...life can be translucent


Attracting Money


Dec 14, 2013
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Most jobs I have had over the last 15 years have been labor jobs that pay an hourly wage that isnt really enough to do anything more than scrape by and I haven't really amassed any wealth. Not that I want to be rich, I want enough to live comfortably and have my own place that I'm paying to own and not renting

I quit my last job and have been moping around for a couple weeks because I literally feel I can't keep going on like this, cant do this anymore...

What to do to overcome this impasse or blockage to my ability to attract wealth into my life? > 58

iams girl

Clarity Supporter
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
What are your thoughts on the interpretation?

Perseverance (58), higher meaning and purpose translate into monetary gain (42.2), a managerial position (42.4), and like Confucius advises for general relations, "the superior man sets his person at rest before he moves; he composes his mind before he speaks; he makes his relations firm before he asks for something" (W/B, 42.6).

It sounds like a good start would be finding work in your field that ignites your passion and makes you feel good about helping others even if it doesn't pay the best right off.

maggie may

What to do to overcome this impasse or blockage to my ability to attract wealth into my life?

The first thing that comes to mind is that there is no impasse or blockage. There is no spoon. :bows: So then the question becomes “What to do to attract wealth into my life?” Anyway, that fits the trigram of thunder. :)

Thunder below is you and what you do. Thunder goes in with power and authority to get things moving. It issues forth and causes a stir, especially one followed by release and growth. It is action that is done quickly and without thinking about it. Do it with a bang. It is a burst of effort that causes a change of events. What to do is to get moving without over thinking it.

Wind in the outer situation is gentle continuance. It is following your curiosity. It is quantity and quality of work. Little bits add up. It is a garden, a work of art, and tree roots growing through the sidewalk. It may be something that seems like a diversion, a past time. Movement of the wind is unseen but effective. It can also be the little daily tasks and also work over a long period of time. It is paying attention to the details with a questioning mind. Wind has long term effects that cannot necessarily yet be seen or felt. Do not give up, because things are happening on an unseen level.

Line 2 says what to do is to show yourself. It is a yin line that is central and correct. Movement here means expressing what you do want. Show it to the world and engage. You attract what you want by making it visible, seen, and felt. Speak about it, write about it, and visualize it.

Line 4 is the place of some doubt but realizing you can ask for help. There is help available. Movement here is a yin line at the bottom of wind, and at the beginning of the outer situation. It is the place of intentions and what to do with that thunderous action from below and inside. You attract what you desire by considering sources of assistance and what would be helpful.

Line 6 is a yang line at the top of wind and the hexagram. It is the manifestation of thunder’s action and the continuance of the wind. It is also the place of looking toward a new phase. It is the place of the sage or one outside who can observe others and learn from it. To attract wealth look at what has been accomplished and how you can make use of it.

It is interesting that the three moving lines form the trigram of mountain. It is the image of quitting the job and moping and stopping. The unbalance is the mountain which is too much stillness and restraint.

The nuclear trigram of earth is enveloped by heaven. Allow in a sense of nurturing and receptivity that is not overtaken by determinations and rules. To attract wealth open yourself without limits. Dream the impossible dream. :cool: The nuclear trigram of mountain is constrained by fire. Allow a sense of your own individuality in your outer pursuits that is not dependent on clinging to others. Be what you want to attract. :flirt:

“Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.” There is always work to be done and tasks to complete. It can be applied to any job. Labor pays the rent and fills the fridge and provides for activities and events that bring increase. To attract wealth use the action like thunder is to get moving and shake things up. Like wind follow your curiosity and keep going step by step. Express your desires, seek assistance, and learn from the situation.

All the best,
Maggie May

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