...life can be translucent


Boarding school decision to 22 or to 51


Jan 22, 2019
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Dear Community,

some of you have followed the saga of me looking for a new job, which is still ongoing.

In the meantime my son (15) and I have discussed him attending boarding school starting after the summer break in order to assure that he will spend his last years of schooling in the same environment independent of where I may work in the future.

We contacted 4 boarding schools, were waitlisted twice and were accepted by the other two. These two schools are rather different:
- School A is privately run (but adheres to the state curriculum). It is very expensive but has offered my son a partial scholarship. Even taking into account this scholarship, it remains almost 4 times as expensive as School B. School A has good academic credentials; IMO it excels in ensuring that the pupils grow up to be well-rounded, motivated adults who care for themselves and their community. The after-school activities on offer are spectacular. In 11th grade there is the option to sail 8 months across the Atlantic and back (schooling on the boat) in a group of up to 44 students including a 1-month stay in Costa Rica in a local family. This trip comes at a cost, of course (but I happily dip into my savings for this; although I am a bit worried about the regular school fees for the coming 3.5 years as my job situation is somewhat unclear).
- School B is state-subsidized and, thus, significantly cheaper. School B has very good academic credentials; I assume there is a certain pressure put onto student to „(over-)perform“. There are after-school activities, however, much more limited than in School A.

My boy clearly favors School A. Naturally, the financial aspects do not really concern him one bit. He wants to go sailing…

I asked two questions:
- What if my son attends school A? The answer: > 22
- What if my son attends school B? The answer: > 51

Hex 49 resonates with me: Yes, it would be a radical change for my boy (and myself), and the new time would indeed be coming. Lines 4 and 5 sound positive (good fortune), lines 6 confuses me: Order results in a pitfall, but constancy means good fortune (the picture of the leopard is very positive to me). Overall, I would see this as a go-ahead. The resulting hex 22 „Beauty“ seems to be rather superficial to me. What does it mean…

Hex 14 is also positive. Yet, I somewhat fail to connect it our situation and the question asked. The changing lines indicate „no mistake“ and “good fortune“ but result in 51 „Shock“ which does not sound all that good but seems to imply „new beginnings“.

On the whole, I remain confused which route to take and would be grateful for your interpretations.


Jun 3, 2006
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School A looks like your son’s dream come true and school B looks surprisingly positive tto.
I vote A if you can afford it but B is a very good option.


Jan 22, 2019
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Thank you, dear rosada, for your thoughts which are spot on!

This notwithstanding, I would still very much appreciate an interpretation of the two readings from you and anybody else who is willing to offer some guidance. Thank you in advance!


Jun 3, 2006
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I’m seeing 49. Revolution as describing the whole process of going to boarding school as being part of the growing up experience until at last one becomes their true selves ready to live life on their own terms.
22. Grace has many varied interpretations. It has been seen to mean a vision not yet fully actualized and thus can a warning that what is imagined may not be the ultimate reality but for the purposes of this reading I interpret it here as meaning what your son imagines this school experience would be - something wonderful and life changing.

To look more deeply as to what further message can be gotten from this I think maybe it’s important to recognize that at this point it is all still only in the realm of possibility (22) and so not to skip the important steps of fleshing out the fantasy. Like
49.6 urges asking oneself “What do I really want to get from this experience? Am I looking to get a greater understanding of the world so I can think for myself, take responsibility for myself and be of genuine help to mankind? That is, will I change like a leopard? Or am I only just changing the faces - that is, surrounding myself with new kids - but still doubting myself, still going with the crowd with no real inner change or strengthening of my own perspective?” I think it’s more likely he’ll change like a leopard from the experience but still these hexagrams do hint the adventure wont be for sissies!
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Jan 22, 2019
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Brief update: After much reflection, soul searching and consultation of a coach that I have been working with in the past, I came to the conclusion that after all school B is the better option (better academics, more grounded). My son and I had a virtuel exchange with both school directors and school B just "felt" better.

As to the associated reading, 14 2.3.6. > 51, I feel that 51 in the background may just mirror the turmoil of coming to a decision and maybe also my son's apprehension of a challenging academic environment that, ultimately, may lead to new beginnings.
Line 2 might relate to the necessary move to a new place,
Line 3 hmm, I struggle with that one, maybe it relates to just trusting in destiny and not to over analysing everything,
Line 6 seems to be very lucky indeed.

Thank you again, dear Rosada, for having taken the time to respond.

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