...life can be translucent


55.2,3,6->38 - soap opera


Aug 29, 2011
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Continuing discussion with Long Yi, here is my reading.

Show me the romantic future of the two of us together if we have any.


I casted it today (15th July 2012 at 8:31AM).

Here is the background. We were in a relationship more than a year. She is much younger, so at first I didn't have much expectations, and didn't invested in the relationship almost at all. However, I slowly realized that she is my soulmate and completely amazing person. And to be honest, I had some huge tails from the past that I was hiding from her. Anyway, after a year I realized that she is the one without doubt, and that I want to clean up my life. However, few weeks after that she breaks up, complaining that she barely sees me, although she loves me more than anything. Then I admit my secrets and even amplify her reaction. Two weeks after that, her good friend, who was waiting his chance like a snake in a bush, jumps in to comfort her :mischief:.

Today, more than year after, she is still with him. I am also with another woman. However, I have a strong feeling that we are amazingly good match and a soulmates you find maybe once in a lifetime, and maybe never. I honestly love her and have strong gut feeling that things will turn out fine for us one day somehow. We are forcefully separated while both of us loved each other. Regardless, I see her as a lifetime partner - my destiny.

We are not in contact from the beginning of this year. I said to her that I can't stand hurting myself anymore and that I don't want contact while she is with another guy. It seems to me that he is very obsessive guy, and that she is not very happy (even she told me that few times). So I think their relationship is doomed to fail sooner or later. While we were in contact it seemed to me that she was on the edge to return to me several times. Now, I don't know anymore.

So I wait and hope and try to have a normal life as I can. However, you can't imagine how much I suffered... (as Louis Armstrong sang... Nobody knows the sorrow I've seen :)).

What do you think?

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Jan 27, 2011
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Hello, I can only sympathize...and relate to the certain point.
Being no expert whatsoever, I can only comment that this looks to me as a relationship that was abundant, perhaps burdened with differences at the time of its duration.
The relating hex is Opposition, enhancing the differences there.
But now you are drawing your faith from the past experiences, guiding yourself with your inner voice of conviction. It has gotten even harder to get a clear picture of her emotional state, since you decided to cut the ties for now...
This may go on for some time, you building your hopes up alone but you will get tired of it eventually...it will make you miserable enough to finally do something decisive about it - shaking things up for yourself, letting someone else instead of her in (Bradford speaks of deciding on letting some thieves in) or making your final "march out" in the field of conquest as intended all along?
Hope it makes some sense, good night, d.

long yi

May 21, 2012
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Analysis as promised....

Six Line layout

神煞:天乙—酉亥 福星—酉 日禄—午 羊刃—巳 驿马—亥 桃花—午 华盖—丑
干支:壬辰年 丁未月 丁丑日 甲辰时
旬空:午未  寅卯  申酉  寅卯

六神  伏神    坎宫:雷火丰          艮宫:火泽睽
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
青龙       ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼庚戌土  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财己巳火  
玄武       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母庚申金 世   ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼己未土  
白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财庚午火     ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母己酉金 世
滕蛇       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟己亥水  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼丁丑土  
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼己丑土 应×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙丁卯木  
朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙己卯木     ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财丁巳火 应

This relationship does not work for the following reasons:

Hexagram 15:
Line 5 is you (yin line). Line 2 is her (yin line). Both parties are not keen.
Line 5: the marriage document line shows that you do not want to get married or get serious.

Line 2 is her. She decides to move on and hold that past as memory only.
Reason: line 2 = day of reading conflicts with month of reading. The house of spouse and the house of marriage are in conflict. You never sure when you are ready to commit and get married.
She walks away, but she is not sure whether this is right. Her soul reappears under your house of marriage and extremely disappointed.

Line 4 is a woman and it attaches to your house of marriage and is in conflict with the house of spouse. This means this is not your spouse, a female that you bounce around between both.

Line 6 is another man and is a change line. He heads straight probably for the same woman in line 4. She welcomes that move.

In hexagram 38, line 4 shows no marriage.
line 3 and line 5 men are in conflict.
This hexagram shows two men, two female and no marriage for anyone.
The female is disappointed. Everyone has choices.

This is your own doing. You do not want to control the outcome right from the start.

Hexagram 55
Karma. Friend's love for you seems to be everything youve ever wanted from another person. And yet you are not happy. The form of the relationship seems to be a fulfillment of your imagined ideals. But your well-defined desires block Friend's love for you, refract it, filter it. Will hold abstract ideals of love; Friend's love for you must pass in review before these ideals. You have set, conceptualized desires; Friend's love for you must undergo judgment in terms of these static prerequisites. The ideals seem fulfilled, the prerequisites seem fulfilled, yet you still cannot experience Friend's love directly, from person to person, from Friend to you. Stop wanting: start having. Knowing how love blossoms and then wanes, you are already experiencing anxiety about the future. Be like the midday sun, the sun at its zenith; it is highest, brightest, most glorious at that point; and it is not the sun which has just riser,l or the sun which will set-it is the sun now, in an infinitesimal: space of time, momentarily tangent to heaven.

Hexagram 38
Karma: Because of your inner polarity, you are unable to enter fully into your relationship with Friend. From Friend's point of view, the relationship is always unfulfilled, weighty, mired. It may seem to Friend that you are holding back, that you are reticent in your feelings and afraid to express your emotions. On whatever levels your relationship does function, it is free of conflict, free of turbulence, and, at least on your part, free of egoism, selfishness, and possessiveness.

I will not read any further into any means of rescue. Whatever is done is done. Only you know what can be saved or cannot be saved.

Relationship is like buying stock. Knowing when to buy, sell, collect dividend and repurchase the union are keys to success. You are a day trader.... this is why you have hexagram 15 and 16 all the time. You are happy with you get for the moment. This is my understanding of these two hexagrams and again I can be wrong.

Hexagram 15 has 1 yang line at three and five yin lines. Lots of females, but no one really likes you and love you. You have to find one, but you let things slip out of your fingers because you do not care enough to commit and are happy for awhile only.

It is the dissimilar personalities that lead to the parting. There is some self-reflecting to do in August.. if you want to settle down.


Aug 29, 2011
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thank you both! everything makes much sense. the only thing is, with this person I could settle. nobody believes me, but I know my self. I have this luck being somehow good with women. it was never a problem to find partners. I am 55 in that sense :) however, I never felt anything like this. I feel strong love after all these problems. I will love her all my life, I know that. I would marry her tomorrow if she only gives me a chance...

we are not dissimilar personalities. it seemed to us that we are twins. maybe only in a sense of willingness to commit at that time we were different. but I needed some tome to get used to the idea... and now it seems to me that because of bad timing, I lost the love of my life, by my own fault... if that is true, it is very sad..


Aug 29, 2011
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and Long Yi, I just wanted to thank you again for this effort. unfortunately, it was not comforting as I would like, but it was educational... :bows:


Jan 27, 2011
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Desperate times ask for desperate measures...I don`t know if you are on friendly behavior, discussed it through or not....consider, perhaps ask what you could do to get her reconsider you as a partner, to try again? Write her a letter....

long yi

May 21, 2012
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When I analyzed this hexagram, I withold one piece of critical information because I am not sure how serious you are with any female overall.

Knowing you age and you are now serious, line 6 means getting of yout home and do something with the female.

When should you do it?
On August 7 (line 5 of hexagram 55, month of Aug 7 to Sept 6) and after, to Oct 6 2012 (Sept 7 to Oct 6 2012 = line 4 of hexagram 38), you have to discuss with her and sort out your differences.

Since this whole thing affects two men and two women, please work with your common sense and see whether you can commit to her and see whether she can accept. This means marriage.

The window of opportunity is only the two months.

You to find clarity about your own life purpose and next course of action.This is the time.

The period of time is the zone that she knows exactly the type of life she wants and the type of man she wants to share it with.

Hexagram 38 has two possiblities:
1. Get engaged, great sex, relationship stay
2. Break up because both parties cannot accept each other.

I am not sure whether she will accept because line 2 (her mind in hexagram 38) kick line 4 (idea of marriage) out the door. You can try if you are really serious, but that is also the time (Sept) that her soul re-enters your house of marriage.

Normally, I avoid teaching timing to the reader. .. get planning and moving, you have 21 days before the real time starts.
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