...life can be translucent


Biopsy or not?


Dec 28, 2012
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Hello again everyone.
Please will you help with a dilemma My son - lifelong smoker is to have a biopsy of lung, after which he could possibly/probably have a perforated lung so some-one has to be with him overnight. That can be arranged but I have doubts about biopsies, I believe that malignancies can be released during biopsies so making matters worse. I am a great believer in alternative therapies for instance mega dose Vitamin C. He is already taking large doses of the vitamin plus other vitamins and supplements and is dubious himself about having a biopsy. I asked Yching therefore "What is the best action to take regarding M's physical condition? the reply was Hex 41.5 > 61. then I asked what if he refused the biopsy ans. H 48 UC. I'm still confused so asked What good would it do if he had the biopsy > H 54.2,3 >24, then "what harm would it do and received 34.2,3 > 51. My instincts tell me that he should not have any biopsy but should continue and increase his vitamin C intake. My interpretation leads me to think that the vitamin therapy should be followed I may of course be wrong so don't want to advise him to do the wrong thing.
Also If there is a good possibility of the lung collapsing why is he not to be kept in hospital overnight. I know of a person - fortunately very fit - who almost died from a collapsed lung, my son is not fit.
I would really appreciate any help you can offer. Thank you all.


Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
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I will need to sit with your readings a bit but am wondering while you are waiting for someone to comment if you could share some more information.

Why do the doctors want to do a biopsy? Did he have an abnormal chest x-ray and CT scan? What do you know about the radiologic studies he has had done? Is there a "spot" and if so, how big is it? Has it been followed with repeat studies?


What is the best action to take regarding M's physical condition?
41.5 > 61

It's almost spooky - only a few days ago I asked if my fever would
be reduced the next day, and I received this answer. I was so
stressed about it, that I took it to mean "it will increase" and "ten
pairs of shells cannot oppose it" I thought it meant any amount of
tablets cannot bring it down. But, I was pleasantly surprised! The
fever was almost completely gone the next day. The only thing I
had increased was my vitamin intake. So 41.5 continues to be my
most favourite line. 41.5 is "a major auspicious omen".

what if he refused the biopsy
H 48 UC

He will make-do with whatever resources he has, I think this means
indeed looking after himself better. As there's a warning in 48, he
should be very meticulous and continue his own efforts to well-being.

What good would it do if he had the biopsy
54.2,3 >24

The doctors would still not know 100% what the problem is, and the
"secondary" here I don't like at all - it's no good to hear about
duplication when we talk about disease. 24 shows he would then
perhaps leave it to the doctors and become too lax about his own

what harm would it do
34.2,3 > 51

Without even reading the lines, the answer goes from strength/health
(34) to shock (51).

So I'll agree with you, meigga - biopsy doesn't sound like a great idea.
And I'll agree with jumpingmouse that perhaps best to look at other
diagnostic methods. Vitamins can't always cure everything - and it's
good to have some form of medical opinion as well, regardless of if
we follow it or not.


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Meigga,
I'l leave the question of pro and contra of biopsies out of here, as I know nothing about medicine. My personal inclination would be to go with what the doctors say, but that may or may not be the right thing.
As for your first reading, what would be the best course of action for your son's health and you received 41.5 --> 61.
Diamanda already touched upon many aspects in her beautiful interpretation, so I will try and just add to that:
First, the overall tone of 41 in this context seems to be a clear wake-up call to your son to use this health scare as an opportunity to review his attitude towards himself and his treatment of himself: "

"If a time of scanty resources brings out an inner truth, one must not feel ashamed of
simplicity. For simplicity is then the very thing needed to provide inner
strength for further undertakings."
Combined with the image "Thus the superior man controls his anger and restrains his instincts."
I see a clear advice here for your son to look into the self desctructive behaviors that have led to this helath problem and adress them. Smoking itself is self-destructive, but I suspect that there is something deeper, underlying that which has caused the smoking in the first place. This is what needs to be looked at.
Line 5 to me is an encouragement: If your son finds his inner strength to treat himself kindly, then good fortune will follow.
The changing Hex 61 underlines both the general message of 41 and the changing line: be true to your inner nature (and that does most emphatically not include smoking and a careless lifestyle) and good things will follow.

In summary, I think that the reading says that your son should take good care of his physical and spiritural health, and things will turn to the better. I am sure you can help him with that as his mother!

Hope this helps



Dec 28, 2012
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Thank you Jumpingmouse, diamond and maui
I think all of your interpretations tell me that I should go with my instinct and the 'treatments' I am already advising him. He is taking large doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin D. E and a high protein/carbohydrate powder diet. To answer your question maui, his Xrays,and scans say that he has lung damage due to smoking, plus some small lumps which they don't think is an initial malignant growth but which could be from one elsewhere, these are what they want to biopsy. I don't know if anyone of you have read about mega doses of Vitamin C but the man - a Doctor Kellar maintains that mega and frequent doses of Vitamin C can CURE all manner of diseases; he can be found on internet by typing in "Curing the Incurable" if you are interested.
I myself was given 4 lots of drugs after having a Pace-Maker fitted in 1999; I felt dreadful, and as though my life was finished. For 3 days I forgot to take them. on the 4th day I remembered and took them again and promptly felt ill again. I stopped taking them and have not taken a single one since. (I am frequently told that I look 60+ I am 85) I was asked recently while waiting for the bus, if I was going to work?
My son has awakened to the fact that he must look after himself better and has decided to stop smoking.
I will of course let him make his own mind up about the biopsy. He is incidentally looking and feeling much better, although not gaining much weight, a few weeks into the high Vitamin regime. Thank you all once again, I will keep you posted. Love and best wishes, Meigg:bows:a

butterfly spider

Hello - I was thinking of your son the other day. I was looking at some ceramic pots from Ethiopia
Sorry to hear about his health issues.

I was thinking on this - I am not a medicine or intervention person but from what you just said I would have thought the auspicious casting indicates that the decision to have intervention will turn out well in some way. Yes of course there are risks but I have the feeling that whilst they are not the only option they will provide something beneficial

Do keep me updated - and I will be thinking of you both


Dec 28, 2012
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Thank you butterflyspider

Thank you butterflyspider, How nice of you to be thinking about me:) The appointment has been made for 12th Jan, was originally this month but he is going to Lancashire to see his brother for Christmas. I don't know if you remember my other son was losing a lot of weight and had a Hernia. He has gained weight, not sure how much, is feeling fine and his hernia has closed up. On high dosage of vitamins - particularly vitamin C. and lots of water. With no help from any doctors! This son is on high dose vitamins too so we will see what happens. love from meigga


Dec 28, 2012
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Hello again all and thanks for reading
Have just discovered that my son is back on drugs. At first thought to wash my hands, then thought "does he think that drugs are a better way to go than Ca. of lung so asked 'Y' "what, if anything should I do about his position in life" 'Y' answered Hex 8.1 > 3. I believe that he could beat his addiction with all the supplements I've given him if he wanted to, I spent a small fortune on them. Research has suggested that mega doses of Vitamin C can prevent the 'High' from drugs and so remove the craving. 'Y' seems to be saying continue with help, am I right? I will not, of course, supply him with any more cash. Ideas anyone? Please. My other son, bytheway has had a fight with him and sent him home because of it.

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