...life can be translucent

New to I Ching and need confirmation


Mar 2, 2008
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I am so happy to have discovered this forum as I begin my new adventure. I've been listening intently to my intuitive voice through meditation for the past month (why, oh why, didn't I sart years ago) and have been led here. My first contact with the I Ching feels like falling in love. I am so excited.
So far I've only asked two questions of the oracle (is that what you call it - personally I am thinking of it is a direct line to my higher self). Yesterday's answer rang through on so many levels that I am still digesting. I thought today to try a yes or no question. My question was: Is this house bad for our financial situation? The response was 10,4 going to 61 (hope you understand my notation of that - gotta learn the way you do it here).
Here's my interpretation: Yes, it is bad for our finances, but there is much hope of fixing this if I remedy the situation. The reason why I was wondering about the house is because of recently finding out that our house is Double Sitting (which means bad for money) according to feng shui principles; a situation that is confirmed by my experience (since moving here 6 months ago we've been in free fall). I have been hesitating to apply feng shui cures to this situation because I'm not so sure I believe in all that anyway.
What do you think, is the I Ching giving me the green light on feng shui cures to help my financial situaiton?
Thanks for having me among you and kind regards to all!


Jun 18, 2006
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My question was: Is this house bad for our financial situation? The response was 10.4 going to 61

This suggests that it is the financial affairs that you are involved in that are to blame for you bad financial situation, nothing to do with the house unless you owe a mortgage, it would seem that you have made some mistakes to date but if you are much more careful then you can get your financial affairs back on track once again.

Hex 61 is about being since and truthful in your financial endeavours then all will go well.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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My question was: Is this house bad for our financial situation? The response was 10,4 going to 61 (hope you understand my notation of that - gotta learn the way you do it here).

Hi yourself, Brico

10.4 talks about treading v-e-r-y carefully through or past a dangerous situation, and how it's fortunate in the end.

So, is the house bad for your financial situation? No, not if you're very careful, and in fact, in the end it'll be great for you financially.


Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
Hi again,
Thanks for the help. I'm going to go back and read a bit more in the I Ching so I can see where you both came up with the same response. I am actually relieved because I wasn't looking forward to doing the things that someone had advised me. Also I asked the I Ching later on the same day if feng shui was something I should pursue and I got back an emphatic 54 (no lines changing) which seems t be telling me to steer clear. I have thought of several things I can do to tighten the purse strings and wait for more plentiful times.
I think I have overdone things today. My mind is spinning with all of the new information the I Ching has brought to my life.
Thanks to all, I'll be back soon!

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