...life can be translucent


A partnership offer


Aug 1, 2007
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Hi again everybody! Hi Willowfox! I have been bussy lately and I miss you all.
Many things and changes are ocurring in my life.
An old friend came a week ago to the city where I live. She is willing to open a business and she is offering a partnership to me and I don't know what to do as for the moment I have a lot of oportunities, interesting job offers and a lot of work; a lot of thinking and I am making important decisions. I am adjusting my life to these changes and -by the way- wonderful times. Most of them are already developing. But this particular one, is bothering me. My friend and I had a very superficial friendship, so I don't really know her. Our kids were classmates and friends and that's how we started our friendship. We haven't seen each other like for eleven years But... there is something that I don't get quite clear. It is a feeling of discomfort and doubt. Through our conversations and by observing her I got a feeling that I cannot understand. Shame on me but I don't trust her... And I don't have the courage to tell her this, not even think there could be a way to say to her such a thing. I asked the I Ching "what if I accept to open a business with XX? the answer is hex 3. lines 1 and 2 Should I ask more? I mean in different ways or this is enough.
Happy to be back and share some good things with all of you.
Thanks a million, Selene
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May 3, 1971
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Hello Selene

Your answer seems to fit your feelings with a slight twist. I will exlain in a moment.

Hexagram three indicates trouble in the early stages. I get the feeling in this case that the early stages might last for some time. The situation here is indicative of holding back somewhat. This is something you should watch, and see how it goes. I wouldn't jump in right away. If the opportunity passes, well it wasn't meant to be. Hexagra 3 is danger in the beginning. Now note, when these two lines change, you have hexagram 29, danger. Note line one says, "must pause and take thought." This is not something to rush into. Line two says much the same thing. "...wants to woo when the time is right." It is not yet right. If you jump in, as the line says, "horse and wagon part."

Apparently, you are right in not trusting her, but here is the twist. Many people are not honest with themselves, therefore they cannot help being dishonest with others though that is not their intent. It comes out of there confusion, and there lack of self understaning.Not necessarily the best person to have a partnership with. She may not be overtly dishonest, yet, likely has a tendency to get herself into situations she can't get out of without hurting someone else.



Aug 1, 2007
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Dear Gene, thanks for your fast replay! Yes you are quite right! You described my friend just as I see her. I have detected few, small -but still- lies. Those are enough to feel discomfort when having any conversation with her. Also you are very right when you say that if this oportunity goes away it is because it wasn't meant to be. Thank you because your comments give me the peace of knowing that I am not throwing out the window a good oportunity.

Thanks a lot for your time and care Gene.

See you around. Big hugs,



Jun 18, 2006
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"what if I accept to open a business with XX? the answer is hex 3. lines 1 and 2 > 29

This suggests that you stop and think very carefully about this offer as she is offering you a quick fix solution which may sound okay but it should not be accepted. But rest assured, she has no bad intentions of any kind towards you, it just that she is not going to prove to be the right partner for you.

So, wait because you will find a good partner sooner or later.


Aug 1, 2007
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Willowfox it's very nice to see you again!

Yes, I know her intentions are good because she is not a bad person, it's just that I do not feel secure with her dynamics. Yes Willofox, you're right again! there is something else coming and I am just waiting for a call right now. It's a sound offer to work with artists from all around. They need to speak English because they need to travel along with their art and be understood. One of my cousins was promoted as a director of Art in the State where I live, from our government and he wants me to join them, teach English and get involved with them and as he is always involved in political matters it is possible that he invite me to join him in his political tasks. He asked me for an appointment this week so I would like to be available for whatever he has to offer to me. I think this is one of those times that all seems to be on my side and I have had many offers from several language schools. I am so excited. Maybe -as everything changes this time won't last long so I want to take advantage to get the best of it and keep something for a "rainy day"...? I am also already working on Real State.
It's a pleasure talking to you.
Please receive a big hug,


Aug 1, 2007
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However I am asking the I Ching about the Real Estate job and I got 23.1.2 >>41 Now I start being worried. Maybe I should ask for every plan at a time? What do you suggest please?
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Aug 1, 2007
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Ok Willowfox, Of course I will be careful, thanks so much!
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