...life can be translucent


Dreams 2.5 >8 and 25.2>10


May 7, 2011
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Last night I dreamed that I was out shopping and I suddenly realized I didn’t have my 2 month old son. My daughter (9 years) was with me and we went all around the mall searching for him in a panic. I mean I was really losing it. I somehow forced myself to wake up and then there he was and I was like, oh thank god, there he is. 2.5 > 8

When I went back to sleep I dreamt I was pregnant. Not very far along, maybe just before halfway. I went to the doctor and they told me they wouldn’t accept me due to “behavior.” Lol It was not funny in the dream but now it seems silly. The midwife who saw me during my pregnancy with my son was there and decided to check me anyway. I woke up before she did. 25.2 > 10

The questions for both of the readings were, What does this dream mean?

I searched dream analysis and for the first dream, it seems I may be losing a part of myself? I don’t see 2.5 > 8 saying that, and I have no idea what yellow undergarments have to do with this dream. Earth to seeking union? Well, I was certainly looking for him but beyond that I can’t see how it applies.

For the second dream, totally lost with 25.2. I know that pregnancy dreams tend to generally mean something new is beginning and in process, but how does that relate to not clearing my fields? Clueless.

Any insights are appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Jul 21, 2018
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hi Solivini. i used the na jia 6 line method. Hex 2.

line 6 is child line . the baby is with you. But line 3 is the husband line comes and goes away. he leaves you and your baby affected. line 5 of hex 2 is the wife line. The changing line that turns to lonely line in hex 8. If you are worried about your child and child line sits on your self line in the hex 2, then you have nothing to worry about .

I think maybe you are worried about being alone? are you having problems with your husband? The husband line is missing at the time of the reading. He appears on 20th September. only to leave again because the child line interferes. Earth hexagram is all yin lines. no male presence. You feel like you are alone in your marriage or probably divorced and seeking a partner or friends. Child line also means job line, you want a job but your husband/partner wont let you?

another interpretation is that the husband (officer pig water) line 3 also represents disease. your child line is Metal. Metal produces water. Maybe it is a warning of an impending disease that will appear. a form of diarrhea or that your child that was once healthy has sudden weight loss. Fortunately this month supports your child's health but watch over his health ok because the missing officer pig water appears on day 20. Since this question is about a dream. the hex 2>8 it could be about anything really. it could be about your child since it involved your kids in the dream. child interfering with job, child's health, hubby wont let you get a job. you feel lonely.


May 7, 2011
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Very interesting take. Thank you so much for your input. I don't fully understand it, but I will certainly take what you have said under consideration for you have given me quite a bit to consider

I do not have a husband. My son's father left when I told him I was pregnant. I have not spoken to him since January at all and he has not met his son. I am ok with this. I am not interested in dating another man yet as I am simply not ready for a relationship. I have a lot to keep busy with my children. So, I'm really not lonely--at least not for a romantic partner. I do have a lot of support and good friends.

I have a really great job that is very flexible and has been fantastic during my pregnancy and maternity leave. I do not wish to have a different job as my current job is perfect.

I will definitely keep watch over his health. He is a small guy; the doctors are keeping watch on his weight and I am having to supplement more formula with my milk. Overall he is doing well, but I know things can change if I don't pay attention. I will be attentive for sure.


May 7, 2011
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I wanted to respond, as it now the close of September 20.

Yesterday, September 19, my poor son had a lot of spit up and vomit. It was as if his stomach was so upset. Of course I was worried, and bought some homeopathic medicine. It helped him. But he did have a terrible day. When he came out of it he started smiling and was happy today. He was very good today. Nothing like yesterday. I wonder if this is what you were seeing. Concerning the date discrepancy, your signature says that you base on time of cast. I had cast prior to posting, so perhaps you didn’t have this information. It makes sense, your timing, that it would be on the day prior. Or am I getting this wrong?

In general,
I had a flash of insight about 25.2. I have several ideas that I am “pregnant” with; only about halfway there with them. Because of my “behavior” (ie not pursuing the good ideas) nothing has come about. So I have not reaped my fields and it would do well for me to have a direction to go with them. Proper conduct (10) is to naturally (25) go out into my fields and reap and sow them (line 2). I have something I need to care for so that I can birth it (dream).


Sep 21, 2018
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Hi SoliviniDo I understand correctly that you are the mother of a 9 year old daughter and a 2 months old boy? If so, congratulations!Did you know these dreams are very common among parents of baby's? They are regarded as a way for the mind to adjust to the new responsibility of taking care of someone who is completely dependent on you.I think hexagram 2 in this case is about motherhood. In general it's very receiving, open, accepting, sensitive and tuned into the needs of your child. Sometimes it involves taking action, but still in a way that's serving the other ones needs. Line 5 is generally about taking action. This dream reminds you that you are constantly responsible for a helpless child and urges you with a little shock effect to be ready to take action when needed. So exciting and it can be nerve wrecking, this kind of dependency and responsibility. Is your 9 year old helping you out?Another dream interpretation might be like the one you mentioned, about your own inner child-parts. How about: you are so busy taking care of your children now, that you tend to forget a very basic, innocent and dependent part of yourself that has its needs as well (nourishment, protection, comfort, cuddling etc)? The fact that it's a baby boy might than implicate that it's a more "male"/yang part of yourself.How does this resonate with you? Love, Happyhorse


May 7, 2011
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Hi Happyhorse

You understand correctly. My 9 year old is a great help and she loves her brother dearly.
This does resonate with me, as I really have been just taking care of my children and so I don't have a lot of time for myself. I think I need to take care of my own health more, as my eating habits are in the toilet and I don't get any exercise, so maybe I need to 'look' for myself in that I need to be healthier. Right now I kind of feel like, "Where is my body?" and when I become healthier, I'll be relived that I found my health again? Thank you for your response.


Sep 21, 2018
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Hey SoliviniThat sounds like a beautiful interpretation.I was thinking about your second dream. You were pregnant and went to the person who was supposed to help you because of their role in society (the doctor). Was it a male doctor? He rejected you because your behavior had been wrong in his opinion? Could this relate to your experience with the father of the child?Than you go to the nurse (I think female?) and she helps you. You can rely on your "inner nurse" to take care of you no matter what (as well as your real life friends and family).25.2 is about not thinking about harvest whilst plowing. Could this possibly be about the conception of your son? I have no idea if this is true, but it almost sounds like the father is blaming you that you got pregnant on purpose (and didn't inform him of trying to do so), whilst in reality the little boy was conceived in innocence. Just plowing because it was the right thing to do at that time :)But maybe I'm way off, I don't know a lot about your situation of course, it's your dream and your interpretation that counts!Love, Happyhorse


Jul 21, 2018
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Hi Solivini I use Beijing time, So if it happened on the 19th. depending of the hour , it could be Beijing time 20th. I live in the east. A day ahead of you. So yes there could be a possibility of time difference. I had another case where they received a news a day prior to my original prediction of date. Some were on the same date of prediction depending on how close you are to the eastern time. I am glad you quickly handled the situation.


Jul 21, 2018
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Also on the cusp of 19th and 20th, the healing and romance stars returned. So your baby had a quick recovery due to your quick actions. This applies to everyone who were sick or waiting for news before the 19/20th.


May 7, 2011
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Hey SoliviniThat sounds like a beautiful interpretation.I was thinking about your second dream. You were pregnant and went to the person who was supposed to help you because of their role in society (the doctor). Was it a male doctor? He rejected you because your behavior had been wrong in his opinion? Could this relate to your experience with the father of the child?Than you go to the nurse (I think female?) and she helps you. You can rely on your "inner nurse" to take care of you no matter what (as well as your real life friends and family).25.2 is about not thinking about harvest whilst plowing. Could this possibly be about the conception of your son? I have no idea if this is true, but it almost sounds like the father is blaming you that you got pregnant on purpose (and didn't inform him of trying to do so), whilst in reality the little boy was conceived in innocence. Just plowing because it was the right thing to do at that time :)But maybe I'm way off, I don't know a lot about your situation of course, it's your dream and your interpretation that counts!Love, Happyhorse

Hi Happyhorse,

Sorry to revive this old thread, but I was searching the forum for 25.2 and came across this post that I had forgotten all about.
I wanted to let you that indeed, the father definitely blamed me for getting pregnant. Said, “You got pregnant on purpose” knowing full well that I was 40, had no desire to have any more children, and actually found out when I was going to have a tubal ligation.
Had to laugh about “just plowing because it was the right thing to do at the time 😂).

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