...life can be translucent


I need your help- its about love Hex 37 UC


Aug 8, 2017
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I need to hear some comfort from you guys ;) I wasn't here for years. I am glad youre still here.

Since 2021 I had several regressive hypnosis sessions with a person who is guiding me through the process (she is an intepreter because the person doing the hypnosis speaks in another language). It's a well established system and so far it's been working really good for me - I was able to finally process and close most of my childhood traumas that no other form of therapy could touch.

I had 4 sessions so far with them. They were spread in time a lot (like 6-7 months in between them). However, around 2nd session I started to notice my growing attraction towards this interpreter woman, let's call her Jane. At first I just shrugged it off because she has a nice voice, looks nice and during hypnosis her voice is sort-of ASMR for you - so its okay to have a little crush.

They always recommend to provide detailed feedback, so I did told her I started to have a small cursh on her and after a while before another (3rd session- August 2022) clearly stated that it was probably just some afterglow after last session. So far so good. I concentrated on other things in my life because I moved countries recently so after 3rd session I did not felt that much towards her.

In the meantime, I offered her an interview for YT channel I create as I cover on it things like health, alternative medicine etc. She agreed. I also told her that I need 4th session which was held at the end of Jan, 2023. (Overall, I feel my own work with my past is almost done and I expect no more than 1 final session in a few months.)

The thing is... even before that interview date my feelings toward her started to come back. After 4 session they were very strong. At this point I basically feel that I am in love. I can't stop thinking about her.

Before you say - you just got a crush, get over it - It's not that. I know how ''crushes'' work. This is many times stronger. I haven't felt like this in like 15-16 years. I haven't been in love since then either, and I was single all that time. During those single years I was meeting other women but I was concentrated on my career, and healing myself and just did not found anyone who would make my heart go crazy like for Jane now.

So from one side I am lonely- but determined to not lower my standards - or search to be in a relationship with some random girl just to be with someone, or if there won't be true love. This doesn't change. I know how to take care of myself, I have proven this. But yet I feel I want to create something, maybe a family. Get married. You know. Settle down. But I need someone, a true love. I felt like that since last 5-6 years and there was nobody. And then she appears. She is younger than me, possibly 6-7 years but its all within reason. ;)

The thing is that she is meeting all of those things that I have on my list of the person I am looking for. Even if I throw away logic I cannot shrug this weird sensation that "she is the woman I was looking for so long". I am not even interested in sleeping with her *until* I will get to know her better. Like sex is not even that important, I just want to spend time with her.

Now, she is living in another country. But this is a neighboring country to the one I am currently in - a few hours by train. Not bad. And I could even move there because job prospects might be in fact better for me.

We haven't yet met in real life. I will schedule a video call with her in 1-2 weeks, and then I want to ask her out. I don't think she fully realizes what I feel.

"Show me the way to a succesfull romance with Jane, how I should behave best during our next conversation to raise her romantic sexual and general interest?" I got HEX 37 UC.

Please help and share your insights. :)


May 13, 2020
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Hi MrKind,

It is curious that this hexagram means family. It's a group that needs cooperation and organization to work together. Perhaps you have found in her the energy of your spiritual family.

I believe you have to show you are a "family person".
Your approach should be honest but balanced, respecting her time. The hexagram asks you to make her trust you first. You must inspire confidence first and foremost. Trustworthiness must be manifested through your words and your actions.

Good luck! ;)


Aug 8, 2017
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Thank you for your reply. This is true I feel that I have finally found someone with similar values and understanding of our reality somewhat matching mine. She is indeed part of that group of hypnotists. In fact I am even considering joining them (as a full time job) but I haven't decided yet
to go on the course.

II'm not family person because my family was broken and I moved abroad after my parents divorce. But I was always longing for one.

IIts funny that you mentioned respecting her time, she is very well organised indeed.

IIn regards to trust, well in a way she already knows very intimate things about my life from those hypnosis sessions. But that's i guess me trusting her. I don't know what specifically could I do for her to trust me but I will ask.

I dont want to get hurt again but after more than 16 years I feel I am ready to open up and trust / love someone, finally. Fingers crossed.


Aug 8, 2017
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I am curious about opinions of others too, of course :) could it be possible that the oracle is suggesting that I should join their ranks?
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Do you know for sure she's even available? Not married, not seeing someone...


Aug 8, 2017
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She did not stated anything like that and she had a chance. In 2023 women can be seeing several guys at the same time, or be in a dead relationship waiting for someone new. If I asked her out of the blue she would had to answer and close the door if the situation is as I described above. So no point in doing that before I actually ask her out which will happen soon.

I mean, there were also other indicators pointing towards the fact she is not in a comitted relationship with anyone.

So is that your interpretation of this particular question I have asked the Oracle and the answer I got? That she perhaps already ''has family'' and this ''won't change''?
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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It crossed my mind, at least. But I agree with what you're saying - she can very well tell you if she's not available if and when you ask her out.

Maybe there's some good advice in the Image.

'Wind comes forth spontaneously from fire. People in the home.
The noble one's words are substantial and his actions consistent.'

Maybe just proceed with your plans for the final session and the interview. Let her get to know you through those roles - that would be very 37-ish, I think - roles are a theme. Maybe see how that goes without bringing in anything more. Maybe it will all be more clear at that point, one way or the other.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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You already have these built-in (/home-like, under the same roof) ways to spend time with her, in other words. That's not always the case. 37 might mean it'll be helpful.
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