...life can be translucent


Severe accident


Dec 28, 2012
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Can someone ? Pocosson help please? My son has been badly hurt at work with a severe fractured skull. It has been said that he fell backwards onto his head. I am wondering how he could have fallen with such force without help of some description. If he had collapsed he surely would have just crumpled? Please advise as to what questions I could ask 'Y' to obtain more information. He was with others when he supposedly just fell backwards. Is this possible? Please help, thank you.


Dec 28, 2012
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Sorry everyone, the question I asked was Please tell me How G was injured at work? The reply was Hex 26.3 > 41. I then asked what best action I could take to find out. 'Y' answered H 33.3,5,6 > 16. Many thanks, meigga.


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May 29, 2006
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At best people would only guess. It's a question where you need facts obtained by factual means. The facts would lie with him and the people he was with.

However when you ask how to go about getting the factual information

I then asked what best action I could take to find out. 'Y' answered H 33.3,5,6 > 16. Many thanks, meigga.

Seems to me that Yi is advising you withdraw from your mission to find out. Perhaps this is because you need to believe the version of events already given ? Looks like you'd be withdrawing from some kind of picture in your head of what happened (16)

Hope your son will be okay.


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May 29, 2006
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Also regarding the>16 where you are being advised to withdraw from investigating I think.

One withdraws in order to avoid further hurt, to save oneself. If you are already distressed and in shock then the best thing for you to do isn't to try to discover how he came to fall it is surely how you best cope with it now it has happened ? How you can best support him , how you can best support yourself.

I think if you stopped thinking about how it happened you'd save yourself time, energy and distress. You can't afford any more distress surely.

I could be wrong I suppose it just looks like 33 is quite clear there and also I do feel it is a task beyond you to find out what happened. You can't. There's no reason to suspect foul play is there ? And if there was how could you confirm it ? I think your hands are tied so I think practically you are better off leaving the reasons why he fell to others. Just deal with what you have to deal with now it has happened.


Jan 20, 2013
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Hi meigga,

first, all the best wishes for your son and your family in this hard time!!!

I do not know if your son fell as it has been described - I assume he is still out with the head injury? But I witnessed, very recently when a teenager had a fainting spell, and he lost consciousness immediately and pretty much fell like a stone after that - it was very sudden, he had completely passed out. No one had time to react, because it was so sudden - basically everone just looked when we heard the thud unfortunately.

That does not mean that is the case in your sons case, but just wanted to point out that this sort of thing is actually possible.

I agree that Hex 33 could be a pointer to withdraw from any such investigation (at least at the time), and rather focus your enery on your son and his recovery (that could be represented by Hex 16's armies that are marching).

If there is more behind this story, it is bound to come out eventually...

Again, all the best for your family!!



Jun 3, 2006
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I don't think hexagram 26.3 describes any sort of foul play. More like the physical body not doing what the soul expected it to - like a horse running off on its own. Some interpretations refer to the need for imposing limits here - I wonder if he was over tired?

So sorry you are going through this difficult experience.
Last edited:


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Sep 20, 1970
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Meigga, what kind of job does your son do? 26.3 to me sounds like possibly there was a training issue or workplace safety issue?

What does your son say about why he fell? Is he conscious? Does he remember?


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Sep 20, 1970
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In real life if someone is hurt at work there are laws to protect them, at least in the U.S. which is the only country I know about. (I know hardly anything even about here, though, since I've never been in a workplace accident.)

So could that have something, somehow to do with your 33 > 16 reading, as Trojina and Maui said? Is your son in a union? Even if not - well, I don't know how it works, whether or how the law might provide for your son to have an advocate.

it is a task beyond you to find out what happened. [...] I think your hands are tied so I think practically you are better off leaving the reasons why he fell to others.

Hex 16's armies that are marching


Dec 28, 2012
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Thank you all for good wishes. I will concentrate on his recovery. He is not fully conscious but I told him that God and the Angels were with him and healing him and he nodded. Much love Meigga.


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Sep 20, 1970
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:hug: Readings aside, this is a terrible thing to have happen. Yes, God's blessings to both of you...


Aug 8, 2017
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:hug: Readings aside, this is a terrible thing to have happen. Yes, God's blessings to both of you...
Those things need time to recover. Both physically and emotionally. I cycle a lot and had some serious accidents in the past. Also when I was a kid I had an accident when I've been hit with a metal part of the hammer in my head, thankfully not rupturing my skull. So, I feel you. The good thing is that young body has tremendous capabilities to heal. Just be with him as you're now, it will make your union with him grow stronger and will speed up the recovery. You will take care of the other things later. All the best!


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Sep 20, 1970
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The only caveat I'd make to "take care of everything else later" - I mean, I agree your son's recovery is the most important thing, and supporting him through it - but IF there are legal or administrative issues, it might be that they really do need attending to soon, even in small preliminary ways?

I don't know that, of course. I don't know anything about it, other than workplace injuries can and do involve legalities.

Also, for what it's worth...I've had a couple hexagram 33 readings where I'm very confused how "withdraw" or "retreat" even comes into it. The one I remember without having to hunt for it:

It's important to get enough omega fatty acids. I don't eat fish, so what about supplements? Fish oil supplements are out (yuk), but I read that flax seed oil is good, too. So I asked Yi about those - 33uc.

What did that mean? Don't take them, withdraw/retreat? Or that taking them would be protective?
I've been taking them, since "protective" is supposed to be the point of omega fatty acids, but I still don't know how "retreat" comes into it.

Perhaps a couple clues? -
(a) "Constancy yields a small harvest" from the Judgement. Maybe they'll do me some good, but not huge good?
(b) Hilary says in her commentary:
"Retreat moves away from threats, and towards wholeness and integrity. It is a way to be constant to principle, and to yourself, by paying less attention to immediate results. The army that is loyal to a longer term objective will retreat in good order rather than linger to gather spoils. The hermit, constant to the truth he perceives, withdraws from society into an inner space; he is not interested in claiming tangible rewards. Such constancy, offering no resistance and creating no friction, bears fruit in small, inconspicuous ways."

So...they'll protect from "threats," but in "small, inconspicuous ways"? They'll help, but I won't notice anything - it's not like taking Tylenol for a headache?

Still not sure, but I still suspect 33 doesn't always mean "withdraw, do not do this"...


Dec 28, 2012
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Dear all thank you all so much for all your care. I am thanking God for his complete recovery, not allowing any negative thoughts to intrude This evening he said "Shall we go home now and wanted to know "why not?


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Very, very glad to hear this, Meigga.


Jan 20, 2013
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Dear all thank you all so much for all your care. I am thanking God for his complete recovery, not allowing any negative thoughts to intrude This evening he said "Shall we go home now and wanted to know "why not?

fantastic!!!! I am so, so glad for your son and you


Dec 28, 2012
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Dear all, very many thanks. To rosada, Your answer saying the body doesn.t do what the soul wants it to do is probably correct, I think now that he has a condition that I have requiring a Pacemaker. The cardiologist examined him and said no real problem but his senior says there is an electrical fault which is what I have, his heart must have stopped beating for longer than the usual couple of seconds. I am convinced that he will recover completely. If that is what his Soul wants him to do then his body will obey. Thank you all again I will keep you posted. With love, meigga


Aug 8, 2017
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Dear all, very many thanks. To rosada, Your answer saying the body doesn.t do what the soul wants it to do is probably correct, I think now that he has a condition that I have requiring a Pacemaker. The cardiologist examined him and said no real problem but his senior says there is an electrical fault which is what I have, his heart must have stopped beating for longer than the usual couple of seconds. I am convinced that he will recover completely. If that is what his Soul wants him to do then his body will obey. Thank you all again I will keep you posted. With love, meigga
I had a heart valve issue in the past that developed over time (now healed). Those things are usually more complex and often can heal with time, I would check with 1-2 different skilled cardiologist before making a decision about having a pacemaker. Doctors were telling me I should take prescription drugs and basically wait until my condition will be worse enough so that I can have a surgery. I never accepted such diagnosis and instead changed my lifestyle and healed my heart on my own. With this being said, you need to have 100% certainty that what one doctor is recommending would also be confirmed by others. Just get at least two professional opinions from a different places. Just take one step at a time. It's going to be allright. :)


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Sep 20, 1970
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Dear all, very many thanks. To rosada, Your answer saying the body doesn.t do what the soul wants it to do is probably correct, I think now that he has a condition that I have requiring a Pacemaker. The cardiologist examined him and said no real problem but his senior says there is an electrical fault which is what I have, his heart must have stopped beating for longer than the usual couple of seconds. I am convinced that he will recover completely. If that is what his Soul wants him to do then his body will obey. Thank you all again I will keep you posted. With love, meigga

I just learned a couple lessons the hard way, and I'm terribly sorry it was on this thread, Meigga. The lessons are: making assumptions is dangerous, and be very, very careful with medical readings. I assumed since it happened at work it involved his workplace, which obviously it did not. And then I interpreted the readings that way, which was clearly wrong.

Again, terribly sorry, and I'm glad your son is feeling better and the doctors know what is wrong and can help him. :hug:


Dec 28, 2012
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Dear Liselle, please don't be sorry. The diagnosis has not been made yet. I am a nurse of long standing and know a great deal about lots of other things too. It is My assumption that it probably is due to a heart problem. None-the-less, I have an I Ching book with no obvious author (I have searched it's ISBN number ?spelling and unable to find the author) And it says "There is conflict in your group, animosities and jealousies resulting from one person in the group who should no longer be a member, this person must leave. If it is you who has to leave it is best that you take a companion with you. In the commentary it says "This is a time of loss which will in turn bring a new beginning. You will have to do whatever it takes to return yourself to balance and health. He is quite overweight. There is more but I think that is enough. The name of the book, if anyone is interested, is called "The I Ching" Fate and Fortune.
Dear MrKind, thank you also, I am in complete agreement about drugs. I was sent home in 1999 after my pacemaker implant with 4 drugs which made me feel awful. I forgot to take them for three days and felt OK, took them on the 4th day and again felt awful. I stopped all four and have not taken any prescription drugs since. I am frequently offered a Statin, a flu jab and a blood pressure drug, all of which I refuse. I'm so glad you healed yourself. thank you for your kind remarks and suggestions. I am delighted at my son's progress so far, tonight he has told us to "go home, see you tomorrow"


Dec 28, 2012
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Dear all - a Little more help please. My son started to eat yesterday which we were very pleased about but he looks weary and keeps saying how tired he is. His heart rate is sometimes very low (in the 40's) and his breathing is irregular. He has been taken off his continuous heart and oxygen checks The staff are saying that he is being referred to re-hab. which to me is far too soon - one week after a serious head injury. He has an appointment with Cardiology on the 8th Dec. I intend to see one of the doctors today so asked 'Y' to tell me the very best action to take to obtain the most helpful treatment for G's health. The answer was H18.3 > 4. 'The Ancient Father' bit worries me, His father was a nasty bad tempered bully, but some time ago at a spiritualist church I was told that his father was "proud of him" No-one wants or needs his pride. I know it sounds weird but could his father be calling him? What other questions would be helpful to ask 'Y' Thank you all for your concern and help


Jan 19, 2017
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18.3>4 I think that you possibly start to argue with the doctors because you are not really convinced about their ideas concerning rehab, as you wrote. Maybe you tend to behave a bit too harsh in this situation, but at the end there will be no big trouble. The related hexagram 4 could say that you do not have expert knowledge in medical matters, which is unsettling you.
I wouldn't take the I-Ching literal here, I don't think that his father is calling him. I know it is easy to get scared and to see spooky omen if you are in a terrifying situation like this. But your son needs your positive energy and your optimism now. I would ask the I-Ching: What can I do for myself to hold my optimism and to establish/ to keep up a high spirit? I wish all the best for your son and you.


Jan 20, 2013
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Hi meigga,

in my experience, the father and mother of Hex 18 can refer to all kinds of things other than the literal parents - in your sons case, for example the first thing that came to mind is that his conditions may have some hereditary cause? may knowing this, and communicating it make a difference to the treatment?

Also it may be a very friendly hint to you, that you may be coming on a little bit too strong in your quest to help your son ( no offence intended, as a mother this comes naturally!). But if you look at what Wilhelm has to say about line 3:

"This describes a man who proceeds a little too energetically in righting the
mistakes of the past. Now and then, as a result, minor discourse and
annoyances will surely develop. But too much energy is better than too little.
Therefore, although he may at times have slight cause for regret, he remains
free of any serious blame."

So maybe it means taking a little more easygoing approach when talking to the doctors and also in willing your son to get better? I think it is perfectly natural that he is still feeling the effects, and not fully recovered yet.

As for follow-up questions, maybe you can straight-out ask what you can do to help your son best in all aspects of his recovery?

all the best, as always



Jan 19, 2017
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My personal opinion: I would refrain from asking the Yi too many questions right now, because you already started to read fatalistic signs into your result, which I think is not good for you in this situation. Too many I-Ching questions won't help anyways, because the situation is of course a bit out of your own hands. (But this is just a suggestion, it is up to you, I would still try to interpret further results for you)


Jun 3, 2006
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I see hexagram 18.3 as referring to the doctor and your concern that starting re-hab so soon may be risky. I think it can be read as a reassurance that while this may seem to be "too energetic" everything will work out fine.


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Sep 20, 1970
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Hi Meigga,

Seconding what everyone else has said, and also, he does have an appointment with a cardiologist. I think that's comforting.

Is rehab in-patient or out-patient? Are they sending him home, to a different facility, to another place in the same hospital, or...?

(Personal disclaimer: For better or worse, I'm fairly trusting of doctors and their expertise. Even in this day and age, I have a hard time thinking they'd discharge a seriously ill person. At the very least - trying to summon some cynicism - if they did that it might come back to bite them.)

Also - I think the reading's sort of saying it's okay to question the doctor and express your concerns. As Maui said, you're his mother, this is what mothers do, and doctors are probably used to it. You do need to understand what's going on with your son, after all.

LiSe says this about 18.3:
Fighting decay and weakness will only succeed if one exaggerates a bit. Straightening something bent needs a little bending in the other direction.

Maybe an effect the reading could have on you is to try to sense when things are "straight" and you can/should stop asking questions? I'm not sure I can explain that very well...go far enough, but not too far? That might fit well with hexagram 4's Oracle:

Not knowing, creating success. I do not seek the young ignoramus, the young ignoramus seeks me. The first consultation speaks clearly. The second and third pollute the waters, Polluted, and hence not speaking. Constancy bears fruit.

What I might do - and might not be at all what you'd do, but just as an example - sometimes when someone's explaining something important to me that I don't understand, I repeat a lot. Ask the same question more than once, say things like, "Is this what you mean: ______________?" and so forth. There's a difference between doing that because you truly weren't following them, and doing it out of nervousness and insecurity (me :blush:). The latter is not a good reason to make people repeat things... :eek:uch:

Speaking of "father" - my own father, for example, would never do this. He's very good at things like this. He asks the questions that need to be asked, gets the information he needs, very straightforwardly, very organized, etc. (Too bad it didn't rub off on me.)


Dec 28, 2012
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Dear all, very many thanks. Some good news - my son is improving by the minute, asking questions and answering things. He is to have a Pacemaker fitted as soon as possible, possibly tomorrow. Not 'out of the wood' Yet but getting there. so happy today. I decided at the start that I was not allowing any negative thoughts to be in my mind. Thank you again. Meigga


Dec 28, 2012
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Many thanks again. Yes I am being a bit too forceful encouraged by the fact that my son's 'Partner' seems to be doing her best to prove me wrong whenever she can. She is also being very negative about the outcome She is a 'carer' and dismissed my assumption that it was his heart that caused the fall. His heart rate is falling into the 30's a very dangerous level. At one time his pulse disappeared altogether and she insisted that it was because his leads had come off. I was taking his pulse at the wrist at the time. Fortunately the nurse took notice and checked everything. I've bought a heart monitor but don't know if I'll be allowed to put it on him. He has had a 48 hr heart monitor done but it is not impossible that the very low heart rate did not occur during that time. Today he is adamant that he is going home, his partner is trying to persuade him otherwise - without any luck !! I shall go now to see him.


Dec 28, 2012
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Hello again and thank you all. My son continues to improve but still nothing said about when he is to have his Pacemaker fitted. His 'partner' has INFORMED me that the neurologist won't be putting the Pacemaker in - it will be the Cardiologist. Of course me being a qualified nurse and having a Pacemaker myself wouldn't know that a Cardiologist would be doing the work but she being a 'carer' looking after old people in their own homes, she would know all about it. I'm trying not to get annoyed but she is very trying. I shall spend as little time in her company as possible.


Dec 28, 2012
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At last my son has had his Pacemaker installed. I was very frightened at my son's low pulse so got very angry and threatened them with the Law if he came to harm. Obviously had an effect. not out of the wood yet but my main worry resolved. Thank you all for your generous help

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