...life can be translucent


hex to 24


Dec 9, 2014
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I am feeling really lost and have been feeling like this for awhile. I have tried lots of things to get me out of this rut - hypnotherapy, recently tried life coaching, meditating (can't seem to still my mind chatter), healing sessions. Nothing seems to be moving me forward. I asked Yi what I should do next.

Does this mean to basically wait and just enjoy good food and company until things turn around???

A bit worried about the third line - about robbers!!


Jun 3, 2006
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Waiting to Return To Normal.

I see the 5.2 Waiting in the sand/gossip line as referring to the chatter in your mind.
5.3 Waiting in mud could refer to the muddle this has created in your life and the robbers as representing all the idle distractions that rob you of your time and focus.
5.5 Eat, Drink and Be Merry encourages focusing on what's good in the here and now.

I see this as saying your sense that you should some how be moving "forward" is distracting you from being fully in the present. I think your efforts to get back to Normal by trying meditation etc. to quiet the mind chatter are appropriate but perhaps you have been looking for these techniques to get you somewhere when what they can really do for you is get to you more into the Here and Now. (If you are still willing to give meditation and life coaching a shot, I recommend Eckhart Tolle's talks on YouTube),

The line 5.5 could literally mean focusing on food preparation (eating right? need vitamins?) and socializing with friends would be of help.



When I first read the Lord of the Rings in my teens my favourite bits were the interludes - with the elves in Rivendell or with Tom Bombadil in the forest. 5>24 has that feeling to me, of waiting but in a comfortable, cocooned way that is so absorbing it stops feeling like waiting, and feels like a stay outside time. What if this is a period when you have few other distractions exactly in order that you return to yourself - in the sense of being present to yourself, paying yourself attention?

Are you normally the kind of person who is very aware of the emotions and state of the person or people you are around? If so (or even if not) it is important to be attentive to yourself. Stay with how you are feeling, what you are seeing, noticing, etc. They might be small things but you will begin to thrive once you spend time giving yourself this attention and being present for yourself. Eat properly, go for walks, do things you like to do. You will start to feel less focused on the outside world or on other people, and people and events will come along then, but still won't be the main focus. I think it's time to regenerate.

Imagine if you had a very dear friend who'd just been through a terrible time and came to stay with you for a few days. You might dedicate the time to him or her, avoid other friends for a bit, and do everything to ensure your friend had a comforting time - watch cheering films, take walks in nature (even a street with trees), eat fresh food, avoid demanding or negative people, go to sleep early, sit and drink tea, etc. This is what the reading is asking you to do for yourself, I think. When you are ready to move on you will, and it won't be a big effort.

I think the robbers are anxiety and related emotions that seem to push you to act before you're ready. When you are calm and present (after some good 24 time) you'll act without anxiety.


Dec 9, 2014
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Thank you rosada and weaver - your replies have been very helpful. Will take onboard your advice

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