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Your reading

202403040953 should I send the request to this job offer?

Your reading resulted in the following hexagrams:

changing to
51   58

Hexagram 51, Shock

Key Questions

What must change?
What will continue?


'Shock, creating success.
Shock comes, fear and terror.
Laughing words, shrieking and yelling.
Shock spreads fear for a hundred miles.
Someone does not lose the sacred ladle and libation.'

Shock is something that stirs, rouses and shakes you up – like an earthquake, or a violent thunderstorm. In ancient China, Heaven spoke through thunder, and this was an omen that the human world was to be brought back into harmony. Abruptly, your world is not working as you expect; the solid ground shifts under your feet, security slips away and mental constructs shatter; living reality has spoken.

Shock spreads out in waves of contagious fear and hysteria. Suddenly everyone is all too closely in touch with their own emotions – and with everyone else's – and all are reacting to one another. It is a time to hold on to what you most value, and take on responsibility for keeping it safe through the upheaval, like the priest who is charged with safeguarding the temple and altars from the past, for the future. Consider what remains constant and true when everything else is in turmoil. This doesn't necessarily mean resisting the shock itself, so much as keeping a still point in the midst of the tumult of reactions to it. Then you never lose your connection with the creative power that speaks through the storms.


'Rolling thunder: Shock.
A noble one in fear and dread sets things in order and is watchful.'


Shock follows from Hexagram 50, the Vessel:
'In the charge of the sacred vessel, none equals the eldest son, and so Shock follows. Shock means new beginnings.'


Shock forms a pair with Hexagram 52, Stilling:
'Shock begins; Stilling stops.'

Changing Lines

Line 2

'Shock comes, danger.
A hundred thousand lost coins.
Climb up the nine hills, don't give chase.
On the seventh day, gain.'

Line 5

'Shock goes and comes, danger.
Intention is not lost – there are things to do.'

Hexagram 58, Opening

Key Questions

How can you fully enjoy the moment?
What are you bringing to expression?
What if you communicated and exchanged more freely?


'Opening, creating success.
Constancy bears fruit.'

The early Chinese character for 'Opening' shows someone with words rising from their mouth: they seem to be dancing and singing. It means joyful and outgoing expression that opens up communication.

Opening brings people together and begins a lively creative process of sharing and exchange. It liberates human energies, motivates people to overcome hardship and encourages perseverance.


'Lakes joined together: Opening.
A noble one joins with friends to speak and practise together.'


Opening follows from Hexagram 57, Subtly Penetrating:
'Entering in and then rejoicing, and so Opening follows.'

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