...life can be translucent

Lost passport


Apr 7, 2010
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My passport is nowhere to be found. I’ve not travelled abroad in a while so I’ve not had a need to use it for its main purpose. The last recollection I have is carrying it somewhere downtown to serve for identification purposes (most likely a bank) and then putting it in a bag with other stuff in my car. Ever since it vanished - possibly being misplaced or inadvertently thrown away :eek:

A few months ago I turned to Yi:
Where is the passport? 35.3,5,6 > 31

I took it as a promising omen that it would resurface (line 5, “Do not worry about loss and gain”). That however did not happen, so I’m considering applying for another one, which would be quite a nuisance - incurring cost again but above all investing time and energy in reporting the loss and then fixing, awaiting and making an appointment (one experience that Covid in fact made much worse).

What do I need to know about my passport? 4.2 > 23
I received this line before and was never able to figure it out - according to my journal anyway it never boded well :oops:

What do you guys reckon?


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Sep 20, 1970
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I don't have ideas at the moment, just a question - do you have the bag you thought you put it in, and the rest of the stuff that was in it?


Apr 7, 2010
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I do - I searched it several times. It’s not in there.

My memory is however quite blurred. This all must’ve happened several months ago in full auto-pilot mode. The only certainty is that at a certain point in time I had the passport with me while running my errands - and then it was gone Keyser Söze style.


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Jun 3, 2006
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I think what 4.2 - 23 is telling you that what you need to know about your passport is that it split.:confused:


Apr 7, 2010
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I think what 4.2 - 23 is telling you that what you need to know about your passport is that it split.:confused:

Thanks, Rosada.

Any thoughts what 35 > 31 meant in hindsight?


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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Your old passport has gone to the big computer in the sky.
Brighten your life by applying for a new one.
It wont be as difficult to replace it as you think.


Apr 7, 2010
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Oh well.
This is one of the many cases where one wonders why Yi did not simply reply clearly the first time around (23.0, for instance).


Where is the passport? 35.3,5,6 > 31
If you are up for it, let's do some detective work 🧐.
let's forget about the previous answers for now. I asked the question "Where is Chris's passport?" and via a technique that gives only 1 moving line, I got the answer 34.5 <> 43.


The top trigram Thunder changes to Lake. According to the Loshu map, the movement is from East to West. Does this make sense to you? Is this e.g. the direction of your home relative to the location where you last saw your passport?
Or is East e.g. the garage and West the kitchen?
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Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks for your help, Hans! Did you use the Plum Blossom method?

As a fan of true crime and thriller fiction, I am always up for detective work 🥸

My apartment faces West (North on its shorter side - Heaven below). My garage faces East. The passport moved from the parked car (where I believe I last saw him) to the flat (home), where I lost track of it…

However, looking at the line’s meaning (from E. Berkers):

Losing the goat in the process. Without aversion.”

While forcing the situation to try to save the object, one loses it. One will get used to the loss.

I have this recollection, though not entirely reliable, of putting the passport somewhere (the bag I mentioned, or another place) while it was still in the car, exactly in order to avoid losing it. This resembles the situation described in 34.5 ☹️


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Sep 20, 1970
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For my part, I wonder what 31 is doing, and how it meshes with 35 in this case.

35 can mean advancing, fruitfully and at a good clip. The specific lines (speaking generally) can reinforce that, or more say that despite advancing being the general theme or frame, advance isn't actually available.

It's often helpful - probably important - to get a handle on what the hexagrams are doing. 31 can mean mutual influence, wooing, attraction, empathy, sensitivity to the other party or to the situation, being moved (I think people have gotten 31 about digestion, and I got it about a queue once) and so on. As the relating hexagram, it's likely to be yours in some way - your place to stand, how you're relating to the problem, a belief, the context.

Cris, does anything come to mind for you?


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Sep 20, 1970
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Of course 35 means advance specifically in the context of a gift: the story is someone was given a gift of horses for being loyal, and he made full advantage of the gift by breeding them vigorously to increase their numbers and his wealth.

Er. Is there any possible gift-type anything, to do with this?


Did you use the Plum Blossom method?
No, I use the method with random numbers (I don't know the name of this method by heart, maybe it is the Plum Blossom methode :unsure:) for this kind of divination.
Take a random number between 100 and ? (the first number that comes to mind) and divide it by 8. The remainder is the lower trigram. Do this again for the upper trigram. Divide the third random number by 6 and the remainder is the moving line. The numbers correspond to the trigrams as in the image
However, looking at the line’s meaning (from E. Berkers):

Losing the goat in the process. Without aversion.”

While forcing the situation to try to save the object, one loses it. One will get used to the loss.
Leave the text for a moment, it is not applicable for this method (initially).

In your flat, do you have a bookcase or something similar or a cupboard in the kitchen? Could it be that you put the passport on top of something? The image of the lines of H34.5<>H43 is reminiscent of shelves. The moving line in H34 makes it look like something is placed on top of something.
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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No, I use the method with random numbers (I don't know the name of this method by heart) for this kind of divination.
Take a random number between 100 and ? (the first number that comes to mind) and divide it by 8. The remainder is the lower trigram. Do this again for the top trigram. Divide the third random number by 6 and the remainder is the moving line. The numbers correspond to the trigrams as in the image
I'm confused, help, please? :teapot:

You cast a reading, via a usual way of casting a reading (I assume - ?) - got 34.5 to 43 - but then paid no attention to the trigrams in that reading, and instead randomly generated other trigrams?

I mean, I realize there are a lot of methods out there that people swear by who know about them - and I know nothing about them at all.

But then why cast the reading, I guess is my question? You did say it's not applicable initially - maybe you mean to come back to it.

And why generate additional, random trigrams instead of using the trigrams in 34.5 to 43? Why not use those trigrams?

Oh wait, I'm all wrong about that. (Insert various emojis, :redface:, :duh:, etc.) Reading through it again, you used the random numbers to generate the 34.5 to 43, and then you are using those trigrams (right?).

Sorry, Hans...carry on...
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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It's interesting that what you did produced the hexagram right before Cris's initial reading, and they both have line 5 in common...


You cast a reading, via a usual way of casting a reading (I assume - ?)
No I "cast" via the methode below.
Take a random number between 100 and ? (the first number that comes to mind) and divide it by 8. The remainder is the lower trigram. Do this again for the top trigram. Divide the third random number by 6 and the remainder is the moving line. The numbers correspond to the trigrams as in the image
The random numbers I used were:
Lower trigram: 385/8 remainder 1 = trigram Heaven
Upper trigram: 476/8 remainder 4 =trigram Thunder
Moving line: 971/6 remainder 5
This gives H34.5 <> H43
The lower trigrams in both hexagrams are the same, the movement is in the upper trigrams from Thunder to Lake.
You did say it's not applicable initially - maybe you mean to come back to it.
The method of locating things through trigrams and the Loshu map is not text-based, so hence it is not used in 99.9% of cases because the text often doesn't make sense.
Sometimes you can add additional interpretation or clarification with the help of the text afterwards.
And why generate additional, random trigrams instead of using the trigrams in 34.5 to 43? Why not use those trigrams?
This method is based on 1 moving line, hence the hexagram is composed this way and not with coins. The earlier hexagram simply had too many moving lines to use for this method. Location and time determinations using the trigrams/hexagrams are always done with hexagrams where there is only 1 moving line.
I hope I have been able to clarify a few things 😉
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Sorry, Hans, I completely misunderstood you in the first place - after I read things again I crossed out all of those questions in my post. But thank you for the information anyway - the more the better, when we're not familiar with something.


Apr 7, 2010
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For my part, I wonder what 31 is doing, and how it meshes with 35 in this case. (...)

Cris, does anything come to mind for you?

Er. Is there any possible gift-type anything, to do with this?
Thanks for your help, Liselle. Nothing comes to mind relating to a gift or to the overall meaning of the hexagrams. When I drew the casting I could not make anything out of 35 and 31, other than the general auspiciousness of the former.

In your flat, do you have a bookcase or something similar or a cupboard in the kitchen? Could it be that you put the passport on top of something? The image of the lines of H34.5<>H43 is reminiscent of shelves. The moving line in H34 makes it look like something is placed on top of something.
Hans, I looked again at all shelves and cabinets (drawers too) to no avail. I can't shake the feeling that the passport is here, hidden somewhere - and will obviously pop up once I have a new one 🙄 Is there any further hint derivable from the reading?

Going back to the investigation, I need to recall the circumstances that had me carry the passport around - something extremely unusual. That may help track it down, if it's truly still there...


Jul 28, 2018
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Hello cris;

Where is the passport? 35.3,5,6 > 31
Lines 3 and 5 say that don't worry, and the sixth talks about disciplining of hometown. Maybe you or someone else put it somewhere while cleaning the place or reorganizing it? The result would be interesting (31).

What do I need to know about my passport? 4.2 > 23
It talks about receiving the woman and children. Has anyone been in your place who could take and replace your passport? For instance, children while playing?


Apr 7, 2010
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Maybe you or someone else put it somewhere while cleaning the place or reorganizing it?

(...) Has anyone been in your place who could take and replace your passport?
Hi Mary! This is a possibility. My aging mother could have absentmindedly taken it as has happened with other objects. I looked into her typical places with no success, though.


Is there any further hint derivable from the reading?
The difficulty here is that I don't know your situation, so it becomes a bit of a guess.
The only thing I can think of based on the lines of the hexagram is that it got caught somewhere in between, say, a bookcase. Between 2 books or magazines on top or on a (book) shelf.
Behind could also be possible but then I would have actually expected a different trigram than Lake.


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Jun 3, 2006
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The image for 35 is of the sun rising up in the sky. This is why I interpret the hexagram as indicating the passport is not on this earth but the information may still be recorded in some iCloud or government computer. The advice according to Wilhelm is that “The superior man himself brighten his bright virtue,” thus suggesting that it will be up to you to generate a new one.

The lines are encouraging that this will not be too hard to do:

“All have confidence. Regrets vanish.” You have the ability to create a new passport and “ to move on with your journey, letting regrets fade behind you.” - Hilary

35.5 -
“Remorse disappears. Take not gain and loss to heart.” - Wilhelm. So don’t worry about finding the old one.
“Undertakings bring good fortune.
Everything serves to further.” - Wilhelm. Undertake to get a new one.

“Making progress with your horns is permissible only for the purpose of punishing one’s own city.”
”To be conscious of danger brings good fortune. No blame.
“Perseverance brings humiliation.” - Wilhelm
Are you beating yourself up over this? Not necessary. Just let this experience serve to make you more consciou of what you do with the new one in the future. To continue to look for the old one is just humiliating!

31. Influence
“A noble one accepts people with emptiness.” - Hilary.
That is, when you are ready to accept that the old passport is gone, it’s place is empty, you will easily draw in a new one.


Apr 7, 2010
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Morning everyone!

All my attempts to locate the passport have been unsuccessful.

Please give me an image of where my passport is: 9.1,3 > 59

Dissolving the small accumulation - maybe look into the documents yet to be filed?

Line 1: Returning to your own path
Line 3: A cart losing its wheel spokes

First thought is going back to the car - for sure the last place I saw the passport in. I have searched it a couple of times already - carpet, boot, etc. - and will now give it another try.

I’m also trying to think what else “wheel spokes” may refer to if the passport is at home as assumed from Hans’ reading. Any ideas?


Dissolving the small accumulation
Or small accumulation dissolves the problem. It's just how you look at it 😉 .
All our contributions here on the forum could lead to your passport finally being found
Trigram Heaven below with 2 moving lines shows that there is too much focus on the situation. Heaven is also the trigram of reason, thinking.
The change to Water shows that you "need" to let go. Water is also the trigram of feeling and emotion. So it could well be that letting go now, suddenly produces an inspiration where the passport is.
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Apr 7, 2010
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Or small accumulation dissolves the problem. It's just how you look at it 😉 .
My passport, in all its cardboard splendor, would be a sublime vision 😍
All our contributions here on the forum could lead to your passport finally being found
I'm truly grateful to you all for your help - whatever the outcome.
So it could well be that letting go now, suddenly produces an inspiration where the passport is.
I'll keep you posted!


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Sep 20, 1970
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Rosada is trying very hard to get across that maybe it's unfindable, and that Yi says that's okay. I see her point, maybe especially about line 6. Tearing the house apart and so on could easily be the "horns" part, and too much perseverance isn't called for. And I like what Rosada points out about 31.

On the other hand, we all also know about lost things showing up just after we replace them. Ugh.

Maybe you could announce loudly to your home that you're leaving now to get a new one, and disappear for a few hours. Do you think it'd fall for that?

(While typing...is there any chance at all you could have put it where maybe it belongs, and you haven't looked there? Do you have a special spot for important papers? This isn't from a reading.)


Apr 7, 2010
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Hi Liselle!
Maybe you could announce loudly to your home that you're leaving now to get a new one, and disappear for a few hours. Do you think it'd fall for that?
That’s an intriguing suggestion. I’ve never spoken to my place! I doubt my bluff would sound convincing, and anyway my flat would likely be smarter than that. I could however ask for help and see how that goes?

(While typing...is there any chance at all you could have put it where maybe it belongs, and you haven't looked there? Do you have a special spot for important papers? This isn't from a reading.)
I do have a specific spot and I’ve searched it multiple times - not there :cloud:

Rosada is trying very hard to get across that maybe it's unfindable, and that Yi says that's okay.
I have to make a decision at the earliest. Chances are I’ll have to wait a few months for the application appointment, so the sooner I start the engine, so to speak, the better.

Thanks much for your perseverance in sticking with me! :hug:


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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That’s an intriguing suggestion. I’ve never spoken to my place! I doubt my bluff would sound convincing, and anyway my flat would likely be smarter than that. I could however ask for help and see how that goes?
I should have used some smilies! This was mostly a joke, about how things turn up as soon as you replace them. So if you can convince the passport you've done exactly that, it might decide to come out of hiding to taunt you. :lol:


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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the sooner I start the engine, so to speak, the better
This might be the 35, actually. The fellow in the story lost no time breeding his gift horses as much as he possibly could. Also I once got 35uc for taking a highway route rather than city streets. There's no particular gift in your situation, nor was there in mine, either, but there is advancing as expeditiously as possible.


Apr 7, 2010
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I should have used some smilies! This was mostly a joke, about how things turn up as soon as you replace them. So if you can convince the passport you've done exactly that, it might decide to come out of hiding to taunt you. :lol:
Oh well :rofl: So the idea is to address the passport who’s playing hide and seek, not the flat who’s supposedly holding it captive… Either way, whether half-jokingly or not, by now I’m up for anything!

This might be the 35, actually. The fellow in the story lost no time breeding his gift horses as much as he possibly could.
Not to restart the discussion, but the question was where my passport was… :brickwall:Anyway I’ll start the breeding ASAP, while still expecting the right intuition!

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