...life can be translucent


Hexagram #59 (and friends)


Jul 10, 1971
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I think Hexagram #59 deals basically with two themes: the reunion of people (in that sense it resembles #45), and the eradication of selfishness (which then resembles #42).

If we think about it, its selfishness that keeps people apart. In fact, all harm we willingly do to others (even small things, not just physical harm) is motivated by our ego, by putting our needs in front of theirs. The purpose of #59 is then to bring people together, but that cannot be done unless the needs of the community come first in everyone?s heart. One cannot take from others (cause basically thats what selfishness is about) and expect them to stay by our side. In this sense of reunion, as Wilhelm points out, #59 resembles #45, but the latter deals more with the practical terms of this coming together. Hexagram #59 instead, describes the necessary changes one must make in oneself (so youre still by yourself, at this point), in order to permit this coming together to happen in the first place.
Chris Lofting in his fantastic site says that the way to get to #45 is #17. That makes all the sense (in fact I got that same answer from the I Ching once). The meaning I get from #17 is basically, to be followed I must first learn to follow others. To lead is first of all to serve, and you cant do this unless you are truly selfless.

Now how should one disperse his ego? The text talks of temples and sacrifices. Wilhelm goes a little further mentioning religious forces, or an emotion of devotion to take peoples hearts. Well, that is bound to work, but then how does one conjure such powerful emotions? I mean, if youre not god or the pope or something...

Wilhelm is a bit too particular with some of his assertions, in order for one not to question what his line of reasoning was, or what information he had to depart from the text so much. I havent seen (religious) music mentioned in other commentaries, but truth is I first came to know this hexagram when I was trying to build a musical group, more like a cooperative with social concerns than a band, something Im still trying to make happen. But regarding music, I think the meaning that can be inferred is that anything that affects us deeply at an emotional level, like music does, has this power to dissolve our ego, and make us transcend our own needs.
A great common enterprise, something that serves the needs of the community and not of the individuals, also has this power to transcend the egos involved. We could take the literal advice to build a temple, but I suspect its not the size of it that matters, only the right purpose. Still one has to figure out what this enterprise is, and how to build it, or how to make things happen in practical terms.
In general I think that the message is that to achieve great deeds, you must take people by commotion, you have to win their hearts, and you can never do this unless you let go of your ego. Religion and music acting as metaphors to all that sweeps us off our feet.

Line one is a sort of lets get busy statement. Lets start. It doesn?t offer any help though, only says something like you need to summon your strength.

But line two does offer some practical advice, you have to run to what supports you, what supports this view, and eradicate all cause for regret, which is the same as saying, act for the good of others, and you cant go wrong. With this and the 1st line changing, we get hexagram #42, Increase, which says basically the same. Increase does not mean our own increase, as in the sense of gaining something, instead it means quite the opposite, that the superior person allows herself to be decreased, in order to benefit the inferior person. Its an act of altruism, postponing our needs for the needs of others, some of which may not even deserve it. And doing it happily, without expecting any return, other than the satisfaction of helping others (being like #25 line 2). It takes a superior person to do this.

Line 3 goes even further, in my opinion summing up the meaning of the hexagram. This describes someone that is involved in a great enterprise, for the wellbeing of the community, and that sort of doesnt have time to think about himself. Theres one phrase that really nails it: "he has his will turned outwards". In fact its precisely because we keep our thoughts, our attention, our will, turned inwards, to our own feelings and needs, that we become selfish and fail to recognize the feelings and needs of others. This turning out of the attention is the only thing we must consciously do, that enables us to forget our own petty ego drives. Consequently, we become more detached from our desires, our anger or impatience when things fail to come our way, or in other words, we become free. Its interesting that this line points to #57, cause you cant do it abruptly. You cant tame the mind unless you are gentle, but steadfast, like the wind.

Line 4 alerts to the danger of taking sides in this common enterprise. This is bound to happen to some extent, its only human nature to at some point want more than the others, making us fall into the trap of egoism again. But only by "separating from his partner" one can remain imparcial, and again not fail to surpass the ego, and the pursuit of selfinterests.

Line 5 interests me a lot at this time in my life. I have came to a place where I cant just leave it all behind and go for it, I have to work somehow within my current restrictions, but in the meanwhile have some sort of genial idea that will be the propulsive force to bring my goals from "a vertical ascent-direct rise from obscurity and lowliness to power and influence" (hexagram #46, ascension, Wilhelm intro). With lines 3, 5 & 6 moving (notice line 3 still needs to be there) we get indeed hexagram #46, but there we see this ascension as an act of will (and what can we accomplish without will?). Here, instead of sheer willpower, it seems a good enough idea, would take care of things for itself.
I asked the Yi what that idea was (I was pushing, I know
), and it replied with 20, line 3 moving: I have to look inside myself for the answer... Talk about a sense of humour

Some more thoughts can be gained by seeing where this line leads to: Hexagram #4, Youthful Folly. So it is natural of the water spring not to know where it is heading at first. It just proceeds further, like the water (the notion of #29), and eventually it will come to realize what the goal is.

Finally line 6 goes in the same lines as the whole text, maybe using a more colorful wording, perhaps to haste us back to the goal of the hexagram, now that we're at the top and risking to loose our chance.

Now this is as far as Wilhelm and Legge go, at least what I make of it, and I think Ive squeezed it pretty thoroughly. But this hexagram sums up all my concerns at this point in my life, so I really wanted all possible views I could get.
If one turns to the chinese character, we see people who live in caves, looking at a watercourse, armed with sticks. LiSe's wonderful site, of which Im an unconditional fan, names this ?The flood?. Dan Stockhouse?s site, another must, also supports this idea, giving the text: ?Watching out from the cave / For rising floodwaters. / Ready to sound the alarm.?. So these people are watching for an eminent flood, although I cant understand what good the sticks will do against the rising waters (unless it is a stick to strike some gong or something). LiSe also mentions passing something hand in hand, but what can that be? Some sort of community sign? Im not totally satisfied with my understandment of how this significance ties up to the text in general, and Wilhelm commentaries in particular. Dan?s site compares the flood to one?s emotions. Maybe we should watch our emotions arise, and beat them with a stick to make them behave
. One of LiSe's beautifully rendered phrases gives another clue: "Having to save one?s life puts many other things back in the place where they belong, often even completely out of sight". So there you have it, we're back to the eradication of selfishness, that once again comes naturally when one has to run for his life, be it menaced by a flood, or our own negative emotions.

What I cant find in the text is a clue as to how we can develop the necessary strength to achieve this ego deflation, being it the hardest task one can endeavor. The solution obviously comes from an act of will (#46), but the Yi has also given me some clues. One of the best I got was #59 -> #52. Meditation, calmness, settling of emotions, that is how to get there (no surprise here, there is no other way to tame the ego, not since Buddha). This mutation also involves all the lines I feel important: 2, 3 and 5. At another time, it told me that in order to be able to win this battle, I needed to have the perseverance of a warrior (57, line 1).

Ive also been reading some previous comments on this hexagram, here at clarity. Supanatural offers one interesting association: "I personally view the 59th hexagram as dispersion of selfishness, in order to restore balance in relationships. The 55th Hexagram is *Abundance*. The way they compliment one another is when one has abundance, he or she should disperse selfishness. Selfishness is dispersed by sharing your abundance". Although this complementation between #59/#55 makes sense (#55 is indeed the negative of #59, so their meanings are connected), I think this "sharing of your abundance" is already what hex#55 is all about, no need to bring in #59. One can meditate on being the sun to realize this more clearly. In any case its a good point to focus on, since this providing of all creatures like the sun does, also requires a selfless nature.

By taking the nuclear hexagram, #27 Nurturing, we see another way to approach the hidden depth of #59. You have to nurture yourself as well as others correctly, something that obviously one?s ego is not always willing to remember. Finally, one last clue from the preceding hexagram, #58 Joy, or Exchange. If you read the lines, there is a whole lot of ways in which we can wrong in our search for happiness. It is imperative to realize that the real joy can only come from within, and that we already have all we need. That realization shatters the ego immediately, cause you basically don?t need it to fulfill your desires any more. You have it all, so what need is there to want anything else? If only we can understand this, we will have no trouble following the advice of hexagram #59.


Apr 8, 1970
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Thank you, Pedro, I enjoyed this very much. I wish I had time to reply to it all, but this will just have to be bitty.

I'm also not altogether sure what the man is doing with his stick. But the idea of the flood is a potent one. You begin with things that are clear-cut, solid and still, like a frozen river, or the human constructions (dams, fences, dwellings) that the man would normally be able to see as he looks out. Now all he can see are waters flowing freely as they will. The whole movement of the hexagram is away from solidity towards flow.

With that inner sense of the kind of change involved, there must be 100s of ways we can apply and understand it. Boundaries that fence off mine from yours, or self from other, or one part of my life (eg 'practical') from another (eg 'spiritual') will be swept away. Things I thought I'd built securely will vanish from sight, and I will probably feel very lost and insecure.

Misunderstandings that block communication will also be melted away. Illusions will disperse like clouds. There will be flow instead of stasis.

The ancient kings founded the temples, not as great stone monuments, but out of wind and water. It was the vapours of their sacrifices that nourished the ancestors and created the clear flow between humanity and spirits. The king will enter his temple, the channel where the energies flow through.

('Wind moves over water' - 'the spirit of God moved on the face of the waters'...)


Supa, by the way, when he said 'complementary' did in fact mean the structural negative/opposite of a hexagram: 1 and 2, 3 and 50, etc. But he laid stress on the way each requires the other rather than the way they define each other as opposites.

Tearing myself away...


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Sep 15, 1970
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Every hexagram has its reverse (or complementary or whatever it is called), like man and woman: two opposites of the same kind.
59 and 60 belong together, they both are about borders and limits or the release of borders and limits.

So I will post 59 and 60 together.

Hex 59-60
Hexagram 59
The character: At the left side of the character water or a river, at the right side a character meaning lively, excellent, gay, beautiful. It is a drawing of a man, at the entrance of a cave, looking sharp around with a stick in his hand. Meaning of the whole character: disperse, expand, scatter, ample.

River forelands or washlands are the insurance against floods. A river will flood whenever the water rises too high, quays or campshotting only make the problem worse. When you try to defend yourself against the waters, they can be extremely dangerous. But when you give them the freedom to expand, they do no harm. Maybe they even bring fertility to the washlands, where the cattle can graze in dryer seasons.
This is also the way to dissolve problems, by giving them the room to expand. When your mind has this space, it can cope with any trouble, a life with forelands will never be run over.
The greatest danger for living is rigid limits.

59 Don't hope for a distant future where all roads will come together. It is the illusion of perspective: when you walk towards it, the point recedes.
Make your place here, where you are, and be aware of all these different roads, all opening possibilities. At least if you allow them to be open. That is why in your life right here you should create temples, where rational and restricted thoughts do not exist.
Rational you will not be able to cross the stream, for that you need your soul, or the support of the gods. Remove the quais from your soul, like a river with washlands. It will never flood, but it will flow wide or narrow, according to what it needs. And it can be crossed whenever necessary, because it stays shallow enough, without dangerous rapids. As long as waters can move freely, they move gently.

59.6 Not the things that happen to you shape your life, but your reaction to them. Even a dreadful experience left behind will not affect the quality of your being, but even a small annoyance, rekindled day after day, will thoroughly spoil it.
An Afghan woman told the reporter how many wars and violence she had experienced, during her entire life. Then, with shining eyes, she added: how great that one person can experience so much in just one life time.
An Austrian farmer said: this stomach cancer is a gift from God. I know my death is near, so I can arrange everything before my time comes.

Hexagram 60
The character: A man is kneeling before a pot of food, about to start eating, meaning: approach, thereupon, attain to.
At the top bamboo. knots or joints of bamboo or other plants.
Meaning of the whole character: degree, rank, regular division, juncture, circumstance, regulate, discriminate, to moderate, frugality, rule, law, baton, tessera, token of authority, capital of pillar. A part of a book, season, period of time or music: chapter, term, time-interval, holiday.
All these meanings have to do with a certain amount. A bamboo-tube was used for standards like the pitch in music, measure of capacity, weights.

Everything has its own size, its own basic pitch and its own rhythm. It will resonate with the vibrations which harmonize with it, and the unrelated ones will pass by unheard, unanswered. Life needs these restrictions, otherwise it will blow its top. A composer knows the limits of his composition, when he exceeds them, it will not become music, but a shambles.
The bamboo joints set the size of the limbs of the bamboo. A big one supporting a high stalk, small ones for the young ones or the tops. Every size has its own function, its own volume and its own sound. A piece of it with a certain length and diameter was used for the standard of the whole country. The measure of capacity, the key of music, and by extension the holidays (holy days), which are the bamboo joints of the time and set its length.

Life needs rhythm and structure, but do not accept rigid ones, which are not alive. Make your own music. Create a garden like a fairytale, cook a king?s meal, love like Romeo. By leaving the borders of the common one carves marks in the landscape of the soul, and life will not longer be the straight gray line from birth till death. It will be a scenery with heights and lowlands, giving structure and energy to the soul. Later they will be the rich memories.
Everything moves in cycles. If you get this hexagram in a time of despair, then accept its comfort that there will be an end to it, after this a new cycle will begin.

A bit long, but these are the notes of the past year.



Feb 19, 1971
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Hi Pedro and welcome to Clarity!

Hex 59 is something very familiar to me. I always sensed that it had to do with reunion and finding ways to do this through prayer and devotion. And change is a huge part of this. So now there has been a sudden transformation in the way I see my future with my man. It is I who must make the change, leaving behind all that I have known here in India for all my life -- but my spiritual path goes along with me. This sense of finally reaching a decision has really swept me to the shore! A great love often requires great sacrifice -- and yet it is no sacrifice for I cannot envision life without him.

Best for your Quest



Jul 10, 1971
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Hi LiSe
thank you so much, your notes are great inspiration, and as always your words take me to a better place

you provide several different views I wasnt really aware of; actually I read some of these ideas before, at your site, but I was resisting them, cause I thought they didnt fit my mental schem of #59. I think its like Candid said, sometimes a long time experience can olny enrigid your mental patterns, create prejudice, and shut ones views. I see that its all about being open (heaven) and calm (earth) again

Funny you bring #60, cause I asked about this group yesterday and got #60 no changing lines. I did it mostly for fun, cause I thought it would be something interesting to share with you all, but I admit it may be biased, cause I was kind of feeling I shouldnt ask. So perhaps its my own limitation, cause I broke my #1 rule somewhat. But even though, any takes anyone?
I can only interpret it as meaning that since we're westerners and most of us dont read chinese, we're limited in our view of the Yi? at least I am...


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Sep 15, 1970
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I think 60 is a very good answer. The most important meaning of the character is dividing things in parts, which makes them easy to handle, but also to a coherent whole. ?A part of a book, season, period of time or music: chapter, term, time-interval, holiday?. This website is a great way to find one?s way in the big Yi-landscape. Here and there someone puts up a roadsign, or an inn for an evening of discussion. One can ask for the road to the hexagram-city one is searching for. Or what the roadsign of a reading means.


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Sep 15, 1970
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I posted my notes before I had a real clear view on 59 myself. Many books give many clues, and I think they are all OK, but somehow I never find an image which embraces them all.

This morning I walked into a room where someone was watching TV, a documentary about the stone age people, and the first thing I heard was: ?when tribes began to grow larger, rituals were needed to release tensions. People lived closer together, but at the same time they were less close related, often almost strangers?. They showed the caves of Lascaux, the paintings are a sign of rituals being conducted.

The rituals of Lascaux tried to get hold on the confusing and overwhelming complexity of life in the tribe and in the nature surrounding them, trying to make animals be caught, rain to fall, storms to cease, everything which was beyond their power.

Dissolving - relaxing tensions. The vague outlines of an image begin to show.



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Sep 15, 1970
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And another thing: 59 it is the opposite of 55, which is Feng, the garrison of Kings Wen and Wu. From there they made the preparations to attack the Shang. It is the mind full of plans, organizing, attracting and convincing allies, looking at the omens. Busy, busy. The opposite of relaxing.


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Sep 15, 1970
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I think I know what the picture of 59 is saying: people in a cave, watching each other, suspiciousness, stress, tension. I saw exactly this image in the TV documentary, people in a cave, too close together, first shouts, then aggression. Sinchronicity!!
That the man is looking out of the cave is an interpretation, in the picture there is just the man and the cave. It looks as if he stands on top of it, but in many ideograms simply all the different parts are put together. Not a complete picture of a scenery.

The temple or ritual is a way to channel people's focus, so their attention has a higher goal than only each other, and something they can look out for, or make preparations.
The flood, maybe a symbol of the mind being flooded by an idee fixe, suspicion, hatred or other idea, which causes people (or one?s own inner feelings and voices) to fight.

The king 'nearing' his temple? No idea where this translation comes from. The character is skin and two, second skin: false, pseudo-, to loan, rely on, temporarily, provisionary, to suppose, need, ask, give, uniquely, leave (vacation). The nearing or aproaching has to do with 'close to real', not with walking to it.
This 'imagine' meaning once gave me a complete new start, because I realized that to get out of the hard situation (some years ago) I needed a temple of my own, a big idea, something to enjoy, dream about. And out of that came my whole YiJing website and everything.



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Sep 15, 1970
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Passing something from hand to hand, examining it, like in a market: a very good description of an argument. Someone makes a remark, the other answers, a third also has things to say about it, the first disagrees, and so on and so on.


LiSe - Would then the same meaning apply to 45? "The king approaches his temple." Or meaning something like: the king contemplates his inner temple? Or maybe, is becoming as a temple?


Apr 8, 1970
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When I first got R&K, I was very pleased with 'the king imagines possessing a temple'. Then in every single other translation he was just approaching or entering it, so I went with that as it was a simple, literal meaning. (I like starting out with literal meanings first, before I get into the metaphor.)

Could he be wearing the temple as a second skin, making his role as priest and diviner into his identity? Something very like what Candid says, becoming the temple. I know that if he failed in this role, everything fell apart in a big way. The king 'assumes' the temple or 'puts on' the temple?? (Is this word used in the Shijing or anything?)

About 59 versus 55. I have a feeling that 55 says 'I'm taking on full responsibility, I've received the omens, I'll go out and change the world...' whereas 59 says 'let go, open out...' 59 has his horizons expanded, even if it is by having everything flattened that he'd built. 55 is focussing on The Task and being a superhero. 55 forges through the centre of darkness and comes out the other side - 59 will aim to float over it all and move with the waves.

Actually, it's simpler than that - one is a city, the other is floods and caves. LiSe, are these caves up a mountain, not pit dwellings? Can you look out from them over the flood, or do you have to get out and run to high ground?


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Sep 15, 1970
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Yes, I think all of those meanings. In 37.5 too: the king imagines it. There I think the leader imagines the family. If this mental image does not exist, the family is not a real unity.


Apr 8, 1970
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I do like synchronicity. Just opened this in my inbox, as it had the subject line 'clouds and water'

'The everyday life of people is like clouds and water, but clouds and water are free while people are not. If they would get to be as free as clouds and water, where would people's compulsive mundane routines arise?'

-Dogen, "Rational Zen"


hmm The king imagines temple, thereby creating his mantra or prayer. Possessing no fixed belief, he must return to himself to find his foundation. Finding nothing there, he builds a temple and worships. With help of the temple he is able to focus on what can't be seen or known, and able to receive power and grace to ride over life?s obstacles.

I have a similar question but on a different Yi phrase. Its from 31: ?To take a maiden to wife brings good fortune.? I?ll begin a new thread with it.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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I think a second skin is a make-believe skin. Like a shaman puts on a leopards skin and becomes the leopard. He makes it to his identity, but he also makes the identity of the people. Without the central temple they are a lost bunch of individuals, with the temple they have a common image, safety, history. For all peoples the temple is the center of the world. But when they make the image too much to reality, then their god or gods are the only gods, all the others are superstition because they look different.
I will search in the Shijing (or rather make Word search for it, that works great) as soon as my computer can read Chinese again.
I don?t know about the caves. Probably they knew both, but I think most were pit dwellings. They lived in the plains of the yellow river, as far as I know. Natural caves are never present in large numbers. I also don?t know if they made caves in cliff faces. A lot to sort out.

I also don?t know if 59 is about a coming flood, or being flooded, or after the flood. Some answers I got make me believe it encompasses them all.



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Sep 15, 1970
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I have searched through the entire ShiJing, the Book of Odes, for the character jia, the imagining or approaching the king does to the temple. The ?second skin?.
Most often it was: great, magnanimity, admirable, brilliantly, great and august. Two times ?invite?, three times ?come? or ?draw near?, and once ?steal?. But this last one was ?steal a moment of sleep?, so that can also be ?near? to sleep.
Schuessler has as most important meaning ?to deceive?, which includes the one about the sleep. About the meaning of approaching, he says ?This word is probably a lexicographic ghost as the graph might well have been intended merely as a loan for ge?.

?King second-skin have temple?. It might be translated as ?If the king is brilliant, there is a temple?, or the king is great when there is a temple. As long as I do not try to translate it into something normal, it is beautiful: as if the king has as second skin a temple. Like the shaman puts on a bird?s head, or the ?tiger-braves? of king Wu a tiger?s pelt.
The temple gives the king his brilliance. Without it he is just human. In 37 line 5 the family gives the king his brilliance, without it there can never be a dynasty. Or, in individual terms, the family of abilities and feelings gives the (leader-)mind its brilliance.
And in 55 ?? The king puts it on like a second skin? The grand ideas of 55, if one puts them on like a second skin, something which makes one look bigger, stronger. I think it is Mohamed Ali?s ?I am the greatest?: be in superlative what you want to accomplish, and then you will make it.



May 3, 1971
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Hi everyone

Interesting discussion about #59 and #60. I recently received 60 no changing lines, and in a "limited" way it seemed to fit and yet it didn't. I have been going to a new age bookstore lately, lots of interesting books and things, although I don't stay long because it is very crowded and no place to sit or anything. At any rate, when I bought a book a young female clerk at the store struck up a conversation with me. I went in a couple other times, found sometimes she is very friendly, sometimes she is not, but I have noticed that my presence in the store seems to affect her. When she sees me she kind of freezes and looks at me intensely for a moment. I did not know what to make of this, so I asked the I Ching, what effect I was having on her and I received #60, no changing lines. I asked again how I was limiting her and received #51 no changing lines. In a small way it does make sense, but not really. I can't imagine a woman that young being interested in me, although, I don't nearly look my age either. I also can't imagine anything I might have done to make her fearful of me in any way. It is possible, and this may be my ego talking that she feels an attraction, but knows I am too old for her to pursue it. It is confusing to say the least, anyway, this discussion has given me a little bit more insight into it over all.



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Sep 15, 1970
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Sometimes a woman sees spirit in a man (or woman).

In daily life there is hardly any Real Time, everything is minutes and hours. Life proceeds from one event to the other, without any deeper structure.
I think hex.60 is about the real structure of time. Not only of time, but maybe as most important feature.

You are interested in this Real Time, as most people on this list. Maybe you have enough of it in yourself for her to see. Then it does not matter how old you are, or how you look.
I know a man of almost 80, without teeth and also refusing to wear artificial ones, who had 7 women visiting him on his last birthday. In between birthdays they usually come one by one, but they had a great time all together.



May 3, 1971
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Hi LiSe

Yes, I agree, they do see Spirit. Sometimes men see Spirit too. Although, I have to admit, I have been very disappointed at times when I see a good spirit in a woman, only to find out she doesn't feel that way about me. At least, she feels no connection...

Well, I have a couple teeth missing, but they are in the back, so no one would notice ha ha. Anyway...Her birthday is December 30 and mine is March 28th, Suns square to each other. The last two women I have been interested in had birthdays just a few days before hers, and I know what that ended up like. Yuck. One of these days I will find out the year. It is always fun to compare charts, even if there is no interest.



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Sep 15, 1970
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Again an I Ching with a good text about 59. It is an Italian one (1982) by Elena Judica Cordiglia, but it has been translated in French in 1996. A very good one! I wish my French were better.

I have translated the interesting parts of 59:
Time of confused thoughts, of inquietude and of making extraordinary decisions. Huan is on the whole a very positive time, just like primordial chaos is not negative either.
In this primordial chaos, which during millennia formed elements with ?moderation? (which is the next hex), the cosmos is born, the ordered world in which we live. We stay fixed in space by a thought, which is unknown but powerful, which breathed order in, calming, dividing, and establishing (fixing) everything with authority and forever.

We are determined to bring elaborate, or maybe even postponed, things to completion, so we can intervene with authority and set important deeds. ?Reorganization..
The wind moved upon the face of the waters, time of confusion?
A difficult time but a time of grand ideas, of ardent work, of new things (thunder) and turns which demand our attention (mountain) about what is really important to bring to a favorable conclusion.



Apr 8, 1970
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Revisiting Hexagram 37, line 5, with its king approaching, or imagining, or putting on his family. A customer of mine received this one recently - someone quite new to Yi, only just getting to know it through a couple of weeks of readings. Here's his response to that 'second skin' idea in this context:

'It makes me think very much of Jung's tower in Bollingen, that he built for himself in the second half of his life, and used as an expression of his Self - the outward manifestation of the development of his own being throughout his life.'

I thought some of you Jung-experts here might find this especially interesting. It also brings to mind that this is People in the Home's Beauty or Adorning, expressing the essence in the appearance.

Any comments?


Nov 4, 1971
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I'm reading with tremendous interested all these wonderful and articulate posts about 59! I'm still new to all this, and while the text analysis you are all capable of fascinates me, I am pretty stuck when it comes to applying all this to real life situations! I ask for your guidence and support as I learn, and please accept my apologies that I am not yet competent enough to offer too much back to you in return.

I received 59 with line 6 changing, resulting in 29. My question was about my relationship (that is on hiatus.) I asked, "What would be the effect on our relationship if I sent a letter?" (I had a specific kind of letter in mind, one where I was just utterly open and honest about what I had been thinking and feeling during our recent difficult time. I would say the kind of things I wasn't yet able to express at the time, because I couldn't yet articulate them for myself. Yet it's the kind of things that really needed and needs to be said.)

I welcome any guidence or support you can offer. Thank you.

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