...life can be translucent


12.5.6>16 -- a different way of looking at it?


Clarity Supporter
Jul 11, 1971
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Hello, everyone,

12.5 Resting when blocked. Great person, good fortune. It is lost, it is lost! Tie it to the bushy mulberry tree.

12.6 Overturning the block, before, blocked. Afterwards rejoicing.

I've always thought of these two lines when grouped together to mean, roughly, 'rest and meditate positively on this situation and the obstruction will be overturned.' When I was looking through the archives here, though, that wasn't reflected in the various threads I've read about these lines together. Does anyone have an opinion on this or experiences with these lines?




For me it is moving from rest to vigorous activity (16), the way a cocooned caterpillar vigorously works to break free from out of the cocoon before it emerges as a butterfly.

Some insects, amphibians, molluscs, crustaceans, Cnidarians, echinoderms and tunicates undergo metamorphosis, which is usually accompanied by a change of habitat or behavior. Wiki



I saw some partridges on TV feeding in the brush and they all had their heads tilted oddly with one eye pointed to the sky. Turns out they were looking out for birds of prey and sparrowhawks in particular and at the first sign of danger would run for cover to the dense undergrowth.It reminded me of 12.5
Dense , bao , is the same as envelope ( self and foetus in womb ) in 12.2 and 12.3 but with grass or plants added. Mulberry is associated with home.The idea may be rest and recuperation in a protective cocoon and building up reserves of strength for the coming push to victory.


Clarity Supporter
Jul 11, 1971
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Thanks so much sooo and peterg for your comments. The images are beautiful and apt in both.

Sooo: Cocooning, of course! I always seem to gloss over the part about resting when blocked so it hadn't occurred to me how much 12.5 is like cocooning. Instead, I always slip into thinking of 12.5 as a call to actively pursue an end to the blocked situation by creating an image of a positive outcome (think I got that from a Karcher book somewhere), but that really doesn't utilize the advice to rest in the obstructed time, which is right there in the first line!

Peterg: Your mention of the birds watching out for predators fits with a lot of the previous threads on 12.5 where many saw a warning against the potential for things to go awry. I've always wondered where others got the call to vigilance from and now your example illuminates that tying whatever seems lost to a bushy mulberry is like finding a good hiding place.

Btw, I usually think of 12.5 as an antidote to despair and when paired with 12.6, it seems even more hopeful (something I could use these days....).

Thanks for the insights. What a great community!


Nov 29, 2012
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Just wanted to share my experience with 12.5.6 to 16;

I asked the Yi to show me an image of my friendship with X and I got 12 to 16.

It is an intense friendship that suddenly bloomed in our lives, we've known each other for years but it was only since last year that the we evolved from pleasant acquantainces to a deeper connection. We are two strong personalities and between us there is a deep feeling of mutual respect and understanding. She somehow manages to get me to step out of my comfort zone which has been a real enrichment for me, and I think she really appreciates the stability and honesty I provide for her as a friend (She has been let down in major ways by others in the past).

However I noticed a certain reservation from her part lately. We have been spending more and more time together, despite the fact that we are loners by nature. At first her distant behaviour made my uncertain, I wondered if there was something I might have done to offend her. The uneasy feeling grew and I was really starting to feel hurt and judged, the whole thing started to take on a life on its own in my mind.

I realized I was allowing my own fears and uncertainties to take over, and suddenly I realized that the distance she created bewteen us was probably a good thing for her AND for myself. Now that I feel calmer and more positve about the whole thing I felt 'Zen' enough to ask the Yi to show me the image of our friendship right now I got this answer. I think it describes the whole process quite accurately ;)

I can relate towars Miakoda's first interpretation:
'To rest and meditate positively on this situation and the obstruction will be overturned.'
And Sooo's:
'I usually think of 12.5 as an antidote to despair and when paired with 12.6, it seems even more hopeful'

It was because of my own feeling of anxiety and uncertainty that I felt out friendship became 'blocked'. When I realized I was creating the blockage myself because of my own prejudice, I was able to let go of the negativity. A good reminder never to fill in other peoples motives or drive. I now feel more certain then ever that this friendship worth my time and investment.


Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Just wanted to share my experience with 12.5.6 to 16;

I asked the Yi to show me an image of my friendship with X and I got 12 to 16.

It is an intense friendship that suddenly bloomed in our lives, we've known each other for years but it was only since last year that the we evolved from pleasant acquantainces to a deeper connection. We are two strong personalities and between us there is a deep feeling of mutual respect and understanding. She somehow manages to get me to step out of my comfort zone which has been a real enrichment for me, and I think she really appreciates the stability and honesty I provide for her as a friend (She has been let down in major ways by others in the past).

However I noticed a certain reservation from her part lately. We have been spending more and more time together, despite the fact that we are loners by nature. At first her distant behaviour made my uncertain, I wondered if there was something I might have done to offend her. The uneasy feeling grew and I was really starting to feel hurt and judged, the whole thing started to take on a life on its own in my mind.

I realized I was allowing my own fears and uncertainties to take over, and suddenly I realized that the distance she created bewteen us was probably a good thing for her AND for myself. Now that I feel calmer and more positve about the whole thing I felt 'Zen' enough to ask the Yi to show me the image of our friendship right now I got this answer. I think it describes the whole process quite accurately ;)

I can relate towars Miakoda's first interpretation:

And Sooo's:

It was because of my own feeling of anxiety and uncertainty that I felt out friendship became 'blocked'. When I realized I was creating the blockage myself because of my own prejudice, I was able to let go of the negativity. A good reminder never to fill in other peoples motives or drive. I now feel more certain then ever that this friendship worth my time and investment.
Putting things in perspective after reading my post from 2014

This friendship slowly faded out about a year after that post. Turns out she had bipolar disorder which meant to me she had the weirdest expectations about friendship and showing up for eachother. I can now better understand the dynamic between us because back then. I was enabling her to act out and project on me. She checked out on me when I really needed support from a good friend so that's where it ended for me. The friendship ran it's natural course and I was able to let go without resentment.

I still miss her quick wit, strange humour and keen insights sometimes, but not enough to want to reach out again.

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