...life can be translucent

Falling out with a friend 44, 46.3.4 and 2.3


May 28, 2010
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I had sort of a falling out with a friend this week. This is someone I care deeply about, but there have been some inconsistencies in how he is towards me and I really don't know whether or not he is someone I can count on for now. Nothing too terrible, I just feel that, from being very close up until a while ago, he developed other interests that he wants to pursue and I'm not really a part of them. Because of this, I have been keeping my distance and disconnect a little bit, but things hit a rough patch yesterday and he sort of acted out in a weird way.

I asked: How are things aspected for this situation. The answer was 44 unchanging.
I really dread hex 44. I think that taking things into account, it might imply that there's negativity that must be kept at bay before it becomes dominant, so maybe I've been right in keeping my distance and not getting involved.

Because of this, I asked: What can I do to keep this negativity at bay. I got 46.3.4 to 40.
I was puzzled by this. Line 3, the empty city, is kind of a weird line for me. Obstruction will dissappear, but sucess is not guaranteed so just roll with it for now. Line 4 talks about making one's influece positive and lasting by having integrity. I really don't see where the success is. I do understand line 4, it seems very straightforward to me and reinforces the interpretation I did of hex 44 in a way, but the addition of line 3 confuses me. Thoughts?

Since I didn't quite understand and I had spent a couple of hours meditating on it, I asked the Yi for clarification, and got hex 2.3 to 15. So I guess that, in order to find balance, I just need to let this be.

I read somewhere that line 3 of hex 2, besides talking about not showing one's beauty and virtue to the world, but focusing on nurturing yourself also talks about success that is not immediate but will come, so I guess eventually things might go to normal. I really want them to, I don't have many friends and even though this friend has been acting weird lately, I don't want us to be estranged forever.

I would really love some external insight on this reading :)


Hi Lysithea !

Are your readings pointing to you as the powerful woman in hex44 ?
If so, taking things step by step as hex46 recommends should be enough to maintain your friendship in a good health. Keep yourself receptive to his or her signals, then, things will balance (2>15).

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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46.3.4 → 40. What can I do to keep this negativity at bay?
.3 Give him some space.
You can easily overstep the boundaries and make it worse. (the city is unguarded).

.4 Sacrifice your involvement, take a time-out.

40 - loosen up your grip on him.

And I agree with your take on 2.3, Richmond:
Concealing possibilities is correct.
Outer activities will eventually prosper.


I asked: How are things aspected for this situation. The answer was 44 unchanging.

44 - Invitation

One must not abuse hospitality.

He might be acting in a strange way because he tries to resist temptation.

Because of this, I asked: What can I do to keep this negativity at bay. I got 46.3.4 to 40.
46 - Taking form

One is guided until they reach knowledge.

3 - Others want to know if one can continue alone.

4 - One wants to organize themself to build a relationship of trust.
In the making
40 - Amending

One makes progress by abandoning what limited them.

Leave him alone to check he is going to date someone else.

Since I didn't quite understand and I had spent a couple of hours meditating on it, I asked the Yi for clarification, and got hex 2.3 to 15. So I guess that, in order to find balance, I just need to let this be.

2 - Obedience

Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.
2 - Obedience

3 - One takes only the necessary to carry out their task.
In the making
15 - Decency

One shall not provoke with initiatives.

Don't leave him alone for too long, just the time you think is necessary, a week or two I guess. Personal advice from me, prepare a very good explanation as for why you've been ignoring him if he calls you angrily.


May 28, 2010
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Thanks Endless and Ash :)
Endless: I'd like to think I am :) He does have a very strong feminine energy, though. I do understand your interpretation and I believe that it is aligned with what I thought.
Ash: I like your take on line 3, how easy it is to overstep when the city is unguarded. I never had seen it that way.

Taking both of your advices and my own interpretation, I think time out and time for myself and himself apart is the way to go. I think his ego is bruised so I don't expect much from him in the short term, but as Endless said, will remain receptive. This actually suits me quite a bit, since I have a lot going on myself and I think I should take time to nurture myself.


May 28, 2010
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Thanks Taoscopy,
I've actually visited your site quite a bit. It is an interesting take. I get what you say about hex 44 and maybe he might be trying to resist temptation.
I am leaving him alone. I am a firm believer in how people should not have their hand forced into being there for someone, romantically or otherwise. For how things have been, I don't believe I should reach out to him. His acting out was subtle, but hurtful. I think your interpretations are very well aligned with what Ash and Endless said too, albeit from a different angle. I would've never gotten the "dating" part out of hex 46. We are not dating so I guess it would make sense he would be toying with the idea of seeing someone and that person not being me (from the 44 interpretation of resisting temptation)
Regarding your personal advice... I really wish he didn't do that, I really wouldn't want to have to explain much. I don't think he will, but I'll take the heads up.


Well it's "leave him alone to build trust", so there are a variety of interpretations from there, from "leave him alone because he is dating someone who is jealous" to "leave him alone to know if he interested in you", my interpretation was a kind of a middle point.


Hi Lysithea ! Please, will you keep us updated when your friend makes the next movement ?
I'd like to understand 2.3 >> 15 better !!


May 28, 2010
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Hi Endless,
He did make sort of a move now, but a small one. I was sleepless last night and I posted a comment on facebook about how even though being sleepless kinda sucks, at the same time it allows you to reach a higher level of reflection by opening the gates to ideas, sensations and feelings that are not always pretty, but are in fact needed and how one should be thankful for that vulnerability. Another friend commented and said that it was something that a lot of people were experiencing because of some astral changes (yes, my friends are like that :) ) and that it was normal to feel hypersensitive, angry, sad and/or reflective. I said "All of the above" and then the person in question said "ditto". I guess that counts like "going back to normal" but I don't know. Will probably ask the Yi later about it.


May 28, 2010
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Mhm... I don't know if this is going very well. I asked what to expect of this situation in the next couple of days and got to 33
Line 1: the first bad deed is small so it only requires a slap in the wrist.
Line 3: There are old feelings that are involved in this situation and make problems worse. It is better to let go.
Line 5: It is a tough situation that deserves an actual punisment, but one has to make sure that the punsihment is effective for the other to understand what they did wrong.
33: Retreat.
I think the message here is either that I should keep retreating because he doesn't understand that he made me feel bad with all that has happened (he really did) or that I am the one being punished. Everything poins out to the former, though


Hi Lysithea! It seems like if he set some kind of judgement with that laconic comment!


Mhm... I don't know if this is going very well. I asked what to expect of this situation in the next couple of days and got to 33

21: deciding to meet you

line 1: sending your post about sleep
line 3: you lacked of sleep
line 5: you've talked about it on facebook

33: nothing special, before leaving can be interpreted as before going to sleep you say good night.

21 - To decide

One would like to meet but must accept arbitration.

1 - One sends a relative away to teach them.

3 - Others don't accept because one lacks firmness.

5 - One discusses to prepare an acceptable agreement.
In the making
33 - Moving away

Before leaving, one must hand over the reins.

If you want to enjoy a conversation with the Yi ask "to teach what?" (it's the follow-up question of 21.1). That might validate or invalidate my interpretation.


May 28, 2010
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Hi Endless,
What do you mean? Like trying to say/imply something? It was very laconic and in CAPS
Hi Taoscopy,
That is very interesting. I've always found the interpretations on your site very interesting and it is great to hear feedback directly from you. Regarding the follow up question, I got 53.1.5 - 22
It is interesting, but I'm not as familiar with your interpretations, Taoscopy, as they appear so simple at first glance but have so much complexity behind: confusion in line 1, being misjudged in line 5? What do you think? According to my books, line one talks about slow, small advancements, first steps, line 5 about a union that is delayed, but its there. Maybe the teaching or what I wanted to teach him by avoiding contact is that I'm actually there?
Also, some clarifications on the timeline: I couldn't sleep last night but I posted my comment this morning,
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Let's look at the follow-up, it's how we can evaluate this interpretation:

Regarding the follow up question, I got 53.1.5 - 22

53: associate, compatible with your relationship or with Facebook

line 1: about you not finding sleep

line 5: when the best don't want: being sleepless kinda sucks, one checks: at the same time it allows you to reach a higher level of reflection by opening the gates to ideas, sensations and feelings that are not always pretty, but are in fact needed and how one should be thankful for that vulnerability.

22: not to sure, it's about the small move maybe, not going too fast.

I have alternative interpretations for lines 1 and 5 and maybe you too, but it does not really matter, it's just the pleasure of enjoying a chat with the Yi ;)

53 - To associate

One offers their fellows to overcome constraints by associating.

1 - One stays away until supports calm down.

5 - When the best don't want, one checks.
In the making
22 - To reserve

One shall not move too hastily.


May 28, 2010
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Thanks Taoscopy, I see where you're going there. Maybe the teaching was what I was indeed saying.
I sometimes find myself talking with the Yi for quite some time on a given day.


There are interpretation levels and the interpretation can evolve overtime. I prefer enjoying a good conversation with the Yi than worrying too much about it.


May 28, 2010
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Follow Up on 2.3 to 15

Since Endless had a special interest on the significance of 2.3 to 15 I thought I should share a small update and my thoughts on the matter.
After the laconic comment from yesterday morning, today I posted a video on FB because I have a major earworm consisting of a Tori Amos song since a few days ago (Hey Jupiter). I commented that this was a better earworm than the one I had the other day, which was a very tacky song. He commented something in the lines of "You know you should tell us more about that tacky song, right?" and that was it (I did reply with the video of the song)
So basically what I think is that hex 2.3 to 15 means that, yes, in the end things are going to go back to "normal", whatever normal is. There's a reason why SNAFU has normal in it :)
What I am trying to say is that the balance maybe doesn't necessarely mean for something to get "fixed", only for the situation to return to the previous "order of things". I'm not sure I fully agree on my interpretation, because I always saw 15 as a "good balance", but it does make sense...


2.3 is about not taking great actions, only the bare minimum moves.

->One takes only the necessary to carry out their task.

I think that the Yi advised you to isolate him for some time because if he wants to stay friend with you then he would have to do better than that. Maybe can you invest on a couple weeks of social networking silence and see if he reacts?


hi Lys !
Its good to know that you are doing well, at least on fb !
It would be also ok if he talks to you directly, but all you can do according to 2,3 is to stay receptive and not to expect too much. It might be of consolation for you to know that Im almost in the same point with someone I get hex2 uc when asking Yi about him. Im trying to keep my mind unattached but it is not that simple with social networks. Will keep you updated also.
Send you good vibes, dont lose your enthusiasm !


May 28, 2010
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Hi Taoscopy... I don't really like getting into that sort of thing (i.e. doing something just to get a reaction). I think I am actually following the Yi by doing the "minimum", mainly being civil. He hasn't contacted me directly and I really haven't thought about what to do if he does. He does have to do way better than that, though. The thing is, I don't want to lose touch with the rest of the people just to avoid him :) The video was commented by other friends as well and wasn't directed at him. I do get your point, though.
Endless... Ah, the social networks. The doom of normal human interactions and the nurturer of neurosis in relationships. Would you like to elaborate regarding the context in which you got 2.3 to 15 so we can "compare notes"? :) (either over here or via private message)


I get my comments from the Yi, but if you want to discuss theory I can give it a try.

2.3 is the matching line of 15.3: One remains modest despite their success so they can continue.

15.3 means small success, you can continue, so why would you want something or someone who has small success? When it is sufficient to carry out your task.

I'm trying to elaborate with my meager Yi's knowledge, really, the comments are not mine, don't ask me too much.

And no, I don't keep notes, the Yi advised me against it.

As for your issue, the Yi just told me 47 so there is something embarrassing coming our way, so I will shut up until the problem is cleared.


Lys, I think we found a topic that is worth deepen into as it is attachment to someone via social networks.
The very problem here is that the messages are never clear enough as people don't speak directly but spread their comments and it has to be you trying to decodify them and getting more and more confused about it.
At this point, regarding the person involved in my hex 2 uc answer, I think the best option for me is just to react when a clear signal is sent. It is important for me to keep that in mind since he has been showing up around facebook in a provocative fashion during the last month.
In my most honest opinion I don't trust social networking for nurturing a real and sincere relationship but it's kind of complicated to untie from that instant gratification they provide. I'm trying to change that old pattern. I would like to direct my thoughts to whatever deserve them more than to whoever monopolize this virtual space of internet, I don't mind if them are handsome or successful.
This is my current state of affairs regarding X and hex 2 ! I hope it's been of some help for you.
We can continue this conversation wherever you want.
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May 28, 2010
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Hi Taoscopy,

I'm sorry, but I think there's been a misunderstanding, I actually agree with your interpretation, we just have different points of view on what "doing the minimum" means in this situation. They are, after all, interpretations.

The notes comment was actually for Endless. It is a figure of speech. Since she said she also got 2.3 to 15 in a similar situation, I was asking her to share her story to see if we could compare :

Endless... Ah, the social networks. The doom of normal human interactions and the nurturer of neurosis in relationships. Would you like to elaborate regarding the context in which you got 2.3 to 15 so we can "compare notes"? (either over here or via private message)

I hope this clarifies the issue.


May 28, 2010
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Hi Endless,
I agree with you. I don't believe in social networks for nurturing relationships either. For me, they don't really "count". I have friends on facebook that I never interact with in real life, so I try not to put too much thought on what happens over there. Yes, there's an instant gratification, yes, the back and forth sometimes is fun, but I don't think it has real "depth".
As for your hex 2 uc interpretation, I agree with you, be open to signs. I think what you say is paramount, though: CLEAR signs.

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