...life can be translucent

Health Reading 2 into 23


Jun 22, 1970
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Greetings To All...

I thought I'd share this with everybody here. The other day in the evening after work, I was feeling very tired, and full of anxiety. I had a pain shooting up and down my left arm. I finally drank some chamomile Tea, in order to calm myself so I could get some sleep. Well the next morning, I went to the hospital, because of my extreme energy imbalance. I was checked out and released the same day, as being dehydrated. A few hours later, I was sitting home watching a movie, when I had a chest pain that felt like fire, and shortness of breath. I was rushed back to the hospital, and kept over night. I had EKG's and catscans, and nuclear die test done. I was diagnosed as having Acid Reflex. I came home yesterday, and consulted the Yi Ching and I received 2(K'un) changing into 23 (Po).

In medical divination these are both extremly poor omens. 2 (K'un) General indications: Extremely yin conditions. Lack of Yuan qi. Poor ability to recover. Slow movement of illness. Grave Conditions.

Specific Conditions: Spleen and stomach disorders causing mental and physical weakness. Weak limbs. Poor Digestion. Diarrhea. Vomiting. Cold constitution.

Line 6: Grave prognosis. possible death. Brain tumor with vertigo. Paralysis due to stroke or tetanus. Mental derangement.

23 (Po) General Indications: General degeneration. Deficiency weakness of the qi and blood. Yin and Yang exhaustion. Chronic degenerative diseases leading to death.

Specific Indications: Weakning of all Zang organs and Fu bowels. Poor digestion and assimilation of food. Mental degeneration. Brain syphilis. Toxic condition of the entire body. Constant bleeding. Paralysis of shoulder and neck.

This describes my state to a tee. With the acid Reflex, I become extremely exhausted, no Yang at all. To sit up in the bed would be a task. Acid Reflex is a digestive disorder, which is a reoccuring theme in both hexagrams. The toxic condition of my body, is because I still have traces of that radio active bullet they shot in me at the hospital.

What really describes my condition the most is the basic image of hexagram 23 (Po).
_ _
_ _
_ _
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_ _

The Image I see is something being blocked at the top. Which is exactly what Acid Reflex is. The stomack acids become so great that it travels up the esophagus, and the esophagus closes (shortness of breath) trying to prevent the acid from escaping. Blocking it's exit.

I asked the Oracle to comment on the Value of the Medicine that was prescribed, and I got Hexagram 58 (T'ui) which, in medical divination is a good prognosis. This is an indication of Joy, and Merriment, and eating and drinking and being happy. I will keep you all posted as to my progress.


Jun 22, 1970
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I would also like to add, at the exact time I thought I was having a HeartAttack. The Hexagram that governed that exact place in time was Hexagram 4(Youthful Folly). In medical divination it's in indication of mis prognosis, and you need a second opinion. I told my wife and everybody at the hospital that I was having a HeartAttack. I was wrong, I mis diagnosed myself. I definitley needed a 2nd opinion.


Hi Supa,

I?m truly sorry this time finds you in duress. I have to admire that even in such times, you are able to view your situation holistically. Truly a sign of a developed soul. I hope none here will be offended if I offer a small prayer (offering) to encourage your healing.

Master, one of your own rank and file members is suffering in his physical body. Together here with kindred spirits, I ask that the light of your truth penetrates deep into those troublesome members of his (and Yours, and ours), and rejuvenates his cells, balancing the yin and yang therein, causing co-operation and not conflict nor discord within him.

Let all who read this, add their own personal amen, so that the light within us can be unified and strong, that our brother seeker and teacher may enjoy the fullness of his life here on earth, and that we also may be blessed by him. It is true, that we hurt when he hurts, as one member hurts with the other.

Feel better soon, friend.


Jun 22, 1970
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Candid, thanks for your special support. I've been feeling much better. I'm currently doing readings on the proper herbs to take to assist the medication. thank you again.


Jun 22, 1970
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Greetings To All...

Thanks Alisa. I will have to check this out. It sounds a lot like Dr. Sebi. Dr. Sebi has a very simplistic approach to bio chemistry. he treats every single illness the exact same way. He say's there is no such thing as a germ or bacteria. He say's that it's a microbe that exhilerates in the body, when erosion sets in. The only thing that causes erosion in the body is acid. In order to have acid in the body, one must ingest acid by eating acidic foods. he says, depending on where in the body the erosion begins, determines what disease a person has. If the erosion is in the bronchial tube, it's bronchitus, if it's in the sinus, it's sinisitus. He say, that the depravation of oxygen causes all disease. So, to treat any disease, he just makes a compound of herbs and minerals, the same herbs and minerals that the body is composed of, and this compound cleanses the cells of mucus. Once the cells are cleansed the body will heal itself, all we have to do is create the enviroment for the body to heal itself in. He also goes into giving simple methods of determing if a food is acidic or not. A very fascinating study. What attracted me to him was the fact that he also saw this unity between life. He said that whatever you're taking to heal yourselves with, if it doesnt, have the same components that your body has (Hydrogen, Carbon) it will not be able to truly become one with you and help you. The herbs are created by God, as food and medicine for man.

BTW, I finally received a favorable reading for an Herb called Fennel Seed. I made a tea out of it last night, and drank it, and it calmed my stomach down to virtually unnoticeable, and it put me to sleep.

Thanks for your help Alisa.


Apr 8, 1970
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Dear Supa,

Thank you for sharing your experiences here. Lots of sympathy is coming your way! Candid speaks for me, too.

And now... I feel the need for some legal disclaimers coming on! This is an I Ching forum, not a medical one, and while people are free to exchange ideas here (though please keep it at least mostly about the I Ching!), those are not to be taken as medical advice.

(In other words... just for example... by eating raw meat and eggs you're liable to end up with seriously unpleasant food poisoning, maybe infestations of parasitic worms etc, and it should be understood that I'm not promoting such things!)

******************* RANT WARNING! *******************

About medical divination in general - this is a tricky one. I don't do it myself. The more I look at this reading of yours, Supa, the more I'm reminded of why! For example, I can see that it presents a battle of yin and yang, but only a medically qualified person could relate that reliably to a medical condition. Anyone who's divined for others knows that you need either to be infallibly psychic, or to have plenty of background knowledge to understand what the oracle is talking about. Does Hexagram 28 mean that you'd be over-straining your finances, that you are at the end of your tether emotionally, that you could be training too hard, or that the loft conversion in the house you're considering buying removed vital structural supports? Likewise, what part or energy of the body and psyche might these struggling dragons represent?

It would be nice if there were some magic bullet to enable the rest of us to do real medical divination without spending the minimum 5 years of study that seem to be needed to master any serious medical discipline from Western to Ayurvedic. Somehow I doubt that the 'Medical I Ching' is that bullet. Please understand I'm not getting at anyone for quoting from it, but this is the second time lately I've come across quotes from it, and I'm not convinced that it is either 'medical' or indeed 'I Ching'. Surely both divination and medical practice have to start from careful observation of the individual case if they're to mean anything? Anyway, that's certainly the case with divination. The generalised gloom and doom of this book doesn't, of course, respect that. Maybe someone with medical training might find this terrible list of dire diseases to be useful in some way. Perhaps it might be interesting reading for someone in perfect health who had no need of medical divination. But what purpose does it serve to tell someone with acid reflux that it might after all be advanced syphilis? Not to put too fine a point on it, this is not true.

I don't doubt that in medical divination as in all other kinds, the I Ching itself will speak the absolute truth. Will these 'shopping lists' of disease and death help vulnerable people any nearer to understanding it? Hmmm. I'd imagine that they're more likely to instill fear - which, of course, makes any medical condition worse, and can even kill perfectly healthy people. (And needless to say, this is barely the beginning of the risks if anyone ever took the various diagnoses seriously.)

OK, so I don't like the book very much
. Thanks for sitting through my rant.

If I come up with any useful thoughts about hexagram 2, line 6, I'll let you know!


Jun 22, 1970
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Greetings To All...

Yes The medical I Ching has it's faults, as well as Wilhelm and all the others. I've been using the I Ching for minor health disorders for several years now, with great success in most cases. Yes the Medical I Ching does forcast signs of doom, but I was able to extract the correct diagnosis out of the reading. Part of my reason for posting the message was also to assisst with all of the talk about Hexagram 23. that it doesn't always mean death, even though Acid Reflux can be very dangerous if not treated properly. It can cause Cancer which can lead to Death. That's why I do other readings to confirm the outcome. the fact that I was given a favorable response to the medication and the Herbs was a sign that the 23 Hexagram, in my case, isn't Fatal. I've known for some time that I've had a digestive disorder, this was just an omen of the severity of this disorder.

I have over 64 different books on the I Ching. The most complete one in my collection is a book that was compiled over 3 years of classes on the I Ching. It was given by a Traditional King of Ghana, where he dealt with 1 Hexagram a night, over a period of 3 years. The entire lecture was compiled as Lectures Of The I Ching, and was put together in a huge binder. the two books that were used as the source book was Wilhelm's The Book Of Changes, and The Astrology Of The I Ching by W. A. Sherrill. We not only dealt with the I Ching, but he also tied this into other Oracular systems, and into Traditional Cultures as a whole. These lectures enabled us to unite I Ching with Yoga, with meditation, with Diet, with Homeopathic remedies, with Bachflower remedies, with Gems, with the Tree Of Life, with the structure of the human body, with the structure of life itself.

The Medical I Ching is a book that needs to be checked and balanced with something else, but I think all of them do. Some more than others. Myself personally, when I Consult the I Ching, My interpretation doesn't normally come from any book. That's why I don't normally offer my interpretations on here. When I talk to others that are farmiliar with the I Ching, I refer to the book, so that we will all be using the same or a similar lanquage. But, when I do readings for others, I use the Tree Of Life to interpret the I Ching. The Tree Of Life is what Cosmology is, it's the way all things are structured in the world as the world, and it's they way we bring things into existence in our lives. We use the same blueprint that God used to create the Universe. Once a Diviner understands this blueprint, than the books are almost immaterial. They're only refrence materials, just to anchor down the principles of each energy pattern that we call Hexagrams.

I appreciate all the love and comments from you all.


Jun 22, 1970
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Greetings To All...

I'm actually not a raw meat kind of guy. I was all Vegetarian, and I've kind've ventured out a little too far. I'm going back, but I'll still eat fish.


Feb 7, 1970
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Hello Supra,

Question: What to do about acid reflux?

Casting: 2: 6 = 23.

Problem: 2 = stomach. Top line = top of stomach = locus of problem.

I associate the top line with the trigram Li, the trigram of constriction. Could your acid reflux could be the result of a hiatal hernia? This is a common condition.

Solution: 2 = Bed. The standard home remedy for acid reflux from a hiatal hernia is to raise the head of your bed several inches.

Don't use brick. Seemingly dry brick contain moisture which will damage floor or carpeting.

Years ago an aunt was having trouble with acid reflux, and I raised the head of her bed for her using blocks of wood. Her problem was significantly reduced, but she complained of discomfort in her feet.

To see what was happening I also raised the head of my bed, and sleeping at an angle does make the feet feel unpleasantly heavy. I slept that way for six weeks and never adjusted to it. If I had had acid reflux, I think I would have put up with it.

Another consideration: is there any bile in the reflux? Friends can tell you, since bile has a distinctive odor. Many persons find relief from excess bile by occasionally taking cascara sagrada, commonly available in laxatives.

Dry crackers, hot peppers, and highly spiced foods may irritate the problem area and trigger an acid reflux attack.

Best wishes,


Jun 22, 1970
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Greetings To All...

Thanks Pocossin, I've been sleeping slightly elevated, and I have made a drastic improvement since the day of the event. I'm back to work, and eating small portions, but more regularly.


Feb 7, 1970
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My typing error above is unfortunate. I of course meant:

Solution: 23 = Bed.


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