...life can be translucent


dealing with the past and moving forward


Jan 10, 1971
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Recently the theme of past issues has arisen in my life. To see what is going on, I asked the Yi several questions, as follows. Ive included my guess at the meaning after each one, and would greatly appreciate further input.

1) What do I need to understand?
Hex 3 Difficulty at the Beginning. Unchanging. No lines.
I am having difficulty getting out of this rut, something is holding me back (duh).

2) How can I transcend my past?
31. Hsien / Influence (Wooing) – line 3. and line 5. Then Hex. 16 Enthusiasm.

line 3: Do not follow your heart or your animal instincts, follow your head.
(notes on that hex:) Usually people do not want to hurt, they influence with the best intentions. They just don't realize how much self-interest these intentions contain. So be careful. A nice kiss can in the long term turn out to be a nasty bite. Don’t blame the one who did it, just never do anything that does not agree with yourself.

3) How can I release the pain from my mother?
38. K'uei / Opposition = changing lines 2 and 4, AND HEX 3.
"When the situation looks hopeless, that is the time to stand by your convictions, true to yourself above all else. Do this and it will end well. Find a fellow-spirit in the enemy camp and, together, attain the goal. Deeper friendship will grow between you and misunderstanding will cease. “
That seems to suggest finding a friend for support but outsiders cannot help me change the pain inside ME. I have to do that on my own, and I am seeking ways to do so.
“Treat others generously in order to turn conflict and suspicion into shared success. The differences between opposing views can be small: look for ways to unite them constructively and harmoniously. Disaster can be avoided with care.”

LIne 2: This is an accidental encounter, possibly between people who have not been on speaking terms for some time. But the street is narrow and there is no way they can avoid one another. Friendly relations are re-established.
Note: my mother isn’t accidental! I think the Yi isn’t speaking to my question but is speaking about a young man I just met? Although we are speaking… I don’t get the significance of this line.

Line 4: Holding oneself aloof from the crowd because one cannot agree with their standards and beliefs, one becomes lonely. One is then particularly vulnerable and an encounter with someone who seems to share one’s isolation can assume an exaggerated significance. However, if one is aware of the dangers inherent in the situation it can be turned to the best advantage and there will be no regrets.

?? I cannot see how this answers my question.

4) What is a general diagnosis of my romantic life now?
Answer: Hex.28 3.5. and Hex. 40 Deliverance.

Line 3: a man who insists on driving ahead & takes no advice from others; tries to force his companions to go along with him. Resenting this, they refuse to give him their support. The burden steadily increases and catastrophe is the only outcome

Line 5: Blossoming, the old tree exhausts its powers and only brings its death nearer. An old woman may marry again, but she is barren and no children will result. There is no evil in such a situation, but equally, no successful outcome.

conclusion: Basically I have no hope? (?)

p.s. if Jesed is around I would greatly appreciate his input.



Apr 4, 2008
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Hi Elizabeth,

Recently the theme of past issues has arisen in my life. I can appreciate that - it's been a recent theme in my life too.

1- issue:

Hex 3: Before you can go forward, you need the right team, and even then, you need to wait for the right time.

I think this means it would be inappropriate for you to blame yourself harshly about the rut. It's not just you, it's also the lack of support, and the difficult times.

2- transcend:

31 Positive interactions require positive people. Line 3: If your impulses lead you to kick, they go to far. Line 5: If your impulses only lead you to look around, that's not a problem.
16 With a team dedicated to the highest values, you can accomplish great things.

3 - mother:

38 A difficult person is moving away from you. Agree on small matters where you can, but don't compromise your own self. 2 and 4 both describe bumping into someone you would not be expected to meet, and this is a good thing because you're kindred spirits. I take this to mean, don't worry if your true family of your heart is different people than your DNA donors. This relates back to hex 3: you need that group of people with a heartfelt connection of spiritual values.

4 - romance:

28.3,5 Out of balance, not sustainable. At best, struggle to an indifferent end.
40 Get back to the appropriate balance ASAP. If this means retreat, duck already! If this means going forward, CHAARGE!
You have plenty of hope with this reading, if you get out of the unbalanced situation into a balanced situation.

Every one of these readings has the same themes:
1. Don't go it alone! You need good people in your life in every way! (And don't worry if you meet them in an untraditional way.)
2. You're right that there's something stuck, or out of balance. It might not all be your fault! Get those good people in your life to help you move forward!

Does this seem relevant?


Jan 10, 1971
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Hi Ben,
Yes that is extremely relevant. Thank you so much. Especially the interpretation for the 3rd question as I wasn't really seeing that clearly. It makes sense though and I have felt this increasingly for the past few years. A friend of mine said to me in that time frame, if certain relatives were not related to you by blood, you no doubt would never interact with them, would not choose them as your friends. ANd she was right. So this reiterates that point, that cultivating my own "family" is important.

ANd that relates to the 4th question. I"m relieved to know it isn't just me, that the times, so to speak, are bad as well. But how to find that team of helpers? If I had the team, I wouldn't have the problem in the first place, and I'm aware of that. So next is to figure out how to GET the team...

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.



Aug 31, 2007
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Hi Elizabeth,

I am a bit confused:
How can I release the pain from my mother?
38. K'uei / Opposition = changing lines 2 and 4, AND HEX 3.

Hex 38.2.4 >> hex 27 to get 38>> 3 requires also lines 5 and 6 moving.

Hex 38 is about sibling bickering since they are stuck together though their interests and needs are quite different. Hex 27 is about hunger or pain, an open mouth crying out its needs.

Another view of your first and fundamental question: Hex 3 no moving lines:

Hex 3, especially without moving lines, is about the beginning of spring growing process in the thunderstorms that bring initial rain for seed germination. Its structure is all open Yin except for the first and 5th place, so it describes the first beginning steps. All that is focused upon is the overall plan and the first steps being taken.

The overall plan (line place 5) is required since one can not get anywhere without a goal in mind. The initial step (line place one) is required since even the longest journey requires putting one foot in front of the other to get started.



Jan 10, 1971
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What were you confused about? (Or what is your question?)


Aug 31, 2007
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What were you confused about? (Or what is your question?)

Was your oracle hex 38.2.4 >> 27 or hex >> 3 ?

Hex 38 >> 27 seems to answer your question.



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Hex 38 with lines 2 and 4 moving lead to hexagram 27 not 3. Thats definate.


Sorry Elizabeth; I hadn't seen this thread before my comment on the other one

1) What do I need to understand?
Hex 3 Difficulty at the Beginning. Unchanging. No lines.
Hex 3 is abpout chaos all around you. This chaos has a "paternal-issue" cause and a "maternal-issue" cause..
This "chaos" may have it's roots in something happened last fall (september-october, 2007) There is inner unestability, and external boldness. The danger came for a risky action due to inner unestability; therefore, the first advice is to remain still, and gain calm. The second advice is to avoid loneliness or isolation; seek friends, and seek capable and expert helpers (may consider some kind of emotional counseling; I would dare to suggest jungian analist)

Many times, hex 3 points more to the inner state of mind, rather to objective external obtacles. More precise: pesimism and a strong sense of personal lost. It is like everything is "too complicated". Some times, there is a past failure or harm, that make us unsecure people: we don't trust we could be happy again; we don't believe we deserve a satisfying relationship; we are so afraid to commit with oir own happiness so we expect that someone or something from outside came to save us.

But this chaos, this obstacles to our happiness, demand our will and strength. Yes, you ARE strong woman. it is only that you need to reconect with your own source of power and strength. And, for the moment, you do need friends and helpers. But no to save you, but to guide you to conect with your owns resourses.

And please remember: hex 3 points that, beyond this present chaos, good fortune arises. Even if you feel pesimist right now, the yi points that a new age of fortune and happiness is born.

2) How can I transcend my past?
31. Hsien / Influence (Wooing) – line 3. and line 5. Then Hex. 16 Enthusiasm.
It has to do with inner and deep impulses. recognize them, and allow them to lead you to enthusiasm again.

3) How can I release the pain from my mother?
38. K'uei / Opposition = changing lines 2 and 4, AND HEX 3.
This answer is not about any man, but about your relation with your mother. There are severe mutual misunderstandings; and therefore you are far away one from each other. There is a strong issue about control, and the need to stablish the scope of personal freedom within the relation.
You feel yourself treated in an unfair way; and you would like to confront your mother, in order to clarify the misunderstandings and she acknowledge your rightness. But you are unable to achieve that; the more you would try this aproach, the greater would be the distance between you and your mother.
Instead, you need to be calm; gain inner clarity (you have also misunderstood your mother in some aspects) and accept that you and her are 2 diferent persons, with the right and freedom to make your own decisions.

4) What is a general diagnosis of my romantic life now?
Answer: Hex.28 3.5. and Hex. 40 Deliverance.

Too much tension; you was near to an emotional breakdown; you need to release the tension NOW.

What heppened in your emotional life between novemeber 2007 and april 2008.?Whatever may happened, you need to leave it in the past; get rid of it. Forgive and move on (40)

Line 3 January 2008. Something broke. Big disaster. Lack of external support; lack of inner clarity.
Line 5 March 2008. Useless attemps to save what was lost. No matter how manny efforts you made, the results are unsatisfying.

You need to make a huge effort to forgive; to leave this hurtful experience in the past. Otherwise, no matter how many people you may met; the shadow of mistrust and fear will hunt you.

Elizabeth; I can realize that you have suffer so much until now. I deeply sorry. But all this pain can make you a wiser people, if you learn from it. I realy think that a serious psicological inner work would be of great relieve for you. I hope you can find the best help to heal your emotional wounds... and reconect with your right and ability to happiness

My best wishes


Jan 10, 1971
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Dear Jesed,
Again my deepest thanks for your input. As always it has provided lots of useful insights and much help. I appreciate it.

I like how positive the outcome of the first reading is. What you wrote, "we don't trust we could be happy again; we don't believe we deserve a satisfying relationship" is basically what I began to believe last fall. Only last week I started to see how wrong that is.

Your interpretation of the second and third readings make perfect sense.

The fourth reading. At first this didn't make sense to me, but then I reflected on what happened. In early January I met someone in person (after corresponding for several months online); i had had high hopes about him, but I was disappointed with him on the date, and he never phoned me for a second date (which was actually OK with me). In March, however, I began to think a relationship for me personally is impossible, that I will not ever have one. So maybe the 40 is speaking to that thought: Forgive and move on, or rather FORGET and move on, know that you are deserving of love as well?

I have a new commitment to be surrounded by those Helpers and Friends that the Yi refers to and I am hopeful that this will be the ansswer that helps me move towards a positive, happy future (with someone else!)

Again Jesed, thanks for your time and input. I do appreciate it.
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