...life can be translucent

low bp Hexagram 3 unchanging




I have made a dietry change - omitting high carbs mainly - and got into some mild exercise - mainly walking and my blood pressure seems to have dropped somewhat.
I have experienced low blood pressure throughout my life.

Research suggests it was good to omit high carbs but to get into fruit and veges more.
I do eat lots of veges but not much fruit. I drink plenty of water.

How wil drinking a mixture of fruit and vege juice help my low blood pressure

Hexagram 3 unchanging it sorta looks good : >



Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
It might be a superficial way of looking at hex 3 but maybe the yi saying" well its a good start"



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
Reaction score

I have made a dietry change - omitting high carbs mainly - and got into some mild exercise - mainly walking and my blood pressure seems to have dropped somewhat.
I have experienced low blood pressure throughout my life.

Research suggests it was good to omit high carbs but to get into fruit and veges more.
I do eat lots of veges but not much fruit. I drink plenty of water.

How wil drinking a mixture of fruit and vege juice help my low blood pressure

Hexagram 3 unchanging it sorta looks good : >


As far as I know what you eat has no impact on your blood pressure . How can it ? What you eat will not affect the rate/pressure your heart pumps blood around your body. (well perhaps some foods/herbs might but it would only be very temporary)

I have low blood pressure too so I know enough fluids are important but the reason for that is it makes the blood 'fuller' presumably, less sluggish. Whilst diet is crucial in health i don't see it has a direct impact on the way your heart actually functions. This is something one just has. My ticker apparently doesn't tick that hard...and when I'm asleep I'm constantly dreaming my car engine just stopped :eek:

3 here may show making progress amongst chaotic confusion...thrashing around in the dark...keep on thrashing around you aren't there yet.

I certainly wouldn't take this as "yes veg juice will help your blood pressure." At this stage you are still exploring. hex 3 is not the time to settle on anything as final. Plus you need helpers in hex 3, expertise, guidance. I'm not an expert but I don't think fruit juice, however good it is for you in general would impact on what your heart does in anyway at all.

Hex 3 unchanging ismore of a :confused: than a 'yes go ahead'

I would think you'd need to personally consult a dietician or other professional rather than go by research you've read about. Its very misleading when people who don't have a good grounding in human biology/nutrition start changing their diet on the basis of what some professor said somewhere....er of course you may have a good grounding in human biology :bows: I'm just saying I think 3 can show you are a bit lost here and should seek more personal help with the blood pressure thing.

Unless blood pressure is dangerously low Drs seem to think its good for overall health ....although it can be so irritating to feel dizzy and faint each time ones gets up from bending down I know

As a matter of interest what are your main symptoms if you don't mind me asking ?


Yes Steve I think that makes sense to me too. thks x

Thks Trojan I have a friend who is a professional TCM practioner so hopefully she will have a chance to speak with me today.
I mainly get dizzy like you and when I lay down I can 'hear' my blood pumping. thks for the info about the fluids I was unaware as that was why the fluid intake is suggested.
I will let you know if she tells me anything that may enlighten us any further.
I hate that dizzy feeling when you stand up blah! Liss x


Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
hi Liss,

hex 3 in this case is bad cause there is an initial problem that can't give the way free to a good start.
the impediment is stale.... like the unchanging hex
as i know a juice like the one you are drinking.. can't help you much..... only if you add to it some salt... salt is the way to increase rapidely your blood pressure.... also drinking a lot of water poor in sodium wash out your organism.... each of us need it's correct daily salt dose.
we need an daily average of 5gr of salt in our food and beverages... some people need less and other more depending..


Thks Patro (how' are you)?
Glad you confirmed the salt thing - I did realise that and ate some sea salt chips and immediately felt better. Perhaps I should drink some seawater - ugh gross! x

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