...life can be translucent


New business idea


May 27, 1970
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Hello everyone-
Thanks for being around, it's quite conforting to know someone can help. I have a new business idea and decided to ask for some insight. So this is what I got: 28 with 9 in 2nd, 4th and 5th position, which makes a 15. I am quite confudes about the 28 and what really I should do.
Please, is there anyone there that can help?
Grazie mille-
La Fragolina


La Fragolina - Perhaps we should start a 28 club?! I've received it lately also.

Considering big things can be like a flood. Emotions, moods, attitudes and a supporting cast of thoughts pour into our being. To stand alone during such a time means to stand apart from the very thing we preponder! How's that for being undaunted?

Regarding your change lines, I see one common element: Take care of those under you, including the more humble parts of your own nature. It implies that your ideas may be just flowers on a withered poplar. Standing alone and looking at it from that perspective, objectively, will allow you to see it as it really is. From there, you can decide to really develop the idea or to just let it wither.

Hope this helps.


Aug 16, 1970
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Hi La Fragolina,

What's the context for your idea? Are you someone who has lots of business ideas and regularly puts them into action? Or is wanting to put a business idea into practice something new or different for you?

I ask, because I'm curious what sort of burden this "ridgepole" is being asked to bear. Is this sort of like a chance to win a lottery to you, or is it more in the ordinary course of things? In the first case, perhaps the suggestion is you are placing greater hopes onto the idea than it can bear. In the second case, the suggestion might be more that your overall way of life has reached a point where adding just this one more idea could be too much.


May 27, 1970
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Thanks Candid and Willow. Willow, this new business idea is competely new and different form what I do. I am working right now in a particular field (design) and what I thought of has nothing to do with it, but it is something I really love. Moreover, the design business is my family business, and I am quite free to move into something new if I want to. The point is, should I? This new thing requires a very specific training and quite some money to start up. That is why the response I got confused me. Maybe this helps you undrstand better the 28 I got?


Let me share a thought here. Sometimes even a really great opportunity appears as an obstruction and seems to present huge challenges to our current mode of operating. This can also be like 28.

I recently went through a similar experience. I?m now living in a new location and have applied for a new marketing position. The Ching yielded really questionable answers to my original questions about the job. If I were to go on only the negative aspects of those initial readings, I wouldn?t have landed the job. As it is, I now have a nice company vehicle and am on my way to two days of training very early this morning along with my new boss. Not a good beginning but a good ending. Yet, even this is only another change in the cycle and so placing all my hope in #11 would also be an error. I believe the main thing and Yi?s major teaching is, to take neither good nor bad fortune too much to heart. As long as we remain at the mercy of our hopes and fears we?ll never gain the stability to see things through to completion.

If we ponder something thoroughly (28) and persevere, we?ll know in time whether something is truly our destiny or not. I think the main thing is illustrated in 29, always remaining true to our nature and not perishing in an obstruction by continually moving forward.

See you all in a couple of days.



Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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28.2: A withered poplar tree grows shoots. An old man gets a real woman as wife. There will be harvest.
Always realize that after summer comes winter, after active life comes old age. Take precautions so life will go on. Join with others who also bring in a part of life: together life will be full for all.
This applies not only to growing old, but to every phase in life: make sure you can live through the next phase too by making your life-now full. If you exhaust your resources and don?t prepare new ones (which can be: not doing what you love, postponing, not building up, if you don?t add new people or things to your life), then the future will be poor.
(changes to 31.2: stability is the base of relations and understanding)

28.4: The ridgepole is eminent. Auspicious. If there is sudden danger, distress.
Even strong or secure people sometimes suddenly lose their self-confidence. Don?t panic, it is a natural thing to happen and a sign of a living mind. Make it part of your life, so it is not alien and unruly. Being strong does not mean never to be weak, it means being able to cope with weakness. Don?t let doubts or setbacks shock you.
(changes to 48.4: when you find a good well, then drink!)

28.5: A withered poplar grows foliage. An old woman gets a real man as husband. Without fault, without honor.
When an end comes to something, then don?t sit down and stop living. Go on with the possibilities you still have. Maybe you will even find a new life, a realm you could never have found before. In happiness-statistics old women are the ones who score highest. No fault no honor - but obviously a lot of happiness. (This too is not only about age, it is about moving from one phase to another one).
(changes to 32.5 Not always a steady character is the best one. Sometimes one has to explore the world, change situations, find new experiences. So don't ask the gods what to be once and for all, but ask every time anew)

Hex.15 is in the first place about ?uniting?, and modesty is just one of its other meanings. The Chinese idea of modesty is not even our modesty, it is rather filling in the part in a team which is needed, and which you can do. This same character with ?bird? instead of ?words? is a mythical bird with one wing and one eye: two of them could fly. This is the kind of cooperation hex.15 is about. The modesty-part is adapting to the partner.

Hope you can figure out something with this?


May 27, 1970
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Thank you again,
I am trying to work out your interpretations and actually I am sort of figuring out a couple of things now. Maybe I should try and change my question and see what the oracle gives me. However 28-15 is a good beginning for me to think about. Any more comments are so warmly welcome.
Thanks again,
La Fragolina


Aug 16, 1970
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Thanks for the clarification. When I look back at your original question, I notice that you asked for "insight" about the idea, which is not exactly the same thing as prognostication about its potential success or guidance about its appropriateness for you. It think that distinction might help a little with the answer.

Since you say you're set in the family business, and this would be a new and different direction for you, you might consider the Wilhelm image:

The lake rises above the trees:
Thus the superior man, when he stands alone,
Is unconcerned,
And if he has to renounce the world,
He's undaunted.

Perhaps the suggestion is that the larger issue involved with the idea is that it brings an opportunity for you to test/examine/discover what is uniquely you. You say that it would take a substantial investment in time training and money to bring the idea into reality. And that it is in an area you really love. Couldn't this be seen as similar to putting the "tree" of yourself under the waters of the flood and seeing what happens? What happens to the tree of you, nurtured in the family business, when you thrust yourself into a new and initially overwhelming environment. Do you have the sense that you would continue to know why you were there, that you would be willing to stand alone, unconcerned, undaunted through the trials and troubles of the path?

I get the sense that you are also pretty comfortable with your role in the family business - it seems you're intrigued by an idea in an area you love, but you're not exactly motivated by a push to flee what you already have. If that's accurate, I would suggest that the outcome of all this might well be a deeper, more personal relationship with the family business too - knowing what is uniquely you about being in it.

This is what I see from the resulting hex 15 - Modesty or Teamwords. Because the emphasis, both in 15, and in the changing lines, is on moving from that "alone, undaunted" state back into relationship. Back into relationship that is more vital since you know more of who you are and why you are in it.

As LiSe says, that meaning of Modesty is "what is needed here?" That is a question/outlook/quality-of-attention that would be vital to either a thriving new business or to a powerful you within the family business.

Whether you go out and undertake the new idea, or stay in the business you're in, the suggestion is that by testing yourself with a deep immersion in the possibilities of this new idea, getting to know the real you better, like Candid says, "ponder something thoroughly and persevere," you will become better at being part of a team, of the team of creation.


May 27, 1970
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Well, Willow! Thank you! I think I understand exactly what you are trying to explain. I got the bigger picture and I think I know what I want to do. No matter what, I have to put myself a bit to the test and that is what I will do. See if I can make it on my own
Thanks again very, very much.
a presto,
La Fragolina

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