...life can be translucent


a look at our marriage : 25:4




I am trying to get clear on where we're going with our marriage - for as much as I try to leave it alone and get on with my life - I am not really able to at this point - although am much more relaxed about it I think. A few days ago I asked 'How should I approach our relationship?' and received 25:4 - 42. I read it over and over - feeling how it felt to disentagle - trying to see where the negative emotions were/are holding me back - and on line 4: - seeing that (Wing) it spoke to me very much about being true to myself, not being influenced by others, trusting my inner vision. The relating hexagram of 42 felt good, but made me question - what am I pouring blessings,love into - myself or the marriage - am i to be constant to myself and hence feel where to go and what to do - or is it advising me to pour love and commitment as I am doing, into the marriage whilst he sorts himself out.

Feeling the confusion of this - not sure if the I Ching is referring to me or the marriage itself - I asked:' what can I expect from our marriage?' and received 13 unchanging. This is very interesting because I have just heard from him and he has been almost accepted onto a years position back in UK, residential, at a well known buddist retreat centre - well known as it is well thought of should I say for the visiting teachers and flourishing community as a teaching / volunteer community. Changing his plans, but the earthquake threw up alot of questions for him.

13 - having things in common, and according to Hilary, in romantic relationshings think of building friendship and enjoying one anothers company. ' There is a reference once again - as in 25 - about harvest in constancy - and also the line that I need to think about : one who makes no corrections commits blunders - and according to Hilary - be particularly cautious about planning, making sure it isn't based on misconceptions.

Sorry for so much writing. I guess I am asking if you have any experience with these lines and hexagrams that open it us to anything more definitive. I question whether 13 will be enough for me in the long run - but what do I really know about 13 - it could be perfect harmony 'in the wilds' - going outside the normal box of marriage. Any thoughts?


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Geez...I always felt his behaviour sounded familiar...all that talk of going abroad, going and coming straight back. I've seen it before and he sounded like he fell into that mold.

Now does this thread make anymore sense to you http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/showthread.php?t=11777.....if you see my post, post 4, I did wonder if he'd return after a short while

He has only just gone....after all that preparation he wants return here ? You are in UK aren't you ?

The earthquake made him come back ? Wow he just enacted 24.1

I can't take him too seriously anymore and I suggest, only suggest, you get a tad more cynical about games he plays, albeit possibly unconscious games...I don't think he knows what hes doing but I think your life will be very messy if you don't distance yourself from the impacts of his decisions and just live your own life. ..whatever he does.

As for the retreat well...maybe he'll stick it for a few weeks....maybe

I wouldn't take his plans that seriously if I were you...but you do need to take your own well being seriously.

Apologies ...all opinion no Yi.....but you have to consider what Yi says in the light of his actions...or the other way about....
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Feb 1, 2010
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Hebe, you have always been the sensible and stable element of the pair. That only appears more-so with time and events. Questions I would ask myself: does he derive energy from my reactions to his unpredictability? who's the "dependent" one here -- truly? His actions sound more and more unhinged.

I'd read 25.4 as implementing your own independent planning. Let him go about his business and learn whatever it is he wishes. You are best off caring for yourself, although you may feel you miss him and would take some company over no company.

But I'd stick to my guns anyway because the other element of 25.4 I'd be concerned about is becoming a victim of his weird process in this - something you definitely don't want. The prognosis seems to be that you will be friends when all is over with. Unless he gets his feet solidly on the ground and recognises in no uncertain terms what he lost when he wandered off it would seem you've got the better end of the deal by having no responsibility for anybody but yourself.


Responding tommorrow...thanks trojan and arabella - I think I just need to let that all sink in... I just wrote a long reply - went to do a quote from Trojan and then realised that you can't on Quick Reply and the back arrow lost my whole thing... Perhaps no bad thing...Hebe


Well... thanks trojan and arabella for responding - I looked back at that line trojan and it was quite interesting how adamant I was that your suggestion was not possible.. saynomore!...thanks for the time to reflect back on that and include it...
but there is something in what you both say that has stopped me in my tracks and I wonder, I just wonder, if this misconception or blunder that the line mentions is in fact my inability to see this in its true light. I think you are both right about becoming independent, focused on my own path and just get on with life for the sake of my health on many levels.

good question to think about though arabella, when you talk about asking myself if he derives energy from my reactions to his unpredictability just not thought about it in that way before - and to be completely honest here, I hadn't responded in any way other than openly when he told me about his thoughts to return - i didn't feel his unpredictablility or anything apart from how completely good it would be for him. Not sure if I'm just blocking my own emotions with a kind of defensive or protective armour - but on the whole i just see it as a really good thing.

I think only time will tell now but there is something in that line which i really will look at and examine closely as to how this is all affecting me.

To be fair he was always against telling anyone his plans as he was well aware that they could change at any time - and i think that the buddist retreat centre (yes - UK) will do him a power of good - inspiring work with a sense of purpose - which the bike ride was not giving him. He's done the length of NZ so far. But - as for me - which is now the most important thing - let's see. thanks again, Hebe


Feb 1, 2010
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Hebe, don't wear yourself out on the question that I posed about possible motive -- a sort of vampire who feeds off the emotional reaction they create. If it doesn't ring any bells, just put it to the side. I only mention it because it was something I learned over years from somebody who purposely did that and it can waste a large chunk of your life. But in your situation, it may have no applicability.

In the overall it just seems you can be free -- even if that doesn't seem wonderful at the moment -- and I hope you'll see strength in that someday because you are quite special. XO Arabella


thanks arabella x

Ps feel much lighter today - things seem to be shifting - and of course, my retreat 11-21 to look forward to. Will no doubt be back as things progress...


Mar 7, 2010
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Personally I think he is searching for something and will realize that whatever he is looking for cannot be found by running around in circles.

That's not based on any readings just my gut instinct. I wish you well, Hebe and hope you are able to guard your heart no matter what happens. I also hope your husband remains safe and sound and is able to return safely if he chooses to do so.


Thanks chuckles - good to hear from you again and I believe that's my gut reaction too -

I had the most wonderful dream that my husband and I were both leaving a cottage where we'd been working for an elderly, wise, couple for 3 days. This is where the dream started - I've no idea what we were doing there or what kind of work - just work! We said our goodbyes to them and walked out the door onto the beach and out towards the sea. I looked back and saw the couple coming out of the door out towards us to say goodbye - i remember being touched that they would come out to wave us off, but they said it was only natural. I hugged the old boy - he was about 4 or 5 heads taller than me - a giant of a man - and I stood on my tiptoes to hug him for what felt like an eternity - pure unconditional love. It was timeless and so..safe - even to say the word 'safe' doesn't describe the feeling as I wasn't even aware of not being safe in order to feel safe! It was just pure love. I wasn't aware of his wife or my husband as I hugged him - it was such a moment of pure being we then walked on out towards the sea - (which seems very odd, but it didn't at the time!). It was closely preceded without a gap, by being given temporary ownership of a horse which I became very frightened of as it was so hostile. It kept kicking out at me with its right hind foot and was very aggressive. I asked the group leader who had assigned me this horse, what to do - and he said to look at it - which I did and its face appeared infront of me - and to give it pure love. I looked at it - its face was right in front of me - and gave it all the love of my heart - and almost instantly the horses demeanour changed and it became the most devoted, kind beautiful companion.

Not exactly on track with my original question - but it follows a little from reading Stephen Karcher, who suggested rolling the words around in your head and mind, and watch for the symbols, dreams, archetypes etc that arise, - so i thought worth sharing as they are so beautifully tied in with trust and love.

anyway, over and out before it gets too mushy for some you ! Hebe


Feb 1, 2010
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Not too mushy for me. The physical dimensions of this man and his quality of unconditional love sound exactly like an angel. And I mean that literally. I think the dream was formulated in a way to let you know there is an angel who guards you. People often think these ethereal creatures are a fantasy or mythological; they are very real and often appear in dreams when they need to give direct reassurance. In some instances dreams are quite real and I believe that particular portion of your dream was, but cast into a "story" that you could find acceptable and safe and in proportion to human existence. People who encounter angels in waking moments quite often describe them as over-sized, as being as tall as the room or the building and radiating a love that is boundless. I think that this man's size and aura was a clue. Wonderful Hebe. Any angel is certainly capable of protecting both of you.


How absoloutly beautiful - that brings tears to my eyes - just so good to read and absorb. I know it to be true because without connecting the two until now, in the last few days I've been holding my hand on my heart and asking for the presence of angels to be with me. -I read this exercise whilst in Waterstones bookstore just a few days ago in a book I found on angel healing. What a precious thing to have this so beautifully and, more importantly, effectively, communicated to me - to bring me real confidence to trust. Mind you, with all the encouragement from the Yi as well I should have bucket loads by now! Thank you arabella, your insights are always appreciated - Hebe


Nov 19, 2010
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An Awakening Process

You and Arabella have a lot in common. Both display an abnormally large magnitude of spiritual frequency that leaves me green with envy. Both have been handpicked, albeit forcibly, to go through an elaborate and grand spiritual transformation scheme.

Arabella has a tougher time than you so far; as Nature has to administer multiple blows to quash her inflated yang ego. If she can survive this baptism of fire, the magnitude of the spiritual power she possesses is destined for great spiritual work.

You are already spiritual-ready; except that the spiritual body has been in a dormant state all these years. You just need to go through an awakening process. The separation is designed to keep you in a sustainable state of spiritual awareness; until you learn how to communicate with Nature at will.

Your marriage has been put on a Nature-fed life-support system while you are going through the awakening process. It means that the separation is linked and fed spiritually to keep it alive until the whole process is over.

Nature will intervene unreservedly; if you or your husband makes any incorrect move that could jeopardize the link. Although it is a hind-sight, but your husband’s decision to move back to UK is in fact a good illustration of how this life-support system works.

The linked-separation is designed to keep you at a sustainable excited state. It is like a marathoner keeping a sustainable pace to maintain a spiritual state to last the race. At this excited state, you spiritual senses will increase drastically; making spiritual communication like a child play.

Initially the communication is done through spiritual signaling like flashing mental images, uncanny coincidences or happenings. The onus is on you to decode and carry out any embedded instruction in the message. At this stage the messages are mostly about purifying and getting your energy body into a working stage.

Later on, once you learn how to communicate with your heart, the purification process will be done automatically without you having to worry about the nitty-gritty.

The big question is: What’s next?

I shall hold my breath and wait for the answer to unfold itself.


Thanks wck - I've just had a look your work on the site, as I've not come across you before and its just way beyond me! I am still new to the I Ching - but I fully appreciate your insights - where do they come from - well, in fact, I guess by reading what you've been exploring it is all linked within the Yi and intuitive insight?

One of my key growths this year is to take information, advice, opinions etc which people give me with conscious awareness instead of grabbing it energetically and absorbing it on every level which I've done so many times before and got burnt - this is a new take which I must say intuitively feels right - and there is nothing harmful or unwise in the suggestions - purely encouragement and trust once again in the bottom line. Its such a different take that I am needing to think about it a bit more before replying properly - if at all, because I sense that you've given it not for the reply but for the value of the information itself - to roll around - so, its much appreciated and I shall do all I can to breathe into the next step! Many thanks for contributing, your interest and the encouragement, Hebe


Nov 19, 2010
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The Source of Information

The information was derived directly from Wu Wang 25 to Yi 42; except that it was read on energy level. To be exact it was read on your energy level and the information manifested was very specific to your case. The key message for this reading is for you to set your spiritual body free.

I used to read focusing solely on the spiritual process; and the target was only a point of focus. However since I have started experimenting on formless reading, the focus now is 100% on the target. Even the way the information is presented is shaped while deep in meditation with the target in mind. How the information will be received eventually is the last thing that I will worry about.

It is very easy just to read; but participating in the formation of the reading is very challenging spiritually. Sometimes I have to stay in the spiritual plane for hours waiting patiently for the connection to come through. Every point captured is spiritually inspired with as little conscious input from me as possible. In fact a lot of information has already been censored as some points are too out of this world and might turn people off.

I am replying because I believe that you have the right to know how the information is derived.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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The information was derived directly from Wu Wang 25 to Yi 42; except that it was read on energy level. To be exact it was read on your energy level and the information manifested was very specific to your case. The key message for this reading is for you to set your spiritual body free.

I used to read focusing solely on the spiritual process; and the target was only a point of focus. However since I have started experimenting on formless reading, the focus now is 100% on the target. Even the way the information is presented is shaped while deep in meditation with the target in mind. How the information will be received eventually is the last thing that I will worry about.

It is very easy just to read; but participating in the formation of the reading is very challenging spiritually. Sometimes I have to stay in the spiritual plane for hours waiting patiently for the connection to come through. Every point captured is spiritually inspired with as little conscious input from me as possible. In fact a lot of information has already been censored as some points are too out of this world and might turn people off.

I am replying because I believe that you have the right to know how the information is derived.

so are you saying when you assist someone with their interpretation of a reading here you first must "stay in the spiritual plane for hours" ? That must be very time consuming


Nov 19, 2010
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A Practicable Artform

The new technique is still in its infant stage. The first step is to make it into a practicable artform; and speed is not the major concern at this stage.

Besides, the hours spent are not just for the reading. It is also for developing mental strength so that we can remain stable for a long period of time at energy level; therby using it as a spiritual working platform as in contrast to a mental woking platform.

With patience and lots of practices, it is only a matter of time the skill will become second nature; and that is when miracles can be performed with ease as we will have direct access to limitless spiritual resources.


Feb 1, 2010
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You and Arabella have a lot in common. Both display an abnormally large magnitude of spiritual frequency that leaves me green with envy. Both have been handpicked, albeit forcibly, to go through an elaborate and grand spiritual transformation scheme.

Arabella has a tougher time than you so far; as Nature has to administer multiple blows to quash her inflated yang ego. If she can survive this baptism of fire, the magnitude of the spiritual power she possesses is destined for great spiritual work.

You are already spiritual-ready; except that the spiritual body has been in a dormant state all these years. You just need to go through an awakening process. The separation is designed to keep you in a sustainable state of spiritual awareness; until you learn how to communicate with Nature at will.

Your marriage has been put on a Nature-fed life-support system while you are going through the awakening process. It means that the separation is linked and fed spiritually to keep it alive until the whole process is over.

Nature will intervene unreservedly; if you or your husband makes any incorrect move that could jeopardize the link. Although it is a hind-sight, but your husband’s decision to move back to UK is in fact a good illustration of how this life-support system works.

The linked-separation is designed to keep you at a sustainable excited state. It is like a marathoner keeping a sustainable pace to maintain a spiritual state to last the race. At this excited state, you spiritual senses will increase drastically; making spiritual communication like a child play.

Initially the communication is done through spiritual signaling like flashing mental images, uncanny coincidences or happenings. The onus is on you to decode and carry out any embedded instruction in the message. At this stage the messages are mostly about purifying and getting your energy body into a working stage.

Later on, once you learn how to communicate with your heart, the purification process will be done automatically without you having to worry about the nitty-gritty.

The big question is: What’s next?

I shall hold my breath and wait for the answer to unfold itself.

Ouch, a bit outside the remit of "well intentioned" advice for those we know virtually not at all, are we not? :eek:


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Ouch, a bit outside the remit of "well intentioned" advice for those we know virtually not at all, are we not? :eek:

yes i think so.
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Jan 11, 2010
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i would read 4.3
"Take not a maiden who, when she sees a man of bronze,
Loses possession of herself.
Nothing furthers." -


I agree with trojan and arabella - its fine saying things which are 'outside' the norm and fully intended for those who asked the original question - the good thing about a forum is that it places us in a position to receive input from sources well outside our own connections and its up to us how we take it or what we do with the information - and I still appreciate your reading and response to how you receive the information. However I think the specific remark on arabella is unfair to post when it's made publicly, irrelevant to the reading and will undoubtedly cause feathers to be ruffled. Hebe
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Nov 19, 2010
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Sorry! No ill intention.

The perspective came to me with a message that both of you share a very special spiritual experience. It seems relevant at that point to draw parallels so that we can capture these truly special spiritual moments.

Of course now I know I was wrong; even when the view was drawn in meditative state. A case of over trying.



Feb 1, 2010
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Thank you wck, apology accepted. No harm done. Arabella


Feb 1, 2010
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This Is Faith

This has been such a powerful thread Hebe, Trojan and wck, and so many people have advised Hebe through castings on here and there seems to be a light in the distance, coming through more clearly each time. I just wanted to say something appropriately celebratory, so I'm attaching a poem that I dearly love about finding the path with faith:


To walk where there is no path,
To breathe where there is no air,
To see where there is no light-
This is Faith.
To cry out in the silence,
The silence of the night,
And hearing no echo believe
And believe again and again
This is Faith.
To hold pebbles and see jewels
To raise sticks and see forests
To smile with weeping eyes
This is Faith.
To Say: 'God, I believe' when others deny,
'I hear' when there is no answer,
'I see' though naught is seen-
This is Faith.
And the fierce love in the heart,
The savage love that cries Hidden
Thou art yet there!
Veil thy face and mute thy tongue
Yet I see and hear Thee, Love,
Beat me down to the bare earth,
Yet I rise and love Thee, Love!
This is Faith.

~Ruhiyyih Khanum



Feb 1, 2010
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Thought maybe i should clarify -- the poem is in relation to the challenges presented to humanity by God, Yaweh, the Great Spirit, or whomever you see as Creator and the trust we invest in Love for that Great Being -- rather than love for another person.:bows:
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