

I like much the connection with birds. I believe that compliant with the sense of the single and doubled word are the HUMMINGBIRDS. Those little and light weighted guys, full of energy that can fly up and down, to and fro and even stand in its place like helicopters.

More about hummingbirds: http://www.oiseaux-birds.com/page-trochilidae-family.html

Hummingbirds usually are very small birds of only some grams, but these birds are unique by their flight, their behaviour, and their ability to enter hypothermic torpor in order to conserve the energy during the night.

They are the perfect example showing that size is not very important in wild. The main goal is to survive and Hummingbirds, in spite of habitat loss in several areas, are a very strong bird species...
Source: http://www.oiseaux-birds.com/apodiformes/dossier-colibris/dossier-troch-colibri-anna-couple-tg.jpg

It makes sense in the context of H.11 Peace / Greatness which is the marriage of Heaven and Earth. Those little mates are following the way of Heaven and Earth.

My translation of 11.4, as soon as possible.

All the best,

(1) Better, I believe, than W/B «He flutters down».

(2) From CJKV Dictionary by Ch. Muller:

pian, standalone meanings: «To fly swiftly. To suddenly change direction when flying; to flutter in the wind. To run to and fro. Light, soft.»

翩翩 pian-pian, doubled: «Being lifted up easily. Birds flying freely. Coming and going. Moving and shaking constantly. Elegant and refined. Beauty of a palace. Confident and content with oneself»



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Feb 1, 2012
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Moss Elk, thank you for your example; and Trojina thanks for your bird imagery.

Charly, I hoped you would chime in on this thread. Hummingbirds! I did not know that they could "enter hypothermic torpor in order to conserve energy during the night.


May 9, 2007
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... Charly, I hoped you would chime in on this thread. Hummingbirds! ...
Hi, JumpingMouse:

Quoting Rutt:

Richar Rutt thinked that H.11 had little to do with PEACE, he translated it as GREAT, but I believe that the sense of PEACE comes from the balanced nature of male and female lines seen in H.11 as the MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.

About FLUTTERING Rutt said:
Pian-p ian ‘flutter, flutter ’ is onomatopoeic reduplication. Fluttering, of birds, leaves or flags, has lyrical importance, if not omen value, in the Odes:
*Phjian-phjian, the turtle doves!
They come in thick flocks:
The prince has wine, and happy guests feast with him. (171.4)
Birds are favourite sources of omens, and a fluttering sound seems to bring a message. The oracle of
Dodona in Epirus, claimed as the most ancient oracle in Greece, was an oaktree sacred to Zeus, where whispering leaves and murmuring doves gave omens from the god.

R. Rutt: Zhouyi, p.305

I wonder about the message of the turtle-doves coming in thick flocks over the prince, they were of course women whispering at his ear. The «HAPPY GUESTS» was maybe an euphemism for WOMEN and you know wat's the sense of WINE AND WOMEN.

I believe that H.11 can be speaking about women fluttering aroung men or viceversa. And for the character PIAN used in the changes there is a variant with the radical WOMAN.

A connection with another famous reduplication in the Book of Odes:
I believe that the message said by the turtle-doves was the same said by the ospreys.

Maybe 11.4 brings an advice for girls / boys courtship when the female and male forces were balanced:

Keep in mind your goal. Don't fall in bragging. Look innocent.

(to be continued)



The image of a girl fluttering like a hummingbird:

Source: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Tat...2417394207.html?spm=2114.40010208.4.78.Vb51Xe

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"not rich, hence calling on neighbors" is quite a different sentence than, "not rich IN your neighbours"

This sentence can also be found in 15.5.
In my own experience, it means that someone aims to associate with whoever would make them rich.
If your neighbours are rich, then associate with them. If they aren't, just go find someone who is.
It shows going after profit of some sort.


May 9, 2007
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Quoting Wilhelm / Baynes:

He flutters down, not boasting of his wealth,
Together with his neighbor,
Guileless and sincere.​

Not too literal, of course.

My raw literal translation of 11.4, with glosses:

pian1 pian1
Fluttering, fluttering (Hilary). Moving smartly and graciously.
If onomatopoeia of bird’s crying: «Be_smart, be_smart!». Take it with ease.
bu4 fu4 yi3 qi2 lin2
Most of our neighbors are not rich. If we look like them, all will run smooth.
If our neghbors are rich maybe we are poor in comparison. Better not bragging with wealth.

bu4 jie4 yi3 fu2
Unprepared for outer dangers, like people caught in a high commitment.
If you prefer TRUST instead of CAPTIVES: like people caught during intercourse mutually RELIABLE. (2)

All the best,


(1) What sort of CAPTIVES? Captives in the gears of destiny, captives in the webs of love. Of course, always ourselves.

(2) Caught in the act.



May 9, 2007
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This sentence can also be found in 15.5.
In my own experience, it means that someone aims to associate with whoever would make them rich.
If your neighbours are rich, then associate with them. If they aren't, just go find someone who is.
It shows going after profit of some sort.
Dear Diamanda:

Maybe it applies to dowry hunters, those who run after rich girls grown with fluttering illusions sourrounding them.

Dp you know what is a PPGIRL? A 翩翩女 pian-pian nü?
(My broser recognizes UTF-8 only in the text boxes for input, but no when browsing the page, I don´t know how is looking the chinese text in the posts)

If you don't trust the connection of pian-pian with women, google for pian-pian 翩翩 images.

About 15.5 I see coincidences and differences: it has the same sentence but in different context.
Another coincidence: H.15 has also a character reduplication: QIAN-QIAN, pretty similar to JIAN-JIAN.

I will work in it.

All the best,



Hi Charly,

"Dowry hunters" sounds like a very apt interpretation. Especially keeping in mind that the resulting hexagram is 34, a big strong virile man.

About 15.5 I see coincidences and differences: it has the same sentence but in different context.
Another coincidence: H.15 has also a character reduplication: QIAN-QIAN, pretty similar to JIAN-JIAN.
This is a stunning observation, thank you! I'll have a think too, see if anything comes to mind.

.... fluttering off the thread for now...


Oct 20, 2009
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If we think of "fluttering, fluttering" as a commentary on human behaviour, it generally carries a sense of uncertainty, doubt, lacking clear purpose. The yang process having continued despite the unforeseen difficulties at 3rd yang, now proceeds into yin territory and in so doing has exceeded its role and responsibility, crashing through "the boundary of heaven and earth"(Lesser Image Text) and immediately found itself without any balanced sense of peace and harmony. Beset by material concerns (unsettled, sharing with one's neighbours a deep concern over "not being rich.") one flutters about in a state of doubtful uncertainty. The "gold elixir", once gained, is again lost - Liu I Ming. Having previously attained a state of peaceful confidence , one here has failed to contain oneself and has allowed exuberant enthusiasm to lead one into further difficulties.
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May 9, 2007
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If we think of "fluttering, fluttering" as a commentary on human behaviour, it generally carries a sense of uncertainty, doubt, lacking clear purpose. The yang process having continued despite the unforeseen difficulties at 3rd yang, now proceeds into yin territory and in so doing has exceeded its role and responsibility, crashing through "the boundary of heaven and earth"(Lesser Image Text) and immediately found itself without any balanced sense of peace and harmony. Beset by material concerns (unsettled, sharing with one's neighbours a deep concern over "not being rich.") one flutters about in a state of doubtful uncertainty. The "gold elixir", once gained, is again lost - Liu I Ming. Having previously attained a state of peaceful confidence , one here has failed to contain oneself and has allowed exuberant enthusiasm to lead one into further difficulties.
Hi, Peter:

I see H.11 as a moment of balanced female / male principles, or Yin / Yang, if you prefer so, because it has three lines of each nature, the trigrams for Heaven and Earth, supposedly approaching.

Of course that nothing lasts for ever, Peace will turn into trouble.

I also believe that in H.11 there are remnants of former times when the female principle had primacy over the male. See that it's said YIN / YANG ‎(traditional: 陰陽, simplified 阴阳) and not Yang / Yin. Here indeed the Earth trigram is above the Heaven trigram, which is not the propper relative position according to the traditional ideology.

The sentences sais:

xiao3 wang3 da4 lai2

ji2 heng1

Of course, the little is the Heaven trigram and the great is the Earth trigram. Not from a cosmic point of view, but in a SEXUAL METAPHOR. That's why the commentaries speak about the INTERCOURSE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH as a time of reproduction when the myriad beings are brought to live.

In traditional commentaries is implicit the idea that new lines enter into the hexagram from the base, punching up the first five lines and expelling the top line out.

Maybe a De Bruijn Sequence prefiguration (see: https://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/showthread.php?10608-The-Changes-and-the-Bruijn-sequence ).

In those combinatory sequences H.2 and H.1 are always next door neighbors. Yang progress begin when the first line is the only unbroken with five broken lines above it. When the three lower lines are unbroken, the relation of forces is balanced.

When the fourth line is also unbroken, the balance begins to be favorable to the male principle, with two changes more, the expulsion of unbroken lines will be absolute.

But it will change soon, at the end of a whole cycle there will have six unbroken lines again.

Balance is identified with PEACE / GREATNESS only when the EARTH TRIGRAM is atop, elseif things become complicated. Maybe LOVE or WAR. But 62 out of 64 times things come mixed.

All the best,

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About the duplication of QIAN QIAN in 15, and the duplication of PIAN PIAN in 11.
I've been thinking about this, also in relation to the lines' positions mentioned by peter and charly.
Here are some thoughts:

11.4 > 34
Pian pian (fluttering fluttering), not rich in his neighbour, not warned in his trust.

Line 4 is at a fearful and stressed position, because it's the courtier right next to line 5, the king.
The duplication of pian pian here doesn't produce very solid results:
this line doesn't mention 'good fortune', 'lucky' or 'profit', or anything like that.
As Charly said, the male starts becoming strong: result is 34, a big strong man, or a bully.

15.1 > 36
Qian qian (modest modest) the superior man, manages to cross the great river. Lucky.

Double modesty produces results (crosses river). There is good luck.
And yet if only this line changes, the result is the dark 36.
Perhaps the superior man is incognito on purpose...

15.5 > 39
Not rich in his neighbour, it is profitable to attack with force. Nothing which is not profitable.

Here the poor/empty/female line 5, at the king's position, is very forceful.
Instead of fluttering there's a full force attack, and a strong determination for profit (mentioned twice).
Resulting 39 shows an obstacle, but also a determination to overcome that obstacle no matter what.

The qian-qian (15) and pian-pian (11) duplications, together with the same phrase ("not rich in his neighbour) in both 15 and 11, certainly draw the attention to comparing the two. My only conclusion so far is that QIAN (self-effacing) is much more effective that the energetic PIAN (fluttering). I'd be very interested to hear more thoughts on this!


Ah, now I get it!

If you need to duplicate something in your life, better to duplicate QIAN/modesty and go undercover.
If your neighbours don't profit you and you want profit, better to attack with force.


May 9, 2007
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Ah, now I get it!

If you need to duplicate something in your life, better to duplicate QIAN/modesty and go undercover.
If your neighbours don't profit you and you want profit, better to attack with force.
Dear Diamanda:

I believe that reduplications don't always produce more of the same.

15.4 on a raw translation of mine:

Say, our neighbors make us poor or, if not, we are poor in comparison wih our neighbors, that are richer.

Attacking our neighbors, of course.
I believe: we can get richer taking booty of war from our neighbors.

Nothing bad, of course.

See that the line says nothing about the last result, fortunate or infortunate. Speaking twice of profit doesn't turn things happy neither turns profit irreversible. But the first phrase remains, we will never be richer than our neighbors because always, always, always, there will be another neighbor more strong, powerful or rich than ourselves.

Riches, like force or power, are never truly ours. They are BORROWED and TEMPORARY, like LIFE itself.
Nothing is ours, even the DEBTS WE PAY have been acquired by others.

Wars are not profitable for those that make war but make richer someboy else. Even for these nothing will last forever.

Of course that traditional views hold another illusions. But I believe that there must always have been people who think differently.

Balkin says:

Because in China everyone was subordinate to someone else, everyone —including all men— were yin to someone else's yang.

Balkin: The Laws of Change: I Ching and the Philosophy of Life
Available at Google Books: https://books.google.com.ar/books?i...ppet&q= "Because, in China, everyone"&f=false

In words of the Law of the Henhouse:
There is always another hen perched on a pole higher than yours.
Moral: tray no to be pooped by someone else perched in a higher position.

There are more NEIGHBORS in the Changes, maybe some related to LOVE more than to WAR.

Temporary translation:
«Feelings harmonious and peaceful make good next door neighbors.»

All the best,

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May 9, 2007
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For all the lovers of life:

H.15 has been translated mostly as MODEST or HUMBLE but also by modernists, as some sort of RODENT. Rutt brings RAT and Crouch MODESTY (HAMSTER). (1)

Maybe it could be translated MODEST RODENT or MODEST MOUSE.

And here is the most modest mouse of China living in desertic areas, his equivalent in the New World prefers humedals like ponds and marshes (the trigram for JOY, the younger daughter).

World's smallest 'hopping mouse' found in Xinjiang
by Shanghaiist in News on Jul 27, 2015 4:30 pm

The smallest "jumping mouse", considered the tiniest rodent in the world, was recently found in the Hotan Prefecture of China's western Xinjiang region. The mouse is known as dwarf three-toed jerboa, and is a species of rodent which usually appears in desert areas.


Chen Wenjie, a bird lover from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, was driving on a village road in Hotan Prefecture when he saw that the "mouse" had stopped in front of his car. According to Chen, the mouse has a pig-like face and a body slightly bigger than a bottled water cap. It weighs about the same as a one-yuan coin.

Chen placed the little creature into an empty bottle and brought it home, observing that it only seems to come out at night.

"In extreme cases, it slept for around 17 hours a day, wrapping its tail around its neck to shut out all the noises," said Chen.

Jiang Wei, a researcher with the centre for disease control and prevention in Xinjiang, identified the creature as a dwarf three-towed jerboa. Dwarf three-towed jerboas usually live in Xinjiang, Gansu and Inner Mongolia, and has been spotted in other countries such as Kazakhstan. Jiang said the jerboa moves over its dry desert habitat using long hops.

According to Jiang, the life span of a jerboa is only around two years, and they have only three or four offspring each year. Apparently, a newborn jerboa is even tinier, about the size of a peanut kernel.

Chen said he has released the creature.

By Crystal Lau

[Images via ECNS.cn]
Contact the author of this article or email tips@shanghaiist.com with further questions, comments or tips.

Source: http://shanghaiist.com/2015/07/27/worlds-smallest-rodent-hopping-mouse-found-xinjiang.php

Some captured animals get LIBERATION.

All the best,

(1) Thans to Bradford Hatcher: http://www.hermetica.info/GuaMing.htm
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I had never heard of the Law of the Henhouse, or about the association of 15/rodent.
Thanks! Also thanks for the photo of this cute little dude here :)

You're right of course, there's always someone better, richer, and so on, than ourselves, and riches are 'borrowed'. And yet this truth is not important to all people. So it's always good to be careful.

To quote a favourite Gogol Bordello verse:
Of course there is no us and them
But them they do not think the same


May 9, 2007
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I had never heard of the Law of the Henhouse, or about the association of 15/rodent.
Thanks! Also thanks for the photo of this cute little dude here :)
Dear Diamanda:

About the «Law of the Henhouse», I've already described it here:

Character interpretation:
This character depicts a structure built with almost unrelated things maybe with the aim to illustrate an abstract concept: THE LAW OF THE HENHOUSE.



That law has many corollaries:

The line of hierarchy has neither top nor bottom, things change because nobody can keep perched in the same pole all the time.

The henhouse is not ruled by hens. Roosters (C_cks) sometimes believe that they rule, but not: henhouses are ruled by foxes or creditors.

The list is too long.

Struggling for the upper pole:
All the best,



May 9, 2007
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Also thanks for the photo of this cute little dude here :)
... [/B]
Dear Diamanda:

I've found another connection with the LITTLE DUDE: the first appearance of lin2, NEIGHBOR in the Changes belongs to 9.5, being H.9 小畜xiao2 chu4, LITTLE ANIMAL (1)

Line 5 sais:

you3 fu2 luan2 ru2
Being slaves of our commitment, being married for love ...

fu4 yi3 qi2 lin2
... is being rich in comparison with the average, mostly joined by families convenience.

In H.9 there are many issues about love and marriage. For one example see 9.3

yu2 shuo1 fu2
Like cause of derailing wagon...

fu1 qi1 fan3 mu4
... are marital conflicts.

Moral: better keep harmonious.

There are NEIGHBORS in 9.5, 11.4, 15.5, 51.6 and 63.5

(To be continued)

All the best,


(1) SMALL CATTLE in Kerson Huang's translation. Actually little domestic animals like ROOSTERS and RABBITS. Maybe SEXUAL EUPHEMISMS, but that's another story.

(2) The character luan2, TWISTED is a compound of lower HAND and upper STRING + WORD + STRING. Say, a hand holding two strings connected by word. The component STRING is mi4, string, fine silk, two silk filaments twisted to get a thinnest string. It brings the idea of MUTUAL COMMITMENT, of MAKING ONE OF TWO, of MARRIAGE.



Oct 20, 2009
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This reading turned up as I was looking through some notes made several years ago. The reading had been taken immediately after a telephone conversation with “K,” my sister’s husband, who was running a business exporting rare antique furniture and artwork from the UK to America, Switzerland and Germany. He knew what he was doing as far as the artwork was concerned (studied art history at university, had worked for dealers in the UK) but I wasn’t completely convinced as far as the antique furniture was concerned. I had loaned him a considerable amount of money to help him get his business started. The business had run well for the first three or four years but then ran into problems with a shipment of furniture to the USA. The dealer was happy enough with two of the items in the shipment but was not convinced as to the origin of the four other items, and had refused to accept them. These were expensive items (Italian antique furniture) and without their sale the deal would make a substantial loss. The dealer was someone with whom K had done business many times before and he had wavered his usual condition of taking full payment in advance. There followed weeks and months of negotiation between “K” and the American dealer but at the time of my reading no conclusion had been reached.

Our telephone conversation was concerning my sister’s health, she had recently been taken into hospital for further tests. After the call I realised that neither “K” nor myself had raised the issue of the recent problems with the export business and I assumed that this was because neither of us wanted to risk having another argument — there had been plenty of very heated conversations over the previous weeks concerning the American dealer’s refusal to buy and our relationship had come to the verge of splitting apart. The reading ran as follows:

Will this issue regarding the unwanted items eventually be resolved? 11,3,4,5>58

3rd yang: No plain not followed by a slope.
No going not followed by a return.
He who remains persevering in danger
Is without blame.
: Do not complain about this truth;
Enjoy the good fortune you still possess.

It is a natural process for things to suffer a decline after a sustained period of success. If this did not happen things would remain in a constant state ad infinitum and no external change would take place.
Change can often produce alarm and danger but the correct response is to remain constantly persevering. This requires both flexibility and strength (yin and yang) in the correct proportion. I feel that the universal process often uses change to teach us wisdom.

4th yin: He flutters down, not boasting of his wealth.
Together with his neighbour,
Guileless and sincere.

(b) “He flutters down, not boasting
of his wealth”: all of them have lost
what is real.

My approach to “K” had been friendly and relaxed. I was open to any topic the conversation might land upon — hence I “fluttered” down and did not go in like a destructive torpedo with a pre-determined target. I was not seeking to convince “K” with my point of view - I was not “boasting of my wealth”. The Lesser Image Text then enters what could be regarded as the most important part of the line text — "all of them have lost what is real." The most important issue between “K” and myself at that time was the unresolved, unwanted items issue yet in the interest of “peace” we had both completely ignored this issue and in doing this any third party observer would have described us as having “lost what is real.” We had chatted at length about my sister’s health without any mention of the long outstanding “unwanted items issue” ; yet the”unwanted items issue” had not been forsaken, rather it had been carefully stored, pending further progress. My motivation had throughout, been “guileless and sincere.”

5th yin: The sovereign I
Gives his daughter in marriage.
This brings blessing
And supreme good fortune.

We had both approached this issue with feminine flexibility and eventually we resolved the problem successfully, working in union (marriage) — the unwanted items were sold to another USA dealer, and the matter was concluded.

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