...life can be translucent

Continued life abroad: hex61.6 -> 60


Jan 10, 1971
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As this is in fact a separate question, I wanted to start a new thread.

Show me a picture of my continued stay in this country until July of 2007:

Hex. 61.6 --> Hex. 60

61. Chung Fu / Inner Truth
above Sun The Gentle, Wind
below Tui The Joyous, Lake

The Judgement: Inner Truth. Pigs and fishes.
Good fortune.
It furthers one to cross the great water.
Perseverance furthers.

The Image: Wind over lake: the image of Inner Truth.
Thus the superior man discusses criminal cases
In order to delay executions.

LIne 6: Cockcrow penetrating to heaven.
Perseverance brings misfortune.

60. Chieh / Limitation
above K'an The Abysmal, Water
below Tui The Joyous, Lake

The Judgement
Limitation. Success.
Galling limitation must not be persevered in.

The Image
Water over Lake: the image of Limitation.
Thus the superior man
Creates numbers and measure,
And examines the nature of virtue and correct conduct.

The first part of 61 sounds favorable to me but the changing line is not (perseverence brings misfortune).
Is this saying the next 9 mos will be "gallingly limited"? I should perhaps have asked for an emotional outlook, not financial...bc i already know about financial (!!)


Jan 10, 1971
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I found this posted by Luis 2 yrs ago in another thread:

"As to what 61.6 means in the context of a person's position on a particular matter, IMHO, it means that such person is receiving a wake up call, a reality check.

61.6 shows a crowing sound of a rooster high in the sky. Roosters do not fly high and this situation shows an impossibility. The subject is overreaching. Even with perseverance will not attain what he/her is reaching for. The subject must be aware of his/her own limitations and work within them. "

Do I leave it at that, or take hex 60 as the final "say". I have read here before that when changing lines appear, we focus only on those. So what is the significance of 60 solid, in that case? Is that the time beyond what I asked about, or..??

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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"Show me a picture of my continued stay in this country until July of 2007:

Hex. 61.6"

It's not a good picture. One of two things is the case here:

1 Your continued stay in that country until July 07 is somehow over-reaching or proud in a negative way. Persevering in this will be unfortunate. (ie it's time to leave soon)

2 Your asking the question of the oracle is somehow over-reaching or proud in a negative way. Persevering in this will be unfortunate. (ie it's time to stop asking questions about stuff that you know the answer to already)

I'd guess it's the first alternative. What are your thoughts on it?


Jun 18, 2006
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Hi elizabeth,

Show me a picture of my continued stay in this country until July of 2007:

Hex. 61.6 --> Hex. 60

Hex 61.6 says the place where you are now is full of empty hopes and promises, there is no scope for improvement or advancement, your hopes and desires will not be fulfilled, so your situation will slowly degenerate into futher problems and chaos. Now the place is causing you to think again, why you are still there, you are losing your commitment/devotion which just leads to further problems. Perhaps you thought of your job as being dependable but the trouble is that you are really going nowhere in it.

Hex 60 is abouts limitations, and how your situation is smothering you, it is very restictive, so if you carry on in the way that you have been doing, you will suffer for it. So, the only way out is to go somewhere else before it harms you.

Hex 60 indicates end of July 2007, so I add this date for you to think about only.

But there is a possibility that some change, for the better, could happen in about 6 months time, end of April 2007.


Jan 10, 1971
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hi -
dobro - thanks. staying is unfortunate...the issue is that I dont feel ready to leave. Sigh.

willowfox -- thanks. what's the significance of that July date in 60 then? Since I already mentioned it in the question to the Yi, and it gave it "back" to me as the second hex, does that mean anything?


Jun 18, 2006
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Hi elizabeth,

I don't really know how hex 60 = July, 2007 fits into the equation, i suppose it could signify a number of things, such as your release from the restrictive situation that you find yourself in, or finally realising that enough is enough or it may not signify anything, but I think it fits in here.

The above answer that you received hex 61.6 > 60 seems to suggest that you will finally realise that where you are living and working is too prison like, and you will either call it a day and return to the US, or you may have found a new job and thus move on. I know that you don't feel ready to leave but give it more time and see how you feel next year, if problems still keep coming then your situation will just become more unpleasant and difficult to deal with. Anyway, I think that something important will occur in April, 2007 a fortunate event.


Jan 10, 1971
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Hm, well I have several more thoughts.
First, July is annual review time. If I'm going to get a salary increase of any kind, July/August of next year is when I'd learn that. However July for me personally is a earmarked month bc at that point I have to buy new international medical insurance which is usually for a year -- so it would be a time to decide, "Am I staying another year or six mos, or am i leaving, like NOW". It could be the turning point then.
Second, it sounds good that something nice might happen in April...although short of a triple salary increase or new job, I cant imagine anything else that would really impact my decision.
Finally, in going over my finances again (one last time before I sign a new rental agreement in several hours -- ugh, more cash out the window) I realize that, realistically speaking, next June-September is the time I would return to the US, when I do consider that option. (June if I'm organized/proactive and dont let medical coverage lapse; September if I want more cash in the bank to compensate for being unemployed for a few mos). I am nervous today due to this apartment signing but I guess it buys me another half a year here and I can (as you suggested, willowfox) wait and see if it gets worse or is OK for me during that time. The new apartment is nicer but who knows, weird things happen, maybe i wont be comfortable there, I will have to wait and see.


Jan 10, 1971
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Autumn, if you see this, clear some space in your Inbox, i want to send you something


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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elizabeth said:
I found this posted by Luis 2 yrs ago in another thread:

"As to what 61.6 means in the context of a person's position on a particular matter, IMHO, it means that such person is receiving a wake up call, a reality check.

61.6 shows a crowing sound of a rooster high in the sky. Roosters do not fly high and this situation shows an impossibility. The subject is overreaching. Even with perseverance will not attain what he/her is reaching for. The subject must be aware of his/her own limitations and work within them. "

Did I say that? Wow, must have been when I still had a brain... :) But yes, I can see how it applies to your question.


dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Elizabeth - willowfox came up with her hunch about April next year, and you talked about a six-month signing for your apartment? (Are you in Indonesia or something?) It's now October. Notice how six months from now, you will be free to leave. Maybe that's the 'nice something' that happens to you in April.


Jan 10, 1971
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dobro -- I'm in Russia.
Yes... I forgot about that! Actually May 18 is when the lease ends. I realized though another thing in rereading these posts. At the end of April I will have to leave this country for a new (work-induced) visa in order to return back in, pack up my stuff and leave (if i plan to leave). Or simply to stay until July, which is what i'd like to do based on a festival i should be covering (writing about) here that goes thru the end of July...

I have a bad feeling that
a) the landlady will not allow me to extend the lease in prime summer rental season (lots of tourists, she can rent by the day and make more $$)
b) if she lets me stay 3 more mos, she will increase the rent
c) if i cannot pay the higher rate, i have to pack up my stuff, find another place, pay ANOTHER 100% agency fee (only for 3 mos) and then leave.

Translation: gigantic hassle that i would like to avoid, but nonetheless would like to stay here til July, my annual review time -- at least get the feedback of my efforts for the year and then say "sayanaro".



Jan 10, 1971
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To get a better sense of my options I just asked the Yi this related question, even though I have no concrete plans at this time.

"Please show me a picture of my reentry to the United States, emotionally."

I got Hex 10.3.5 Treading/Conduct -> Hex14. Possession in Great Measure.\

Hex 10, The Judgement
Treading. Treading upon the tail of the tiger.
It does not bite the man. Success.

The Image
Heaven above, the lake below:
The image of Treading.
Thus the superior man discriminates between high and low,
And thereby fortifies the thinking of the people.

Line 3:
Change in the third place means:
A one-eyed man is able to see,
A lame man is able to tread.
He treads on the tail of the tiger.
The tiger bites the man.
Thus does a warrior act on behalf of his great prince.

Line 5:
Resolute conduct.
Perseverance with awareness of danger.

14. Ta Yu / Possession in Great Measure
above Li The Clinging, Flame
below Ch'ien The Creative, Heaven

The Judgement
Possession in Great Measure.
Supreme success.

The Image
Fire in heaven above:
The image of Possession in Great Measure.
Thus the superior man curbs evil and furthers good,
And thereby obeys the benevolent will of heaven.

So I return lame, or injured in some way, I misstep and am in pain, even though I'm home. Is that right? (general message: not an easy adaptation?) And that I should be careful when I do return? Why the warning? I would expect reentry to be difficult esp if i give my dreams up here to return to the imprisonment of a 8-5 dayjob that kills my soul. Is the Yi agreeing with me?

p.s. for the record, i do believe in Fate, Time as multidimensional, and Predictions!
Last edited:


Jan 10, 1971
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i just found these interpretations for those two lines.
It seems hex 10 is about proper decorum, behaving as the situation calls for and knowing ones limitations. To me personally that sounds like "dont move back". But anyway, the lines:

"Plunging into things without recognizing one's limitations can cause problems. Only in time of desperate need, e.g. war, is this justified."

Line 5
"An inspiring ruler; a guiding light whose presence and resoluteness enables others to progress. At the same time continually aware of the possible dangers."


Jun 18, 2006
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Hi elizabeth,

"Please show me a picture of my reentry to the United States, emotionally." Hex 10.3,5> 14

Basically you will feel emotionally cold, fearful, anxious and depressed in the beginning.

The hexs that you received are giving you advice on the reentry situation here, so here we go,

Hex 10.3 says that you are in the dark at the moment, with no clear idea as to what will happen or what you will do. You progress is limited, so don't try too hard at the moment. Certainly avoid overreaching yourself for the moment, or you will get problems.

Hex 10.5 says be aware of the problems that face you in the US, but persevere down the path. See what happened in the past, so that you don't make the same mistakes, and be very cautious at all times in everything you do when you reenter.

Hex 14 is the answer to the period after you have had a chance to settle in. It says great possibilities will be available to you, it is a time of success and you will gain a new positive outlook on life in the US. If you act with kindness, modesty and an open mind in all your new dealings you will find a warm reception in whatever you do and wherever you go. If you ever need help, it will be forth coming because of your new attitude. The potential for great success is there but you must go grab it.
Decisions, decisions.
The two hexs 10 and 14 taken together show a time around the end of May to the beginning of July.


Jan 10, 1971
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willowfox, thanks! Thank you for the interpretation. Hmm. Its weird bc this is not what i feel I *want* to do right now. Maybe I"ll want to closer to May/July as you suggested. Hmmm...Interesting that it is so positive in the end. I'm wondering why remaining here (foreign country) is such a bad idea? Deep down, i dont want to believe (I dont believe?) that it is...

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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"Please show me a picture of my reentry to the United States, emotionally."

I got Hex 10.3.5 Treading/Conduct -> Hex14. Possession in Great Measure."

On the micro level, it will involve unpleasantness, emotionally speaking. Micro level means aspects of the situation. On the macro level it means something like: "Emotionally speaking, returning to the US will mean you're conducting yourself in a way that avoids harm on the macro level, and which involves having or getting something valuable as well."

Keep in mind that you asked about what it would be like emotionally.

But you know, my chief impression of you right now is one of indecisiveness. Despite asking lots of questions of both the Yi and people here, nothing seems to suggest itself to you as the way you should go. When that happens to me, I either put the decision out of my mind or else make the first decision that comes to my mind because I think it doesn't make much difference if nothing seems clear or if one course of action doesn't seem really preferable to another.



An effect of 61, in general, is resonance; that is to say, something which is in synch with someone or something. In this respect it could mean finding ones niche within the whole while working toward the same goals.

While 60 is commonly associated with constricting type limitations, it can also represent finding a place for each thing: organization, distinctions or classifications. Again, the idea of niche. 60 can also represent time, as an hour is divided into minutes, etc.

So, I think it’s possible that in time you may find a place to fit in very well, though 61 also includes the idea of holding off on trying to reach a solution or making a judgment before things have a chance to play out in time. Until more things reveal themselves, there’s much talk without having all the facts.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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"dobro -- I'm in Russia.
Yes... I forgot about that!"

Never forget you're in Russia lol.

Reason I asked was cuz the only time I've ever been asked for rent up front, in advance, and cash in hand was in Indonesia. I didn't know it happened in Russia too. As long as it doesn't happen in China though I guess we're all okay. lol I'd hate to have to find where that fits into the Yi.


Jan 10, 1971
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Dobro -- I meant I had forgotten about the May dates, not that I'm living in a foreign country (there's no possible way to forget that!)


Jun 18, 2006
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"Reason I asked was cuz the only time I've ever been asked for rent up front, in advance, and cash in hand was in Indonesia. I didn't know it happened in Russia too. As long as it doesn't happen in China though I guess we're all okay. lol I'd hate to have to find where that fits into the Yi."

You will find nearly everywhere is doing this now, even China. Too many bad tenants nowadays.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Or perhaps it's the landlords.

elizabeth -

"Dobro -- I meant I had forgotten about the May dates"

I know; I was just having some fun with the quote. Another joke falls flat on its funky butt. Sigh... lol


Jan 10, 1971
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Ha ha, :) sorry... I'm really bad with catching humor online. (but I'm laughing now, better late than never! :))

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