...life can be translucent


How can I cope?


Sep 14, 2006
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I'm waiting for something and I'm having a fair amount of trouble coping with that, the waiting. I hate to wait and I'm very anxious about this. When I asked "How can I cope with this waiting?" I got 49.2.4 to 5.

5 obviously reflects the current situation. 49 as a way to cope with something? Is the only way I can cope with this to institute some sort of radical change? That seems like an odd answer about waiting for something.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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The way 49 has played out for me the past few times its come up, it hasn't meant a radical change of any kind more like a simple renewal. I know this isn't what its meant to be exactly yet,, I think 49 is more quiet than I used to think it was, more gentle and natural. I used to associate it with massive upheaval yet its never been like that for me, hmmm

Anyway I also was waiting and wondering a while back and getting 49 in various combinations and in my case I think it was coming as a simple confirmation the change I was awaiting was indeed coming after the necessary discussions (3 times) and when it was deemed essential, and really it did play out very literally. The matter was discussed 3 times with those involved and after that a renewal took place though not any great transformation.

I'm inclined to see your reading as simple reassurance that what you await will occur once the necessary deliberations have been made (49) and 5 clearly advising you how to wait. I feel it means wait without anxiety, eat, drink and be happy. Quite a clear answer to your question on how to cope with waiting, with a nice bit of reassurance thrown in (IMO).
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Jun 18, 2006
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""How can I cope with this waiting?" I got 49.2.4 to 5."

Hex 49.2 this is about preparing yourself for the change that will eventually happen, so make your plans but don't take any action, when the time is right all will be well.

Hex 49.4 making changes for the correct reasons, again prepare yourself, all very good so don't worry.

Hex 5 a very apt answer telling you to bide your time, and while you are waiting remain cheerful and enjoy yourself, leave your worries behind. Again the promise of a successful outcome.


trojan said:
The way 49 has played out for me the past few times its come up, it hasn't meant a radical change of any kind more like a simple renewal. I know this isn't what its meant to be exactly yet,, I think 49 is more quiet than I used to think it was, more gentle and natural. I used to associate it with massive upheaval yet its never been like that for me, hmmm

I've noticed the same thing recently, since I'm going through a bit of 49 at this time. But what I'm watching for is that, each small occurrence of 49 is like one point in a web of many points. While 49 is sometimes likened to a volcano, changing with one big BOOM, I've been noticing that sometimes it happens in stages, as in the way an animal molts.

I was on a job in the Hualapai Mountains, when a cow elk happened to walk through the yard. I grabbed my camera from the truck and managed to get close enough to her for a few shots. I mention this here because she was near the end of her seasonal molting cycle. And that didn’t occur all at once.

Aside: At the moment of this shot, she stopped walking and turned to look at me. Approaching her further would not have been a great idea! I took the shot and backed off. She then continued along her merry way. You could see tender pink skin on her sides, from rubbing against trees to aid the molting process.

View attachment 145


Jun 3, 2006
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Love these nature pictures to illustrate the hexagrams!

esolo, I'm curious now as to what you are waiting for. 49.2.4 sounds like applying for a job 49.2 and then having to get board approval 49.4.
Anyway, just adding the thought that while these hexagrams and lines do indeed seem to indicate a positive outcome, the question was how to cope with the waiting, not how will things work out? So perhaps 49.2.4 - 5 is encouraging esolo to revolutionize his way of waiting, but it's not necessarily speaking to the outcome. As to how IC is advising him to Revolutionize his Waiting, perhaps it is first encouraging looking to see if he has done everything he can to bring about the changes he wants, 49.2, and then honestly appraising the situation as to whether it is reasonable to assume that what he is waiting for can indeed happen, 49.4. If he has done all he can to make what he wants to have happen and it is not an absurd fantasy, then he must just relax, knowing he's done the best he can and that whatever will happen will happen. And that's the attitude that will help him cope.


Sep 14, 2006
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I'm not sure what I first thought when I looked at this answer. I think it was something very close to trojan and willowfox's view. There's change on the horizon and I have to continue to wait for it. However, I also thought about rosada's POV. Is there something I need to be doing but I'm not? Have I indeed done all that I can?

It's a personal matter but there are aspects to it that are something like getting board approval. There are very important decisions to be made and if they are made in my favor this thing will happen. I always thought that it would but every now and then those doubts creep in.


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May 29, 2006
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rosada said:
Love these nature pictures to illustrate the hexagrams!

Anyway, just adding the thought that while these hexagrams and lines do indeed seem to indicate a positive outcome, the question was how to cope with the waiting, not how will things work out? .

Well I find the Yi often kindly gives more than I ask for. If I am waiting most often the my attitude in waiting is intrinsically tied up with the likley outcome and sometimes it seems to me the Yi gives reliable reassurance. If the situation were hopeless and one asked about waiting I think it likley the Yi would indicate not to even engage in waiting. In this answer I think its clear waiting should be used as a positive time whilst issues are discussed, changed etc etc . I often see the relating hexagram as the context, so here the context is waiting and how to wait is addressed fully in hexagram 5, indeed thats it subject.

Bruce yes I relate 49 very much to the natural moulting process. I think I was a bit misled by Wilhelms reference to political revolution which is something I associate with alot of turmoil/violence (usually it involves a forceful overthrow of existing leaders).
Maybe others have found 49 to refer to sudden and drastic change, but for me moulting, shedding is much nearer the meaning. The reference to discussion 3 times also indicates this isn't something sudden, drastic and unplanned..


Jun 3, 2006
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I had an experience with Waiting involving a court case. A friend was being sued. I asked how it would resolve. I received Waiting. After alot of time - a year - the friend's insurance company decided not to even go to court, but just pay the plaintive, even though the case was bogus. During this time of waiting there really wasn't anything my friend could do to make a differance, It was out of her hands. So she made a strong effort to eat drink and be of good cheer and when the decision came she was at least able to say she hadn't wasted time worrying about it.

It occurs to me that because my friend's attitude was so calm and clear about the situation throughout the WAITING, she also did not waste anytime after the decision obsessing about what might have been.


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Jan 13, 1971
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I'm really glad to see 49 discussed here simply as renewal rather than upheaval. I'd been a little puzzled by a reading of my own recently, and if I view 49 that way -- undeniably a transformation, but one that's gradual rather than dramatic and explosive -- it makes much more sense. Thanks, all.

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