...life can be translucent


45 1.3.5 to 55 - working with a spiritual teacher, insight into line 5 needed

Nov 29, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

Would appreciate your advice - trying to get to grips with line 5 of hex 45 specifically, considering lines 1 and 3 are perfectly clear and make sense, it's just this last piece of the puzzle is evading me (maybe because, as usual, it's so important I can't get a fully objective look-in :rolleyes:).

The question: I'm in the middle of a twin flame separation and have been working with a spiritual practitioner to help me along the path (a helluva load of personal growth for me, as expected). This is the second practitioner who took the case after my original one had said the situation is hopeless, and we have had some very good progress but still far from reunion and getting back to the state of oneness we had shared with my TF before the testing phase started.

So I asked: will my TF and I reunite as a result of this work I'm doing with my teacher?

The Yi answered spot on - so far, so good:

45.1 - My TF returning and leaving and returning (although he is never far away and keeps coming back). A helping hand of a strong leader (I'm reading "my teacher") is needed to unite the subjects of the reading.
45.3 - Describes our latest meeting trying to sort things out and pick apart what had gone on before; no reasonable discussion had followed (the "nothing that would further" comment), basically ended up having emotionally charged sex instead and then he disappeared off again (he is torn between me and the arranged marriage his family want him to enter). To say "slight humiliation" is to put it very mildly, but sure have learned my lesson for the next round of discussions with him (public places only until a reasonable discussion has been had) :duh: :lol:
45.5 - (I'm not there yet) looks good for a reunion, but translations/interpretations vary from "winning through endurance" to "You have gathered your forces, yet haven't gained full mastery over them. Unswerving devotion to the Work and refusal to yield to temptation should eventually bring success." (Jim De Korne's commentary). Any additional warnings here (Jim mentions temptation, for one, and this makes sense in the overall story)?

All of this changing to hex 55 looks auspicious, but I really want to get every little nugget of meaning out of line 5 to help me along, so would really appreciate any insights you could share.

Thanks a lot for your help!


Jul 28, 2018
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I can't say what the fifth line means exactly but the whole reading sounds like the situation will be the way it is: leaving, returning, small shame, some good fortune, sometimes lack of trust & sometimes reuniting.
Nov 29, 2007
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@marybluesky - thank you, maybe I'm trying to get too esoteric here, LOL. I think you're right.

It's the toughest relationship I've had in the past 15 years, I swear. But that's the problem - for years I wanted a "real" connection, as in a soul connection, had relationships which were perfectly fine and with a reasonable shelf life, but nothing as deep as this one. And now I've met HIM, of course there's no such thing as a free lunch, universally speaking - IT'S A LESSON!!! :rofl:
Arrrrgh :brickwall:
As one spiritually connected male friend said to me recently, "I know why each of my women had been sent to me - each brought a lesson to learn. Now, can I pleeeeeeeease meet a woman just to enjoy love and happiness with?". He's got a point, but guess as for me - I need to earn my stripes 1st.


Apr 26, 2021
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I can't say what the fifth line means exactly but the whole reading sounds like the situation will be the way it is: leaving, returning, small shame, some good fortune, sometimes lack of trust & sometimes reuniting.
I started to respond earlier and you managed to say my same impression very succinctly. I agree with this.

45.5 is also about gathering in formal roles. I'm not sure that bodes well for a situation that contains an arranged marriage. 45.5 sounds, possibly, like an arranged marriage to me. (It could definitely also be about the trust between the two of you not quite being there either.) The reading is honestly somewhat complex and I don't actually think I fully have my hands around it. I do see that there's a connection there, of course, in the lines as well.

The other issue with this question is that it's not just about uniting but specifically about working with this teacher to unite. For me, it raises the question of, if there's a predetermined outcome, what the work actually is. Is it spiritual? Or is it magical (willing a specific outcome)? 45.5 can be about willing things, I think, because it's like it doesn't feel 100% right but then you can rise to the occasion with confidence, in theory (that's written about in wiki wing so maybe read that too), I wonder if you've ever asked if it's in the highest good to be with this person? Or to see an image of what the highest form of relationship would be for you two?

I would suggest going into the work with the teacher knowing it's a risk and you might not get what you want, at least. Also knowing that you'll probably end up with the more mature choice, needing to leave something more childish behind. Again, can't say for sure if that's something that blocks your connection or it's the connection itself that gets left behind.


will my TF and I reunite as a result of this work I'm doing with my teacher? > 55

You've said that lines 45.1 and 45.3 have already happened, so, on to 45.5.

45.5 shows a gathering of a lot of people. One person has authority in that group/gathering.
No blame in that (a group always needs someone to coordinate it).
The next two characters are somewhat worrying: trusting a bandit.
Then the line proceeds to state that this omen will remain the same, without regrets.

Perhaps 45.5 here shows that you intend to meet socially next time. Or it may be referring to his arranged marriage, as @redoleander just wrote.

Resulting 55 probably shows that you'll give him endless chances.
Nov 29, 2007
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Thank you @redoleander and @diamant for your input. Yes, damn, I also feel this cast could have a deeper meaning that just separating and getting back together.

The points about the arranged marriage and lack of trust are both correct, could be either. The trust issue is in the fact he's stopped telling me the truth (before he never hid anything from me, we can read each other like a book). We broke up when his bride was flown in to meet him here in the UK. I told him no to contact me again unless something changes in his situation. He still got in touch, we met and just sat in a cafe, hugged and didn't speak much as there was nothing to say. Then he returned again and said apparently the engagement had fallen through, so we got back together. But his behaviour became very erratic, he comes and goes and is very much tormented - I know it is because he hates lying to me and this is what he is now doing (my practitioner had a look and said it's simply not true, the engagement is going ahead but it's a transaction, there are not emotions there). But I can't tell him HOW I know...

And @redoleander - correct, it is a magical war that had started way back once his family had got a whiff of my existence (they are not stupid). Magic was done by them to induce his obedience (which caused him to get depressed), and they hurried to find a bride from his culture pretty quick all of a sudden now the borders have opened (where's the good old lockdown when you need one? ;) LOL - one can only laugh so as not to cry. The bride's family are also doing something similar magically as they are after the money which will be released to the couple upon marriage by my TF's family (as for himself - he is not exactly a high flyer). So we are doing magical work to counter this attack (strictly based on the principle of fairness) and I am asking how much success we will have. We love one another and my practitioner took the case because she saw this was mutual, so the ethical principle was observed and there is a chance of countering what was done (since my TF doesn't want it to happen but is not able to take a stand against his family - partly because he loves them, partly due to the financial factor I'd mentioned).

I think I will do a quick cast to see if this means we win or we lose in this particular battle. Will update the thread here, thank you so much for your comments!
Nov 29, 2007
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PS the additional Xiang Zhuan text of 45.5 says that the aims (of the person of authority) have not been revealed yet.
Just in case it means something to you.
Thank you @diamant - this is a very interesting point, so: if we are asking about my work with the practitioner, here it would mean "her aims", right? Or the aims of my guy's family or the "prospective mail bride's" family?
One thing for sure: my TF is anything BUT a person in any position of authority in this story...
Will clarify in the meantime as mentioned above, let's see.
Nov 29, 2007
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Hi everyone, wow, what a clarifier cast! I'm actually gobsmacked.

Question: what are the chances of success in my fight for our love and future?
Answer: 10.5 to 38

I don't know how to begin but it's amazingly spot on. So I'm reading the relating hex. 38 as " you have a war going on"; opposing forces each pulling in their direction. Which is exactly correct. I forgot to mention I was subjected to a magical attack in the course of this as well, and an old illness that had not recurred in 15 years suddenly came back (once his family had started to guess I exist) - I got so ill I physically could not see my TF for over two weeks, had to make excuses. All cleared up in about a week once the work to cleanse and protect me had been done.

So looking at the answer (have added quotes below): a good summary from LiSe on a dangerous battle for that which is truly important, keeping quiet about what you are doing (he has no idea his family/ "mail bride's" family are doing magic or that I am involved in countering it). He does know I'm energy-sensitive and can "know" stuff but that's about it for now. I will tell him eventually, but very gradually, he does have a certain openness to him and is a sensitive too but his Catholic upbringing is blocking it (though he has doubts about his faith and we spoke about these issues now and then).

From Jim De Korne's commentary - all of it is spot on, even up to exorcising malevolent demons. Wow, the Yi is really "ticking". And - I am literally throwing all my financial and emotional resources into this battle, but it is worth it.

"Listening to deliberations of others" - admittedly, I did not do as my practitioner instructed me recently (in a moment of weakness, I had screwed up the recommended behaviour strategy and caused a setback), so guess the Yi is reminding me to be stronger, resolute and - if I seek advice - REMEMBER IT and ACT ON IT. D'uh.:brickwall:

So the summary - looks like it's too early to tell re: the outcome is how I would read the clarifier cast (same as the initial answer but different wording).

Guess it's a bit like asking if you'll finish the marathon if you don't consistently train and monitor your progress - no guarantee you will win but if you don't - there's a guarantee you'll lose. Again, LiSe: "When one's treading is strong and clear and decisive, one summons danger, but one also creates lasting values. The soft and half way is safer, but has only a short life with few accomplishments."

At least I'm not seeing any indication of good fortune/misfortune, only a possibility of success if you are resolved to fight, being aware of the dangers.

Your comments would be greatly appreciated when you have a moment! Thank you :)

LiSe on line 5:

9 at 5: Decisive treading. divination: danger.
When one's treading is strong and clear and decisive, one summons danger, but one also creates lasting values. The soft and half way is safer, but has only a short life with few accomplishments.
Do not always show your convictions right away though. Explore the situation, the ambiance, the feelings of the others. Find in every situation anew the best course of action.

Line 5 commentary (Jim De Korne):

Siu: Peril is evident, as when treading on the tail of a tiger. But the man remains aware and resolute, acting with propriety and humility.

Wing: What you propose to do is dangerous, yet your awareness of such danger will give you the strength to succeed. The time requires a firm commitment to your endeavor. If you do not have a real commitment in your heart you should re- examine your path.

Editor: Line five is mentioned in the Confucian commentary for the hexagram as occupying the "God-given position." Nevertheless, despite his will and intelligence, he faces a volatile situation which will demand all of his resources if he is to succeed. Ritsema/Karcher render "adversity," (LI) as: Danger, threatening, malevolent demon ... It indicates a spirit or ghost that seeks revenge by inflicting suffering upon the living. Pacifying or exorcizing such a spirit can have a healing effect. Wu’s commentary offers a useful slant on this: “De-emphasize (your) own opinions – listen to the deliberations of others.”

The good or ill of man lies within his own will.
A. Walking a razor's edge -- maintain vigilance over your choices and be aware of their consequences. The image suggests willpower in the face of potentially disruptive forces. "It all depends on you."
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Jul 23, 2018
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Hello Strawberryblod, how are you? I try to see readings, sometimes, as a conversation, rather than a ladder with steps. I also have the tendency to see the reading backwards, that is, from hex to 45. But, before getting into that, let's go with your original reading:

Line 1 talks about a person that is not sure about something, so, his/her will waves from one side to the other. Line 3 talks about a person that is outside a situation, but, it is contact with another person that can make this person join into a group with other persons, and here I will stop for a while. If you had received only line 3 changing, you would go to hexagram 31 line 3, which states that your freedom/liberty also relies on being able of not acting on the whims your heart has, as, it is not always good for you to act on your heart desires -or emotional desires, as it may fit you-. So, going back to line 3 (hex 45) and having into account line 3 of hex 31, perhaps, here, you have a person that isn't sure about entering into a group with another, whether it is you, or him, someone isn't sure about him (for what you describe it could be him). Finally there is line 5, line 5 talks about gaining others trust by your behavior. So, line 3 is having a conversation or it is mediating between line 1 and line 5. Remember that line 1 is talking about somebody being honest sometimes, and some other times, not being honest, be careful with this, as the other person may not be what you think he/she is.

The final result is hexagram 55, Feng, which is translated as "abundance", but, remember that Feng talks about an eclipse that is waning, and therefore, it also means "knowledge, wisdom and clarity". Let's do a backward reading for you.

In Feng, line one talks to you about encountering a person to whom you can associate somehow, and, in this line, there is not mention of the eclipse that follows line 2,3,4 -if you ask, this hexagram refers to a signal that the King Wen was waiting to attack Chou Hsin, the tyrant that ruled China depicted in hex 36.5, line 5 of Feng (55) talks about the moment in which a solar eclipse ended, and this was taken by the king Wen as a sign that the proper time for the battle had come, initiating a revolution (hex 49.5)-.

In line 3, you are darkened by some kind of event, and can't see things with clarity, again it is important to remember that Feng line 3 goes to Zheng (51) line 3, an external shock from the destiny that makes you take somekind of action, and, if you don't have internal equilibrium, outsides events will shake your inner being and confuse you (feng line 3).

Lastly, we've got line 5, in which "you are open to counsel of able men" and the eclipse has ended. Why does hex goes to 45? Well, I think that there, only after having gone through the darkness -doubts, fears, etc- you can reunite with the person that is for you. On the other hand, once the prince/king has inner clarity, he can gather himself with people who can aid him, as it is depicted in the line 1 of this hexagram.

On the other hand, there is something linguistic that may help you also, English isn't my native language, but I know that "pull yourself together" means something like "have strenght, be firm inside yourself", who ever it is, this person needs to "gather together" his/her will in order to have clarity.

This person seems not to have clear what he wants with you, and line 5 (hex 45) is telling you that only through your behavior you can gain his trust. But, I invite you to re-think whether you really want to enter into a "twin flame kind-of" association with this person, things may not be what you think they are.

PD: I am now reading the last comment you posted and realizing that what you wrote was somehow related to what I said in this post.
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Nov 29, 2007
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Hi @Miglix21 - thank you for the very detailed response!

Very interested in the backward reading method, I have not explored that. Do you have any links you could suggest where I could learn more about it? I have been using the Yi for years but feel it's time to delve deeper into what it has to offer.

It's getting late here (I'm in London, UK) and there is a lot to take in your analysis, so I will go over it carefully tomorrow and ping you a note separately if additional thoughts come to mind, there really are a lot of takeouts from a cast when you apply the reversed method, I find it most insightful, thank you.

But impressions right off the bat - true, the point on my behaviour is very important right now. He really doesn't know what he wants, he wants his cake and eat it, to be honest, and my job is to not allow for this sort of attitude, twin flame or no ;)))))) This is precisely what you have mentioned re: "be firm inside yourself" - in fact, this is precisely what my practitioner keeps repeating to me.

So far I'm strong only in as much as never getting in touch with him and (most recently) not picking up his call but responding dryly via a message instead (he can call back LOL). When I see him - I turn to jelly and he knows that. So more firmness needed until we do have this talk re: his plans with me.

Yes, the trick with twin flames is the fact you just "get" each other, but doesn't mean things will be smooth even between you, let alone in cases like ours, where we have family interests/family money thrown into the mix.

About things not being what they are - from the "counsel of able men" i.e. my practitioner, we know he is now lying and is in fact proceeding with the engagement (subject to the visa issues surrounding cross-border marriages between people who hardly know one another). So your point re: him not being who he is most likely would pertain to this deception on his part. We think he is trying to get me used to the fact that he will not always be available, but loves me (he does) and by the looks of it is trying to keep me by turning me into his mistress but not telling me about it. Nice, I know. But I love him too and have been told the situation is not hopeless (some are) and is salvageable with correct behaviour.

Thank you once again for your interpretation,
Take care :)


Jul 23, 2018
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You are welcome. And well, to do a reverse reading is actually something that came up to my mind some weeks ago, I asked for a daily reading and received hexagram 56.4.5 to 53. I began to talk with a person on Tinder and we ended up talking about Yi and I shared this reading, and, when wanting to explain him about the Yi I realized something interesting about it, and I will share it here with you:

56.4 talks about a person in a place in which he/she doesn't feel happy eventhough there is food, job and shelter, this person hasn't a happy heart.

56.5 talks about a person that searches for a job on a foreing land, and gets to know a prince/circle of friends that get him a job -and a better position-.

From the situation of line 4 to that situation of the line 5 there was some kind of progress (hex 53). That's why I said that the lines were having a conversation.

Now, let's do it backwards.

53.4 talks about a wild goose that can find a branch suitable for him/her if he/she is intelligent, a place in which life can continue even if it is surrounded by danger.

53.5 talks about a wild goose that had flown into a high plain and is isolated, but later finds his/her companions (line 6, but let's focus only on 4 and 5).

So, from that situation of line 4 and that situation of line 5 of course, there was a movement, the wild goose has travelled (hex 56) from the branch to the high plain.

To travel is to progress, if you go from England to Japan, everytime you advance in your trip you are progressing somehow -to your goal, which is reaching Japan-, and to progress at the same time means to travel, let's take an internal progress, for example, you need to go through a lot of experiences before growing as a person, and that is your travel, and, in the more literal sense, time needs to pass in order for you to have the experiences that will make you grow and to assimilate them.

In a more philosofical mood I think that what we call time is just the consequence of the universe having moved, one year ago, the earth, the sun were into another position, they have moved, time has passed, and all those experiences you have had since then have made you "progress" somehow. Two sides of the same coin, to travel is to progress, to progress is to travel.

Hope to continue this conversation tomorrow :)
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moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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line 5 is like being in a situation with the sorts of people who only respect the person who holds the office or wears the fez or has the degree.

It's a bit uncomfortable to be in,
if one is knowledgeable, but fez-less.

The guru may be fine, but the family dog can also teach one relaxation yoga or to be present in the moment.
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Feb 6, 2021
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I'm in the middle of a twin flame separation

What is a 'twin flame separation'? I've never heard that term? I look quickly through the post, so if you explained this, I missed it. I'm assuming you're talking about some kind of relationship or romantic break-up? Also what is, or what do you mean by "before the testing phase started?" It sounds like you're trying out a new cake recipe or something?

So I asked: will my TF and I reunite as a result of this work I'm doing with my teacher?

If you're talking about getting back together with a love interest, I get this. But you're thread's title says: "working with a spiritual teacher", so I want to clarify what you're asking us or the Yi about? Are you wondering if you'll get back together with your TF, OR are you asking about your relationship with a spiritual teacher, and if so, what?

Or ... is yours a kind of 'combo' question: "will my TF and I reunite, and will this be a result of this work I'm doing with my teacher?" I get a sense this is about it, but I wanted to check.
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Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
You are welcome. And well, to do a reverse reading is actually something that came up to my mind some weeks ago, I asked for a daily reading and received hexagram 56.4.5 to 53. I began to talk with a person on Tinder and we ended up talking about Yi and I shared this reading, and, when wanting to explain him about the Yi I realized something interesting about it, and I will share it here with you:

56.4 talks about a person in a place in which he/she doesn't feel happy eventhough there is food, job and shelter, this person hasn't a happy heart.

56.5 talks about a person that searches for a job on a foreing land, and gets to know a prince/circle of friends that get him a job -and a better position-.

From the situation of line 4 to that situation of the line 5 there was some kind of progress (hex 53). That's why I said that the lines were having a conversation.

Now, let's do it backwards.

53.4 talks about a wild goose that can find a branch suitable for him/her if he/she is intelligent, a place in which life can continue even if it is surrounded by danger.

53.5 talks about a wild goose that had flown into a high plain and is isolated, but later finds his/her companions (line 6, but let's focus only on 4 and 5).

So, from that situation of line 4 and that situation of line 5 of course, there was a movement, the wild goose has travelled (hex 56) from the branch to the high plain.

To travel is to progress, if you go from England to Japan, everytime you advance in your trip you are progressing somehow -to your goal, which is reaching Japan-, and to progress at the same time means to travel, let's take an internal progress, for example, you need to go through a lot of experiences before growing as a person, and that is your travel, and, in the more literal sense, time needs to pass in order for you to have the experiences that will make you grow and to assimilate them.

In a more philosofical mood I think that what we call time is just the consequence of the universe having moved, one year ago, the earth, the sun were into another position, they have moved, time has passed, and all those experiences you have had since then have made you "progress" somehow. Two sides of the same coin, to travel is to progress, to progress is to travel.

Hope to continue this conversation tomorrow :)
Hi @Miglix21,

Apologies for the very long time take to respond - a complex work project had turned out to be even MORE complex than anticipated, so worked flat out until handing it in and getting some rest over the weekend eventually...so now, back to our discussion :)

I've tried your way of interpretation and it does shed more light into the situation, it is very interesting to see how the lines really do "speak" to one another from the relating 2 hexagrams, thank you for the insight! Definitely a good angle of investigation.

I'm starting to study the Norse runes as a part of the learning process with my teacher, and it's interesting to see how they add an extra layer of meaning and insight. I'm still very much a novice with the runes, but will try to see if I can start getting clarifier casts (where needed) in runes instead of the Yi - they offer a slightly different angle and my practitioner encourages me to double-check where not sure.

Have also discovered a very interesting and clear-cut source: Practical Guide to the I Ching by Kim-Anh Lim (preview available on Google books here, if you want to take a look: https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/Practical_Guide_to_the_I_Ching/IFlEbcbWK7QC?hl=en&gbcover), planning to order this one as an end-of-the-month treat together with my new rune set I've already eyed up ;)

Let's keep in touch and I will update on the thread how the reading panned out in the end - and no doubt speak more on the other topics on the forum! Take care :hug:
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
What is a 'twin flame separation'? I've never heard that term? I look quickly through the post, so if you explained this, I missed it. I'm assuming you're talking about some kind of relationship or romantic break-up? Also what is, or what do you mean by "before the testing phase started?" It sounds like you're trying out a new cake recipe or something?

If you're talking about getting back together with a love interest, I get this. But you're thread's title says: "working with a spiritual teacher", so I want to clarify what you're asking us or the Yi about? Are you wondering if you'll get back together with your TF, OR are you asking about your relationship with a spiritual teacher, and if so, what?

Or ... is yours a kind of 'combo' question: "will my TF and I reunite, and will this be a result of this work I'm doing with my teacher?" I get a sense this is about it, but I wanted to check.
Hey @dfreed,

Yes, to simplify - a love interest, but twin flames are a lot more than that, it's a deep karmic soul connection type of thing, so happens rarely and cuts very deep - you read each other's mental states at a distance via intuition or vivid dreams, you "get" each other 100% and can't hide anything from one another even if you try, your spiritual struggles and personality are in essence the same despite totally different upbringing and backgrounds, and sex becomes a sacred union. Sorry, prob sounds ultra-pompous/ new agey if you've not come across this before, but I don't know how else to explain. Actually, this article sums it up in a decent way, if you're curious: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/twin-flames-signs-meaning-and-stages

Anyway, the post HAS grown a bit long, but bottom line is I'm training in spiritual disciplines (including energy work / expanding my divination skills), so the practitioner is my teacher who is helping me navigate this TF (twin flame) maze as well. The whole TF story was what had spurred me onto the next phase of my development, I read Tarot and I Ching years ago (it runs in the maternal line), but had abandoned the path for some years (more spiritual search), and am now happily back in the family ways, and starting to learn other stuff too, such as the runes :)

So yes, the short of it - the question is about a reunion with my TF. Thank you for cross-checking!
Nov 29, 2007
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P.S. @dfreed - you've made my day with this comment:
Also what is, or what do you mean by "before the testing phase started?" It sounds like you're trying out a new cake recipe or something?
I'm not a baking show fan (and baking is not one of my skills at all) but - these days it really feels like it's easier to bake a damn complex 10-tier ice-glazed cake with a unicorn on top than to navigate through a TF connection, dammit :lol:
Apparently, twin flame connections are something you sign up to prior to this incarnation, so not sure who to reach out to to ask for a refund on his celestial roller coaster ride, ha-haaaaa...might as well try and enjoy it!
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
line 5 is like being in a situation with the sorts of people who only respect the person who holds the office or wears the fez or has the degree.

It's a bit uncomfortable to be in,
if one is knowledgeable, but fez-less.

The guru may be fine, but the family dog can also teach one relaxation yoga or to be present in the moment.
@moss elk - too true about pets, now my pet parrotlet could lead classes on Zen meditation in action: he's been studiously nibbling on the tongue of his favourite metal bell for the past hour with such deep concentration (and I kid you not, he does this for a few hours a day despite having lots of other toys inside and outside of his cage, which is always kept open) - makes me wonder if there is a secret portal to another dimension inside that bell, and nibbling is just a cover-up for the uninitiated like myself :lol:


Jul 23, 2018
Reaction score
Hi @Miglix21,

Apologies for the very long time take to respond - a complex work project had turned out to be even MORE complex than anticipated, so worked flat out until handing it in and getting some rest over the weekend eventually...so now, back to our discussion :)

I've tried your way of interpretation and it does shed more light into the situation, it is very interesting to see how the lines really do "speak" to one another from the relating 2 hexagrams, thank you for the insight! Definitely a good angle of investigation.

I'm starting to study the Norse runes as a part of the learning process with my teacher, and it's interesting to see how they add an extra layer of meaning and insight. I'm still very much a novice with the runes, but will try to see if I can start getting clarifier casts (where needed) in runes instead of the Yi - they offer a slightly different angle and my practitioner encourages me to double-check where not sure.

Have also discovered a very interesting and clear-cut source: Practical Guide to the I Ching by Kim-Anh Lim (preview available on Google books here, if you want to take a look: https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/Practical_Guide_to_the_I_Ching/IFlEbcbWK7QC?hl=en&gbcover), planning to order this one as an end-of-the-month treat together with my new rune set I've already eyed up ;)

Let's keep in touch and I will update on the thread how the reading panned out in the end - and no doubt speak more on the other topics on the forum! Take care :hug:
Hello @strawberry_blood I am glad that my post was useful for you somehow. Thank you for the recommendation. I have also two books that I can recommend to you on Yi, both of them are available to be read online and only one can be downloaded for free.

I will paste the links here:
http://www.jamesdekorne.com/GBCh/GBCh.htm This one is more focused on giving the lines an "internal approach". In other words, rather than focusing on things happening outside you, it is more focused on things happening inside you.

http://www.iching123.com/ I like this one more, because, it is focused on the relationship of the lines. and, since the author is a Chinese person, he explains a lot the meaning and some historical facts behind the lines, which I find very useful to put things into context. I hope this helps you an anyone else interested in the Yi. (Click on Index to see the table of hexagrams).

I am still a little bit confused on how to do a backward reading when I receive more than 3 lines changing, but, well I understand this in the sense that, for me, at least, it is quite difficult to understand any hexagram when I am given more than three lines changing.

Also, for me, that way of reading that when you have four lines you should read the uppermost line that isn't changing, or when you have 3 lines it means you are in the middle one hasn't result in something useful for me.

I think that when there are multiple lines changing, the Yi is talking about a "set of possibilities" rather than just a single anwser, something like, if you go this way, this may happen, or if you go that way, that may happen.

Sometimes I even doubt that the Yi is an oracle at all, for me, it's like some kind of codex with a message to decipher, and, as far as I am concerned on this subject, I think there is quote for Einsten (I don't know if he indeed said this, I just remember having read it somewhere) in which he says that "the process to obtain -x- anwser is more important than the awnser itself", and yes, there is a lot of learning on the way in which Yi speaks rather than in the anwser itself -the final thing it wants to convey-.

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