...life can be translucent



Jul 14, 2008
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I am going to do an interneship at a company for workexperience.
I've allready been to two company's before. And they were both content about me, but due to the economic crisis, they are not hiring people. So after working there for three months, I left.

Now there is one company which said it would also take me for three months, but they are not hiring any people for the time being. So again, no chance of getting a steady job here.
This is company H. It is a very big company, and close to where I live. But it is very formal.
I asked 'how about working at H?"
Answer: 60.4>58

There is another company I have an appointment with for an interview tomorrow. I think they also are willing to offer me a place for three months. They also allready told me they are not going to hire anybody the coming time. So no chance at all for a steady job there after the three months.
This is a middle big company, and very informal. The woman on the phone came on very friendly. And it is allso very close to where I live.
I asked 'how about working at P?"

Then there is this third company. I have an appointment for an interview coming monday.
They haven't said anything about hiring me after the three months of workexperience, so there is a slight chance of finding a paying job there maybe... I hope. I am going to talk about that during the interview.
This is not as close to where I live as the other two comany's, but not too far away either. Maybe a 15/20 minute drive. It is related to healthcare, where initially my heart lies so much more then any of the other company's I am in contact with, or have allready worked at.
I asked "How about working at C?"
Answer: 47.2.4>8

I kind of have my hopes on the last company. Because I really would like to have a steady job. I hate starting at a new place again and again.
But 47 doesn't sound very optimistic, allthough 8 does.

When I look at these readings, I would say that company P is the most promising. But I think line 4 is telling me not to get any hope up of staying there after the three months.
How do you see these answers?

This will be the third place in less then a year.
Whenever I start to feel comfortable at my job and know how things work around the place, I have to say goodbye again.
So I asked "Where will I find a job where they want me to stay?"
Answer: 21.6>51

Usually I take 21.6 as a warning that I am not listening. But I don't think I have covered my ears for anything relating to this.
And I promise to take all the advise given to me by the kind people here into consideration. :)


Oct 30, 2009
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Hi mazaru,
;) I had a go at two of your questions...

I asked 'how about working at H?"
Answer: 60.4>58

This to me says a contented limitation but will bring you joy (58). Also this says to me that it could bring further opportunity despite it being short term. I think the 60 refers to it being formal as you said and there would be certain limitations and restrictions with it being formal! But This looks like it could bring you contentment and might be a worthy contender! depending on what it is you want!

Your 47.2.4>8

Oppressive holding together:- That to me says that you need to exercise patience and it might not be time to set forth with this one (line 2) I think its saying though that you could push this opportunity further and you might feel put out but you will eventually reach your goal (line 4) and I think the 8 refers to your negotiations with them- it might take some time. I wonder if this means they will offer you something but it won't be exactley what you want. The part about being confined in a metal carriage- this could be metaphorical- you'll feel in a confined position that will eventually end. Or literally just meaning you'll be confined in your car for an extra journey than you are use to! I guess you will see when you go to the interview.

Would it be possible to take something temporary and then go for the other company later on? Maybe a new opportunity will present itself!

You have time to talk about a permanent position with the one you desire- You could just wait until you've got all your results in before you decide?

Good luck :hug:


Oct 30, 2009
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More about 47.2

This pictures a state of inner oppression. Externally, all is well, one has meat and drink. But one is exhausted by the commonplaces of life, and there seems to be no way of escape. Then help comes from a high place. A prince-in ancient China princes wore scarlet knee bands- is in search of able helpers. But there are still obstructions to be overcome. Therefore it is important to meet these obstructions in the visible realm by offerings and prayer. To set forth without being prepared would be disastrous, though not morally wrong. Here a disagreeable situation must be overcome by patience of spirit.

This says that this company is looking for helpers (represented by the prince) Its telling you that there are obsticals in your way with this one- within yourself and possibley for the company as well. I think you need to offer yourself possibley and work with them (represented by offerings and prayer) It says you need to be very prepared with this before you approach them and set forth with this I think.

Hmmm you need preparation if you go for this one... You could ask the Yi (if you feel you want to go for this) How do I prepare myself for this interview/opportunity and see what it says?

I think this is saying if you achieve this things will be tight for a while and you'd have to travel but you'd eventually achieve your goal. Thats the way it looks to me?


Oct 30, 2009
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Some Good Questions....

How do I prepare myself for this opportunity?
or How do prepare myself mentally to get the best out of my interview with company c?


"Where will I find a job where they want me to stay?"
Answer: 21.6>51

The job that will want you to stay will listen to your needs- especially about how long you need the job for! The companys that don't listen or don't show you consideration in this way- you should probably drop them- even if the opportunity looks good! That way you'll find a company that will be supportive and not leave you feeling unheard or as if you've been left in the stocks not knowing or hearing anything more!! Also make sure you listen to what the company offering the job is actually offering- they might make it sound good but is it going to be what you want! If its just a flash in the pan and not what you want listen to yourself and don't settle! Go for what you want! Thats along the lines i'm thinking with this one.

Also I think this is talking about you not listening to yourself and your own needs when looking and applying for a job rather than chastising you for not listening to opportunities around you! ;) Are you compromising yourself too much instead of saying what you need and taking whats offered. Thats all I can really think of with this line!!

Maybe someone else will have some ideas! :D

Anyway I wish you well with this!! :hug:


Jul 14, 2008
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Thanks for your time and help pink_mandolin.
I am very much in conflict with myself on this. There are so many pro's and con's with all three of them.
But I promised myself I would not make a decision before I spoke with all three of them.
Your answers helped me too.

Tomorrow is the interview with company P. but they allready told me on the phone that they could really need a hand for a couple of months. So it's more a getting to know each other and seeing the face behind the voice. Then a wondering if they would want me.

I will keep you updated in this topic, how things will go. And I like your suggested question about preparing for the interview with company C. I will ask it when I feel a bit more relaxed.


Oct 30, 2009
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Your welcome, yes please keep us updated!! Its always nice to recieve feedback! Good luck with this- have faith in yourself and I hope you find whats right for you!



Dec 2, 2008
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So I asked "Where will I find a job where they want me to stay?"
Answer: 21.6>51

Usually I take 21.6 as a warning that I am not listening. But I don't think I have covered my ears for anything relating to this.

H51 is the general hexagram of the bad economic times we are living through; the repeated shocks in the financial arena that makes it hard for everybody to find long-term jobs, not just you, Mazaru. That's why Yi said you were "deaf," because the bad economy is something constantly in the news. :D

You would really suffer badly at Company C. Getting H47 as your primary hexagram almost always means that a lot of suffering will be involved. You feel you would like to be grouped together [H8} with people in the field of health care, but that can also mean that you will be a no-status person trapped among a number of people with medical degrees or advanced technical training.


Dec 2, 2008
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This is company H.
I asked 'how about working at H?"
Answer: 60.4>58

There is another company I have an appointment with for an interview tomorrow.
I asked 'how about working at P?"

At company P, it seems you would be using skills you already possess and therefore you would have a certain amount of control over your own work. I regard 14.6 as an unusually auspicious line, but it would be important in this situation to always be very dignified in the way you speak and dress. Everything about you must be proper.

About company H, this is also a good reading. You would get to communicate with people at a high level, and you would enjoy that very much. Best to be self-controlled in that company, because, as you said, they are very formal in the way they do things.

Good luck on your interview tomorrow! :)


Jun 18, 2006
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This is company H. It is a very big company, and close to where I live. But it is very formal.
I asked 'how about working at H?"
Answer: 60.4>58

This one looks interesting as line 60.4 indicates that you know that you will only be there 3 months so enjoy the experience as you will get along nicely with your co workers.

I asked 'how about working at P?"

This is another good choice as you know full well that it is only temporary, so enjoy again.

I asked "How about working at C?"
Answer: 47.2.4>8

Both lines indicate "oppression" in your work at this place, and therefore needs much more effort to adjust and fit in. So it probably won't go well at first but with persistence you can adapt to the place.

So I asked "Where will I find a job where they want me to stay?"
Answer: 21.6>51

It suggests that as the current state of the economic market is dodgy at best, that you do not try too hard and therefore just gain lots of experience here and there until the real job comes along, which it will in time, perhaps next spring.
So as to where, within your area.


Jun 18, 2006
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So, its between H & P and I personally like H as the better choice as you know your time is limited so have fun with your new friends and acquaintances.


Jul 14, 2008
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I got a call yesterdaymorning from company P. The interview has been postponed until next thursday. The woman who was going to have the interview with me, has gone down with the Mexican flue.
So the first interview will be coming monday with company C.
I will keep you informed how things will work out.

Thank you all for your views on the readings. They are very helpfull.
Right now, I'm kind of leaning towards company P. I like the workinghours, I like the way how they talk to me on the phone and I like that it is close to where I live.

But my birthsign is Libra, It's very difficult for me to make a choice, and not doubt it anymore. ;)


Dec 2, 2008
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I asked 'how about working at P?"

I asked "How about working at C?"
Answer: 47.2.4>8

I kind of have my hopes on the last company. Because I really would like to have a steady job. I hate starting at a new place again and again.
But 47 doesn't sound very optimistic, allthough 8 does.

How do you see these answers?

Yes, I know how difficult it can be for those born under the sign of Libra to come to a decision.

Now it's clear why you got H5, Waiting, as your relating hex when you asked about Company P. The interview has been postponed! I had been wondering about that hex 5 . . .

With regard to the upcoming interviewing with Company C, I would advise you to ask Yi, "What do I need to know about that hex 8 I received"? You are assuming that the H8 was positive, but I think the I Ching has more to say to you on that subject.

I once took a job for which H47 was the primary hexagram, and I had to suffer very much for my pay. I guess it all depends on how much suffering you can stand on a daily basis. That's why I think it is important that you ask the I Ching the second question, which will clarify the group of people you would be associating with closely if you went to work there. Not everybody agrees with me about asking the second question when we receive a H8, but in my opinion Yi considers it very important who we decide to spend our time with, because we shall be very influenced by those people.

Good luck with your interview! Always the goal with an interview is to be offered the job! Later you can decide which of your offers you will accept. One step at a time. I agree with you, Company P is still looking like the best position, because it is building upon what you already know.


Jul 14, 2008
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Well, I'm back from the interview. It is a very big company. And they do want me to come there for three months, but again, no chance of getting a steady job there either.

The woman I had the interview with, were very nice. Only one just kept staring at me, that made me a bit nervous.
I had to wait for 20 minutes, because one was stuck in traffic.
But other then that, it was a nice interview.
I think I will find my place there if I were to go and work there, but it will probably take some time.

I told them I would call them Thursday, after I had the interview with company P.
They were fine with that.

Next Thursday I will know more, I will keep you all updated, to see what the IC meant with its answers.


Jul 14, 2008
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Another update.
I just got a call that wasn't very pleasant. Company P is not hiring me. They want somebody with more workexperience.
I don't really get that, because this project is about getting more workexperience. So they just wasted mine and their time with this.
I don't really get the that I got for working there.

But it is what it is. Company P is done.
So now the choice is between company C and company H.
I really have to think about it. I haven't made a choice yet. But I will keep you up to date.


Dec 2, 2008
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Take the Initiative

But it is what it is. Company P is done.

From the lines you got, I don't think Company P is done.

If you really would prefer working for Company P, then get back in touch with them. Tell them that you really enjoyed meeting them and request a second interview.

Don't assume you have no power.

If this is the position you want, get back in touch with them. Say you want the job. In interviews, people often forget to say that they really want the job. The effect of such a statement is most powerful.

You might also in a firm way make certain points that convey that you do, indeed, have enough experience to do this job very well. Somehow the people who interviewed you missed that. There was some degree of mis-communication during your interview so that they did not "get it" that you are the best person for this job. If you think you are the best person for this job and really want it, then take the initiative and get back in touch with them.

When line 14.4 changes, it changes into Hexagram 1, and that means for you to take the initiative.

Also, the pattern of lines 4,5,&6 all moving suggest the possibility of mis-communication. I do think that that's what happened, and if you're sure that this is the job you want, you'll need to take the initiative now in order to get it. ;)


Dec 2, 2008
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You might add to your message that even if they cannot give you another interview at this time, that you would like another chance as soon as possible.

Maybe the other person they hired will not work out, for example, and then you'd like to get a call and be re-considered for the position.

Maybe that's why the overall relating hexagram is H5, Calculated Waiting. It could be that it won't come through instantly. But I do believe that if you take the initiative now and get back in touch with them, telling them how much you want the job, it might make a big difference in the future.

Anyway, it cannot hurt you in any way to get back in touch with them. Be more confident that you can succeed if you take the initiative! :bows::bows::bows:


Jul 14, 2008
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I don't know if I still want to work there. They didn't even call me directly, allthough they got my number.
They called the school that is mediating for me. And the reason they gave didn't really make any sense to the school either.
To me that feels kind of dishonest. They knew how to call me when they postponed the interview.
And it's okay not to want to hire me, but I would have appreciated an honest answer to the why question.
There wasn't even a hint of reluctancy when we were talking. I don't think I can forget that. Even if they were to change their minds.

I still have two options left. And I know they really want me to work with them.
I'm gonna let this sink in. I still have some time to decide.
Thanks for exchanging thoughts about this issue, I really appreciate it.


Dec 2, 2008
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How Not to Take Offense

I don't know if I still want to work there. They didn't even call me directly, although they got my number.
They called the school that is mediating for me. And the reason they gave didn't really make any sense to the school either.
To me that feels kind of dishonest. They knew how to call me when they postponed the interview.

In my personal experience, at the time of line 5 changing in H14, someone has also tried to insult me or otherwise intimidate me. However, if you remember to react with a rather solemn seriousness, they will not be able to get to you. In fact, fortune will be yours.

Sounds to me like you took offense at the way they contacted you after the interview. Just because someone is offensive doesn't mean we have to receive the offense!

All children can spot the oddities and bad behavior of adults and other children. There is no skill whatsoever involved in spotting how badly other people behave!

That's why Yi advises us to sort of "cross our legs" and then use communication [true speech] to shoot forth our purpose; raise our voice. This involves versatility [YI, part of the name Yi Jing].

In my post above I made an error. When 14.5 [not H14.4; that was my error] changes, it changes into H1.


Jul 14, 2008
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A little update on this thread.
I took the job at company C, the 47.2.4>8.

And I do like the work I'm doing there. But I find it very hard to cope with some of the people I'm working with.
Not all of them offcourse, there are some really nice people working there too. But the people I work closest with, are really hard to get along with. And I don't usually have that problem. I normally get along with all kinds of people.

I am really experiencing the oppression (47) this hex is speaking of.
I hope to find the union (8) very soon too. ;)

I just asked the IC the question: "What is the best way to cope with the people I'm working with?"
It answered with hex

I took this as to lay low, bide my time, be carefull and think before I speak.
And line 6 is talking about three people entering the cave, and coming to my rescue.
I like that, maybe things will turn out for the good at the end.
We will wait and see and hope for the best.


Jul 14, 2008
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Another update.
I had a huge fight last Friday at work, with a colleague. I haven't been that angry in years.
I've been walking around with a head-ache since then. I know when I go back to work next Tuesday, I will have to talk to my supervisor about the incident.
So I am thinking about how to explane what happened. I know I was wronged. And the person who wronged me is having fights with colleagues on a daily basis.
But I don't want to kick somebody who is allready down, and she is down. And allthough I'm really pissed at her, I also feel sorry for her.
That's why I don't know how to handle this.
So I asked my big friend IC how to handle this situation.
The answer...

47.2.4>8 !!!
Exactly the same answer as I got when I asked what to expect at that place.
It's like the IC is telling me: "I told you so!"
And it sure did!


Dec 2, 2008
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Wow, that's amazing!

By the way, I love your avatar. Hear no evil; see no evil; speak no evil.

If I were you, I would at this time ask Yi: "What do I need to know regarding that Hex 8 I received?"

You are now involved with this group of people and asking the second question can bring the most significant issues into very sharp focus.


Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
No problem, when they call you up, don't turn it into a drama, just say you were feeling off centre on Friday, won't happen again, blah, blah, they will probably reprimand you and thats about it.
While Hex 8 advises you to be friends again with everyone as its too your benefit.

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