...life can be translucent


22.3.5>42 reguarding marriage


Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all! Hope u are all having a marvelous day. I am pretty new to this site , and I am hoping someone could help me with my hexagram reading 22.3.5>42. The question I asked was "what should I do regarding my husband?" The reason I asked is because I feel there is no connection between us, that everything is fake. Like I don't feel the love. From reading the meanings of the hexagrams, it's telling me to have somewhere to go (divorce) instead of just accepting it. Am I correct? I will be so grateful for anyone's insight. Thanks.

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
hex 22.3.5 to 42

Your hexagram layout

立春:2013年02月04日00时31分   中华预测网
惊蛰:2013年03月05日18时19分 http://www.zhycw.com
神煞:天乙—寅午 福星—巳 日禄—酉 羊刃—申 驿马—亥 桃花—午 华盖—丑
干支:癸巳年 甲寅月 辛酉日 戊戌时
旬空:午未  子丑  子丑  辰巳

六神  伏神    艮宫:山火贲(六合)     巽宫:风雷益
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
滕蛇       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼丙寅木     ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼辛卯木 应
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财丙子水  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母辛巳火  
朱雀       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟丙戌土 应   ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟辛未土  
青龙 子孙丙申金 ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财己亥水  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟庚辰土 世
玄武 父母丙午火 ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟己丑土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼庚寅木  
白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼己卯木 世   ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财庚子水  

You two have an argument (line 1 and 4: tiger – bird)

Your life is confined by your spouse and perhaps another man also (line 6 officer, line 1 officer line).

Money may be an issue (line 5 zi water is the empty element under this relationship – month/day of reading). Or there is an older female who is hard to please (line 5 change line).

You lose hope (line 1 host line officer – him) Mao wood confronts with the house of spouse you metal.

He thinks of someone else (sibling line at line 4 xu earth)
Two females in this reading (line 3 and line 5). Line 3 female is connected to the officer (male in line 6).
Line 2 third party (may be male) is connected to the female in line 5. This is a hollow coupling at present.
Hexagram 22 means that the expenditure is high in this family. The relationship is difficult to sustain because the materialistic goals are not within reach.

It appears in hexagram 22 and 42 that there are two males, two third parties. It is a complex situation. Your spouse may be thinking of leaving instead of staying with you.

This relationship is lacking the vital ingredients to evolve into a long term commitment. If you want it to work, you have to put a serious effort into it. If not, it is time to discuss the future with him. Hexagram 22 has two females and two males, you both have choices.

It is really up to you. I recommend you to wait and analyze the situation. You were unhappy when you cast this reading. Accuracy of outcome may be compromised by what you have on your mind.

Hexagram 42 = six of pentacles in Tarot.
1. Money issues will be resolved.
2. You experience a sense of separateness and will feel as if the distance is increasing with your partner.
3. Stop thinking about the problem. The answer will reveal itself.
4. There may also be work problems, but it will resolve itself.
5. The relationship is not all that bad: Quote: If she could only get him to really try to do the things that she wants things would work out perfectly. He seems content to waste his time on things that are unimportant to her and even may try getting out of doing things that she asks of him. Unquote

Relax, and do not make any decisions. Communicate with each other and relax.
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Jan 7, 2011
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@ long yi

Wow! Thank you very much for the interpretation and the clarity you put into it. As of this moment, I'll take your advice and not act too hastily without communicating to him first. I do believe the answer will reveal itself and to not stress too deeply about it. Thank you a lot long yi, it is a little confusing the iching, but I think I understand what to do now. 😄

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