...life can be translucent


How to phrase this question?


Jun 3, 2006
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I am wanting some advice on how to phrase a question. It concerns a movie a friend of mine helped produce. It was supposed to be released over a year ago but for one reason or another they keep moving up the opening day. I am starting to suspect that it's never going to be released at all. I don't want to ask a yes-or-no question -Will the movie be released and if so, when? - but that's what I want to know! Any suggestions ?


Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
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Quick brainstorming of other questions --- not necessarily to ask Yi but to ask oneself ----

Is there anyone besides "they" who could release the movie? What would be involved in giving the ability to release it to someone else?

What is behind the delay?

What needs to happen before the movie will be released?


Dec 2, 2008
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"What can you tell me about the release of this movie?" might be a good question.

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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"What is the status (or where in its life cycle) of the movie?"
"What are they doing?"
or even
"What's going on??"

These sorts usually work pretty well for me.

Olga Super Star

Clarity Supporter
Nov 6, 2010
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What are the chances the movie gets to be released?

I also vote for Moss ELk's "What is the status of the movie?"


May 9, 2007
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I am wanting some advice on how to phrase a question. It concerns a movie a friend of mine helped produce. It was supposed to be released over a year ago but for one reason or another they keep moving up the opening day. I am starting to suspect that it's never going to be released at all. I don't want to ask a yes-or-no question -Will the movie be released and if so, when? - but that's what I want to know! Any suggestions ?
Hi, Rosada:

Maybe we need to know for whom are you trying to phrase the question. Say are you asking for your own account or are you asking for your friends charge?

If asking for yourself: how may I behave with respect to my friend's movie? what can I do for promoting the release? ... and the like. Say if it is for yourself, ask about yourself.

If you are helping your friend to ask, say him to ask about himself, about how may he behave, about the release circumstances or the relation with his partners.

Best wishes,



Jun 3, 2006
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Wow, Thank you all. I was feeling really stuck. Interesting to experience how you can be locked into an attitude and not see any alternatives and of course there are always alternatives.

Anyway, I went with Moss Elks idea and asked
What is the status of the movie?
I received - 27

Possession in Great Measure and Nourishment. Hmmm... can't be all bad..

To give a little more background. Before she passed away my sister put some money into a film about Mother Teresa. It's a real movie, and by that I mean it's got name actors and won some award at some movie festival etc. I got to see it when they had a special showing for the investors about a year ago. I wasn't particularly knocked off my feet by it but I did feel I experienced some meaningful synchronisities after seeing it which made me think maybe the story itself has some energy to it that will help it on it's way. But since that showing the fellow who wrote, directed and produced it has announced a release date three times - each time not going forward because of various conditions. Like one time the date they had selected was the same as the films Noah and Son of God were coming out so the thought was the competition would be too stiff. Then there was another date, I forget why that one got cancelled. Then it was to be released this Easter and they decided that wasn't right and now there is talk that Mother Teresa will be made a Saint this year so they say they are waiting to co-ordinate with that.
The I Ching appears to me to be saying the movie is a possession in great measure, but I don't know what to make of the lines or the change to 27.

The fellow is not a personal friend and I don't have any influence about when the movie might be released, but he was my sister's friend and he would consider any suggestion I might make - but I don't have anything to do with the project. I'm mainly just curious because it's gone on for so long and I'm wondering if what the fellow is doing - the delays - are simply good business sense of is it a sign he somehow can't let go of his baby?

So if we can't get some sort of meaningful answer to the "status" question I might try "What is behind this delay?" or "What can you tell me about the release of this movie?"

Thank you!


I am wanting some advice on how to phrase a question. It concerns a movie a friend of mine helped produce. It was supposed to be released over a year ago but for one reason or another they keep moving up the opening day. I am starting to suspect that it's never going to be released at all. I don't want to ask a yes-or-no question -Will the movie be released and if so, when? - but that's what I want to know! Any suggestions ?

When asking When ? I've recently been into an interesting thread. You can follow it here:

I have given a clue in how to find the date out of a hexagram in #34 in this thread....


"......... Anyway, I went with Moss Elks idea and asked
What is the status of the movie?
I received - 27

According to a suggestion for a possible date:

Hex. 14 is the Fourth month in the Chinese calendar. Our May. Between the 7' and the 12' day from New Moon in April to New Moon in May. That is: between 26' to 30' of April (Hope I've counted right here...) .
WRONG ! Sorry... Between 25' to 30' 0f May

(The NanJing-rule points out that the Judgement and Image of hex. 14 gives the answer but the lines two, three and four points in itself the 27, 28 and 29' of April Corrected: 26', 27' and 28' of May out).
Whether this method is in accordance with the tradition will be an open question.

Interesting thou that the nuclear hexagram got the tag Resolution... (Blofeld's tag)
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Jun 3, 2006
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Thanks Svenrus. Because it takes time to set up and co-ordinate a movie release (reserving theaters etc.) I don't think we'll see it opening before the end of the year but maybe these dates would indicate when we'll get some Nourishing information then that we can count on. I'll let you know...


Jun 3, 2006
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Well, I went ahead and asked a second question,
What can you tell me about the release of this movie?
I got 2uc.
Either the IC is saying nothing can be said - perhaps because if it's on hold until the Vatican pronounces Mother Teresa a saint that could mean it's release date hasn't been set.
Or it could mean it's just plain never going to be released...
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For some reason Rosada I've always seen Hex 2 as using your intuition so I feel in this instance that's exactly what the writer/director is doing. - Liss


Jun 3, 2006
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Olga, I love that summation of 2. The Receptive! I'd always thought of 2uc as something like an unfertilized egg but I can see how your "Don't push and be ready" also makes sense.

Liss, I'm not sure if you mean you feel I'm right in my intuition that the director is not willing to let go of his pride and joy or if you mean the director is right to follow his intuition to wait until he feels he has the most auspicious moment for release?


Liss, I'm not sure if you mean you feel I'm right in my intuition that the director is not willing to let go of his pride and joy or if you mean the director is right to follow his intuition to wait until he feels he has the most auspicious moment for release?

He's being receptive/intuitive for the most auspicious moment.


Jun 3, 2006
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I continue to reflect on Olga's idea that 2.The Receptive unchanging can be read as "Don't push and be ready." I think of hex 1 as being the intention, the plan, and hex 2 as the being receptive to it. Perhaps 2uc doesn't necessarily mean there is no plan, but perhaps that the plan is not yet complete, or that it is not completely understood so don't push, be patient and then I suppose with proper perseverance the mind does become calm enough and the plan emerges like a figure suddenly emerging in one of those 3-d picture puzzles that were popular a few years back.

This would also go with Liss idea that 2.Receptive is indicating the producer is feeling for the most auspicious moment which has not yet been revealed.

Thank you all for putting your attention/energy into this. Time will tell...


Feb 7, 1970
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Well, in my opinion the I Ching can answer every question that can be asked. Various persons say "No" because they cannot figure out how it is done. That is their problem, not mine. Suppose one asked a factual question like, "How high is Mount Everest? But, of course, the height of Mount Everest varies according to temperature and to the gravitational pull of the moon. It is dynamic, and absolutists will not accept an answer that varies. Not my problem. Should anyone ask such a question, I would be led to consider, Why are you asking such a question? Why is this important in your chosen conduct of life? So, really, there is no questions about how to pose a question, but what posing the question means in the first place.


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Sep 20, 1970
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Interesting thread!

I'd be inclined to agree that the readings mean that pushing the date back several times is for good reasons, and that it will "nourish" the movie (hexagram 27).

For example, 14.4 - ‘It is not for you to dominate, No mistake’ might mean that he's smart enough to not just push his agenda - the movie - without regard to anything else beyond getting the movie out. He's being patient, waiting for the right time, without the urge to "dominate"? Maybe?

I also agree with Olga and Liss about hexagram 2 - he's being open to all possibilities, using his intuition.

Maybe the problem here is the large number of delays - it's easy to see it as just a big frustrating mess of delay-delay-delay. But if you look at each delay separately, the reasons seem good (such as don't release it at the same time as a couple other big religiously-themed movies). Waiting to coordinate with Mother Teresa's canonization seems sensible - maybe it would get a bigger audience and make more money then, when Mother Teresa is more in the headlines. Maybe since this movie is already finished, it could be the first Mother Teresa project to get before an audience?


Jun 3, 2006
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Thank you Lisa, especially for that insight that - 27. Nourishment could mean the film is nourished by choosing the most auspicious moment. I think what triggered all my questioning is that heretofore there was always a planned date for the opening and so even though the dates got changed there was a sense that things were on track. Now there is no date, we're just waiting to hear that Mother Teresa has been canonized. The producer's "reliable sources" say it will be this year but I don't have know anything about reliable sources so to me they might just as well say they are waiting for the Second Coming…

I wonder if her being made a saint would show in MT's birth chart. Hmmm….



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Sep 20, 1970
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Here is Mother Teresa's birthchart, from Astrodienst's Astrodatabank.

I don't know what to look for! She has Jupiter conjunct her midheaven, which I think I've heard referred to as the aspect of kings. In Mother Teresa's case it's from the 9th house side, which has to do with religion. Whether that's an indication of saintliness I have no idea.



Jun 3, 2006
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Super cool!
I figured that being made a Saint would show up as an emphasis on her reputation and since the 10th house rules fame and reputation I looked to see what might be happening this coming October when the Sun will be in Libra and transiting her 9 - 10 houses. Well! On Oct. 12 there will be a new moon in Libra exactly on her midheaven, right on the cusp of the 10th house. PLUS Venus, the ruler of her 10th will be at 2 degrees Virgo exact on the Sun in her chart suggesting some sort of recognition coming to her at that time. Mars will also be in Virgo, conjuncting (in the same place as) her birth Mars, energizing, and trining her Saturn, which is the natural ruler of reputation. Further, Jupiter is also going to be in Virgo exactly conjuncting her Mars and trining her Saturn - this aspect suggests her energy, Mars, is blessed, protected, and again recognition with Saturn. Uranus will be at 18 Aries, directly opposing the New Moon happening on the mid-heaven - wow, a portal opening up to access heavenly dimensions? Saturn will be at the very last degree of Scorpio suggesting some final thing completed - ie. her work finally getting the recognition she has earned? Neptune will be in Pisces opposing her Virgo Sun and Mars - symbolic of her now being wrapped in a spiritual veil? Last but not least, Pluto/transformation will be in her first house of self exactly squaring Jupiter in the 9th of religion - so her image is transformed by religion?
Anyway, it sure looks like SOMETHING should be happening in October!

Thanks Lisa!


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Thank you for all that information, Rosada! That's at least 1000% more than I would have gotten out of it, even if I'd thought to look at transits, which I did not. I hope this bodes well for the movie, too.


Jun 3, 2006
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The movie was released Dec. 4, 1915. It did not do well and was taken out of circulation two weeks later although I think it is available on Netflix and abroad. The fellow who wrote it, raised the money, directed it, and basically poured his life into it, it was stunned. Very sad but the truth is the script just wasn't very well written. It was titled The Letters and the implication was that this movie would reveal the dark doubts and fears Mother Theresa experienced as a nun and had written about to her priest in a recently discovered cache of 50 years of correspondence. However, the movie barely touched on that side of her life and simply showed her getting letters from time to time that were about outer world events , not her inner struggle - like getting a letter saying she had one the Nobel Prize. So it was sort of a bait and switch. Anyway, the movie is now being promoted in foreign countries like India and it may find a more interested audience there.


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Sep 20, 1970
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So...I wonder what we think the readings might mean? (Possibly a rhetorical question.)

"What is the status of the movie?" - 27
"What can you tell me about the release of this movie?" 2 unchanging

"A great chariot to carry loads. With a direction to go, no mistake."

"A prince makes an offering to the son of heaven. Small people are in no way capable of this."

"It is not for you to dominate, No mistake."

Well...the movie didn't "dominate," and didn't get a very good "reception"...

But your first question was about the status of it at the time, not how well it would do. And even in the second question, weren't you still mostly asking about when or if it would be released, again not how well it would do upon release? Is that right?

But still - the 14>27 reading did sound more happy than things actually turned out, maybe with the exception of line 4. You were asking the question, and you did mention that your input would be listened to, so maybe 14.4 could have been about that part? Telling you not to give input, that you personally shouldn't try to "dominate"?

Or maybe the 14 > 27 reading is about the foreign release, you're saying you hope it will do better that way?


Thank You Diamanda for causing this update.
It shows me that it's probably the second- or evolved hexagram that shows the time of the occurance of the events asked for. Long explanation, but the following links will show You what I mean:

THIS posting showed me that it was not the primary- but the secondary hexagram that quite exactly showed the time asked for.

And HERE (on the pages 1 to 6) You can examine where hexagram 27 lies in Your reading and find that it's around the end of november/start of december 2015 that the time occured as asked for in Your question - supposed You take your time to work it out. (I have written there that the table is according to Shao Young as to what I'd probably misunderstood out of an answer Poccosin gave me some while ago - but it's uncertain whether it's Shao Young or a much earlier philosopher....)

On #9 in this thread I used the primary hexagram which pointed out the end of may month. So when You answered Diamanda that it actually occured on the start of December that year I got a closer look at the secondary hex. 27 and were surpriced as You can imagine.


Svenrus - a big thanks for the amazing PDF with so much information!!
Very interesting that your resulting hexagram showed the exact time.

However in this case, Rosada didn't actually ask "when will it be released".
Her question was "what is the status of the movie?" (answer > 27)
Of course it can't be a coincidence that 27 shows December, but I'm just not sure what to make of this.

As about the four hexagrams "out of the system" (52, 30, 58, 29):
Perhaps, since the question is "when", the answer is "it will not happen"...?


Jun 3, 2006
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I've not had a clear idea of 27. Nourishment when it appears as the second hexagram. Now as we're reviewing this toss it seems to me it could be interpreted as saying, "What is the status of this movie? It's being Nurtured" - which it was at the time I asked as it turns out the director was still tweaking it and a specific release date hadn't been set.
The multiple lines from hexagram 14 suggesting positive changes might be said to referring to the fact it actually won some high honors in two film festivals.
Also, let's see..
14.2 A big wagon to carry loads - that could refer to the distribution process being set up.
14.3 A prince offering to the son of heaven - well it was a labor of love and also it now occurs to me that one of Mother's famous sayings was, "Making something beautiful for God". And of course a "smaller man" would not have been able to afford to do this.
14.4 It is not for you to dominate.
I did contact the producer with my astrological calculations that pointed to a slightly earlier release date being more beneficial and he replied that he thought that was interesting, but he didn't act on it. (Perhaps the energy directed to her on those dates manifested as her sainthood being finalized.) Then it happened that just a couple of days before the movie was released there was some terrorist attack here in America, shootings in a mall or something (gosh, there have been so many of these events we can't keep track of them) and people stayed home all over the country - theater attendance was way down all over as people felt uneasy gathering in public places. Because of this the movie didn't get the opening buzz it needed to get launched and never took off. At least that's the producer's explanation. I think the movie was just not that interesting. But on a higher plane I think "14.4 It's not for you to dominate" can be seen as meaning that making a profit off of the life of Mother Theresa is not appropriate. Perhaps if all the investors vowed to tithe the movie will do better on the global market.

Although I hadn't specifically asked, "When will it be released?" that thought was definitely on my mind when I did the toss so very interesting indeed that Dec. came up in the answer.

Also interesting that reviewing this reading has lead to svenrus posting some very Nourishing information for us. Although the investors will probably not get their money back I've experienced that any contact with this film and Mother Teresa has led to some very positive manifestations.
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