...life can be translucent


63.4 Best way to address issue about someone else getting credit for my work


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Jun 19, 2022
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After reading a lot through interpretations and forums I’m still confused about advice I got. Here’s the issue:
I was brought it to help make project more efficient. I ended up completely redesigning it. The person I did this for doesn’t have skills to keep it running (updating) and I offered to do so. This person just takes my file and distributes it. I asked to do distribution too since I’m updating and it was a “no”. Now this person gets recognitions from top management for running this project and I am nowhere acknowledged. Me and my manager who knows I am behind it are not copied anywhere on the distribution email but everyone else from our team is. Weird.. I do want to think this is rather unintentional on A’s side, but…

I asked “What is the best thing to do about A sending my protect updates as their own”.
I have a meeting with the manager who asked me to help and who may intervene. 63.4 do I have a green light to “plug the leak” and be on guard about this project (it became a national priority this year) ? And 49 have a radical transformation (career ?) as a result?
Somehow everywhere I read about 63.4 49 is more about “don’t do it, be careful as you may lose it (job??)”.


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Sep 20, 1970
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This line isn't the easiest to get to grips with, at least I don't think so. The last time I got it, I think it meant that the thing I asked about had become a leaky boat, and it was necessary to sacrifice the finery to plug the leaks. If that wasn't done the boat might sink altogether, and then the finery would be ruined anyway. A can't-win situation. Or at least a can't-get-out-of-this-completely-whole one.

I don't know how that fits your problem, if it does at all.

In the past, thinking about this without a reading attached, I've wondered did they leave shore without making sure the boat was in good shape? I don't have reading evidence to back that up, though. In the one I mentioned I'm not in a position to know that side.

Which one of these people said no to you about distributing it yourself? 'A'?


Clarity Supporter
Jun 19, 2022
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This line isn't the easiest to get to grips with, at least I don't think so. The last time I got it, I think it meant that the thing I asked about had become a leaky boat, and it was necessary to sacrifice the finery to plug the leaks. If that wasn't done the boat might sink altogether, and then the finery would be ruined anyway. A can't-win situation. Or at least a can't-get-out-of-this-completely-whole one.

I don't know how that fits your problem, if it does at all.

In the past, thinking about this without a reading attached, I've wondered did they leave shore without making sure the boat was in good shape? I don't have reading evidence to back that up, though. In the one I mentioned I'm not in a position to know that side.

Which one of these people said no to you about distributing it yourself? 'A'?
Yeah that’s my struggle too with this line. And, ‘A’ said no. As in “really appreciate your help here but don’t worry about distributing, I’ll take care of it”. It wasn’t in a bad way but then again, the only 2 people who know it’s not A’s work are not on the distribution list.
This is actually 2nd time this year it happens that someone takes my work and present as their own and take credit. 1st time someone just took my files and recreated the project and literally presented as their own! I let that fact known. It seems like I’m the leaking boat and my work leaks through the hole.
“Plug the leak” seems to me as this needs to stop happening. But “be on guard”worries me. I’ve done nothing but help and sort out others’ problems with projects, made life (work) easier for hundreds if not more. So I readily do struggle here..


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Sep 20, 1970
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It seems like I’m the leaking boat and my work leaks through the hole.
I'm tempted to agree with you.

The conundrum seems to be, you essentially asked Yi for advice - how to stop this from happening - and Yi seems to have responded by describing the problem. So how do we find the advice?

As I said, this was just my head-in-clouds theorizing in a different thread, but I wonder if the advice is don't let yourself get in this position in the first place, in the middle of the river in a leaky boat. But I don't know how possible that is in your workplace. For instance when A said "No, I'll distribute it," what if you had said right then, "No, I will"? Could you have done that? Could you have dressed it up somehow, like, "That way if anyone has questions, I'll be able to answer them" or something? A probably can't answer questions. (Hm. If A ever comes to you with "Someone wants to know...." - could you ask who "someone" is and say you'll answer them yourself? :mischief: I don't like games like that but you can't be the only one not playing them, I guess.)

None of that would have worked in the other example since it sounds like the person stole your files without you knowing. Ugh. Do your desk drawers (/computer accounts, whatever) have locks?

Anyway, that's all I can think of at the moment, is try to figure out what precautions you can take ahead of time, or be more emphatic in the moment in the case of A, or something like that. "Be on guard" could be that sort of thing, I think. Be alert (in the conversation with A), be defensive (lock up your files), things like that.

It's good you're letting this be known to managers. I hope they help.

(By the way I found the thread where the 63.4 discussion took place, here in Reading Circle for anyone who's a member. You are, Liolik, right?)


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Jun 19, 2022
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I could’ve said “no” with no problem at all. I just didn’t see much value in this project and was very easy to deliver and update with a click of a button. Apparently for others it looks like a witchcraft 🤣. I should’ve known better after first “steal”.
And from Legge translation
  • The fourth line, divided, shows its subject with rags provided against any leak in his boat, and on his guard all day long.
Pretty clear to me now that we’ve discussed it and thanks to your link.

I did ask ytd “what should I know about this project I’m updating” and got 19uc - the time to act is now or the opportunity won’t be there later.

I have a meeting soon and im thinking perhaps the best way to plug the leak is to, indeed, just tell that I need to take over the distribution as this got bigger traction and A hasn’t been able to address any questions and asks me to “fix”.

I have 2 more “can you help” projects. 63.4 is a good warning to fix the leak once and for all I guess. I will be very explicit about being acknowledged.


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Sep 20, 1970
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I did ask ytd “what should I know about this project I’m updating” and got 19uc - the time to act is now or the opportunity won’t be there later.
When I first read that I thought maybe that's not quite it, but thinking about it more I see what you mean.

19's about Nearing, not Arriving - you don't want arrival-mindset, it's not about being done. But it is about getting involved and taking responsibility, in your case requesting the responsibility you deserve to have for your own work. That's what you mean by "act," right?

(What does "ytd" mean? I only know it as "year-to-date" which doesn't sound right in the sentence.)


Clarity Supporter
Jun 19, 2022
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19's about Nearing, not Arriving - you don't want arrival-mindset, it's not about being done. But it is about getting involved and taking responsibility, in your case requesting the responsibility you deserve to have for your own work. That's what you mean by "act," right?
Exactly right, taking responsibility for my work. I was considering being done with it as an option and being direct about what I think is happening. But after casting 19u and seeing 33 as an opposite, i ended up saying that the project must go out from me/my team like any other project we design and update and let A act on it once it’s out, just like all other managers do with everything my team delivers.. so getting involved at the level I should be I guess. I can’t make sense of 46 shadow though not to push upward..
Will know soon what’s the outcome.
Ytd - yesterday 🤷‍♀️


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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46 - maybe that incremental steps won't be effective? Speculation: 19 has a sense of swooping in from above, seeing the whole panorama as you do - it has that in common with its pair 20 - but then zooming in on the nitty-gritty which 20 doesn't do. 20 is observing, 19 is getting involved. 46 climbs step by step with a goal in mind and faith it'll get there, but it can't see the top as it goes.

Of course if you hadn't been considering approaching this incrementally, then we'd have to look for some other 46 theme that fits. Hexagrams all have a number of valid angles. Finding the right one can be a challenge sometimes (for me, anyway).

Have you found Hilary's mini-courses, yet, in the Change Circle Library? There's one on the shadow and quite a few others.


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Jun 19, 2022
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I didn’t see the incremental part of 46 I think. During the meeting I was actually taking incremental steps and suggested to wait for a feedback I asked and that would help solidify my suggestion it should come from me. As I was emailing post-meeting, I was thinking 19u again, I should not “wait” and wrote “it must come out from me/my team” with supporting arguments. Increments averted I hope.

Re your speculation: 19- am I the one on top seeing all things and swooping in? Kinda feels like it in past few days and I definitely was observing as in 20 how A was recognized several times and not once mentioned me.
And re: zooming in - I think this was about my arguments- know your details. I listed all the technicalities in the project that my team will need to get involved in it anyways even if A takes this project.

And, yes saw the shadow course. But I have to take foundations first. I really like looking at shadows though. I found it actually more helpful when shadow hex appeared clear to me.
Shadow of 63.4 is 2.4 - “You can't see what's in the bag; it's not available right now for your scrutiny or judgment. It's hidden for the time being. However, what's inside the bag has been reserved (by fate?) for you alone. This is simply true, and nothing needs to be said about it.” I can see what’s in the bag and something needs to be said about it!


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I didn’t see the incremental part of 46 I think. During the meeting I was actually taking incremental steps and suggested to wait for a feedback I asked and that would help solidify my suggestion it should come from me. As I was emailing post-meeting, I was thinking 19u again, I should not “wait” and wrote “it must come out from me/my team” with supporting arguments. Increments averted I hope.
Good. The shadow is how not to think of things. As you will have seen in the mini-course, the shadow can often seem blindingly obvious - that's the shadow-y trap of it.
Re your speculation: 19- am I the one on top seeing all things and swooping in?
I think so. Swooping in to take charge.
And, yes saw the shadow course. But I have to take foundations first. I really like looking at shadows though. I found it actually more helpful when shadow hex appeared clear to me.
Absolutely, definitely take Foundations first. I appreciate the shadow but I wouldn't recommend starting there. The cat's out of the bag a little bit with you, but still, the fundamentals are more important.

The thing with the shadow is it's very new and not tested too well. That doesn't mean it's no good, but with something tricky like an oracle, the more accumulated experience the better. The basics have been used continuously for 3,000 years so there's a lot of accumulation. The extra tools are best used to support what you get from the basics.
Shadenseow of 63.4 is 2.4 - “You can't see what's in the bag; it's not available right now for your scrutiny or judgment. It's hidden for the time being. However, what's inside the bag has been reserved (by fate?) for you alone. This is simply true, and nothing needs to be said about it.” I can see what’s in the bag and something needs to be said about it!
I've referred to "shadow lines" at times, naively...they may or may not be a valid thing. Hilary asked an interesting question once: how should you find it? If you count backwards from the other end of the sequence to find the shadow hexagram, should you also go backwards through the shadow hexagram to find the "shadow line"? Maybe! In this reading that would mean 63.4's shadow line is actually 2.3. No one knows what the right answer is, and the last thing we want is to pick wrong and confuse what Yi's saying. (Confusion is not hard to create with readings, and you don't want it guiding you in real life.) So maybe we should tread very lightly.

I look at these things myself and am not saying not to, just be very careful and always come back to your hexagrams and moving lines and make sure you understand them.


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Jun 19, 2022
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I’m not even sure how I got so attracted to the shadows :))
You bring a very good point. And thank you, I think I got carried away with shadows more than I should’ve! I suspect perhaps because it’s easier to “not do” something than figure what it is the best thing to do..
Re 2.3 it appears to me as more logical approach. Why apply any different principle to find a shadow line?
Even 2.3 shadow still says “hiding away the signs of your authority/quality” is not how to approach the situation 🤷‍♀️


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I’m not even sure how I got so attracted to the shadows :))
They struck a chord really fast with me, too, and I also don't quite know why. It's not the only contrasting hexagram, after all, there's also the pair, the complement...
Re 2.3 it appears to me as more logical approach. Why apply any different principle to find a shadow line?
Even 2.3 shadow still says “hiding away the signs of your authority/quality” is not how to approach the situation 🤷‍♀️
2.3 says "Without accomplishment, there is completion," which is pretty much the unfortunate situation you are trying to correct. How it might work as a shadow line is if at some point you thought you didn't need or shouldn't get credit (accomplishment) for your work, that what was important was just getting it done. These sorts of things that you said:
I’ve done nothing but help and sort out others’ problems with projects, made life (work) easier for hundreds if not more.
I just didn’t see much value in this project and was very easy to deliver and update with a click of a button.


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Jun 19, 2022
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Update: soon after deliberations here, I send an email letting all parties know that this project will be distributed from my group going forward. Had few one on one about this and there’s no way back. Meanwhile the person sending out my work is being recognized for it every week 😡🤷‍♀️


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Sep 20, 1970
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I don't understand - do you mean everyone ignored your email? You sent the email but the other person's still distributing your work? What do you mean about "one on one" and "no way back"?

How utterly frustrating, though.

Did anything come of this?
I have a meeting with the manager who asked me to help and who may intervene.


Mar 22, 1971
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Hi Liolik
This all sounds like it is a difficult thing for you to come to terms with. However, it all seems to be playing out along a path outlined by your original question and cast.

The best way to address the issue of someone else getting credit for my work is 63.4 <> 49

The whole of this issue is wrapped up in a theme of Abolishing the Old (49) where your old grievances will necessarily be brought to the surface before they can be released. It appears though that the grievances are staying firmly in place, halting progress. The biggest thing blocking a transformation of the situation is the shadow energies circulating through Hex 2. From what you have written, there is slow transformation because there is no behaviour based in high moral standards being shown. The closed win / lose mentality shown on all sides of the matter is not sustaining anyone.

Hex 63 advocates that it is important to contemplate all sides of the matter, and then to take appropriate measures against areas of possible decline. Perhaps through the way you are looking at the matter, all the possible outcomes have been Already Fulfilled. Maybe you feel you have run out of any further appropriate measures to take or perhaps there is a 'best way' which is yet to be revealed to you..

Perhaps somewhere in the bowels of 63.4 there is room to doubt the need to be on guard all day long.

Somewhere else in the thread you wrote about another cast giving you Hex 19. which indicates that something new is about to appear over the horizon. Hopefully, that will come as a breath of fresh air for you. Although, you need to be aware that, the shadow energies (46) will still be at work here, especially, if there is a lack of cultivation of personal virtue or a lack of accumulation and recognition of small personal achievements.

Good Luck

Last edited:


Clarity Supporter
Jun 19, 2022
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I don't understand - do you mean everyone ignored your email? You sent the email but the other person's still distributing your work? What do you mean about "one on one" and "no way back"?

How utterly frustrating, though.

Did anything come of this?
Apologies for causing a confusion!
I had few meetings and stated again that I will be distributing my work going forward. I was more subtle about it though and throw in that the audience seeing this project, needs to be wider based on the feedback I received.
The credits were still going to the other person because of their past distribution from their account.

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