...life can be translucent


"Aha!!" Answers - little chat, just post your favourite or encouraging results


Apr 4, 2021
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I'll keep this one brief but....asked about my role in my birth family, as I have been attempting to make sense of it all and evaluate my role in the dysfunction. Fam is very religious, culty, emotionally confusing and very good at justifying abuse as discipline or with victimhood stories, all my siblings are still "in it"...as the oldest, and a transsexual, I took on quite the black sheep role though they all still claim to love and want me back around.

Half expected Yi to point out some amount of responsibility on my part but instead they answered:

59.6 Dispersing

Line 6:​

Scattering one's blood.
Leaving to go far away.
Without fault.

Leaving a harmful situation, so as to get to safety. It is not wrong to do so.

No more commentary needed! My decision to leave it all behind feel much more peaceful.


Jun 3, 2006
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63.1.2 - 48
A friend had unprotected sex and was concerned that she might have become pregnant. We consulted the I Ching asking for advice:
"Your wheels dragged back, your tail soaked - no mistake."
Did she almost jump into an unplanned adventure?
"A wife loses her carriage screen - don't chase it. On the seventh day gain."
Did "screen" mean a condom? Did a little fox jump into her carriage? No worries - on the seventh day the screen would return.
A week later she reported all good and from now on she would
48. "Encourage people to help one another" as in insist her husband always wear a condom!


Jun 3, 2006
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A friend consulted the I Ching about getting a role in a local theater production: > 22.
54. The Marrying Maiden seemed to perfectly describe how an actor - who must follow and not try to change the script! - creates 22. Grace, something beautiful yet imaginary.
The lines also seemed to be appropriate as it turned out my friend got accepted and given a very small part but she also was made the understudy to the lead and did get to preform in that role several times. Further she was cast in a lead role in the company's next production. I thought at first the dark sixth line might mean that show would never get produced or would be a flop but it actually went over very well. My friend suggested that the fake wedding depicted in the line might have referred to the performance being a theatrical and not real. She also said that the rehearsals and camaraderie were as much fun if not more so than the performance. I thought that was interesting as I'd never considered there might be anything fun about being a Marrying Maiden.


Sep 15, 2022
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I've been kind of obsessively doing readings about a personal matter over the last few days as a way of coping with anxiety. The question was: "How well am I understanding the answers the Yi Jing is giving me?" The response? 57.3.
Line 3: ‘Subtly penetrating with urgency – shame.’
You are pushing for a response. Instead of adapting when you don’t find what you need, you try again, neurotically probing for something more substantial. You seek certainty where there is none to be had: insisting on this, as if you had something to prove, is ultimately exhausting and leads to humiliation.

Well then!
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Sep 15, 2022
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Feeling like I'm pretty much at that point today, to be honest.


Sep 15, 2022
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I've been going through some difficult emotional times lately and trying to do some 'inner work,' as it were, to put me on a better footing. Yi has been pretty unambiguous (I think) about this process. A few recent examples:

"How much of the misery I have been experiencing is simply a product of my own fears and insecurities?"
40.6 > 64: taken to mean "Now you see what is happening, so release the arrow and deal with this problem. But there's still work to be done before you're out of the woods."

"How can I get better at being alone?"
48.5 > 46: taken to mean "You have everything you need, so just drink from your own source and take the next steps."

"What do you think about my meditation habits?"
46.4 > 32: taken to mean "These are good first steps and you're dedicating yourself to the right thing, but make sure you persevere because that's how you will derive something lasting from it."

"What do you think is the wisdom in me just chilling out about [things that are causing me a lot of emotional anguish] right now?"
17uc: taken to mean "yup, if you just go with the flow of things for now then you can stop beating yourself up about your place in this situation."

Anyways, just a few "aha!" moments that have cropped up recently that really made me stop, think, and (maybe, I hope) helped nudge me towards being on the right track towards addressing the "corruption" that Yi is always telling me I need to root out before things can really improve.


Sep 15, 2022
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I had a mental health crisis today, and needed to call a hotline. Afterwords, I asked Yi "please help me with this crisis I am in" (yes I know more of a plea than a question). Either way:

14, unchanging.

The hotline helped calm me down. Now I need to start looking inside for what it is that I am rich in, because learning to love myself even in the slightest degree seems like it's the only way out of this.
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Clarity Supporter
Feb 16, 2023
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I want to share a reading that shows how serious and humorous the I Ching can be at once--or at least I laughed out loud when I received this reading...

December 15, 2022: "Can you give me insight into changing my perfectionism?" > 36

My laughter was a little bitter, to be sure, but I felt seen and there's a lot of advice packed in there.


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Dec 30, 2023
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I'm currently in a very strange place in my life. Had some trauma in my teen years, dropped out of high school, and have since been alternating between working a "whatever" job and sitting at home basically catatonic. I've been asking a lot of questions about my career path (I want to be a musician but struggle with insecurities and executive dysfunction) and the future of my love life. I'm amazed that all of the answers have a common thread of "you don't need to do much, just be"

Where am I at in my life? 24 unchanging (winter solstice, dark period, but a turn for the better, all you can do is wait for daylight to increase again)

What career would be aligned with my highest self? > 32 (it's up in the air right now, try to take care of yourself and relax in the meantime. I'm hoping hex 32 doesn't imply that this is a permanent thing, maybe it's saying when I do find my career, it'll be permanent)

Is there some purpose to this stagnant, liminal, directionless period in my life? 25 unchanging (it's a surprise!)

Will I enter a long term relationship in 2024? 52.1.5 > 37 (sit tight and speak carefully, though hex 37 is kind of confusing. Maybe I'll meet someone through my family or find someone to start one with? Either way there's an element of "chill out, let things unfold")

I just think it's neat that it knows exactly what I'm going through and I'm very happy to hear that I don't need to stress myself out too badly trying to steer the situation myself.


Apr 4, 2021
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a few weeks ago I was in a deep spiral of various anxieties, fears and emotions and out of sorts in every way about friendships and my daily life, social media, the world. just a real bundle of misery, and anger, and pain. it has been going on for awhile. i turned to the Yi to ask what to do about several friendships, which had all sorts of judgment, resentment, annoyance and paranoia going on...

9. Minor Restraint​

Line 4:​

Have confidence,
bloodiness is past.
Leaving cautiousness behind is without fault.

The damaging period is over, there is no reason any more for being cautious. Have confidence, it is no mistake to let go of that.

this reading made no sense! isn't everything so terrible??? a thousand reasons why to suffer and mourn and rage are right here before my eyes! and i can't solve any of them! the world is burning and people being killed and trash is everywhere....

well, then: I broke my cellphone.
so its been gone three weeks. in those 3 weeks my head cleared significantly.

i did some grief rituals, and kept going to my weekly trauma therapy. realized i still love my ex, cried about it and let go... stopped cleaning all the time, let everything be a mess.
took a few shifts at a vigil outside a notorious facility where some inmates have died, late night. it deprived me of sleep but sitting, reading quietly under the moon, or watching the dawn, talking with the kind hearted people there, my heart settled & began to remember itself. i cried a little for the dead, and wrote some poetry. after a long rainy winter, a few days of sunshine followed.

after a short nap today i woke with one of those strange "gear shifts" that happen periodically in life, when reality clicks into a new shape and you can feel transition into next stage of life, a different philosophy.
it was like before, i'd been underwater of so much incessant energy, thrashing around and expending haphazardly, overthinking, guilty, can't say no, trying to 'solve' everything in my head and do everything perfect, push so hard to become a 'good person' and impress people - diagnosed clinical OCD & generalized anxiety -
but its like today some nap angel suddenly came and thumped my head and said 'just be, all you are, good and bad are only thoughts.' and my brain believes it?
most of the constant fear/anxiety/social trepidation dissolve- like THAT! after decades of this horrible existence????

it is nice today, i'm hungry when i'm hungry. mad when mad. happy when happy. i felt so grumpy today but not worried /about/ being grumpy almost makes it enjoyable. i can only remember maybe one day like this before in my life not collapsing in worries. maybe that's hard to believe, but its true. most of my friends have been addicts, miserable, traumatized, etc so it seemed normal but suddenly it seems very sad, and i want to give my past self a big hug to.

we shall see if the peace hold when the accursed phone is fixed - but i feel confident in decision to turn off notifications, make a schedule for when i will respond to texts & put the damn thing in a box by the door til its needed:tongue2: bcuz this is my life!!
its like whatever the emotional knots that led to relying on the phone addiction, finally worked loose. maybe i was worried reality would collapse without constant connection, and it didn't. or needed space to breathe and adjust to all the changes. or the real likelihood - stopped talking to my toxic family completely for almost a month.....bliss.

i actually miss my online friends a bit.
now onto all the other "knots" of the world ;)

anyways, thanks Yi, for the premonition of 9.4

and anyone suffering from mental illness symptoms or trauma, OCD - you REALLY don't know how sick you are until you find relief, if life is unbearable please don't give up or think nothing can help!! even a month ago i still wanted to die not bc of wanting to not be alive, but bc of how awful every day felt.
maybe those symptoms will come back but the point is now its possible to see they are not reality itself.


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Aug 11, 2022
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Oh my goodness gracious this is so beautiful to read. Thank you for sharing it with all of us!

May the peace hold, or since nothing holds, may the peace be easily found again now that you know it well and truly.

This was an absolute gift for me to read today. Thank you to you and to Hilary who pointed us here.


Jun 3, 2006
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I am working on putting together an I Ching made up of verses from the Bible. I asked for an I Ching verse to go with Jeremiah 31.3 “I have loved you with an everlasting love” and got 19. Nearing:

“Creating Success from The Source, constancy bears fruit.
“Reaching an end in the eighth month means a pitfall.”

I see 19 now as saying “Source will never give up on you. Don’t you give up on Source.”
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Clarity Supporter
May 13, 2024
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59.6 Dispersing

My first day here; I joined to try and get some clarity on 59.6

Watched all the little videos and guides on how to use the site, and decided to browse the forum before posting. This post (edited) was at the top of the very first page I randomly clicked into. I feel very much like I am in the right place!

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