...life can be translucent


Being in love and 51.3 to 55

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Malka brought up something I had never thought would bode well for love thangs, and that's hex 51. I was shocked...pun intended...*grin*. I'm still learning and would really like to understand the relationship between 51.3 to 55 and being in love...and whatever else you have to offer about 51 and love.

Thanks for your insights!

Peace, love and understanding,



Nov 4, 1971
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Val, did you receive 51 > 55 in answer to a question about love?

My last long-term relationship brought with it many wonderful gifts, struggles, and lots and lots of growth and development for us both. That relationship started with 51 > 2, and the theme continued as regularly during that time I had earthquakes in my dreams. It was true that my understanding of the world, the very foundation that I had previously counted on and believed to be true, was coming undone as I learned about loving this man and being in relationship with him. It was a scary and exhilarating time in my life.

When I met an interesting man a couple weeks ago, and threw 51 Unchanging in answer to a question about our us, I made the natural association to my previous experience with love and 51. However in this case (as you can read in that thread) 51 was actually the answer to a re-throw because I wasn't happy with my first reading about this potential relationship (it was 11 > 36.) It was humbling learning for me. It turned out Yi was totally correct.

Yet, even though this man turned out not to be my beloved (because he was very untruthful about who he was, etc.) 51 was still accurate. My world did turn upside down for a few days. I experienced some qualities in him that were lovely, and I learned that I'd welcome these kinds of qualities in the right man in the future. I also learned how much I truly want to be in a relationship at this time in my life. This is something I have been luke warm about for some time. My willingness and ability to open to this man (not to worry -- I'm speaking about an appropriate level for three days of knowing someone!) also showed me how ready I am to take the necessary risks to meet someone and to love. This was knowledge I needed about myself. This has now also influenced me in a willingness to get back out there, so to speak, and meet people. For example, I attended an open house for singles that my Rabbi held this weekend, and this is the kind of thing I ordinarily would have stayed away from. So, for me, there is once again the rumbling of a change in my very foundation of how I see and experience myself and my world. This for me has been what 51 has brought with her and I welcome these changes.

Not sure if this was what you were asking for? I'm curious also about other people's experience with 51 and love. Am I the anomaly?

With 55's focus on a zenith that cannot and does not last...I'm unsure how well this bodes for a love related question. But I'll hesitate to say anything further until I learn about what your question actually involved.


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Hi Malka...

I'm not that good at interpreting the Yi...and I want help with it from the seasoned veterans here...such as yourself. I want an honest understanding of the line as it relates to feelings toward another.




Oct 2, 1971
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Hex 51 can be like driving in a racing car at 200 miles/hour. If you are a passenger - instead of the driver - it might be a little bit too much, especially if you are a sensitive soul.

Because it's all happening to you and you can't do anything about it.
I think that is what line 3 is all about: the car is OK and the speed is OK, but you shouldn't be too passive.
If you just sit there your excitement has nowhere to go and you will probably get scared.
It's better to be active. Perhaps seize the initiative now and then, grab the steering wheel! In a more active mode the ride is not scary and you will be able to enjoy it. Everything will be fine.

Hex 55 in the background - what I hear is "enjoy the moment".
It's of course true that abundance (fullness) if often temporary, but that doesn't mean that the love is temporary. Tomorrow or next week there could be another high.
And the relative lows (50 miles/hour?) are probably very welcome. Time to rest, maybe eat something and enjoy the landscape ...


May 3, 1971
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Hexagram 51 is about shocking experiences that knock us out of our comfort zone. In a relationship, line 3 can refer to shocking events that make us see the relationship as it really is. We have been in a delusion, in a stuper you might say. We might receive this line when we are about to receive some unexpected news that truly surprises us. We suddenly see things in a new light. The nuclear hexagram is kan over ken, or hexagram 39, obstruction. We have an obstruction in our thinking. It takes something that really shakes us to our knees to see things as they really are. Hexagram 55 tells us to not be sad, be like the noon day sun. Usually when we are disillusioned we are sad, but instead, we should be happy, because now we see the truth. In 55 line 3 the full effect of the eclipse has taken effect, now the light will come again, and we can see clearly the way ahead. If the question is abour relationships, the answer will reflect this. Hexagram 55 is the eldest son over the middle daughter. The middle daughter is very perceptive, and the eldest son leads, so there is clarity in leadership. The male and the female work together. Hexagram 51 tells us how to deal with shocking situations gracefully.


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Hi Gene...

Hmmm...the REceptive (not so sure about the PERceptive part...) middle daughter got her stranger feeling in the morning at work and asked what it was about...what he was feeling (she knew who was sending it). That was the Yi's answer.

I'd say you're the PERceptive one. Thank you.

He's the only son, btw, but I guess that can count as eldest.

Peace, love and understanding,


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score

Would that be a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Porsche 911 or pickup truck?


Cheerio the noo,



May 3, 1971
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Hi Val

Li is the middle daughter, it is also the sun, which brings clarity. Brings all things to light. That is one of the attributes of the trigram.



Oct 2, 1971
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Hi Val,

Why not a 2CV, an 'Ugly Duck'?
In a Duck 50 miles/hour is probably enough to make it perfectly clear to the passenger that this is bound to happen unless he grabs the steering wheel or .. the driver perhaps?



Oct 7, 2019
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Hexagram 51 is about shocking experiences that knock us out of our comfort zone. In a relationship, line 3 can refer to shocking events that make us see the relationship as it really is. We have been in a delusion, in a stuper you might say. We might receive this line when we are about to receive some unexpected news that truly surprises us. We suddenly see things in a new light. The nuclear hexagram is kan over ken, or hexagram 39, obstruction. We have an obstruction in our thinking. It takes something that really shakes us to our knees to see things as they really are. Hexagram 55 tells us to not be sad, be like the noon day sun. Usually when we are disillusioned we are sad, but instead, we should be happy, because now we see the truth. In 55 line 3 the full effect of the eclipse has taken effect, now the light will come again, and we can see clearly the way ahead. If the question is abour relationships, the answer will reflect this. Hexagram 55 is the eldest son over the middle daughter. The middle daughter is very perceptive, and the eldest son leads, so there is clarity in leadership. The male and the female work together. Hexagram 51 tells us how to deal with shocking situations gracefully.


This was so spot on for me that it is scary. It's not the firts time that I'm made speechless reading your interpretations. Thank you so much Gene, if you'll ever read this.

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