...life can be translucent


Dream job?


Sep 7, 2008
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I've recently sent my resume in for a job that sounds like my dream job and a position positively made for me... My strengths, my experience, my passions, and my skills!
It's the first time I've come across a job that literally sounds perfectly ideal for me and I can't help but be very hopeful😋
It's premature, but I asked the IC about my chances for this job and received Hexagram 4. 2. 5 ----> 20.
I cringed when I saw I received hex 4! That's usually not a good sign in my experience and typically indicates to me I'm being childish or naive in even asking!!😳 I hope that's not what this response means!!!??
And the lines I received sound wonderful!! Actually, the most promising lines I believe I've ever received !?
However, talking of things like innocence and inexperience in relation to a job, makes me think overall, as sweet as the lines seem, the IC is maybe telling me I really *don't* have the qualifications they're hoping for here?
I would be so grateful for your thoughts on this reading in relation to my question posed. I'm super excited, but after this reply from IC I'm trying to brace myself for disappointment and not allow my hopes to be too high.
Any thoughts?
Thank you all so much!
Namaste !

precision grace

Nov 5, 2008
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It's probably always a good practice to brace oneself and not let one's hopes get too high - that way leads only to disappointment, whereas if you are cautious and reserved but persevering and cultivate an open attitude towards new experiences, then chances for being pleasantly surprised are much higher.

I actually think looking at your whole reading that your chances of getting the job are really good. Hex 4 seems to be ideal for a situation in which someone is starting a new job. I would say the line 5 maybe a reminder that you are not supposed to know everything when you start a new job - if you knew all there is to know, there would be no room for growth and you'd be bored and looking for new challenges. So don't feel like any small gaps in our qualifications are necessarily a problem - instead, look at them as an opportunity for the job to fulfill your growth needs.

Good luck!


Jun 3, 2006
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I think in this case 4.2.5 - 20 is talking about how you will look to the potential employer. 4.2.5 suggests you will not be seen as having a lot of experience but that this is not necessarily a bad thing - and it could just be an over all comment about everyone who apples for the job.
So I think you are being told that your chances at this point are not any worse than anyone else's but maybe also that while you may think this job is ideally suited for you, so far you don't particularly stand out in the employer's mind as being exceptional.
Maybe you are being cautioned not to drive yourself nuts thinking this job is ideally suited and not to try to sell yourself as being a master at it, but to approach it with an attitude that you have the necessary beginner's skills and that you are open to learning more.

If you do get an interview you might ask the I Ching for some insight that would be helpful about what you can do to make a positive impression, stand out and be the one hired.


Sep 7, 2008
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Oh my gosh, thank you both for such fast replies with your insights!! Obviously, I'm QUITE anxious to hear additional objective thoughts!
To clarify myself, I don't feel I know it all about the job, rather I feel it's ideally suited to my strengths and passions. I'm certain I would have a great deal to learn in this position or any new career opportunity! I've just never come across a job position which so perfectly describes both what I'm experienced with as well as the things I personally just love to do! It's a definite first for me!!
Thank you both so much. I'm not letting myself be too hopeful inside about this, as the job competition is fierce and I'm not "perfect" by any means, not even just on paper (resume!)��
I'll definitely keep this post updated with any advancements or happenings about this intriguing and exciting position.
I really appreciate your thoughts and your encouragement!
Sep 15, 2010
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I've been looking for a long time and applied for several "dream jobs" - and have not even been called for an interview. Remember that the posting may be a formality; they may be hiring from within. Or -- you just don't know the reasons. It's very hard not to take it personally, but try to stay mature (4) with a generous perspective (20) and keep applying for other positions too. Don't let your imagination run away with you -- have a strong vision but be open to how it will take shape. Best of luck to you, I'm very sympathetic.


Jun 3, 2006
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I also had some after thoughts…
Funny how in my first response I suggested you come up with a different question to ask the I Ching and then later it struck me that hex 4. is where it specifically says don't ask more questions! There's enough for you in this answer! hahahaha. So I thought a bit about the answer and realized we are just assuming the ad is an honest description of the job - as sabina mentions, it may not even be a legitimate ad - they may already have a candidate in mind. I don't think that's the case though - 4.5 suggests to me that the employer is also innocent. But I'm wondering if the hexagram is perhaps saying the employer is A Young Fool too maybe they don't really know what they are looking for or what the job really in tails. 20. View means looking things over - they look at you but you are also to look at them. Perhaps in the interview you will have an opportunity to present why you are an ideal candidate, but also it's a time for you to ask questions and see if the job really is what you think it is.

Meanwhile here is a "magic trick" you can try to prime the pump. Do a bit of giving to others in the next couple of days. Studies* have shown that giving to others, a few bucks to a homeless person, a gift for a friend, whatever, really does measurably improve our own happiness level.

And I believe that as you are feeling this enhanced sense of happiness you send out a vibe that attracts good to you.


*The study was an experiment where they asked two groups of people - say 100 or so - to state their happiness level at the beginning of the day on a scale of 1 - 10. The average response was 7. Then they gave the first group $20 and instructed them to spend it on themselves how ever they wanted in one day. They gave the second group $20 and instructed them to spend $5 on themselves and the rest on someone else that day. At the end of the day the first group was not particularly uplifted. The money had been absorbed into their regular funds, went to pay bills etc. nothing special and the happiness level stayed at 7. The second group had had fun being creative, giving to homeless, buying gifts etc. Their happiness level came back a clear 8. Not huge but still significant...


Sep 7, 2008
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Great idea Rosada!! I love doing that and try to do it as often as possible "random kindnesses". I'll definitely make a concerted point to be active in that this week!

Thank you for your thoughts Sabina. You're right and I very much need to keep my feet/thoughts grounded because constant rejection in the job search is so hard not to take personally!
On another note, you've found that many "dream jobs" posted ? This is the first job I've ever seen in my life that I'd label my "ideal" job! I sure *wish* I came across lots of dream job postings!!!

Thank you all again for replying...so very much!!!:hug:


Sep 7, 2008
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I just received a call from this company!!!:freak: It was just an initial phone interview, but oh my STARS, I'm sooooooooooooooooooo grateful to have even gotten that!!!! The man said he was putting a "smiley face" next to my name because he would be pushing my resume forward to the next step!!!!!!:freak: :freak:!!!!

Certainly nothing is certain with this as I'm sure the competition is fierce, so I'm trying to remain grounded in the reality of possible rejection still......
but at least I'm going to the next step which means I am in the running!!!!!!

Ohhhh soooo grateful!!!!!:D :bows:
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Sep 7, 2008
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Ok....I took Rosada's advice (thank you Rosada!) and asked IC what I need to know to stand out and get this job.
Response: Hexagram 15 unchanging.
Modesty? Don't promote myself? Oh dear, isn't that what one is supposed to do when competing for a job opportunity? "Brag up" one's skills, capabilities, and accomplishments?

Is there any other way of interpreting this reply? Once again, I'd be grateful for your thoughts and insight!:bows:


Great thread!

Oh, about 15, I think modesty or humbleness are only a small part of its meaning. I'm with Brad on this one - authenticity wins the day. Be who you really are; no airs, no self-deprecation.


Dec 1, 2014
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Hex 15 is my favorite hex in the whole IC, because it contains very deep philisophical thoughts, and took me a week to digest its meaning. The hex should be properly titled as "advancing with humility". Humility is applied in order to advance, not to retreat nor to yield. In the last phase of humility, IC actually advocates "attacking the enemies". That is far from the traditional image of "modesty".

Okay, get back to your situation. How about strategize your interview tactic so you can present your capabilities and potentials with ample humbleness that can win people's heart? As an exec in a tech company for many years, I certainly liked a high-caliber individual who is humble enough to avoid over-confidence (mistakes), and is modest enough to be an effective team player.


Another favorite image I have for 15 comes from Wilhelm, paraphrasing: to make something difficult look easy. It may have taken years to acquire a skill, yet no boasting is needed; it is self-evident in the work.


Sep 7, 2008
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Thank you sooo! I hadn't thought of 15 from that perspective at all... And funny you mentioned not using "self deprecating humor" as I tend to frequently do just that when I'm nervous or fearful! That's such great advice and a good thing to keep in mind!
Thank you so very much for your thoughts and insight. I have an interview with the president of the company tomorrow!!!!!
Namasté :)


Sep 7, 2008
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That's so very different from anything I've read about 15!! It really fits well in this circumstance! And I think I will work today on a "strategy " for presenting myself to this company tomorrow!! That might help alleviate my nervousness and fears and put me in a proactive thought process instead and help me rehearse talking up my qualities while remaining humble. I am indeed quite humble about my capabilities and always feel I have so much to learn and grow. I've been told by many that I don't give myself enough credit. So I really need to avoid doing that yet also find that balance among confidence, humbleness, and boasting.
Thank you!!
Y'all, I'm really so deeply grateful for your replies here!!!


Sep 7, 2008
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My interview yesterday seemed to go wonderfully!! The president and his wife (and business partner)seem like genuine, honest, straight forward, and delightful people! It was actually an enjoyable interview! Can you imagine? That's a definite first for me:D
As the job itself was further explained to me, I continued to feel this job would really be ideal for me as well as something I'd look forward to doing/learning every day. The only drawback is it would be an hour and 30 minute commute each way :eek: For the long term, that would not be suitable for me, so obviously if I were offered the job and accepted, I would have to look soon at moving to that area. I would be more than happy to move for a job I would love!!! However, I've moved 4 times now in 6 months and finally feel settled, safe, and content where I am with a good roommate in a good area. So, I would definitely do it, but that's a big drawback in my current situation.
I asked the IC for deeper insight into how the interview went overall yesterday and received Hexagram 11.1.2 --->15
(wow!There's that 15 again in this situation!!) I'm not at home right now, so I used an online casting to ask this question (eclecticenergies.com). I found the interpretation provided for it was rather uncanny. here I've copied and pasted it:
11. Passing Through
Line 1:
Pulling out grass with entangled roots, because it has accumulated.
Going brings good fortune. Removing something that has accumulated and is now in the way, weeding it out by the root. Under the surface, things may be more entangled than one thought. One can move on and things will go well.

Line 2:

Barren surroundings necessitate fording the big river.
Not abandoning, but letting go of friends.
Value is lost and gained from targeted action.
One needs to move elsewhere, as something essential is not available anymore. It may be necessary to let go off friends, which is not the same as abandoning them. One needs to really go for it, in order to make valuable gains, accepting that this also results in losses (that which is left behind).

Hexagram is changing to:

15. Humbleness
The noble one brings things to a conclusion.

Being humble. This helps bringing things to a good end, as one is not in a position to make demands. There is progress.

Not sure what that means in the context of my question, but it looks like overall if I am offered this job, the move itself (the one and only concern I have) is encouraged by the IC.

Any thoughts?

Thank you all so much for helping me with this:bows::hug:


Would your new roomy be interested in moving with you? Probably impractical for her/him, but thought it worth asking, being in line with line 1.

It surely looks like leaving behind the old and taking up the new, though I still do not like "humble" as a correct meaning for 15. Humble, compromising sounds more like 54 or 62 to me.

I think for now, wait and see if the job is even offered before worrying about moving. If you will be uprooted, you won't be alone, which may imply receiving some assistance from this partnership couple. These are unknowable things still. In this context, 15 could refer to your own equilibrium, and 11 to your own unity. Or, it refers to how the interview went, which was your actual question. Wait in peace and harmony; the interview went very well - congrats on that.


Apr 21, 2010
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One thought about 15 is "dependable". It's very down to earth. And though there is magnificence, it is below the earth, and one can be cooperative and simple and easy to talk to and also clear. On level ground.

It sounds like you are doing this already, though.

Good luck!


Sep 7, 2008
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Unfortunately, they chose another candidate. I'm sad because this job seemed so wonderful, but I'm a little relieved as well because I very much like where I live. Because the couple seemed so concerned with my geographical distance, I almosr wonder if that was one of their deciding factors?! ...or quite possibly there was just another more appropriate and ideal candidate....
Thank you all so much for so much help and insight with this!!


Dec 1, 2014
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I think we are all in the same ball park on 15 related verses. 11-2 is a very verbose verse in the original Chinese IC text. I researched several sources to reach the following interpretation for your reference:

11-2: As part of the "progressive young minds", leadership roles emerge. Such group can take on major endeavors, depicted as crossing a wide river. Leaders at this stage should keep open-mind and leverage external support as much support as possible, even the support from those you may not agree with 100%., emphasizing on synergies and overlooking disagreement/prejudices. Do not form small factions/clans and emphasize righteousness and goodness for all.

The entire hex 11 text was talking about building peace and prosperity in a chronological, lower-level up manner. It is important for participants in this "movement" to be rightous and responsible.


Jun 3, 2006
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I think the way it worked out was a good example of 4 - 20. When you VIEWed the job requirements more closely, you saw it was not perfect for you either.


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