...life can be translucent

How to break up with him? 27uc


Jun 22, 2022
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Hello fellow diviners.

So I got myself into situationship that really started weighing me down. I am well aware such stories are all similar and almost never end well. But, before you judge me, please try to hear me out and if possible, can you help with the interpretation?

A little background - we met almost 15 years ago, he was getting divorced, we kissed, then out of the blue he offered to marry me but it was all too crazy and I withdrew and thought I moved on. Years later though we reconnected and from one lunch to evening drinks it started to feel like causal dating. He got a new girlfriend who apparently had a secret relationship with a married woman. At the time I was out of my long term relationship and felt really drawn to him again, but then nothing could happen. Soon he got offered a job abroad and to take his partner with him they got married in a hurry, so she could work there.

In the meantime we kept in touch and one day he offered I’d come visit him when his wife was away. Being at a rather low point in my life, I agreed. Right after that the pandemic hit and we couldn’t see each other for almost two years. We finally did and spent a lovely weekend together. A couple months later we repeated the escapade. He’ll be visiting Europe again soon and asked me to join him in a city I always wanted to visit but I’m afraid I can’t really do this anymore, though obviously a part of me wants to see him still.

I finally asked I Ching: how to break up with him - 27uc

And I’m not sure what to make of it. Make him „hungry”? The only solid advice I find in this reading comes from the image - to be careful with my words (and don’t drink too much maybe). Should I talk to him over dinner?

Before that I inquired if I’ll ever get some sort of declaration from him and got 1.6 > 43. It seems to me either he thinks that taking such steps would be reckless or I’m just expecting too much (he mentioned divorce would cost him a lot even though I didn’t ask about it). Or both. It gave me more certainty at least, that this situation isn’t going anywhere. So I also asked what to do about him and going to that city - 54.1.4 > 7 and I feel it means that even though I’m, or the situation is „crippled”, it’s a good idea to go. 54 obviously pointing at my position here. Line 4 kinda tells me to give it time. I’m fed up with waiting to be honest.

I’m mostly baffled by the 27. Maybe it’s because deep down I don’t want to break up. Maybe because there's no real way to break up as we're not even together... And if I’m asked by Yi to look at what nourishes me - well, I know this situation is not nourishing and few days of romance ain’t worth the pain I’m left with afterwards, that’s why I asked how to end this. I’m not sure though what the actual answer is here. What do you think? Thanks in advance for your help.


Jul 28, 2018
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27 says find something of substance to nourish yourself and don't lose time on him anymore.
It doesn't need to be a relationship. Anything that makes you stronger.


Jun 22, 2022
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Thank you, the moment I posted this, the answer, very much in line with what you said, just came to me - I should just focus on taking care of myself. Soon after that I had a video on youtube pop up in my feed about "nourishing emotions" :)

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