...life can be translucent


37/23 about a decision to renew the contract of a colleague


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Apr 4, 1971
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Dear folks,
I have been faced with a difficult decision at work. I have to decide if to rehire or not, one of my colleages. To explain: I work in a university (in Mexico) and am in charge of an "academic body" , i.e. academic teams that have a coordinator and do research together. Tomorrow I have to speak to one of my colleagues about the renewal or not of her contract. Because this "academic body" structure is not clear, she did not see me as an authority, and, instead allied herself with someone who criticized me and created a very unconfortable ambiance. My own authorities believe I shouldn't keep her, but have given me the power to decide over her. However, even if I was very angry with the colleague (20 yrs younger than I), I don't feel it is right to not rehire her. What I really would like to do is to figure out a way for her to see her mistake and to team up with me. We have a very great and interesting project that I am coordinating and leading, and if she can understand that, we can do good and creative work. Otherwise, things will not work and I really should desist from rehiring her.
I asked the Yi: What should I do? and the answer is 37 / 23. Does this mean that I should seek to preserve "the family" and "strip away", ie make her see the situation?
Or, should I just say: "Authorities are asking me not to rehire you. I really wish you luck."
If you have an opinion before tomorrow noon (now it's midnight), I would be soooo grateful!!
Thanks in advance for your wise opinions.
oops: I must add: I just realized it's her birthday today, April 18!!! What a terrible day to discuss these things with her!!! What should I do???
Last edited:
Dec 15, 2011
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My general experience with 23, especially as the transformed hex, regarding questions along the lines of "Should I keep this person around?" is let them go. If 23 comes up and you are considering letting them go, it is a good chance the Yi is pointing out that you should follow through with the break. I didn't have time to look at the lines yet, but you said you need to decide today. So, 23 can also mean she is an undermining you. I would be careful with this person.
Dec 15, 2011
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Also, if she isn't loyal to you, I would not include her on any important projects as a cooperative. You are too nice, Hulda. I'm curious to see what other members say here though. Please, keep us updated:).


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Apr 4, 1971
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Thanks, dancing white ferret, your opinion matches everybody else's opinion in general, and I'm sure your interpretation of the Yi is very much to the point. I am so sorry about this situation, because I had such great expectations regarding this colleague. Also, all my life I have struggled to give people chances, to be fair, to establish clear rules, and it is soo difficult for me to make the decision. Even how present the idea to her goes against all of my grain. What is your take on 37? and the lines?
As it turned out, I told her to see me tomorrow (I couldn't bear to discuss any issue with her on her birthday!).
Dec 15, 2011
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Hi Hulda:)... I'm not super experienced with the Yi in general, and 37 is not one I know well, but I looked at the lines on this, and seems to be pointing out in line 1 that you need to lay down the law early. It is hard to instill firm boundaries once someone has successfully crossed them. Line 3 talks about being moderate when one disciplines, but that it is better to be too severe than too lenient. Line 5, I think, says you have to decide what to do here. This line describes a king whose upstanding character does the ruling. Sounds to me like the Yi is just reflecting the situation to you in lines 1 and 3, pointing out that once someone goes too far it is difficult to set clear boundaries. Line 3 points out that an excess of justice is preferable to an excess of mercy... I think the Yi is saying you need to decide based on what lines 1 and 3 talk about. Is it early enough to instill the necessary boundaries here, or has this person gone too far (line 1)? Does leniency here threaten to bring disorder to the group somehow, (line 3)? Line 5 says you must be the king with the upstanding character here. I get the impression you are and will make the right decision.

23 could be reflecting her undermining you or you getting to the bottom of the situation. I wouldn't let 23 there determine your decision. It is just another piece of the puzzle. My feeling and experience with the transformed hex is that it is usually the external circumstances. Or reflects the concern you are asking about. So, it does not necessarily mean you have to let this person go, but it has often come up this way before for me though. But, I do think 37.5 is clear that you are a good leader and capable of making the right decision. Make the decision that you feel is right, that reflects your character, and you cannot go wrong.

My own 2 cents here:eek:... It sounds like you don't want to be the bad guy here. I think you need to ask yourself the questions proposed in lines 1 and 3.... And I get the feeling you need to make the decision that is best for the group. What will the group think of your decision? Doesn't sound like they want this person to be part of the team... Could that bring disorder to the group? Anyway, it doesn't sound like you could go wrong letting her go. If you keep her you may put the group and yourself at risk. So, if you have any doubts about her you are certainly justified, and no need to feel guilty.

The reading, in my humble opinion, is just reflecting the decision making process going on in your mind to you. It is showing that you lean toward letting her go, and rightfully so. For all the right reasons. And, I think it just says you are a good leader, and decide with that in mind. Being a good leader. But, if you have faith in her, and you really feel you can work it out then by all means keep her. But, I don't think you do feel that way. I think the reason you don't want to talk to her on her birthday is because deep down you know you are going to give her bad news. Nobody wants to be the one to say Happy Birthday! You're fired:footinmouth:... :rofl: Except Donald Trump maybe:wrydemon:... I'll tell her for you Hulda:), No worries:cool: LOL, JK. As a fellow softy, I feel for you:hug:.


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Apr 4, 1971
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New incident at work: blew it! 36

Hi folks, especially dancing white ferret,
I blew it even though your analysis was so good! I didn't go by my instinct and, instead, told my colleague (today), that authorities had decided to let her go. I felt bad about it, but I felt even worse, when I found out she and her friends are planning to sue the university and me!!!
I have consulted with authorities about the possibility of taking the process back. I asked the Yi: What would be the consequences of me telling my colleague that I managed to convince authorities to keep her. I had told her that I wanted to negotiate. And they don't know I know about the plotting. Yi's answer was: 36 with no changing lines.
Beats me: should I interpret it as no, don't do that? Or, on the contrary, does it mean that I should go ahead and tell her, but keep to myself as to the reasons for doing so?
My analysis is that this will prevent them from causing damage. I don't have a particular problem with the colleague when it comes to academics, though I do have a problem with the way in which she hooks up with people who are very kniving.
Any thoughts?
Again, I am distraught, and feel sooo cornered! I have done everything to create a nice ambiance at work and this is what I get!


Dear Hulda, I am so sorry to hear about your situation.

My views on your reading: "I asked the Yi: What would be the consequences of me telling my colleague that I managed to convince authorities to keep her?"

Hex 36 with no changing lines.

Well, I think that if you keep this person you should expect nothing but trouble and hostility. You would have to be constantly on guard and there would be no transparency in the work environment.

Hope that helps you to make the right decision.


Clarity Supporter
Apr 4, 1971
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follow up: interesting development

especially mirian and dancing white ferret, this where I am:
Today, with the endorsement of authorities, I called my colleague and told her that I had managed to negotiate w. authorities that she would not be let go. She was taken aback and confused and after some exchanges, finally decided she needed time to think as she was now very disappointed.
I asked the Yi: What is going to happen to my colleague? How will she react?
The answer: 1>34
I felt immensely relieved in general, as I felt that the bad feelings generated by the connection with the two bad influences, have been lifted. Seeing the Yi's answer also gives me confidence that this time I did the right thing. It may be a strange thing to do, but as it turns out it seems to be the good thing.
The 36 I got must have meant, keep things to yourself.
Time will tell. In the meantime, thanks for your advice. Indeed a great help.


Thank you for you feedback Hulda.

So, your new reading is "I asked the Yi: What is going to happen to my colleague? How will she react? The answer: 1>34"

So, you must have got Hex 1 changing lines 5 & 6.

Please keep us up to date. Good luck & all the best.

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