...life can be translucent


Hexagram #2, Changing To Hexagram #1


Aug 31, 1970
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The question was: "Well then, what SHOULD I do? Will I hear from him if I just wait?" I received Hexagram #2...all sixes...which changes, then to Hexagram #1. This is IMPORTANT to me. This friendship could lead to great, life changing things...Does this sound to anyone else like a big, "YES, WAIT!!!"? It does to me...All input will be welcome. Thanks in advance for your time and attention.
My Tao Is Yin


Greetings, Mytaoisyin.

I'm certain such an intense reading will draw some interesting feedback and interpretations here. Since I've taken quite allot of time and space here lately, I'll hold off with a thorough interpretation for awhile. I can, however, affirm your initial understanding of the reading.

You indeed are the yin in this reading and relationship. As such, you have the power to embody and actualize the potential of the relationship. To maximize this opportunity, it does best not only to wait, but to embrace the gracious role you play in this relationship at this time.

To be receptive is more than just waiting. Its to be the canvas which creation can paint upon. Its to be influenced. For yin to be proactive during this time, depends upon the moment and at what stage of the development you are engaged with at certain times within the process. Its not to be confused with just being passive. Its to participate in the process, but in attitude of receptive affection and nurturing.

If you hold to what is right and not be shaken, the path will become clear and your opportunity to utilize your creative ability and contribution will come to pass. This creativity will be all the more dynamic, the more you hold to what you know is right, and open to receive further truths about the situation.

Again, let me welcome you to the forum, which is Clarity. I look forward to reading the input from others here, concerning your most interesting reading.



Jun 13, 1970
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My Tao Is Yin,

What an amazing answer!

Great good fortune if you persevere I would say.

I don't know if you're aware of Hilary's site for actual experiences that people have had with the I Ching?

I've posted the time I received hx 2 there (although obviously it's in a completely different context and not all the lines were changing).

Nonetheless, I hope it's useful to you. Getting to understand a little bit about hx 2 by living it was a wonderful experience for me.

Here's the link: http://www.ichingresources.co.uk/hexagrams/h2.html/

Best wishes,



Hello My Tao Is Yin,

There isn't much more for me to add to what Candid has already said --his interpretation for 2/1 seems to make a lot of sense to me. However, I was curious as to how you were to wait without being passive in your situation and since I could add clarity to the reading with the Tarot cards I include my following understanding:


Self-Center=High Priestess
Present Conditions=Queen of Cups
Challenge=5 of Swords
Foundation of Matter=9 of Wands
Recent Past Influence=The Tower
Crowning Ideal=8 of Pentacles
Next Turn of Events=Judgment
Inner Emotional Current=Ace of Pentacles
Outer Environment=6 of Cups
Illusions=The World
Probable Outcome=2 of Pentacles
Long-term Influence=The Star
Spiritual Guidance=The Wheel

Your attraction to this relationship is intuitively based (High Priestess) --an inner knowing that is not clear in a conscious way-- you feel drawn and cannot help yourself. This is natural considering that this relationship has a certain element of fate and destiny behind it that is being influenced from behind the scenes (Spirit Guidance=The Wheel & Long-term Theme=The Star). They are responsible for the feeling of being supremely blessed and of filling you with great hope. This means that by fulfilling your role with integrity you reap their positive helpful gifts but should you cease flowing with the natural flow of these two archetypes, you will experience their downside --what seems like sheer bad luck and pessimistic hopelessness.

The strong emotions (Present Conditions=Queen of Cups) stem from a defensive stance adopted from past betrayals (Foundation of Matter=9 of Wands) and the need to control the situation (Challenge=5 of Swords) is your greatest obstacle to overcome. A shock or surprise (Recent Past Influence=The Tower) has opened your eyes to reality --you cannot go back to the previous stage of blind ignorance-- you simply cannot ignore what you now know. Choices made as the story unfolds, will not only determine the directions this relationship will take, but will bring with them the realization that what you put into it is exactly what you get out of it (Next Turn of Events=Judgment).

You, yourself, are solidly committed (Inner Emotional Current=Ace of Pentacles) --you bring a strong natural stability to the relationship-- while the other evokes compassion and forgiveness (Outer Environment=6 of Cups) in you. It seems likely that you will have the opportunity to "try again". However, what you don't quite grasp is that what you are experiencing now is likely to be a theme between you and that the relationship will only grow as a result of continually working on these same issues of defensiveness and control, over and over again. Each reunion will bring you to yet another new level of growth and a repetition of the past but at another level of the cycle (Illusions=The World) --in this way you grow beyond your present level as individuals and, therefore, as a couple.

Ultimately, the process requires you to pick up "new tools" --practise new ways of responding (Probable Outcome=2 of Pentacles). The "tools" will be acquired through trial and error and since you aren't likely to always have precisely what you need, you will need to learn how to be more "thoughtful" in using your limited abilities so that they produce the most effective results. The best you can do is to apply yourself to learning as you go along and understanding the on-going responsibility required for success (Crowning Ideal=8 of Pentacles) and that pure love is the essential "tool" for the work at hand. In the end, this is is how one waits without being passive.

Hope this helps,too


Aug 16, 1970
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Hi Mytaoisyin,

I love the scene in the movie The Lion King where Rafiki (the old baboon witchdoctor) is trying to show Simba the spirit of his father in a pool of water, and Simba is just seeing his own reflection. "Look harder," says Rafiki. And that's the sense I get here.

You asked if you should "just wait", and the oracle seems to be saying: "'just wait'? Well, while you're at it, why don't you look harder at what-all is contained in being receptive - look at the whole deal!"

Hilary likes to explain the Hexagram that results from the changing lines as the "background" of the primary one, and here the background is #1 - you are being called on to do the most creative waiting, being receptive, etc...

Some highlights of what that might mean (drawing from Wilhelm):

-- waiting does not combat acting, but completes it (receptivity coordinates with creativity, it does not struggle with it)

-- be sure to actively listen in your waiting, then you will know when and how to act. To me, active listening to all of creation is captured by that line in the bible where it says, "And Mary heard all these things, and held them in her heart."

--deepen and mature your understandings of being receptive and being active. After all, you are comtemplating the foundations of a big relationship/life change here. Consider how the foundations of the universe are, and you'll do ok. The receptive is strong, swift, gentle, and devoted.

--the creative begats, but the receptive brings to birth. You are contemplating making a future specific real thing out of current ideas, desires and wishes. An idea becomes a particular thing through The Receptive - not "The Passive." Maybe you will hear from him if you just wait, maybe not. But in the meantime, you will certainly hear from yourself. And, with all the lines changing, your deepened understanding will be lasting. It will help you through all your life in all you do.


Aug 19, 1970
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Dear Mytaoisyin,

I believe this remarkable reading carries a very high voltage. After all, Pure Yang - bypassing all the hundreds of permutations of change symbolized in the Yi - transforms directly into Pure Yin. First Heaven, then Earth. A few aspects of the general situation or "time" crowd forward:

(1) The time is significant. Yin and Yang are the basic forces underlying the universe. Their appearance in pristine form indicates matters of great importance. The outcome may indeed be life-changing. There is a lot at stake here.

(2) The time is powerful, possibly dangerous. Huge energies may be unleashed. Pure Yang and Pure Yin rarely appear unalloyed in nature. Experiencing their direct manifestation can be fatal, like viewing the face of God. The situation involves forces so much bigger than ourselves it is utterly uncontrollable and unpredictable. It will be easy to get hurt.

(3) The time involves discontinuity. The Dragon leaps in the air and lands in the crouch of the Tiger. No one can see where one becomes the other. Imagine the lamp in your bedroom. Switched on, there is light Ð switched off, there is darkness. There is no middle state between light and darkness as there is no space here between these powerful opposites.

(4) The time will pass quickly. Yin and Yang cannot remain unalloyed for long in the world of ten thousand things. This is not a case of slow evolution. The time will strike like a bolt of lightning Ð Yang/Yin Ð but the effects will last a lifetime.

What this means for you depends on how the relationship between the two hexagrams is interpreted. One may symbolize your outer life, the other your inner one. So outwardly you are called on to be extremely active and creative, to grapple with the situation directly with all the energy at your command, while inwardly you remain still, observant and receptive.

Perhaps the first hexagram symbolizes the present, the second the future. Now you must think carefully, lay plans, act forcefully to accomplish your personal goal. Soon a turn-around will be required, a period of indirection, receptiveness, nurturing, attention to others.

Maybe one hexagram represents him, and the other you. Because the two of you take on the qualities of Pure Yang and Pure Yin, your coming together is likely to be momentous. Either you will both suffer a devastating emotional meltdown (the possibility of damage is very great) or you will bond together into an inseparable union. Either way, there is the suggestion of a truly great love story in this reading.



Hi Lindsay, It was yin changing to yang. Not the reverse. 2-1, Receptive to Creative. No less dynamic of a reading, just in reverse order.

I'm hoping to see Hilary's description, especially of the six changing lines.


Aug 19, 1970
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Dear Mytaoisyin, Candid and Everyone,

Sorry about the confusion. I've been thinking a lot about this amazing reading since it was posted a few days ago, all the time having it backwards. I was curious why no one was talking about Sturm und Drang, now I understand. It is a good lesson to me to pay more attention to details. Naturally I withdraw my interpretation, and hope that Mytaoisyin will value the rest of your readings all the more.

Thanks especially to you, Candid. Clarity should and does stand for the opposite of muddle.



Welcome to the world of mortals, Lindsay, and the human errors we're all so prone to. Have made the same error myself and more than once.


Apr 8, 1970
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Hello Mytaoisyin (and all)

I seem to be late again? but this gives me the benefit of what everyone else has written, and it?s all excellent. Lindsay - I very much appreciate your stress on how extraordinary and dynamic this situation is. (Yes, I know you got it backwards. For many months there was a 'sample reading for download' on this site, all neatly pdf-ed, with the wrong changing lines interpreted...) With Zhuxi?s yarrow method, it?s the least likely of all possible readings. (And no, I?ve never met it before?)

So I?d agree with the consensus that it?s ?yes, wait?, but - as everyone else has said already
- this is not about ?just? waiting, but about the kind of waiting the earth does - receiving the initiative of sun, rain and seed, providing the space where things can grow, nurturing them to completion. Hexagram 2 responds positively and strongly, effortlessly, without restrictions, always providing exactly what?s needed. This means not taking the initiative - but also, not setting out the path that events must take. The I Ching is very insistent that there are no limits to Kun. Without its response, all the drive, creativity, inspiration, cosmic order (etc, etc!) of Hexagram 1 could never become manifest.

As if that weren?t enough? this is Hexagram 2 changing to Hexagram 1. I can?t imagine the primal creative drive as being mere ?background? or even just ?future?. I think it?s motivation and maybe even fate - something acting on and through your Responding and drawing it onward powerfully, like a future that wants to happen or an inspiration looking for expression. So Kun changing to Qian feels to me like waiting in a state of acute, dynamic tension (a few light years from placidly sitting around waiting to see what happens?). It?s Responding infused by the Creative - waiting full of creativity and inspiration, maybe?

I just realised what this reminds me of - a poem I read years ago. Only snag - poem is in German, and I can?t translate it properly. Still, here?s a sort of prose version.

?Flower-muscle, that little by little opens up the meadow-morning for the anemone, until the polyphonic light of the pure sky pours itself into her lap?
?into the still flower-star of taut muscle of endless receiving, sometimes so overcome with fullness that the call to rest of the setting sun?
?can hardly give back to you the leaf-edges shot so far out: you, volition and power of how many worlds!
We, violent ones, we last longer. But when, in which of all our lives, are we finally open and receiving??

Hm. Please believe me that in Rilke?s German, this is one of those poems that shakes your mind like the glass in a kaleidoscope?

Anyway? Alfred Huang says ?when one?s divination obtains this yao, one should use the full potential of the Earth quality? - which I think Rilke encapsulates with his ?flower-muscle?.

With all six lines changing, the situation is so extraordinary as to warrant a text of its own: ?Harvest in ever-flowing constancy.? I think this means that you refer constantly to your source: where your whole question came from, the purpose for waiting. Then you can create an absolutely free space for that purpose to be expressed.

Hope this helps, too!


Apr 8, 1970
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For any German-speakers here, in case you?d like to write a better/ more accurate translation, or just enjoy the poem:

?Blumenmuskel, der der Anemone
Wiesenmorgen nach und nach erschliesst,
bis in ihren Schooss das polyphone
Licht der lauten Himmel sich ergiesst,

in den stillen Blütenstern gespannter
Muskel des unendlichen Empfangs,
manchmal so von Fülle übermannter,
dass der Ruhewink des Untergangs

kaum vermag die weitzurückgeschnellten
Blätterränder dir zurückzugeben:
Du, Entschluss und Kraft von wieviel Welten!

Wir, Gewaltsamen, wir währen länger.
Aber wann, in welchem aller Leben,
sind wir endlich offen und Empfänger??


Hello everyone.

Dharma?s question has been on my mind, paraphrased: How is one to wait without being passive? Images are what came to mind.

A hand forms into a cup and lifts water from the a spring.

One listens?

and is affected.

One acknowledges..

and is not obligated to reply.

One honors?

and learns.

One is empties?

and is filled.

Willow pointed out the mare-horse image of 2. She is able to carry remarkable burdens, and she is enabled by the task. Fulfilled by it, actually. A mother has known the ultimate meaning of waiting, but not passively. A poet who empties herself, is actively making herself Receptive. A fisherman presents the fly to the fish, but must wait, as though frozen, for the trout to rise to investigate it. A bowl?s value is in its emptiness. But, the bowl was made empty. Its once was just a hill of dust.

I see this as a forward-in-time progression. From the ultimate receptive to the ultimate creative. No steps in either case are without blessing nor without peril. It really is, in every sense of the words, the dance of life. The Gods and Goddesses have danced the dance from the beginning. Now we are learning new steps and moves of the dance. As in Ti Chi, from yin?..to yang.

Bless us!


Aug 31, 1970
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Hi Everyone. All I can say is "Wow". I've been busy digesting these concepts. And trying to understand what it all means.
One thing I got was that Hexagram #2 is about Receptivity, rather than about the more Western concept of passivity. Receptivity is like the dancer, who responds to the music. Or like the iris that widens in an eye at the sight of beauty. Receptivity makes manifest the inspiration of Yang. When something moves you, that's Your Yin, responding to the motive Yang. Maybe, later, in the days to come, I'll be able to share more about who this person is, and how he came into my life. And then all this will make a great deal more sense to you. Right now I'm focusing on the reality of it....Thanks for all this amazing input. I can see it's moved on to become more than about just me. As, it seems, it should do....
My Tao Is Yin


Jun 22, 1970
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wu wei's comment on Hexagram 2:

<CENTER>Male and female are not opposite sexes</CENTER>

They are not opposite but complimentary. The meaning of opposite is generally thought to be opposing, and from that arises misconceptions about the true relationship of men and women. In the Universe, the Creative force, symbolized by the male energy, brings things into being, but to do so, it must work through the Receptive force, symbolized by the female energy. Neither the Receptive force nor the Creative force can do anything without the other. It follows that a woman is the perfect compliment to a man as a man is the perfect compliment to a woman, not opposing each other, but complimenting each other, each assisting the other to rise to greater heights than he or she could have alone. Those who understnad that concept and live by it will enjoy the benefits and happiness one can experience in the compnay of their complimentary mates.

wu wei's comment on Hexagram 1

<CENTER>To be joyous of heart is the way of the superior person</CENTER>

Holding joy in the hearts attracts friends, creates harmony within ourselves and others, creates an inner sense of well-being and puts a sparkle in our eyes. To be joyous of heart is to hold an optimistic outlook, to see adversity as opportunity, to see failure as the starting point of success, to view our stubbed toes as the release of acupuncture points, to wake with a feeling of gratitude, and to sleep with a sustaining, unfaltering trust in the Universe of which we are a part. The person with a joyous heart is a treasure to be with, a wellspring of inspriation and a fit companion. When we are joyous of heart, we hear a resonance in the songs of the birds, see resonance in the opening of a flower, and feel it in the pressure of a friend's hand.


Hi Mytaoisyin

I am in agreement with what has been said above? but some more thoughts for you?

The situation obviously carries a great ?charge? and this in itself is a dangerous thing. At such times we are prone to loose our clarity and become un-centred.

The situation is archetypal? and I think your answer is in the same vein.

Yes the Yi is saying do not act yet. Yes it is a very positive reading? but the Yi is, I think, drawing your attention to some important fundamentals:

1 It is pointing out that the opposite of action is not passivity? All the lines are naturally moving as the Yi draws your attention to the great depth and power of the Yin principal. I wonder whether it is saying ?Look understand this - this is a great force within you. Understand it now and you will have it for always.?

2 Secondly I think the movement to Yang is where you and the situation is moving?(this accords with the natural rhythm)? a space of creative (Inner and outer world) activity. It would accord with the time for you then to draw on your Yang energy? but do not forget your Yin!!! It is always better to walk on two legs

So how do we wait impassively?

Become still? do what you do to be still in your heart.

Be like the earth? contemplate all of the births and the deaths you have seen (ideas, friends, hopes, places and times), the wounds and the joys, your immense inexhaustible energy for healing and growing yourself and others, the disinterest and stillness of the earth as wars rage accross it(totally Yin)... and most of all contemplate the timelessness of your essence? in timelessness comes perspective. Imagine the earth always there whilst everything has come and gone... Nurtured into being, grown and died. No sadness no loss only being and nothing.

It is the nature of things to attract their opposites and the earth attracts the seeds to nurture and the Yin attracts the force and times of Yang.

When you have done all of this you will have a powerful centre with skills and perspectives which will find the ?Yin ways? to meet difficulties and solve problems. A centre to weather all storms.

Also contemplate the energy of Yang. By seeing and understanding the Yang in you, you do two things. You will throw the Yin in you into sharper relief as you see the complementarity?s of the two. This is your other leg! As the time moves toward an action / Yang time you will have a deeper sense of how to use this creative force within you. I am happy to suggest an exercise to help with the contemplation of Yang? but the Occident is so hung up on Yang it is pretty much in too much evidence around you.

I would suggest you do not confuse ?active passiveness? with being either totally silent or a recluse? That is withdrawal. The Yin is in great evidence!

Finally? a word of small warning. Such a reading can lead ones ego to be dazzled. ?Great things!? ?Movement in Heaven and Earth? it cries. Least that is what my ego does J

Take it all as it comes? though the reading is greatly auspicious it may also be archetypal. That is to say you may also be being offered a deep lesson (which is a great thing in itself). Everything is change and you will need to be clear headed and centred to sail on the wonderful but changeable seas that you are already moving upon.

Joy to you



Hi again Mytaoisyin

Apologies - english!

That should not read, "So how do we wait impassively?"

It should read:
"So how do we wait receptively / without passiveness?"

I hope the ideas are of some help.

All the best


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